MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-Chapter 16

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Xu Can walked over.

Tong Mingyue held a red pen and a cap in her hand. She wanted to close it, and suddenly asked, "Xu Can, where did you rank in the last math test?"

Xu Can was stunned when he heard the words.

He tilted his head and glanced at the podium, confirmed it with Wang Yuan's eyes, and said, "Probably... first?"

Wang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Tong Mingyue said, "What about physics?"

Xu Can said, "It should be the same."

Tong Mingyue snapped the cap on and continued to ask, "Language? English? Biology? History?"


Xu Can stopped talking, pouted, and looked down at the smooth floor tiles.

For a moment, he quietly raised an index finger.

Basically first place.

Except for chemistry.

Tong Mingyue smiled, but pointed to the stack of exam papers with her pen in her hand, and asked her, "Do you know where you ranked in the chemistry exam this time?"


Xu Can's upright fingers didn't move, they were raised in front of his chest, neither high nor low, silently adding another hand and holding up two.

After thinking about it, the left and right hands also exchanged positions.

Should be twenty one, right?

Tong Mingyue said lightly, "It's twenty-eight."

Xu Can snorted, and said in a low voice, not afraid of death, "I was twenty-nine last time."

"Is there still progress?"

Xu Can replied humbly, "Yes."

Tong Mingyue didn't speak, turned over the paper, and quickly pulled out her test paper from the middle.

In fact, her grades can't be considered low.

It's just that chemistry at this stage is not difficult at all. In the whole key class, students like Xu Qianwen who are in the middle and lower grades can get 90 points. Xu Can's score was mediocre, and of course the ranking was pulled a lot.

Tong Mingyue: "The last choice, didn't you just talk about a similar topic yesterday?"

Xu Can glanced at it and replied, "The strength of hydrolysis and ionization are confused."

"What about this one?"

Xu Can didn't even look at it, "I haven't learned the typical formula, so I can't even write it myself."

What Tong Mingyue pointed to and what she answered was justified.

"How do I feel that you actually do."

Xu Can's expression was serious: "...I think so too."


Tong Mingyue couldn't help laughing, picked up the water glass, tapped the bright red score with her fair fingers, and sighed.

"You really don't give me a chance."

Xu Can lowered his head as if admitting his mistake, and was disciplined obediently, twisting his hands behind his back. Actually trying to laugh.

This hateful remark.

Like a small feather brushing her heart, it tickled. It seemed to be attached to her ear.

At this moment, the school bell rang.

Tong Mingyue put her test paper back, opened the drawer of the small podium and stuffed it in, and no longer took it to the office, "It will be distributed tomorrow."

Xu Can replied, "Okay."

After Tong Mingyue replaces the class, the chemistry class represents a complete vegetarian meal. She only used Xu Can.

"Come with me and get your clothes."

Tong Mingyue tucked the chair back into the table and said, "I won't write the test paper today, go home early."

Xu Can followed behind her, oh well.

Go upstairs to the office.

Tong Mingyue's temporary residence was not two steps away from the school. She went back at noon and helped her wash and dry her school uniform so that it was neatly folded. Handed it to Xu Can, she didn't want to wear it in her hand, she just wanted to treasure it.

Tong Mingyue suddenly asked softly, "Do you like the original chemistry teacher?"

Xu Can was stunned, and after considering for a few seconds, he said, "Mr. Lin is a good person. Although she is a bit fierce, no one will hate her."

Tong Mingyue sat down, "The final exam is coming soon..."

In the second half of her sentence, she seemed to be thinking about whether to say it or not.

Xu Can listened, his heart lifted a little, and he vaguely realized that the next words were not casual.

Tong Mingyue pursed her lips and suddenly opened the second drawer of the desk.

Xu Can looked from top to bottom, and there were all kinds of snacks in cute packaging. I couldn't help but be surprised that he was so serious, it turned out that he was the type who especially liked snacks.

Tong Mingyue casually poured out the information in the portfolio on the table, put all the snacks in, and the thickened portfolio was full.

He handed it to her and said, "Take it back with you."

Xu Can: "Huh?"

Her face was full of doubts, "Why did you give me your snacks?" It was too obvious.

Tong Mingyue's lips twitched, and she took out a chocolate energy bar in her portfolio and shook it in front of her eyes. The colorful packaging also said in English that it was suitable for children.

"Do you think these are the things I like to eat at my age?"

Xu Can: "…"

Xu Can said, "How old are you?"

Tong Mingyue: "…"

She couldn't help but bow her head and smile, her eyes bright.

She raised her eyes and poked her cheek with a chocolate bar. "No matter how big or small, call me teacher." After thinking about it, she said, "You are yours all day long, and you have never called me teacher."

Xu Can smirked, lowered his eyes whether to cry or not, "It's not that he's not much older than me."

At twenty-three, she was nine years older than her.

Tong Mingyue threw the chocolate bar back and pinched her cheek: "Okay, let's go home early." She took out the test paper from the next class from the drawer and began to mark it.

Xu Can agreed.

Before turning around to go out, he habitually looked back once more.

I saw that Tong Mingyue said something softly. At a distance of two or three meters, Xu Can rolled his eyes the moment he recognized the shape of her mouth.

She said, "Little has no conscience..."

Xu Can walked to the door, and subconsciously ran back again, holding the thickened portfolio of snacks in his arms, smiling until his eyes curled, and said solemnly, "It's not that I have no conscience."

"Oh," Tong Mingyue's pen didn't pause, "I just don't like me very much."

