MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-Chapter 34

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Xu Can heard the seemingly non-existent movement, so he was too busy to look at it again, closed the diary, and hurriedly covered a few pages of thesis paper back and moved the position.

Make sure that you can't see that it has been flipped, and sit back again.

After a few seconds, Tong Mingyue walked in with a wooden tray, looked at the screen and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

Xu Can nodded subconsciously.

"No... not afraid."

When I accidentally stumbled, I felt extremely scared.

Tong Mingyue hurriedly sat down to watch with her.

In the movie, two murderous couples with chainsaws appeared, laughing extremely loudly. Hearing it was frustrating.

They ran after the hero's team.

Xu Can was stunned for a moment, and somehow felt that the opportunity had come. Pointing to the screen, he blurted out a sentence: "Are you going to find a boyfriend?"

Tong Mingyue: "…"

Xu Can: "…"

Tong Mingyue rarely understood: "...what do you mean?"

Xu Can: "Ah, nothing... I... I just asked casually..."

Tong Mingyue looked at the couple in the movie, the man was already scratching the little girl's stomach with a chainsaw, and the picture was bloody.

It's a deliberately uncomfortable shot.

She raised her hand to cover the scene in front of Xu Can.

Xu Can's eyes were dark, only a little light leaked from the bottom of his eyes, when he heard her answer lightly from the top of his head. Said: "I don't have this plan yet."


Xu Can said "Oh", pursing his lips tightly and not wanting to laugh, he still laughed with two deep dimples.

The rainstorm is over, the wind stops, and the trees are quiet. There is also a curved rainbow bridge in the sky.

The one hour movie is over.

Xu Can didn't mention why he was unhappy yesterday, and Tong Mingyue didn't ask any further. So tacitly reconciled.

However, it may be Xu Can's wishful thinking of reconciliation.

After all, nothing happened to Tong Mingyue.

Wait until you get back to your home.

Xu Can still couldn't sleep. Over and over, she thought about the one in Tong Mingyue's diary, who liked her so much. Who will it be? After thinking about it, she didn't even let Qiu Wei, who had just married, let go...I wondered if it was possible.

Weigh again and again, think in every possible way.

I felt that the "she" in the diary was definitely not wrong.

Xu Can frowned, but he wasn't completely unhappy. After all, she couldn't leave her alone.

Make her feel like a middle-class scholar.

It's just that I haven't had time to be proud of the horseshoe disease, and I immediately heard that the dynasty is going to be changed. Makes people feel apprehensive.

It was yesterday, she was too jealous, did she feel something?

Should be some distance away...

When Xu Can thought of the words that appeared in front of him, his heart ached and his breathing became more difficult.


If she likes her, doesn't she like herself?

Xu Can did not know.

She even wondered if the diary was printed on the cover, could it be just the dialogues and movie lines she excerpted from the book or something. But Tong Mingyue should not have such a hobby, and secondly, Xu Can did not find the source of the sentence on the Internet.

Xu Can didn't understand even more, how could she let her leave...

Obviously it's the other way around.

This matter is in the bottom of my heart, and before school starts, there is no solution to the problem.

Xu Can went to the barber shop to cut his hair, and wanted to cut it shorter, maybe he could figure it out.

Sitting down, Tony the hairdresser asked her what haircut she wanted.

Xu Can was absent-minded: "Whatever, just cut it short."

"Just cut it short?"

The barber held the slender silver scissors, and said with a smile, "How about I cut you a bald head."

He was just casually joking and amusing words.

Xu Can almost thought he was making fun of himself.

After calming down for a few seconds, he said stubbornly: "Please cut it flat, it is 1.532 cm shorter, thank you."


Xu Can said in his heart, "Humph."

Xu Can came out of the barber shop, and in the afternoon, he still had the last photoshoot for the summer vacation.

Go straight to the studio. It's still early, today's work is very leisurely, and the boss even greeted everyone to have something to eat before taking pictures.

Several little girls expressed that they would not eat.

