MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-Chapter 1

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The day of the postgraduate entrance examination results was Xu Can's twentieth birthday.

After checking the results, she didn't need to wait for the score line to come out - the first test was absolutely stable.

She finished the fight and went home happily, but there were two tall men blocking her door. The birthday present she received was given by a gangster in a leopard print coat and a gold chain, who brought her a court summons and a small bucket of red paint.

The eldest brother had a loud voice and told her to stand back and be careful not to be splashed.

Then he poured it on the wooden door, and the paint "slammed" down. The free-flowing pattern looked very much the soul of American street graffiti.

The iron bucket was thrown at the door, and then rolled a few times and fell to the concrete floor of the corridor, making several clanging sounds.

Before leaving, he ordered her to pay back the money quickly.

The elder brother didn't splash her on her, but she got too close, and the corners of the navy blue skirt were still stained with the red paint splashed when the iron bucket hit the door.

Xu Can opened the door, and before she could decide, she received a call from her father who flinched, hesitatingly, telling her that she had borrowed a little money and that she might need her help to pay it back. How much is the point, not much, 200,000, plus interest, it's only 235,000.

Xu Can couldn't hear what was being said on the phone.

She vaguely remembered that during her dark work and exam preparation, her father came to help her cook. Before leaving, she took a piece of white paper and asked her to write her name and said to show it off to Pharaoh. Her writing is beautiful.

The exams hanging in front of her had already overwhelmed her so she couldn't be distracted. Xu Can only knew that during that time, his father was helping his friends look at the warehouse, and he slept in the warehouse, and he could earn four or five thousand yuan a month.

It's been a long time since I got her into trouble.

Unexpectedly... She was only careless once. Just once, really...

Xu Can hung up the phone tiredly and went to sleep.

The next day I went to intercede, only to find that the 200,000 IOU was not her name.

The uncle of the honest Bajiao was full of tears, and his eyes were like calves, but the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were so deep that they seemed to be cut by a sharp knife.

Tell her that if he doesn't pay back the money, his children will have no money to see a doctor.

And the one she signed, the principal owed was 1.8 million. The creditor didn't come to remind, it is estimated that the interest is not too fat.

Xu Can had no choice, really had no choice.

She is good at reading, skips grades in school, and has good-looking words, but she really doesn't know how to make renminbi to fill her father's hole, and she really doesn't know how to avoid these burdens. It's so **** hard to live.

Niu Caoyan's uncle said that his son is waiting for help, so you can't go to school and let him die!

Xu Can said yes, this is really wrong. So I took out all the savings of 12,000 yuan that I had secretly saved and handed it to him.

Go up to the roof by yourself, take advantage of the darkness, climb over the guardrail, and plunge straight down.

Spitting blood from her mouth, lying on the hard asphalt ground, she only had one thought: she didn't even have time to look at Tong Mingyue again.

Unwilling, really unwilling.

"I heard that you didn't take the chemistry test?"

Xu Can was lying on the table, his shoulder was poked with a finger. She turned her head to the side, and two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks.

He was pale, and looked at her in a trance.

Guo Xiaoya was taken aback by her abnormal appearance, she hurriedly threw down the food in her hand, and reached out to touch her forehead, "What's wrong with you? Your body is really uncomfortable? Does it matter, can there be two doors to support tomorrow? Ah? "

The long-tube incandescent lamps in the dormitory are particularly bright, reflecting a circle in her pupils, a bright light.

Xu Can pursed his lips and said nothing.

Guo Xiaoya is backlit, her soft face lines appear slightly three-dimensional, her eyebrows are raised, her eyes appear larger, and she almost stares at her.

The bridge of the nose to the temples is dotted with cute little freckles. Open your mouth and keep talking.

Xu Can stared at Guo Xiaoya's face for a long time, calmly, and sighed, "Why did I see you last, what a waste..."


Guo Xiaoya was confused and didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't feel hot when she touched her forehead, so she dared to poke her shoulder a little harder, "Even if you don't go to the exam, you can't pass the exam, you have to cheer up..."

When she spoke, it reached Xu Can's ears and softened a lot of beats. The content of the words is as irrelevant as in a dream.

"Don't you just want to help, but was rejected by Professor Tong for three consecutive times! Cheer me up! I'll take you to her office after the test! As long as she is an associate professor without an independent office for one day, she will completely obliterate you for one day. !"


Guo Xiaoya's howling words were like thunder in her ears.

Xu Can's memory before jumping off the building was like waking up from a dream.

At this moment, the computer screen in front of him went dark.

Before it was completely darkened, Xu Can reached out and quickly touched the touchpad to check the time in the upper right corner.

Saturday afternoon, six-fourteen.

Click on the year...

Xu Can looked at Guo Xiaoya in disbelief: "A serious question, how many years is it now? What are we doing?"