She used a very dignified and generous expression, and her tone was gentle and sweet.

The corners of Xu Can's lips rose instantly.

Looking at the lines of her profile face, the long and slightly curled eyelashes, the bridge of the nose is straight, the smooth black hair is parted sideways, and a few strands of hair are scattered beside the ears and hang down to the neck. As if he was just talking casually, he approved the test papers without any sense of disobedience.

No response was heard for a while.

Tong Mingyue glanced at her, met her silly smile, and couldn't help but raise the corner of her lips: "What are you laughing at?"

"Cough..." Xu Can immediately looked away.

How could it be possible to say something nice and obedient to someone you like.

At this moment, Wang Yuan also entered the office.

She didn't care and stood Xu Can, and asked Tong Mingyue directly: "Mr. Tong, I heard that Mr. Lin has given birth to a child? The principal told you about this before."

Tong Mingyue hummed.

"Isn't it," Wang Yuan asked if Xu Can still needed to make up the class. When she got the answer of no, she continued to ask, "I heard from Teacher Li in the next class that the child was not saved?"

Seeing that she had no intention of avoiding Xu Can at all, Tong Mingyue glanced at Xu Can, but she also refused to leave, with a look on her face that she was about to finish listening.

"Well, it doesn't seem to hold."

Tong Mingyue was actually a little embarrassed. First, he didn't know if it was considered to be talking about other people's bad things, and secondly, it was still in front of the students. She would know about it sooner or later, and she didn't help to hide it.

"Hey, what a pity. It's five or six months old, that child."

The corners of Wang Yuan's lips moved. She wanted to ask, but was too afraid to ask. In the end, she asked, "Mr. Lin worked in a chemical factory two years ago. Do you think it has something to do with this? You can't get pregnant, can you?"

"It's not a big problem if you do a good job of protection. Even if it has an impact, it must have been two years after leaving the chemical plant..."

Seeing that the topic was going to be discussed in that direction, Xu Can suddenly interrupted and said, "Is Teacher Lin coming back?"

Wang Yuan glanced at them and said nothing.

Tong Mingyue was silent for two seconds, nodded lightly, and smiled, "Mr. Lin will be back the day after tomorrow."


Xu Can was dazed, and although his heart was cold, he still asked, "Then..."

Tong Mingyue said, "My substitute class is officially over."

The smile on her face was light.

Xu Can had nothing to say.

It was only when she found out her intentions and wanted to get closer to her that she was told that it was over. His mind was empty, there was neither resentment nor grief, and it was only slowly that some extremely sour sadness came up.

During the half-semester time spent together, I knew that Tong Mingyue came here to do a project during her Ph.D., and that her supervisor and the principal were friends.

Xu Can had forgotten how he got home.

She hid in the bed and cried like a child, but she didn't dare to make a sound, and bit her thumb. The next day, she had a fever, so she asked for leave and didn't go to school at home. She just didn't go to Tong Mingyue's last class.

Going to school again, Tong Mingyue is no longer there.

Wang Yuan brought her a small bag, saying it was given to her by Tong Mingyue.

Xu Can opened it and found a thick, soft-sided notebook filled with topics she wrote wrongly in the office recently. In the original question on each page, there are printed questions of the same type and knowledge points.

I don't know when I started helping her organize it.

A yellow sticky note is attached to the title page.

Just a few words above.

"Next time, chemistry must not be lower than mathematics!"

The handwriting is beautiful and elegant, and the writing is quite forceful.

Xu Can touched the school badge pattern in the upper left corner of the book and thought blankly that it was Tong Mingyue's school.

I don't know if she meant it or not.

Depressed for nearly two weeks, all subjects in the final exam were smashed in an avalanche style. Every time Xu Can faced the book, he felt very uncomfortable. Besides crying, he wanted to cry. Not interested in learning.

Finally made up my mind.

She gave up the key universities in the province that she wanted to take the exam, and set a higher goal. Xu Cannian's key high school is only the key point in a small third-tier city with weak basic education. In previous years, the school's first place could not be admitted to that top school.

Xu Can wiped away his tears, and spent the next two years immersed in the book test paper.

The college entrance examination fills in the volunteer, only fills in one school.

On the day of the freshman report, Tong Mingyue came out of the laboratory to help Qiu Wei and went to the auditorium to greet the student union of the department. Tell them that the new students who come in the afternoon will bring the training uniform of the leader in Building B, which will be used temporarily in the conference room of Building A.

After a circle of notification, Tong Mingyue was on her way to the cafeteria and met a student from the department with several freshmen. I was just looking at it casually.

Tong Mingyue suddenly stood still and followed closely with her eyes not far away.

Walking towards her, Lao Sheng saw her and said hello, "Hello, Teacher Tong."

The freshman behind him also said obediently, "Hello, teacher."

Tong Mingyue nodded and looked at the girl in the middle, without speaking. The corners of his lips curved for a while.

It was her from a distance.

That awkward little girl back then.

She stood in the sunlight where the tree shadows swayed, smiled obediently as if nothing had happened, looked at her and said softly, "Hello, Teacher Tong..."

Ordinary hello.

Tong Mingyue responded, and without waiting for the second half of the sentence, she subconsciously replied, "Long time no see."

Xu Can was stunned.

Her eyes shone brightly, her nose wrinkled slightly, and she smiled very childishly.

"Well, long time no see." He lowered his eyes, with a smile that he couldn't hide.

The shadows of the trees swayed, and the sun was shining.

At that moment, Tong Mingyue had been coaching for so many years.

happiest time.

Read The Duke's Passion