MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 143 Successfully left Buyi Town

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  Chapter 143 Successfully Leaving Commoner Town

   ""The Secret Art of Failing Immortals"?" Fairy Immortal squinted her eyes, she had never heard of a secret art with such an arrogant name.

   Immortals are the pinnacle of the path of cultivation, and they cannot be challenged by leapfrogging. If an immortal can be reversed, what is the point of becoming an immortal?

   "Yes, yes." Daoist Faxian said submissively, and offered "The Secret Method of Faxian", which is where his Taoist name came from.

   "When I was young, I strayed into the secret realm. It was a secret realm opened by an ancient power. There are countless treasures in it. It is by relying on these treasures that I have cultivated to the integration stage."

Faxian Daoist continued: "The most precious thing in the secret realm is this "Secret of Faxian". According to the description in the book, the immortal is the king of all spirits, with unrivaled power. If he wants to defeat the immortal, he must find another way. So the book It is mentioned in the book that the advantages of all spirits can be combined in one body. If a person has the transformation of the Kunpeng, the ability of the dragon to control water, the ability of the phoenix to control fire, and the wisdom of the human race...with all the advantages, he can use the ordinary Li Faxian!"

   Fairy Immortal rolled her eyes at the secret method, and threw it to Lu Yang: "I thought it was something, I boasted so much, it turned out to be a beast cultivation method."

  Fairy Immortal just introduced the animal cultivation method, her blood is mottled, and she cannot become a fairy, so she was abandoned by the people of ancient times.

  As for the immortal power mentioned in the secret method, Fairy Immortal scoffed even more.

  If it is really as powerful as it is boasted, can it be abandoned by them?

   "You mean that what is said here is all false?" Lu Yang flipped through the content, it was too complicated, and he might not be able to understand it for a while.

The Immortal Fairy scratched her chin: "I reckon it was the person who created the Beast Transformation cultivation method and was unwilling to abandon the cultivation method, but in ancient times, everyone knew what this cultivation method was, and it was very unreliable. I won't fall for it."

"He changed the cover of the animal cultivation method, filled in a few prefaces, changed the name, and threw it into the cave. After a long time, there are fewer people who know the animal cultivation method, and then let some idiot get it. Believe what's inside , and the practice of beast transformation can be passed on.”

  Fairy Immortal said disdainfully: "You're bragging, who wouldn't, and I said I could beat that girl Yunzhi."

  Lu Yang suspected that Immortal Fairy was playing badly.

  She continued to educate Lu Yang: "Don't think that if you find a certain ancient book, what is said in it is the truth. At that time, fake things were common, and there were more fake things than real things."

"At that time, we also made up a heavenly court system. When immortals ascended to the fairy world, there were immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, etc. in the immortal world, and there were five heavenly emperors. The compilation was quite complete. If you see it, don't believe it. , are all made up for fun."

  Lu Yang: "..."

   It is not easy to verify what happened in ancient times, and you still fake it?

Lu Yang feels sorry for those old monks who like to research the ancient times. They spend a lot of energy researching what happened in the ancient times. Looking at the things they made up, they feel that the ancient times are so grand. Compared with the ancient times, it is far behind. In the end, I found out that you all made it up for fun.

  Can the old monk's heart take it?

  Fortunately, so far, Lu Yang has never heard of the Heavenly Court system, it probably disappeared in the long river of time, fortunately it did not poison future generations.

  Faxian Daoist knelt on the ground tremblingly, listening to Immortal Fairy's eloquent talk, feeling that he knew something extraordinary.

  Things from ancient times are easy to come by, plus she calls herself "the Immortal", things have developed to this point, and there is no need to doubt her luck.

   There is also this boy in the foundation building period. Although his realm is low, he can communicate with the ancient immortals on an equal footing. Could it be that he is also an ancient immortal?

   Is it reincarnation or seizing the house?

  Faxian Daoist wished to slap himself twice, what is your name is not good, your name is "Faxian", and you rushed into the spiritual space without eyes.

  Tired of work?

  Faxian Daoist stepped back carefully. He felt that the pressure was not so great, which meant that Immortal Fairy didn't pay attention to him. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the two chatting to sneak out of the mental space and escape.

   Then he found that the mental space was as strong as a coffin, and he couldn't escape at all.

   Immortal Fairy sneered, Lu Yang's spiritual space is equivalent to her home, how can the fairy's home be pulled away as soon as it is said?

   "Want to leave? Then stay with your life."

  Fairy Immortal hates the way of cultivating immortals. When the rules first came, how many people died under the rules. Looking at the body of the mayor, it was the result of killing hundreds of thousands of people.

   As a human fairy, Immortal Fairy dare not say how great she is and how many human races she has protected, but she dares to say that she has never harmed anyone.

   When killed.

   Fairy Immortal stretched out a finger, Faxian Daoist moved his body desperately, trying to avoid this finger, but no matter how he moved, he couldn't escape.

   This is a must!

  With a single point between his eyebrows, the soul of Faxian Daoist fell apart.


   "This person is so difficult to deal with!" Outside the town of Commoner, the four fusion period faced the Silent Taoist, feeling extremely difficult.

   They managed to find the one that merged with the Silent Taoist among the Ten Thousand Swords, and wanted to fight openly, but the Silent Taoist once again used a sword to transform the Ten Thousand Swords into one with the Human Sword.

   Can this move be used continuously? !

   "If you don't come out again, we will go to Commoner Town and kill those two little guys!" A fit period said angrily, this is not a threat, they can do this kind of thing.

  Suddenly, Wan Jian formed a big ball with the tip of the sword facing inward, enveloping the four of them.

  Thousands of swords slashed at the four of them. The four of them didn't expect that the Silent Daoist would suddenly exert strength, and suffered a big loss.

  The silent Taoist revealed his true body, held his natal sword, and stared at the four of them: "Let's see who dares to hurt them!"

  The four of them felt that the eyes of the Silent Daoist were extremely dazzling, and they felt chills in their hearts. If a swordsman is fighting for his life, at least two of them will fall.

  One of them sneered and said: "Bluffer, the mayor of Buyi Town is our companion, do you really think that those two juniors will be safe and sound if they obey the rules obediently?"

   "When our companions take those two juniors as hostages, I want to see what you can do. Will you risk the lives of the juniors and kill us, or put down the sword in your hand and be killed by us obediently?"

  Buyu Taoist gritted his teeth and clenched the hilt of his sword tightly. If things were really as the other party said, then he would definitely kill the four of them before the things happened!

  During the confrontation between the two sides, a teleportation array appeared outside the town of Commoner. The four members of the fusion period were about to provoke the Silent Daoist, saying that your two juniors had been captured by us, but their expressions changed drastically, and they spit out a mouthful of blood.

   "How is it possible? Someone used the rules to leave the commoner town?!"

  If someone leaves Commoner Town, they will be backlashed.

  The teleportation array disappeared, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou successfully left Commoner Town, Lu Yang held the head of the mayor, and greeted the people in the sky with a smile, showing no secret of provocation.

   "Pfft—" The four of them vomited blood again during the fusion period.

  (end of this chapter)

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