"What's the matter, you are still catching up with the trend and crossing?"

Seeing that she was all right, Guo Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, carrying a plastic bag and hooking dinner to her table, "What are you dreaming about, there are two more doors tomorrow, you can think of a way, Xueba."

Xu Can opened his mouth, wanting to say that time-travel has long ceased to be trendy!

After swallowing the words, he turned to the cover of the textbook on the table, "Principles of Chemistry", and then opened it. There were large sections of ballpoint pen horizontal lines in the book, and the blank space was also the focus of dense notes.

There is also a "Structural Chemistry", which is also a long notebook.

She slowly remembered that it was before the final exam of her sophomore year. After two more exams, it was the winter vacation.

Looking at the full of review materials, Xu Can finally found some sense of reality.

Feeling the handwriting in the book, it is very kind, and the content is all familiar things, but...

She has already graduated to graduate school...

Anyone who has studied in college knows that the textbook from a year ago is basically the same as the textbook from the previous life. She's been through the ages!


Xu Can suddenly wanted to eat greasy food, found his wallet, and went to the cafeteria to buy fried chicken.

Unexpectedly, there was only a twenty-dollar bill in the wallet, and the old Baba was still missing a small corner. Poor, really poor.

However, tomorrow she will have a sum of money in her account. A full one hundred thousand dollars.

Guo Xiaoya was eating dinner, thinking that Xu Can had missed one of the exams, she was still a little worried, "Are you really all right? Why don't you rest early, anyway, you are almost done reviewing, so don't crawl..."

She turned her head, and a dry pot choked her throat, so hot that she burst into tears.

He lowered his head and coughed loudly and violently, " are you..."

With the small mirror in Xu Can's hand, he turned his face and pinned the broken hair behind his ear. He raised his eyes a little, and stared at her for two or three seconds, his eyes suddenly bent down, bright, "What's wrong? I can't look in the mirror."

Can be able.

But she is not the kind of person who looks in the mirror while studying.

Xu Can has a long fairy face, with naturally curved crow-black eyelashes, clear eyes, and the tail of the eyes is slightly downward. A slender nose and red, diamond-shaped lips. The facial features are just right, as if God had personally drawn a pen.

It's a pity that beauty can't be turned into a fairy tale castle in reality.

She looked in the mirror just to confirm.

In the past life, the underworld who came to collect debts took a knife and slashed his face, but the slash was not deep, and the wound healed well. The scars are light, but still a little scary. Now the skin is smooth, milky white, without the familiar shallow scar.

The chin is not so sharp, with childish baby fat.

Xu Can lowered his eyes and hid at the bottom of the table, clenching his fists tightly.

Since I can live a new life, I definitely don't... Absolutely, I can't be so embarrassed anymore.

Guo Xiaoya's thoughts were still in her glance just now, and she vaguely felt the faint heart, clutching her chest and saying, "What a hero to call me, I already have a boyfriend, call your professor Tong!"

Xu Can tutted lightly, "Half of the meal is for me."


Xu Can sat down beside her, rubbed his friend and roommate's spicy hot pot, and cried while eating.

Guo Xiaoting, a native of Sichuan, can't change her character, and she tried her best to add spicy food. But after the physiological tears flowed, I felt much better.

"Go review." Guo Xiaoting handed her a napkin and packed the box, "I went to take a shower."


Xu Can filled his stomach, went back to his desk to study hard, bit his pen, and looked at the familiar knowledge with a sense of strangeness, a kind of meaning that the Great Wall was torn down and rebuilt. But still happy.

She likes to study. A little bit of hard work can yield a little bit, and the effort spent on learning will never fail.

When Guo Xiaoting came back, she began to ask questions.

Guo Xiaoting answered a few questions, thinking she was proofreading the answers or testing her, but later found out that the meal seemed to have made her stupid.

Dianqun didn't understand, and even asked her for the calculation and derivation of institutional chemistry?

the next day.

Xu Can entered the examination room at ten o'clock. After writing the test paper, he looked up at the wall clock above the blackboard. It was eleven o'clock. There is still half an hour to submit the papers in advance.

She lay down to sleep bored.

The invigilator checked the question of the exam number many times, but still didn't give up dangling. He walked around the exam room and saw that someone was sleeping. When he came to her, he took out the test paper.

"Classmate, it's still early, don't give up," the invigilator shook the test paper, focused his eyes, and said the second half of the sentence, "Write more if you can..."

Beautiful handwriting, and the answer is correct.

Not a single one was left.

Xu Can rubbed his neck. The table in the open classroom was low, making it uncomfortable to fall asleep. "Teacher, I have finished writing."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding classmates frowning and biting the barrel of the pen thoughtfully turned their heads to look at her.

The invigilator put down the test paper, "Oh...oh...okay, then go to sleep."

"it is good."

Xu Can responded and fell back to sleep without hesitation.