MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 147 Heart of a child

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  Chapter 147 The Heart of a Child

  Since then, Emperor Xia knew about it, and he had a bad relationship with Wendaozong, so he accepted the "Hundred Thousand Years Curse".

  Those who are in the dark, only think that Yunzhi is highly talented and very strong, but they don't have a clear concept of Yunzhi's "strength".

  If they knew how strong Yunzhi was, they would know how stupid this plan was.


   "Elder Sister, where are we going?" Seeing that the Eldest Sister flew to Dao Dao Zong, Lu Yang did not stop at Tianmen Peak and continued to fly forward.

  Lu Yang has not set foot here yet. Below them are great mountains and marshes, thousands of miles of red land, and loess desert.

   "Prisoner Peak."

   Neither Lu Yang nor Meng Jingzhou had heard of this place.

  Big sister passed through these areas and landed on a gloomy mountain peak, which was wrapped by a huge chain, and the other end of the chain was wrapped around four mountains in four directions. Lu and Yang's hairs stood on end, feeling that this was not a good place.

Lu Yang has learned a bit of Fengshui formation, Fengshui pays attention to "smoothness", at least one direction in the southeast, north, and west is connected with the outside world, which is vitality, but this Prisoner Peak is surrounded by mountains, blocking all vitality, and it is next to Prisoner Peak The cloud is like a cover, covering this area tightly.

   Prison Peak is a place where prisoners are held and interrogated.

  The three of them landed, Yunzhi opened the entrance of the formation, carried the two souls in the fusion stage, entered from the foot of the mountain, and went all the way down, about five kilometers before stopping.

  The prisoners are locked under the prison peak.

  When they came to Prison Peak, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou had the feeling of returning to Commoner Town, unable to mobilize any spiritual energy. This is not a forbidden spirit array, but a [rule].

  Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou found that there were nearly a hundred cages here, most of which were empty, and only a dozen or so were imprisoned.

  To be precise, it is not people who are locked up, but soul bodies. Under the suppression of [rules], these soul bodies are sluggish and listless.

   Some souls drooled when they saw the two little guys, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou, and wanted to pounce on them and eat them, but after seeing the big sister, they all became honest.

  Lu Yang thinks that there are too few people locked up in this place? There are more dungeons in Yanjiang County than here.

   "The people imprisoned here are all ancient fusion period, you all pay attention." Yunzhi reminded.

  The two of them shivered suddenly, and they didn't feel that they were less closed.

   Be good, more than a dozen fit period are locked here?

   "Elder Sister, aren't you afraid that they will run away?" Lu Yang asked in a low voice.

   "Run? You kid really look down on my old man." Hearing the immature voice, Lu Yang turned his head back and saw a white-haired child. The child was not tall, and he only reached his waist with his feet.


  Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou were surprised that the white-haired boy was the master of Silent Taoist.

   "Master." Both of them shouted.

   "Hehe, do you think I'm too young?"

"No no."

  The white-haired boy said in an old-fashioned way: "You are still too young, you don't know enough, and you don't understand my state. This is a way of cultivation."

Lu Yang soon thought of a legend: "The ancients said that 'Changde will never leave, and it will return to a baby', 'Everyone is happy, like enjoying a prison, like spring on a stage, I am alone, and it is not a sign, like a baby before a child. '"

  "Many great monks have spent their entire lives pursuing innocence, but they have never been able to reach this state. Deliberate pursuit is no longer a child's idea, how can we achieve a true innocence."

   "Could it be said that Master, you have 'returned to a baby', reached the state of returning to nature, the unity of nature and man, and have the state of innocence?"

  Meng Jingzhou was also very surprised. The heart of a child has always existed in legends. None of the elders of the Meng family can achieve this state of mind. Unexpectedly, there is one in Wendaozong?

  The white-haired child smiled without saying a word, and nodded slightly, with a teachable expression.

  Yunzhi was a little strange: "Why did I hear the news is not like this."

"Master said that when you were young, Master, you were romantic and lingered in the brothel, which delayed your practice. Later, you were stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and you suddenly realized that you must work hard to practice. For the sake of your ambition, you will always fix your body at the age of six. In this way, you You don’t have to worry about Yang Qi leaking.”

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Meng Jingzhou: "..."

  Strictly speaking, this is indeed a way of practice.

  The two of them thought about it, a monk has cultivated to a certain level and can control his appearance, so why do some monks like to keep the appearance of a child or an old man? Is it the same reason as the master?

  No, no, no, you can't think too much about this kind of thing, the two of them quickly let their brains go.

   "Anyway, there is an old man here, so don't even try to escape during the combined period of being locked up here!" The white-haired boy forcibly changed the subject, "Yun girl, have you captured two people again?"

   "Well, I want to review it."

   "How about searching for the soul directly?" The white-haired boy suggested.

  Yunzhi shook her head: "Searching for souls will destroy their sanity. Souls in the fusion stage are excellent materials for refining magic weapons. If they lose their sanity, the effectiveness of magic weapons will be greatly reduced."

  The souls of the two fusion stages shuddered. Didn't they say that Daoist sect is a decent school? This is different from the decent school in the imagination!

  Yunzhi looked at the two fusion periods suspiciously, not understanding why they were afraid: "You let so many people die in fear, so isn't it normal for you to have the same treatment?"

  Don't do to others what you don't want done to you, Yunzhi thought that these two people already understood this truth.

  Yunzhi and the white-haired boy each carried a soul at the fusion stage and threw them into the cage. Lu Yang followed Yunzhi, and Meng Jingzhou followed the white-haired boy.

  Yunzhi came up with a set of torture, all kinds of torture tools aimed at the soul and body were used in turn, the man kept screaming in pain, and Lu Yang saw the corners of his eyes twitching, he didn't expect the elder sister to be so ruthless.

  Wait, it seems that when I first started practicing, the elder sister did the same?

  Elder Sister, could it be that she used the experience of torture to teach herself to practice?

   Fairy Immortal shudders every time she sees Elder Sister using a torture device. She feels that joining Dao Dao Zong is really a wise choice.

   Wendaozong shouldn't be so cruel to his own people, right?

   "Strange, why didn't he explain anything?" Yunzhi was puzzled, but the master told her that following such a set of procedures, the prisoner would definitely say everything.

  Lu Yang asked softly from the side: "Elder Sister, you haven't asked yet."

  Yunzhi snorted, picked up the first instrument of torture, and was about to do it again according to the procedure, but the other party was so frightened that he said quickly: "Don't, don't, I will recruit, I will recruit anything."

   "What era are you from?"

   "Dayu 40,000 years old."

   "Have you heard of Immortal Immortal or Immortal Fairy?"

"never heard of that."

   "Huh? Still lying?"

The man was almost startled to cry by Yunzhi's indifferent expression: "I really never heard of it. In our time, we heard that there were immortals in the Buddhist lands of the west, immortals in the southern demon lands, and suspected immortals in the eastern Wangyang and the extreme north. I don’t even know the name of a fairy.”

   "If you are looking for an immortal immortal, you can go to the extreme north to have a look. Maybe the immortal is considered immortal after being frozen."

   Immortal Fairy wanted to roll up his sleeves and hit someone on the spot.

  (end of this chapter)

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