MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 135 Position Flip (3rd update asks for monthly pass)

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  Chapter 135 Position Flip

  Hai Shi arrived, and there were only two guests in the entire inn, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou.

  The clerk came down from the third floor with an axe. There was still blood on the axe, which had not solidified, and was falling drop by drop.

   There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Although he strayed into the small town and was forced to abide by the rules, this rule might as well be an opportunity, a chance to release his nature.

  He has forgotten how long he has been in Commoner Town, and he can't remember how many people he killed.

These two people are also lucky. Commoner Town is full of traps, and they didn't fall into the trap. They have lived until now. The first few groups of guests are not so lucky. They are unfamiliar with the place, don't know the way and don't believe in the rules. Soon the whole army was wiped out.

  There are ten Dizihao rooms, and the evidence is that the doors of nine of them turned black.

  The luck of the two new arrivals is about to end.

  He decided to keep knocking on the door tonight and until morning, to torture them, if not kill them.

   "Strange, the lights were on in No. 4 room two days ago, why didn't you turn on the lights today?"

  The shop waiter quickly figured out why, and sneered: "Thinking that I will let you go, naive."

  He adjusted his tone and tapped on the wooden door: "You two guests, please open the door. Maybe there is some misunderstanding between us."

  The shop waiter paused, and said in a more calm and reliable voice: "You two guests, please open the door. Maybe there is some misunderstanding between us."

   As always, no answer.

  Suddenly, a hand appeared from nowhere and grabbed his ankle.


  He lowered his head abruptly, and found that at some point, a dog hole had been opened under the wall of Room No. 4 in Dizi, and a pale hand stretched out from the dog hole, grabbing his ankle tightly.

   That hand was so powerful that it pulled him down with a strong pull.

   Bang Dang—

  The shop waiter fell to the ground, throwing the ax aside.

  He crawled out desperately, trying to break free, but the strength of that hand was far beyond his imagination, and he couldn't break free!

  In the past, he was the one who pulled others, when was he pulled!

will die!

  He had a sense of the absurd! But how is this possible, he is the hunter, and the guests are the prey!

   "No, it's possible!" The waiter remembered the second rule.

  【From the time of Hai to Chen, the thatched hut with the door closed and the room in the inn with the door closed are absolutely safe, other places are dangerous】

  Dizi No. 4 room is still closed, it is an absolutely safe place for the guests, if he is pulled into the room, the end will definitely be miserable!

  The shop waiter struggled to pin the floor with his fingers, like a half-swallowed prey by a giant python, trying to escape from heaven, he shouted: "Help! Help! Help me!"

   Shouting sincerely.

  It's a pity that no one rescued him.

  【Buyi Town Inn Rules】There is no such thing as saving the waiter.

  When most of his body was dragged in, he pressed his hands firmly against the walls on both sides, exerted all his strength, and finally broke free from the restraints.

  The shop clerk didn't bother picking up the axe, and ran back to Tianzihao's room with a limp.

   "Let him run away?" Meng Jingzhou was a little helpless, the opponent's strength was surprisingly strong, he crushed the opponent's ankle and did not hold back.

  The two of them said that they had to deal with the annoying waiter today, knocking on the door every night without sleeping.

   Didn’t go out to inquire, when did we two dignified helmsmen of the Devil’s Cult suffer this kind of bullying? !

   After two days of observation, the two had already understood the rules of the inn, and quickly worked out a plan.

  Lu Yang first used the Qingfeng sword to dig a hole under the wall according to the figure of Xiao Er.

  Use the rule of "the room with the door closed is safe" to ensure that if the waiter is pulled in, the waiter will not be hurt by the waiter, and the initiative is still on them.

   "Vigorous prey are interesting!" A cruel smile curled up on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, and a terrifying voice echoed in the room.

  Two black shadows walked out of Room 4, one holding a sword, the other empty-handed, and the empty-handed one picked up the dropped axe.

  The tip of the sword slid across the ground, making an irregular sizzling sound, and the ax dripped blood, making a ticking sound.

  Two shadows were wandering around the inn holding **** weapons.

  Second floor... No, it's on the third floor.

  There are four rooms in total on the third floor, all of which are Tianzi rooms.

  The black shadow holding the sword knocked on the door with a gentle voice: "I heard that there is a free dinner here. We are hungry and want to eat. Please open the door."

   Seeing that there was no movement in Tianzi No. 1 room, Lu Yang was a little impatient, and knocked on the door vigorously: "Open the door! We want to eat! What kind of service attitude is this!"

   "There is a misunderstanding between us, you open the door, let's have a good chat!"

   "Open the door! Open the door quickly! If you don't open the door, I will smash it!"

  The knock on the door was so loud that the entire inn could hear it.

  Lu Yang kicked open Tianzi No. 1 room. There was no one there. He wanted to go in, but was blocked by a force and couldn't get in.

  【Article 5: Cannot enter Tianzihao room】

  The waiter hid in one of the rooms, and trembled when he heard the movement next door.

   "No, don't be afraid, the rules say [you can't enter the Tianzihao room], they can't get in, they can't get in." The waiter repeated that the other party couldn't get in, and he didn't know what to do.

  Tianzi No. 2 room and Tianzi No. 3 room were kicked open by Lu Yang, and no trace of the waiter was found.

   "That's Tianzi No. 4 room!"

  Lu Yang didn't even think about it, he just kicked it away, and sure enough, he saw the waiter curled up in a ball in the dark.

   "Come out! I will spare your life!" Meng Jingzhou threatened in a stern voice.

  Seeing Meng Jingzhou's bluff, the waiter at the store felt relieved and laughed loudly: "Haha, sure enough, you all have to abide by the rules!"

  In the Tianzihao room, only he can decide who comes in and who doesn’t, and in the Tianzihao room, he has an absolute advantage, and no one can hurt him!

  Just as the shop waiter was thinking about whether to pull these two people in, Lu Yang unhurriedly took out a wooden sign from behind, and the shop waiter showed a terrified expression when he saw it.

  The wooden sign reads: Room No. 4, Dizi.

Lu Yang expected that this situation might happen, so he tried to replace the house number plate of the No. room number".

   This method works.

  Lu Yang changed the number plate of Room No. 4 Tianzi to Room No. 4 Dizi, the barrier disappeared and he could go in directly.

  One holds a sword and the other holds an axe, with terrifying smiles on their faces.

  Under the horrified eyes of the waiter, the two walked into the room and closed the door intimately.

   Now this is the No. 4 Dizi room, which is absolutely safe for them.

  Lu Yang kicked the shop waiter over with one kick, breaking his tendons and hamstrings to prevent him from escaping.

  Meng Jingzhou slapped him twice, as an interest to charge him for scaring people.

   Then the two changed him into white clothes again.

   "Say, what do you know!"

  【Article 17: Don’t believe what strangers say, people in white are telling the truth】

   (adding updates to the lord Tianqiuyunhai)

  (end of this chapter)