They all gathered around the only male model, Yang Rui, and listened to his story: "Hey, why did you get rid of Chen Rou so quickly, who is the new girl? What kind of nirvana do you have in chasing girls? "

"Don't be all around here."

Yang Rui dropped out of junior high school and came out of the society a long time ago. At the age of less than 30 years old, he has a beautiful face that is harmless to humans and animals, and he likes to blush.

The eyelashes are black and long, the lips are red and the teeth are white, but she is not very girly. When he smiled, the corners of his lips were upturned, and now he was lying on the silkworm bulging, and there was a kind of warm sunshine in the spring breeze, which made people feel good.

Even if all the girls present knew he was a big scumbag. From the standpoint of a bystander, I can't hate him.

Xu Can listened to them silently.

She is always on the sidelines in this circle, neither violating nor integrating.

"Okay," he explained, seemingly unable to hold back the soft words of the girls, "I just asked her for a drink, and when she came I was drunk. Then I kissed her on the face, and she didn't. Resist and we'll be together the next day."

"What," the girls insisted, "it must be a lie. Aren't you afraid she will slap you?"

Yang Rui said innocently: "Before I do this, I must not make her hate me. I'm drunk, I just kissed her face. Will you slap your friends because of this?"

"Okay, after kissing the face, what if she pushes you away and scolds you?"

"Look into her eyes when kissing. If you don't resist, continue kissing on the mouth. If you have a bad reaction, step back quickly. Then look down and make an expression more aggrieved than her. Well, that What is the word, love so deeply that it is difficult for oneself?"

"You're pretty bad. You're drunk anyway, right? You can go in and out..."

"What about Chen Rou, did she win this trick too..."

Xu Can listened to their bragging before, and they all went in from the left ear and out of the right ear, but this time it was really enlightening. Although it is not a very clever move, it is indeed a way to break the deadlock.

Xu Can moved this thought.

But after thinking about it for a while, my heart began to pound...

Xu Can finished work and immediately went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of liquor, not giving himself time to hesitate. Stay home and drink alone.

Baijiu was suffocated when Sprite sipped, so hot that she burst into tears. Xu Can had never drank liquor before, so he didn't know that it was completely different from beer.

Dizzy after a few bites. Xu Can put down the cup and stood up slowly, holding the edge of the table, feeling dizzy again, and his stomach was hot.

The footsteps are out of my control.

She thought desperately, she couldn't get to Tong Mingyue's house, she had to lie down on the floor and sleep for the night.


After slowing down for an unknown amount of time, the body was barely able to control it. The wine is strong and cowardly.

Take a step, go and knock on Tong Mingyue's door.

After drinking it, I know intellectually that I am not normal, and my brain still feels that it is in a good state.

Xu Can blushed, looked Tong Mingyue up and down a few times, and smiled cheerfully: "I thought you were quite tall, but it's almost the same."

Tong Mingyue: "?"

She froze for a moment, and reached out to cover her forehead, seeing that her body temperature was normal.

Just pure drinking.

With a slight frown, he pulled her into the door: "Did you go out with your classmates and how much did you drink?"

Xu Can stared at her with a smile, and he couldn't help but laugh when he saw her anyway.

Tong Mingyue often wears high heels outside, half a head taller than Xu Can. Now stepping in flat slippers, she is actually a little taller than her. One meter sixty-eight.

Xu Can was dizzy, his eyesight was not good, he felt how Tong Mingyue had become shorter.

"Why have you become shorter?" She said out loud, feeling very good about herself, "Shorter than me."

Tong Mingyue: "…"

She put her hand on Xu Can's shoulder and pushed her to the bar to sit down. She was helpless and funny, "How much did you drink? Are you still drunk?"

The last sentence was a very gentle tone.

Xu Can's ears were hot, and he suddenly became obedient. Silently watched her pour water for herself.

Whispered: "Don't be a drunkard."

"I'll educate you tomorrow," Tong Mingyue said with a smile in her eyes when she saw this rare stupid look. She couldn't help pinching the soft flesh on her cheek, and handed her the water glass, "Take two sips first."

