MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 48 Waiting for illness (4)

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Meng Sang stunned, and for a long while he raised his hand to caress his wet cheeks. Is this person a dog? The pro is not enough, even what? Nima!

Slightly sloping, gently pressing the roots of the forehead, she smiled. For the father, get out of it, you have to take advantage of it, even if it is occupied, anyway, I am not healed, can not accompany you to roll the sheets!

"Also ask the emperor to enlighten me." A pair of black and white phoenix eyes slightly picked up, the white neck of the white side, the slanting squatting from behind the man holding her own, she interprets the words "eyes".

Zhou Wudi’s breathing stopped for a moment, even if she knew that such a feminine gesture was just her pretense, he would not stop being addicted to it. Before the mulberry has really fallen in love with him, even if he gets a little falsehood, it is enough to make him happy. At this moment, he had to rejoice that his identity was an emperor, so even if his woman disdain him, the face would not be shown. How humble this kind of mentality is. They all said that the person who loves first loses first, and he undoubtedly loses completely.

"I will teach you to sit first." He smiled low, clutching the woman's shoulder and pressing her on the throne.

Meng Sangyu was shocked and quickly stood up in his sleeve and shouted in amazement. "The emperor! Is this a place where the courtiers can sit?"

Zhou Wudi’s dark eyes were full of smiles, touching her white cheeks and whispering, “I can sit and sit. But this is too high for you, which is not conducive to wording. You sit on your lame." He naturally grabbed the woman's slender waist, hugged her on her lap, and wrapped her little hand in one hand to hold the pen.

It is better to sit directly on the throne! Meng Sangqi was encircled into the arms of the man. The whole body was full of man's rich aroma of dragons, and the hot body temperature came from the back and hips, making her feel like a needle.

Pressing the rapid heartbeat, Zhou Wudi puts his chin on the thin shoulder of a woman, greedily breathing her clear and pleasant aroma. In the past, she was holding herself. He had long wanted to put her into her arms, which was as beautiful as I imagined. At the same time that the chest is filled, the empty heart is filled, and no one can accommodate it.

"Don't move!" I felt that the woman's buttocks were moving on her thighs. He took a breath and his voice was hoarse. The arms are the ones who are dreaming of their own, and his tough willpower becomes vulnerable.

The thick voice of the male became low and dumb. In the meantime, it was mixed with the scalp and numbness. Meng Sangzhen immediately did not move, sitting quietly for a long while, feeling the hardness of the hips and the heavy breathing of the man. She licked her lips and took the pen on her own initiative, tearing his sleeves and sighing. "Imagine, don't you say that you want to teach the court to practice words?"

"The arm is relaxed, the waist is straight, and you are taught how to hold the pen." Zhou Wudi smiled and was forced to divert attention. He has always known that the mulberry miller’s ability is to be seen and can’t be eaten today.

Sighing with a sigh, he held the woman's waist tightly in one hand and wrapped the woman's small hand in one hand. The two men held a wolverine and slowly moved on the paper. Mulberry, Shao Ze, and four lines of characters lined up side by side, so close together, so close.

Meng Sang-soo's coveted smile, the black eyes are hidden with a trace of sarcasm.

Lifting her squat and seeing the cold light that she still has to hide in the future, Zhou Wudi did not show up on the face, but the heart came with a continuous sense of acupuncture.

"Mulberry..." What should I do with you? How can you break the ice in your heart? He whispered, sighed, and confided, and eventually disappeared between the two lips.

Meng Sang smashed, and then gently opened his red lips to accept his invasion. Life and death are in the hands of this man, what rights does she have to resist? Simply man is very good, she can also enjoy one or two.

Perceive her obedience, Zhou Wudi was dark and dark, and the big palm held her cheek, deepening the kiss, the frantic movements, the tangled tongue, and he swayed every corner of the woman’s mouth. I swallowed her sweet and sour liquid into the belly, like a trek in the desert, and hungry to the extreme traveler. This little mouth, he did not know how many days and nights Xiao thought.

Chang Xi has already retired the palace people in the temple. In addition to the intertwined lips and tongues, the empty temples allow no more noise.

"The emperor, the courtiers have not healed." Meng Sangqi carefully avoided the wound, crouching in the man's strong chest and gasping, holding the man's big palm from her placket.

Zhou Wudi stabbed stiffly and slowly recovered his comfortable hand. Instead, he gently patted her back, just like patping a child who needs careful care of her, and like sang sang before taking A Bao.

Taking advantage of his heat, Meng Sangqi spoke in a timely manner, and his voice was soft. "The emperor, the courtier wants to ask the emperor for something."

"What? But it doesn't matter." Zhou Wudi kissed her cheek and snorted.

"Chen Chen wanted to ask the emperor to send people to Mushuitan to find his father. Chen Chen felt that his father and Han General must be safe and sound." She looked up and said, "The muddy beach is full of suffocation, but it is winter, no reed. The covered marshes have been frozen into ice, and the danger is greatly reduced. The suffocation is not as strong as summer. If you use a damp cloth to cover your nose and mouth, supplemented by the roots of the reed grass, you will survive for ten days and a half. The problem. Moreover, my father has lived for a long time and has a deep understanding of the skills to survive in the wild, so the courtiers feel that they must be alive."

