MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 161 Immortal Fairy's Speech

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  Chapter 161 Immortal Fairy's Words

   "The real question from twenty years ago, isn't it the real question? Young people, don't think so limited and narrow."

"Haven't you heard that the older the thing, the higher the value? I think that when I robbed the tomb with Lao Jiu, we always picked the oldest thing to start with. We even found the treasures of the early days of the Dagan era. It is held by the giant monster of the period."

  Yunzhi had heard about this matter a little bit, and heard from his master that he and the Eight Elders robbed the tomb together, and found a treasure from the early days of the Dagan era, which could hold the water of three rivers and five rivers, and its value was immeasurable.

   Later, after identification, it was found that this was the chamber pot of a giant monster during the Tribulation Period.

  Elder Eight continued: "You go outside to inquire about it. Daoist sect's real test questions are available for a price but not marketable. If I can sell you the real test questions, it's good. Don't pick and choose."

   "Do you know how much risk I have taken in selling this set of real questions? I am doing this to generate income for Daozong!"

  The Eighth Elder spoke plausibly, and Lu Yang nodded frequently: "The Eighth Elder is right. If this is the case, then the Eighth Elder's salary will be paid twenty years later."

  The Eighth Elder was in a hurry: "This will not work."

   "Elder Eight, don't worry, it's not that you won't pay your salary, but it's just twenty years late. Isn't the twenty years late salary not a salary?"

   "Or is it that the Eighth Elder feels that the sect is difficult and asks for no salary? If the Eighth Elder has such lofty ideas, I will definitely commend you publicly and encourage everyone to learn the spirit of the Eighth Elder."

   At this time Yunzhi spoke: "Eighth Elder, for the sake of your being master's friend, as long as you return the spirit stone that lied to Meng Jingzhou back then, this matter will be exposed."

  Elder Eight had no choice but to pinch his nose, and returned the spirit stone in distress.

  Recovering the lost spirit stone, Meng Jingzhou was overjoyed, at this time Yunzhi said again: "Meng Jingzhou, you are also wrong to buy the real questions, as long as you hand over the money for buying the real questions to the sect, this matter will be exposed."

  Meng Jingzhou was a little dumbfounded. It turns out that Senior Sister, you are not on my side?

   Having no other choice, Meng Jingzhou had no choice but to hand over the unheated spirit stone to the sect.

   "Wait, what about Lu Yang, this kid discussed with me how to deal with the test in the carriage, he has bad intentions!" Meng Jingzhou wanted to drag Lu Yang into the water.

  Lu Yang sneered: "Then you sue me at the suzerain! Considering that the suzerain is not around, you can sue me at the acting suzerain."

   "I believe that the acting suzerain must be a just and strict person, and he will not favor anyone."

   "My mother..."

  Meng Jingzhou gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Yang, and said in his heart that you wait until I become the suzerain, you will be the best looking boy!

  After the Eighth Elder and Meng Jingzhou left, the Immortal Fairy took over Lu Yang's body again.

   Immortal Fairy looked at the things that needed to be dealt with, and found it difficult to be the suzerain.

   "Ying Tianxian's group of people deal with problems at a level similar to mine. How did they control those planets?"

  Yunzhi sighed softly, and reminded: "Just as you can assign tasks to the eight elders, the suzerain also has the right to order disciples to do things. You can assign the review tasks to experienced disciples."

   "That's right." Fairy Immortal came to her senses and let Goldfinger Lu Yang handle these matters.

  Lu Yang took two deep breaths: "No matter how you think about it, Eldest Sister is hinting at you, let her handle these things?"

   After going around and around, I finally let the reliable senior sister handle these messy things.

  Sometimes Lu Yang feels fortunate that Dao Dao Sect has a senior sister, otherwise this sect would end sooner or later.

   "I don't know how the outside world evaluates Wendaozong."

  Fairy Immortal looked at the Yanwu Square under maintenance with her hands behind her back, nodding frequently, as if a leader was going to the countryside for inspection.

   Near Yanwu Square, there are many small arenas for disciples to compete in martial arts.

   Dao Daozong still pays great attention to actual combat training, so as not to be bullied when going out.

  Lu Yang felt that the senior management of Wendaozong simply thought too much.

  At this time, there are two senior brothers and sisters of the Golden Core stage fighting in the arena.

Lu Yang recognized these two people. The name of Jindanqi senior brother was Luo Hai. Yun's Daoist sects are all conspicuous existences.

Senior sister Jin Danqi is named Yi Jing, and she belongs to the Yi family in the Imperial City. Although not as prominent as Meng Jingzhou's family, it is also a well-known family in the Central Continent. Senior sister Yi Jing has amazing experience. Compare various exercises, and modify the exercises to make them more suitable for you.

   These two people are not ordinary people. When they played against each other, many people watched from the audience, hoping to get inspiration from them and help them practice in the future.

  Fairy Immortal walked over swaggeringly, attracting some people's attention. From the outsiders' point of view, Lu Yang was the first disciple to redeem the Sovereign Experience Voucher, which was very inspiring.

  More people paid attention to the battle between the two on the stage, and did not notice the arrival of Immortal Fairy.

   "Watch me show you what a leapfrog fight is!" Fairy Immortal said to Lu Yang, and Lu Yang had a bad premonition.

   "Wait, what are you doing..."

  Before Lu Yang finished speaking, Fairy Immortal controlled Lu Yang's body and jumped onto the ring.

  The two people in the arena saw Fairy Immortal, and they were a little curious, not knowing what this little junior who had just become acting suzerain was going to do.

   "I'm going to challenge you two."

  Luo Hai and Yi Jing were stunned for a moment, then surprised, and the audience was even more uproarious. Lu Yang is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and can challenge the peak of Jindan?

   However, if Lu Yang wants to challenge, Luo Hai and Yi Jing will not refuse.

  The two stood on the opposite side of Immortal Fairy: "Junior Brother, you go first."

   Immortal Fairy showed a smile: "In the name of acting suzerain, I order you to jump off the ring."

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Luo Hai: "..."

  Yi Jing: "..."

  The brothers and sisters under the stage: "..."

  Is the right to act as suzerain used in this way?

  The acting suzerain's words must be listened to. The two jumped off the ring without hesitation and lost the game.

  Fairy Immortal's operation quickly aroused the interest of many senior brothers and sisters.

   "Senior brother Ma, go to the ring to have a look. I heard that junior brother Lu Yang has mastered the method of speaking, defeated several Jindan stage juniors and sisters, and threatened to challenge the Nascent Soul stage."

   "Is there such a thing?" Senior Brother Ma showed an expression of great interest.

Ma Tianyang, at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, a disciple of the Artifact Refining Peak, is good at using fire and forging weapons. When he was fighting with a cultivator in the Transformation Stage, he made an astonishing feat of forging weapons while fighting. Lingbao, defeat the cultivator of the transformation stage.

   "Go and see."

  The younger brother who encouraged Ma Tianyang to go showed a successful smile.

   As soon as Ma Tianyang approached the ring, he heard Immortal Fairy utter nonsense: "Hahaha, I'm already invincible at the Jindan stage, come to the Nascent Soul stage!"

  As soon as Ma Tianyang heard this, he immediately jumped onto the ring, and then saw Immortal Fairy's "words follow the law".

  On this day, Fairy Immortal leapfrogged the challenge, and defeated the monks in the three realms of Jindan, Nascent Soul, and Transforming God with his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and became famous.

  On this day, Lu Yang wished he could bury himself in the soil.

  (end of this chapter)

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