MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 133 Dangerous

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  Chapter 133 Dangerous

   When the two woke up, it was already dawn, and there was still some time before Si Shi.

   "I was really scared to death yesterday!" Meng Jingzhou recalled what happened last night, with lingering fears in his heart.

  Lu Yang was relatively calm: "Familiar with the rules first, then you won't be afraid if you are familiar with the rules."

  Meng Jingzhou nodded.

  The two of them checked the twenty-one rules to ensure that there was no memory bias, so they were relieved.

   "What time is it?"

  At this time, there was the sound of a gong being knocked outside, and the watchman shouted loudly as he knocked: "It's time."

   The two hurried downstairs.

  On the first floor, two traveling merchants took the saddle and got angry at the boss: "Yesterday we left the horse in the stable in the backyard, why is there only one saddle left today!"

  Lu Yang thought of the huge monster he met last night, maybe it ate the horse.

  I didn’t hear the neighing of the horse last night, which means that the horse didn’t even have a chance to resist. It’s really a terrible monster.

   No longer caring about the merchant, the two ran out of the inn.

   Immortal Fairy reminded: "These two wandering merchants are very evil, and they are haunted by grievances. They are not simple wandering merchants."

  Lu Yang nodded, expressing that he remembered.

   There was a burst of aroma from the street, the restaurant opened, and steaming hot meals aroused people's greed, but the strange thing was that the restaurant was empty, and one of the steamers had a vertical sign saying "Meat Baozi".

  The people in Commoner Town wear brown sackcloth, they are used to it, they take away breakfast, eat it when they sit down, and stay away from meat buns.

  Lu Yang and the two also imitated in style. Three pieces of biscuits and a bowl of soy milk were delicious.

  Lu Yang noticed that people ate very fast, and some people ate while walking, very anxious.

  There was a commotion on the side of the street, and a group of people fled in a hurry. Those who were eating didn't care about eating when they saw this, and ran away directly.

   "Let's run too!" Lu Yang picked up the biscuits and ran away.

   The two ran to the end of the other side of the street, turned around to see what had just happened.

  A group of people in black clothes came, about dozens of people, with knives pinned to their waists.

   "That person, stop!" The black clothes called to a person who was running away, and the person subconsciously turned his head, his head turned 360 degrees, and his neck drooped.

  The man in black laughed loudly when he saw this, sat at the door of the restaurant, opened the steamer, picked up the meat buns and ate them, his mouth was full of oil.

  The dead man raised his head, turned his head back, and returned to normal, as if he forgot what happened just now, and slowly left the scene.

   "It's the government servants. According to the rules, we can't eat meat buns, but the government servants can eat them, which means that the rules they need to abide by are different from ours." Lu Yang analyzed in a low voice.

   "There are many types of breakfast, and all the government servants choose to eat meat buns, which means they can only eat meat buns."

   "There is also a rule that you can't turn your head. It seems that turning your head will break your head!"

  The two looked at each other and decided to leave, staying as far away from the yamen as possible.

   "At the beginning of a person, nature is good. Sex is similar, learning is far away..." When passing by the private school, there was the sound of Lang Lang reading, with a mature voice, like a group of adults reciting the "San Zi Jing".

  Lu Yang remembered that the rules said [The private school has been abandoned for many years, there is no Mr. Private School in the town, only the sound of dogs barking can be heard from the private school, not the sound of reading books].

   This is absolutely unreasonable.

   The two left quickly, but were blocked by a man in gray clothes: "The two of you look unfamiliar, could it be that you came from somewhere else?"

  【Article 9: The one in the gray robe is Mr. Private School. If you meet Mr. Private School, no matter what the other party says, you need to pretend that you didn’t hear it】

  【Article 10: You can’t look at Mr. Private School, if you look at Mr. Private School, you will become a black dog】

   The two reacted first, bowed their heads and walked forward, neither looking into Mr. Private School's eyes nor listening to what Mr. Private School said.

  Mr. Private School refused to let go, and said next to the two of them: "I see that the two of you are dressed in extraordinary clothes, and they should be cultivated. Could it be that you also believe in the rules written on the white paper?"

  “Not all the rules on white paper are true, there are some deceptive parts.”

   "Actually, the lord who arranged the rules here has no malicious intentions. He just wanted to protect himself, so he made such a bad plan. When the lord heard that the two of you are coming, he specially asked me to help you."

   "I have a way to leave the town, but the price is that you will lose the memory in the town."

   "As long as you recite the three-day Sanzijing in the private school, you can leave the town! I didn't lie to you, you listen to the voice in the private school, someone left the town yesterday with my help."

  Mr. Private School suddenly ran up to the two of them, bent down and looked at Lu Yang.

  Lu Yang closed his eyes and walked forward. Before he closed his eyes, he saw that the lower part of the opponent's face had no skin, and the red muscles were exposed, which was very permeable.

  Seeing that the two ignored him and bowed his head to himself, Mr. Private School had no choice but to give up, and shouted behind the two: "You only have this chance to leave the town. If you don't accept my help, you will regret it."

   Fairy Immortal said in the spiritual space: "Lu Yang, don't believe his words, only part of what he said is true."

   "Part of it?" Lu Yang was a little surprised, he thought the other party was telling lies.

   "He does have a way to make people leave the town, but not in the form of a 'human', but in the form of a 'black dog'. I saw him let go of a few black dogs last night."

   "Before he met you, someone looked at him. After the meeting, the person had a splitting headache, his eyes were bloodshot, and his arms gradually grew black hair, and then he walked into the private school."

   Lu Yang felt chills down his spine. Mr. Private School's ability is very tricky and not easy to deal with.

   "Go to the tailor shop." Lu Yang had some ideas and needed to verify them.

  The two of them visited all the tailor shops in Commoner Town, but none of them sold black, white and gray clothes, nor did they have the corresponding fabrics.

  While visiting the town, the two found a question: "Where is the ancestral hall?"

   According to the rules, the ancestral hall is safe, and there are monsters in the ancestral hall. With such contradictory statements, this place must be difficult.

  But the two of them walked around and did not find the location of the ancestral hall.

   It was getting late at this time, and the two of them had to go back to the inn as it was approaching Haishi.

"Both guest officers, you have returned safely. This store is very safe. You two don't need to be so nervous. I will protect your safety." At the entrance of the inn, the smiling waiter greeted the two of them. The waiter has no white eyes, but pure black eyes. , as if you can see things that ordinary people can't see.

  The hairs of the two of them stood on end. This voice was the sound of knocking on the door in the corridor last night!

   It was him last night!

   "Xiaoer, it's not up yet, go back to your room!" The innkeeper drove away the waiter.

  The waiter in the store stared at the innkeeper, and the two looked at each other for a long time before he left reluctantly.

  Lu Yang noticed that the waiter went to the third floor, which was the Tianzihao room.

  (end of this chapter)

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