MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 149 Sanli Cave

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  Chapter 149 Sanli Cave

   "What relic cave?" Meng Jingzhou was not there when he was tortured.

  Lu Yang explained: "The person we tortured was called Sanli Daoist, he left a cave, [rule] is that only the foundation-building stage and below can enter, and his life's belongings are hidden inside."

"Lifetime wealth in the combined body period?" Meng Jingzhou gasped. Lu Yang had no idea, he knew how amazing the wealth in the combined body period was. Just look at the elders in the family. He has been very envious since he was a child.

   If you can get this, or if you can share a scale and a half feather, that is also developed.

  Even a behemoth like Daoist sect can't ignore the wealth of a statue at the fusion stage!

   "And it can only be entered during the foundation building period, hehe, isn't this giving us two opportunities?" Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou laughed and said, this kind of secret realm with limited realm is most suitable for them to play.

  The elder sister brought them here, she must have considered their talents and wanted them both to enter the relic cave.

  Auspicious clouds flew extremely fast, people on the ground looked up at the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a cloud flew past, as fast as a hallucination.

   Not long after, the three arrived at the location Sanli Zhenren said.

  The division of regions in the Dayu era is different from that of today. According to the current statement, the relic of Sanli Daoist Dongtian is under the sixteenth tree from top to bottom on the top of Dalang Mountain in Huayun County, eastern Jizhou.

  Yunzhi caressed the trunk, felt the spatial fluctuation, and confirmed that there is indeed a cave here.

  The location of the cave is hidden and difficult to detect. It is better than Yunzhi, and it needs to be very close to know whether there is a cave.

  The real cave of Sanli has not been discovered yet.

  Yunzhi flicked the tree trunk with the back of the index finger and middle finger, and with a twist, the black hole appeared in front of the three of them.

  The entrance of the cave looks like a black vortex. The black space is constantly rotating, and there are runes flashing inside the space, which means that [rules] have been added by someone. It is a master cave and cannot be easily entered.

  The entry rule for this cave is that only those who are under the age of 20 can enter the Foundation Establishment Stage.

  Just when Lu Yang and the two thought that the senior sister was going to let them in, they saw the senior sister pinching the edge of the black vortex with both hands, and forcibly tore open a huge hole. All the rules fell apart at this moment, and nothing could restrain the senior sister.

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Meng Jingzhou: "..."

   It stands to reason that this is not their highlight moment, why is it different from what you imagined?

   Are they redundant here? What did the elder sister bring them here for?

  Lu Yang asked the question, Yunzhi tilted his head and thought for a while: "Didn't you come up directly when you left Prison Peak? I didn't call you?"

   All right, it's really superfluous.

  In the spiritual space, Immortal Fairy leaned forward and back with a smile.

The three of them entered the relic cave, and as far as the eye could see, it was an empty grassland. Elephants on the grassland slowly ate the leaves, and lions chased the antelope, biting off the neck of the antelope. On the other side of the grassland was a lush rainforest. You can see huge animals running through the rainforest.

  Lu Yang obviously felt that his cultivation had been suppressed, and now he could only display his strength in the late stage of Qi training.

  At this time, the clouds formed eye-catching characters and appeared in front of the three of them.

  【This place is dangerous, leave quickly】

  【This place is dangerous, leave quickly】

  【This place is dangerous, leave quickly】

  【If you insist on entering, please keep in mind the rules of Sanlidongtian, this can save your life】

  【Rule 1: Everyone’s cultivation will be suppressed to the ninth floor of the Qi training period】

  【Article 2: Unable to communicate with the outside world】

  【Article 3: There are only grasslands in Sanli Cave, no rainforest. If you see a rainforest, please don’t enter】

  【Article 4: Lions are kind, if a lion chases you, please don’t run away, it just wants to play with you】

  【Article 5: Antelope is a monster with two legs standing upright, with circling horns on its head. It is normal for antelope to laugh, please don’t be afraid】

  【Article 6: There are no elephants on the grassland. If you see an elephant, please seek shelter from a lion. The lion will protect you】

  【Article 7: If you stray into the rainforest, please don’t panic. Keeping calm is a must for surviving in the rainforest】

  【Article 8: The orangutans in the rainforest are pretended to be humans, so it is normal to be able to talk, but the orangutans will not take the initiative to talk to you】

  【Article 9: The water in the rainforest cannot be drunk】

  【Article 10: If you encounter a monster in the foundation period, please imitate the cry of the orangutan, and the monster in the foundation period will leave voluntarily】

  【Article 11: The above rules are all true】

   Then Lu Yang saw someone writing several lines with blood under his feet. The blood was scrawled, as if left in a hurry.

  【Run away, it’s dangerous here! 】

  【A mutation has occurred here! 】

【Notice! What I wrote down are the real Sanli Dongtian rules! 】

  【Sanli Dongtian has grasslands and rainforests, rainforests are safer than grasslands! 】

  【The lion has the cultivation base of the golden core stage, so he eats everyone he sees! 】

  【The antelope can't walk upright, if you hear the antelope laughing, leave quickly! 】

  【The elephant will protect you! 】

  【Keep calm in the rainforest! 】

  【Don't take the initiative to talk to the orangutan, otherwise you will become an orangutan! 】

  【If you feel that your body is abnormal, drink water from the rainforest to save your life! 】

  【Don't imitate the voice of the orangutan, it will attract Jindan stage monsters! 】

  【The rules of Sanlidongtian are all false...】

  Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou shuddered when they saw the blood.

Before the **** words were finished, a long bloodstain was drawn on the last word "', as if someone had climbed out of the cave with all his might, but was bitten by some unknown terrifying existence, dragged back forcefully, and pulled out a striking of blood.

  The scalps of the two are numb, what is in this cave?

  "There are big problems with these rules, and there are conflicts everywhere. Is the former rule correct or the latter rule correct?"

   "According to Buyi Town's experience, the first rule is more formal, is that correct?"

   "Not necessarily, I didn't say that the more formal rules are correct. The latter seems to have been written in a hurry. Isn't it a form of rules?"

It's hard for the two of them to make a choice. They only have the ninth floor of the Qi training stage, and there are monsters in the Foundation Establishment Stage and Golden Core Stage everywhere. Wrong, it is a narrow escape, and there is no redemption!

"Don't panic, there must be a solution. One says that lions are kind, one says that lions can eat people, one says that elephants can kill people, and one says that elephants can protect us. We can bring lions and elephants together. Let's see who can protect us, so we can tell which rule is the real rule..."

  "Is it possible that both rules are half-truths and half-false, and the rules are written to deceive people?"

   "It's a bit difficult."

  Just as the two of them were using their brains to think of ways to survive, Yunzhi raised her arm, exposing her white wrist, and slapped lightly.

   This is obviously not a palm during the Qi training period. The palm wind contains terrifying power, roaring and raging, scaring the lion, antelope, elephant, orangutan and running away.

   Regardless of whether it is a cannibal or a protector, there is no difference in facing this palm, only to escape.

   This palm pierced through the grassland and rainforest, forming a road leading directly to the destination.

  How could the rules here restrict Yunzhi?

  【Anti-routine】【Light Comedy】【Alternative Cultivation】【Eat, Drink and Play】

   "Fairy, do you know that cultivation pays attention to the combination of work and rest, and blindly cultivating hard will only be counterproductive?"

   "Is that why you keep staring at me?"

   Liu Qing travels through the world of cultivating immortals, and as long as she is happy physically and mentally, she can get rewards. From then on, the whole world has one more "person who knows how to cultivate best".



  (end of this chapter)