MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 3 Representation

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Zhou Wudi slept heavily last night, until Bishui was close to his willow basket, and he was about to reach out and pull his small quilt to wake up.

Seeing A Bao wake up, Bishui immediately hugged him up, rubbed his hands with hot water, wiped his face, wiped his lips, and then hugged him into the dormitory. Deyi Niangniang likes small animals, no one knows more clearly than Bishui. Therefore, she expects Deok to see Abao in the early morning will be very happy.

Zhou Wudi struggled in the hands of Bishui, and he still wanted to scream two times. He could only make a sweet wailing of a small milk dog, so he just closed his mouth and immediately became confused.

As soon as you enter the temple, the fresh and elegant scent of grass will blow up. It is refreshing to the spirit. It is not as sticky as the sandalwood in other palaces. It is not as thick as the dragon scent in the Qing Palace. Attached to the dog body, the sense of struggle of Zhou Wudi, who is more sensitive than before, is slightly weakened, and he looks up at Deyi, who is dressed in front of the glass mirror.

The woman sat sideways, and the blushing blouse in the snow white turned into a faint white and deep ash in the eyes of Zhou Wudi. The original bright color was restored to a monotonous color and it showed a sense of dust. In particular, the long hair and the ankles of the hair, like a waterfall, swaying down, emitting faint fluorescent light, beautiful and shocking.

After experiencing more than a dozen gray and sinister days and nights, this extremely ordinary morning scroll is the most intense and colorful in the eyes of Zhou Wudi, and it touches the soul most. At this moment, he seems to be the original wise martial artist Zhou Wudi, waiting for his own cockroaches to wait for his own dressing and grooming.

However, he quickly regained consciousness from this illusion, only because the woman in front of the glazed mirror had reached out and picked him up, and his head fell a kiss in his eyes, and the soft lips slipped like a butterfly wing, itching and itching, With a unique scent.

This is the owner's treat for pets, not for women. For a moment, Zhou Wudi couldn’t tell the despair, and then he was angry because of the weakness he showed at this moment. He began to struggle fiercely.

"Oh, don't move, be careful!" Meng Sang's back was scratched, and he quickly bent down to put Abao down, lest he hurt himself.

"Is it okay, girl?" Yin Cui and Bi Shui asked in unison.

Feng Xiao’s anger rushed forward and he tried to overturn A Bao.

"Don't! I'm fine!" Meng Sangyu quickly stopped and saw his hand back indicating that he was not injured.

Pork white and delicate skin showed a red mark, and there was no bleeding. Even this made Feng Wei feel bad. She took out a can of snow cream and smeared it to Meng Sangyu. The low voice was still full of anger. "This little animal is wild and difficult to tame. It is a dog! You still send him back to Cat and Dog Square, oh Pick a temperate Shih Tzu dog to come back to support."

No one noticed, and A Bao, who was sitting quietly in the corner, listened to this statement and scraped it to Feng Wei with a knife-like sight. But this sharp vision was blocked by his thick hair, and with his petite and lovely body, there was no lethality, and it did not attract the attention of everyone in the temple.

He was stiff and turned to look at Germany, waiting for her verdict. He has lost his strategy. Since he has already decided to temporarily attach to Germany, he has to make the necessary compromises and concessions. He is no longer a high-ranking emperor, but a pet, pets have to be docile, you have to know how to please the owner.

I thought that these women used to do everything possible to please themselves. Zhou Wudi had a sense of sadness in the wind and water.

"Pet pets are to see the fate. I saw Abao like him at first sight, don't change it!" Deyi resolutely shook his head and added, "A Bao is still small, afraid of life is inevitable, waiting for us to get along for a long time. Naturally, the dog is the most loyal animal in the world. As long as you really treat him, he will treat you with sincerity, much better than most people!"

Zhou Wudi relaxed and twisted his heartstrings, and looked at Dean's gentle face with complex eyes. He did not expect to be so open-minded about the cold and harsh German treatment of animals. But he knows that in the face of a dog, Deyi does not need to be a show, so this is her true thoughts. He was very touched in his heart and had to bear the virtues that made it very reasonable. The human heart is the most difficult and most sinister thing in the world. Perhaps because it is too transparent, she can only relax completely in front of simple animals. Why not be yourself?

Thinking of this, Zhou Wudi looked a little pity in the eyes of Deyi. This woman is not as uncomfortable as he imagined, and there are merits.

Seeing A Bao hiding in the corner and looking at himself, the small appearance is pitiful. Meng Sang is soft in his heart. While telling the palace lady to put on the breakfast, he waved at Abao. "A Bao is coming over and eating breakfast."

This body was not born long enough to withstand hungry. Zhou Wudi moved, and he walked up to Dean and looked up at her. Meng Sangqi picked him up and placed it on the table. While stroking his back, he looked at Feng Wei and smiled. "Look, you see, my Abao is very well-behaved."

Seeing that the master really likes it, Feng Hao’s big grievances have also disappeared, and the kindness of the love is echoed.

A Bao squatted on two small short legs, sitting on the table in the middle of the law, while intoxicating with the caress of Dexter, while secretly admonishing that he would not be domesticated by this woman into an unpromising pet. (You are the truth, this is your fate of the future)

The breakfast was quickly brought up, and the emperor Zhou Wudi could smell the scent of the meat porridge. He twitched his nose, secretly secreting clear saliva in his mouth, and dripping it on the table. This is the animal's instinct, even the Emperor Zhou Wu of the wise Mingwu can't control it.

