MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 35 Returning soul (1)

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In the dry palace, the fake emperor had already been sent by Shen Huiru to the harem, and she was sitting in the imperial table and reading a singer. The deep-locked eyebrows revealed a glimpse of the genius.

Seeing such a daughter, Shen Taishi groaned, and then his face showed a gratifying look. His sons and daughters have never seen the glory of the young, and the golden phase of the jade is the dragon and the phoenix. It is time to enjoy the supreme honor of the world. If his son is not destroyed in the future, he will not be forced to embark on this road. But now it seems that this road is right, the big week will soon be in the hands of Shen, even if the emperor wakes up, it will not help.

With his small body shape and dark brown hair, Zhou Wudi followed the two to the Qing Palace. Because of fear that someone saw Shen Taishi enter the palace late at night, Chang Xi sent the guards in advance, so that Zhou Wudi also smoothly followed. Hiding in the corner of the main hall, stealing from the door to the inside of the temple, and seeing Shen Huiru who occupied his throne but looked comfortable, his light suddenly became cold.

"Wei Chen has seen the goddess." Shen Taishi bent over and saluted.

"Father, you are here." Seeing Shen Taishi, Shen Huiru put down the pen and went to the door to greet him.

The father and the daughter are sitting opposite each other, often standing at the door looking at the wind. Emperor Zhou Wu shrank into the shadow of the corner and erected his ear to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.

"Father, is Meng Changxiong dead?" Shen Huiru's tone was a little anxious.

Zhou Wudi's ear tip moved slightly and did not consciously hold his breath.

"Anzada came to the news that Meng Changxiong was not in their hands. They retreated the Meng Changxiong and Han Changping into the muddy beach, and now they are still unclear." Shen Taishi used a cup to cover the cup and swept the edge of the cup. The scratching sound is even more sullen.

Anzada, the first slam of the king of Yelu Khan. Shen Taishi actually interacted with him. It can be seen that Shen has already sold the country through the enemy. Meng Guogong’s disappearance definitely has his handwriting! Ok! Zhou Wudi's teeth bite creaking, the back does not consciously arch, the whole body hair roots upside down.

"Why don't you continue to chase? Meng Changxiong is not dead, how can they save the defeat? It is a group of idiots!" Shen Huiru slammed the desktop, the tone was more anxious. Meng Changxiong is the biggest reliance of Meng Sangxi. Only when Meng Changxiong died, can she let go of Meng Sangyu. Meng Sangzhen is a thorn in her heart, not pulling it!

"The maidens don't know. The muddy beach is a famous place of death on the prairie. There are swamps everywhere, and there is a lot of suffocation. It is not a human being, and even the birds don't dare to touch the side. When they enter, Meng Changxiong and Han Changping will die." Shen Tai’s tone is very calm.

Zhou Wudi desperately suppressed the roar of the throat, staring at the two men behind the door with **** eyes. How could he trust these two people at the beginning? Really blinked!

"Just guessing that the palace is still not at ease, my father repaired a book to Xie Zhenghao, let him send people to the mud water beach to search, be sure to live to see people, die to see the dead!" Shen Huiru's voice filled with murder.

Xie Zhenghao, Gansu Admiral, one of the nineteen members of the Xinjiang dynasty, was also a confidant of his own trust. He did not expect to be surrounded by Shen Taishi. Zhou Wudi sneered, and the smug in his eyes is as real.

"Well, I will write to Xie Zhenghao when I go back to the father. Meng Changxiong is missing. The army can't be handsome in a day. The maiden will issue a sacred decree tomorrow, and the seal of Xie Zhenghao will be the general, and the leader will print out the imperial court. The father has been with Yelu. Khan Wang negotiated the conditions, Xie Zhenghao was defeated, and he took advantage of the war to replace the masters of Meng Changxiong, and the ten cities of Suzhou were sent to him as compensation. After the war, Xie Zhenghao would push all the crimes of defeat. On the head of the Mengjia army, you will enact the imperial edict, killing these people and then replacing them with us. So, this million-strong army will be in our hands."

Shen Taishi’s tone was full of enthusiasm, and Zhou Wudi outside the door was already angry and shivering.

Shen Huiru nodded his promise and took a look at the list handed over by his father. The people on the list are the generals who have recently been entangled in Shen Taishi, and can be used to replace Meng Changxiong’s confidant.

Shen Taishi looked at her daughter's look under the lamp and glanced at her stomach. He asked the voice down. "It has been more than a month, can the girl have news?"

After Shen Huiru took a long while to understand, the tone was cold and replied, "I just missed the letter for three days. I think it should be pregnant, and it will take some time to confirm the diagnosis."

"Good, good, good!" Shen Taishi said three words with excitement. At the end, he cautiously said, "This fetus is the key to our Shen family's journey to the throne. The goddess must be well protected. The boy is convenient. If it is a girl, a baby boy will be prepared in advance for the father, and the person will be sent to the palace to replace it. The maiden will let the late Qing come in, and the father will confess this matter to her, the maiden only needs Sitting on a good tire, there is no need to take care of it."

"Know it." Shen Huiru is deeply convinced.

Zhou Wudi did not want to listen anymore. He was afraid to listen again, and he could not help but jump in and kill the father and daughter. Litong's foreign enemies, ruining the loyalty, ruining the dynasty, stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix, seeking a squatting position... These crimes are just as good as the Shen family's death thousand times and 10,000 times!

Repressing the anger in the chest, Zhou Wudi whispered and turned to want to leave the Qing Palace.