"I know so much, the sorrowful sang is actually a wonderful man with eyes and eyes." Zhou Wudi frowned, gently pressing her black eyes with her fingertips, full of distressed.

"Chen Chen had listened to his father talking about the life of the border, so he knew a little bit." Meng Sangyu coveted, some uncomfortable, this person's distressed expression is too real.

"If you don't have any needs, you have already sent people to the muddy beach to search. If you find it, you will be notified as soon as possible." He wrapped around the woman's shoulder and his heart was cold. No wonder that Mulberry is so obedient to such enthusiasm, it turns out to be asking for himself! I have to ask for myself, the most fear is that she has no desire, no chance to give.

The cold heart warmed up again, and he lowered his head and used his tongue to describe the beautifully-lined lips of the woman.

"The emperor, when the time is up, the courtiers should go to the Queen Mother to ask for peace. The Queen Mother returned to the palace for the first time in ten years, because the hospitality has been exempted from the court of the morning, and it is not like it in the evening." Meng Sangqi let him linger for a while. , the hourglass in the temple, softly reminded.

"The little things that cross the river to break the bridge!" Zhou Wudi used his teeth to grind her delicate lower lip, and his face was helpless, but the thick love of the eyes was not to be mistaken.

Meng Sangqi’s cheeks are just rightly flushed. When she enters the palace for three years, she knows when to laugh, when to cry, when to be shy, and thousands of gestures can be heard. Not tempted, she is a natural fraudster.

"Go." Zhou Wudi sighed and took her to stand up, carefully tidying up her wrinkled clothes and skirts. The relatives’ natural attitude seemed to have been practiced thousands of times. That strange familiarity is coming again.

"Chen Chen retire." Meng Sang squats and bows.

"Slow, this smell is strong, just give it to you." The man's slender index finger pointed at her waist.

Meng Sangqi looked down and saw a new sewn sachet, which was exuding a touch of plum blossom. "Change the Japanese court to personally do one for the emperor." She untied the sachet, a very knowledgeable interface.

"Okay." Zhou Wudi smiled, and the smile turned out to be unexpectedly hearty.

Meng Sangyu also smiled slightly, and went to Cining Palace under the courtesy of Changxi and diligently. The man stood at the door of the temple and watched her back disappear completely at the corner before returning to the temple.


The Cining Palace has already gathered a large number of scorpions, mostly headed by Shen Huiru, and there are a few unsatisfied sitting in the temple, which is quite clear. Not yet on the post, Shen Huiru has a tendency to dominate the harem. It is no wonder that the fake emperor handed over the Queen's treasure to her, and let her take the photo to the sixth house. Everyone thought that her position was a nail.

When Meng Sangqi came in, Shen Huiru did not know who he was listening to. He was covering his face and laughing, and all the bungee jumping to the face was fun, and the laughter was thick.

"Chen Chen has seen Deyi Niangniang." A group of low-ranking glimpses of her stepping in, quickly stood up and bowed, and Shen Huiru sat firmly in the upper position, and the dark and unclear sight came over, and the gesture of standing still showed strength.

After the autumn, the grasshopper ~ Meng Sangqi looked back, scorned a smile, Shi Shiran went to her first, and asked the palace to give her a seat. How about taking charge of the palace, how about holding the Queen's treasure? On the position, you are still under me.

Her silent provocation is understandable to everyone, and the temple is silent. Shen Huiru clenched his fists with both hands, tight and loose, loose and tight. In the end, she still remembers that it was the Cining Palace, and she could not let her go. She finally smiled and covered her head to cover up the death of the scorpion.

The air was a little stagnant, after a long while, the golden curtain opened the bead curtain, please go to the main hall to see the palace, this broke the atmosphere in the field.

Too late to sit on the top, a Chinese costume, a face of the face, only one eye is a lot of pressure, a martial art immediately compared Shen Huiru this fake phoenix to the bottom of the mud.

The muscles on Shen Huiru's face were somewhat stiff, exposing her taboo on the Queen Mother. Seeing the sorrowfulness of the Queen’s side, she quickly gave her a look, and her heart settled immediately. For the time being, I will endure for ten days. After ten days, whether it is the court or the harem, she will have the final say.

The Queen Mother gave her a faint look, and she did not like her face, and her eyes were very calm. After the ceremony was completed, she first looked at Meng Sangyu. The serious expression was slightly soft. "How is the emperor injured?"

"Back to the Queen Mother, it is slightly better than yesterday, and it will be able to raise the government after five or six days." Meng Sangqi is also not interested, and even more unpleasant, very simple to explain.

The face of the Queen Mother was softer, and she took her hand and sat down beside her, but she ignored Chen Huiru. This woman will soon be eating her own evil fruit, she does not need to waste her expression on her.

The faces of the crowds are very wonderful, and they all look at Shen Huiru with subtle eyes. The Queen Mother is obviously more interested in Deok, the emperor is more embarrassed about the Queen Mother, and there is a post-mortem of the Queen Mother. It is not necessarily the one who falls to the back.

Shen Huiru hangs a smile, the old **** is there. But soon, the bursting of a woman with a cloaked face and a sly face broke her calm self-sufficiency.

The woman madly waved around the palace man, and flew to the feet of the Queen Mother. A thin and thin cheek was revealed from the hair, and it was actually Li Guifei who was confined to the cold palace.

Read The Duke's Passion