"Hey!" Dean smirked and waved at the palace. "Hurry up, Ah Bao is hungry!"

Closed his mouth tightly, swallowing excess saliva, Zhou Wudi's cheeks burned red, and he could not use his claws to drill a hole. Fortunately, his hair was thick and he did not let Dexie see the abnormality.

"Mother, let A Bao eat under the table, or dirty the table will damage your appetite." Yin Cui took the meat porridge and whispered.

"No, I like Abao to accompany me to dinner." Deyi waved his hand and took the porridge bowl and placed it in front of Abao. He said, "Eat."

Did you let a dog eat at the table? Zhou Wudi looked at her strangely, and her heart was touched. But the current food, can not allow him to think more, the animal's instinct prompted him to immediately bury his head and eat.

Meng Sangyu saw that he had a good taste, so he picked up the dishes and used them. She has low blood sugar, and generally has no appetite in the morning, but because of the companionship of Abao, she has also used up a bowl of chicken porridge and a small dish of pastries, and she is happy to open her eyes.

Wiping the corners of the mouth with a handkerchief, Meng Sangyu supported the cockroach, and smiled and admired Abao's eating. The puppy that was born in January didn't have a big mouth. At this moment, half of the body was buried in it, and I was very happy. He took a sip of food for a bite, and the speed was not too slow, showing a calm and elegant.

Meng Sangqi raised his eyebrows and said to Yin Cui, "Look, my Abao will not stain the table. This action is more elegant than the Lion King!"

Lion King, what? Zhou Wudi was confused in his heart, but he was also very satisfied that Deyi had a king compared with himself.

Yin Cui smiled and promised. When he saw the hour, he waited for Meng Sang to dress and dress, and he was going to Li Guifei’s Fengqi Palace.

Take off the wide and comfortable robe, put on a graceful robes, and then take a stream of clouds, plug in the dazzling Huasheng step, and finally use the sharpened charcoal to thicken the eye of the pick. To hide the state of the wind that it inadvertently reveals, the usual face is cold, and the imposing virtue is appearing in front of everyone.

Seeing the woman whose temperament changed greatly, Zhou Wudi, who looked up from the bowl, stayed. He didn't understand, but changed his clothes and made some makeup. A woman would become so different. He has some nostalgia for the natural virtue.

Meng Sang stepped to the table, stroking A Bao's small head, gentle martyrdom, "A Bao stayed in the palace, don't run around, I will come back soon after I go out."

Go to the Phoenix Palace? Zhou Wudi is not interested. He figured out that after the Germans left, they sneaked into the dry palace to see. The tourmaline palace is very close to the dry palace, and there is no need for a tea time to walk. It seems that it is not a good thing to follow Dezhen.

But the next words of Deyi quickly broke his wishful thinking.

Meng Sangyu looked at the several palace ladies waiting at the table and cautiously opened up. "You look at Abao carefully, don't let him run out of the Tourmaline Palace. He is still small, and the road is easy to be ignored, and then he is trampled and hurt."

The palace ladies should be in unison, making Zhou Wudi somewhat annoyed.

It seems that Abao's low mood, Meng Sangqi picked him up, kissed his wet little nose, smiled and said, "When Abao grows up, I bring Abao to the Imperial Garden. The Royal Garden is very beautiful and open, fun. There are a lot of places, and Abao will love it."

What is this kind of petting attitude? Not treating animals, it is more like treating a child. But can not be rumored, as the most direct beneficiary, Zhou Wudi still has the impression of an instant.

"Well, work! Put your cool and noble fan to the palace!" Meng Sang榆 carefully handed Abao to a palace lady, then looked at him and claped his hand.

"Yes!" The people behind her were first covering their mouths and chuckling, and then they had a low back and a squat, and there was a tendency to look at people with nostrils. The sharp eyes were full of pride and contempt, and they were arrogant. The feeling is coming.

Zhou Wudi was shocked and crouched in the arms of the palace lady. Mu Dengdeng looked at the mighty fare of Deyi. Such a German and a palace talent is what he usually looks familiar with, but it turns out that all this is just a disguise, which is the appearance that Deyi deliberately made. Why is she doing this?

A little thought, Zhou Wudi soon understood, this is just a means of self-protection. She didn't want to be publicized but had to advertise, but she didn't want to swear but had to swear, so she could shock her enemies and let them not easily shoot. At least, if you don't reach the level of the Queen's royal family, you can't stumble it. The others don't dare to easily admit it. They can't afford the revenge of Germany, so they save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Thought to be transparent, Zhou Wudi had to bear, he thought that the mind is simple, the woman with rough means is so intelligent. Thinking further afield, he was even more astonished. Deyi is really arrogant, and she has been rehabilitated by her, but she has always known that anyone can offend, who can't offend, she has been stepping on her own limit, but never crossed, so Even if she does not like her heart, she is willing to give her a certain honor and rights. This is the result of her painstaking efforts.

This woman is not simple, even the shackles are blinded! Zhou Wudi lamented that his heart was even more taboo to the Meng family. But at the same time, he did not find that his feelings of devilishness are decreasing.

Smart women are always admirable, and smart and beautiful women are even more difficult to resist. With such a woman day and night, the fall of the soul is only morning and evening.

Read The Duke's Passion