"Yeah, where did the little beasts come from?" A female voice broke the silence outside the temple. When the late Qing did not know when it appeared at the corner, it happened to collide with Zhou Wudi.

The five golden characters of "Bixi Palace Abao" are very eye-catching under the illumination of the candlelight. In the late Qing Dynasty, they look at the face, and when they bend over, they will grab Zhou Wudi and use his hand to buckle his limbs and limbs. Dry the temple.

"The niece, Dean's pet ran in." To the Taishi and the master's son, and later raised the arrogant Abao.

"Take it to Changxi to deal with it. You come over, my father has something to tell you." Shen Huiru drank a cup of tea, casually opening. For a long time in the upper position, she will never take a small animal to suffocate. In her eyes, A Bao’s life is not as good as grass.

"Yes." In the late Qing dynasty, he handed over A Bao to Chang Xi and went to Shen Tai’s feet to listen to the training.

Chang Xi took over the fierce struggle of A Bao, took him far to the open space in front of the Qing Palace, slammed into the ground, and then slammed his chest with his feet, applying force little by little. Chang Xi could have killed A Bao with one foot, but he was beaten by De Bao because of A Bao last time. He had already accumulated a grievance, and he was in desperate need of a good life to vent his anger. Seeing A Bao snarling and struggling, he was unwilling. Resentment, but helplessness, greatly satisfied his inner tyranny, and his foot speed was slower.

There was a muffled sound from the chest of the card, which was the sound of the broken ribs. The intense pain seemed to come from the soul, and it continued. Emperor Zhou Wu used the blood-red eyeballs to go to Changxi, and his heart recited Meng Sangxi’s name over and over again. The three words that entered the bone marrow brought him infinite power, so that he did not want to die easily. He is dead, what should I do?

"Small beasts are quite tenacious!" Chang Xi laughed and slammed his feet.

The broken ribs pierced the lungs, pierced the heart, and a trace of blood rushed from the corners of the mouth. Zhou Wudi screamed and screamed, and the dark eyes gradually covered with a layer of blood. In the midst of it, a misty singer came from midair, and a soft force took his soul out of A Bao’s body and led him into the void. He closed his eyes unwillingly, and the **** mouth and nose spouted the last breath.

"Is this dead? It’s really boring!" The little beast at the foot did not move. Changxi stepped on his feet again, and then he waved a small **** to throw Abao’s body into the dry palace. It is a flower fertilizer in the flower garden.


A quiet house in Beijing

In a room with countless long-lighted lights and a strong sandalwood, a white-browed beard, the old-fashioned monk who was solemnly calm, stopped slowly and sang, and said to the man who was at the door and sullen, "This The donor has returned to his original position and will wake up immediately."

"Really?" The man raised his eyebrows and questioned him. Please go to the doctors to help you. The old monk came and only took a look. He said, "If you have a destiny, you will return to it, you will start to light the chanting. This situation is too easy. How can he believe?" But thinking of the bizarre note, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, let the old monk go toss.

For a moment of conversation between the two men, the handsome man surrounded by the lanterns snorted and slowly opened his eyes. Seeing the white ceiling above his head, he groaned and immediately realized that it was not the palace. The domes of the palace are painted with magnificent murals, which are as simple as this.

He leaned his head and looked at the whole body, facing the last awkward face. The face is cold and full of anger, not who is Jun Junwei?

"Jun Wei?" Zhou Wudi opened his mouth and heard his hoarse voice slamming. He lifted his hands and looked at it unbelievably. Is this a manpower? Did you actually return to the soul?

"The donor is already innocent, just drink a few days of soup to nourish the body, and the poor will say goodbye." The old monk read the Buddha, slowly walked toward the door, went to the door and stopped, hands clasped together, cautious Remind, "There will be a slap in the face of this, and the donor will not forget the original promise. It is necessary to reshape the Buddha statue for the temple."

"After thanking the master! Reinventing the golden body will be done within a month." Jun Junwei quickly made up his promise. The old monk reinvented the golden body. He thought that this person was purely for the purpose of defrauding money. He did not expect to have the true ability. Amitabha, fortunately, he saw the old monk grows more sacred and left people.

The old monk read the Buddha again and left with satisfaction.

Emperor Zhou Wu did not bother to think about the two people. He stared at Qi Junwei, and Zhang mouth asked, "Can you send someone to protect the mulberry?"

"Sang 榆?" 阎俊伟愣愣, hesitantly, "German?"

"Don't you see the note left for you?" Zhou Wudi asked quietly.

"Is that really the emperor left? Isn't the dog planer? What is the story of the seven twists and turns and the paw print?" Yan Junwei pulled out the note from his arms and asked for a small plum print on the top.

Zhou Wudi’s frustrated stunned his eyes and his voice was quite helpless. “You will send people to the palace to protect the mulberry immediately. The matter of this note is slowly explained to you.” I don’t want to tell you about the possession. I have no choice but to give him a satisfactory answer. He can wrap the topic around the horizon. The safety of the mulberry can not be delayed for a moment.

"The emperor assured that the moment he received the note, the subordinate had already sent him to the Deyi girl. It is said that Deyi has only loved the name and called Abao..." Yan Junwei stopped talking, meaning Refers to the dog paw print on the strip. He was only a bold guess, still hesitating to get this dog, but the old monk said that everything goes with the flow, the donor wakes up from time to time, and asks him not to intervene freely, stirring the donor's destiny.

It seems that the emperor has had an adventure in the near future! He is most interested in what happened to him! The singular novels in the full study are not white!

Read The Duke's Passion