Xu Can: "…"

She blushed and lowered her eyes. She didn't pick up the water glass, but looked up at her while holding her cheeks.

Lips twitched, there was a silly and silly atmosphere.

Tong Mingyue couldn't help but bent her lips, walked over, and put the glass on her face.

When the cool temperature came, Xu Can turned his head and hummed, "You take it away..."

"Drink some water first." Tong Mingyue chuckled and coaxed, "Then tell me if I have a headache or not."

I don't know if I should buy some hangover medicine.

I'm afraid she will have a headache the next day.

After half a sound, Xu Can didn't move, and had to let Tong Mingyue hold the cup and feed it to her lips.

Xu Cancai took a few sips of water slowly.


She lowered her long eyelashes and her eyes fell on her hand holding the water glass. The knuckles are white, and the hands are slender and beautiful.

I really want to try it...

I have long thought of that.

Xu Can drank a little sluggishly and dazedly, and he had the idea of ​​using alcohol to make trouble.

From the heart, I really stretch out my hand.

It's like an action to get a cup by yourself.

But he gently covered Tong Mingyue's hand.

Tong Mingyue paused and looked up at her, as if to pull out her hand.


Xu Can lowered his eyes and watched silently.

He didn't speak, but his eyes looked aggrieved like a lonely and bullied little animal. Unconsciously or not, he puffed out his cheeks slightly and looked at her faintly.

Tong Mingyue: "…"

She raised her lips, her eyebrows were helpless and a little even, as if to say, okay, it's okay.

Not trying to pull my hand back.

Xu Can stared straight at her. Alcohol made his body sluggish, but his brain turned quite fast, thinking hard for a while.

What to do now?

Can think clearly not suitable for drunk people.

She held Tong Mingyue's hand, and the temperature under her palm was cold and incredibly soft.

Xu Can looked at her calm appearance, dull and puzzled, why his heart was beating so fast.

Why is my heart beating so fast?

In hindsight, a strong resentment spread. At that moment, I resented her a little, always so calm and calm, watching her perform a one-man show.

Xu Can didn't know what to think.

Holding Tong Mingyue's hand, he suddenly touched it hard. That kind of technique was especially like the wretched old man who sexually harassed the little girl in the TV series.

The skin on the back of the hand is as delicate as sebum, which makes people not want to loosen it.

"Little hooligan..." Tong Mingyue pulled out her hand and lightly hit her on the back of her hand, "Can you sober up after eating tofu?"

After speaking, he turned and walked away.

The little hooligan Xu Can couldn't help being stunned when she saw her gone.

Before I had time to feel wronged, I heard the sound of water rushing from the kitchen.

After a while, Tong Mingyue came over with a glass bowl filled with fruit, which was full of strawberries. Put it down and push it in front of her.

"Eat some strawberries."

Xu Can didn't move, and with a glance, he retracted his eyes, not interested.

He pursed his lips and shook his head.

"Hurry up and eat," Tong Mingyue urged in a warm voice, "if you're still dizzy, you'll have to take hangover pills later."

The fructose in fruit can accelerate the catabolism of ethanol oxidation.

Xu Can looked up at her lazily, and said, "Then you feed me."


Tong Mingyue really picked up a small strawberry, the color was bright, and it looked like she was going to bring it to her lips. As soon as Xu Can opened her mouth, she turned around and ate it by herself.

He raised her chin with a chuckle: "You have no hands?"

Xu Can lowered his head and made a gesture to bite her finger.

"It's not a puppy either," Tong Mingyue shrank back and chuckled softly, "It still bites you."

Xu Can pursed his lips, and played with his fingers on the hem of his clothes: "Wang Ao!"

Tong Mingyue laughed again, stuffed a strawberry into her mouth as if surrendered, and said, "Ah, open your mouth."

Xu Can opened his mouth, the strawberry was quite big, and took a bite from her hand.

Cheeks twitched, round eyes still looking at her.

In the empty mind, I only feel hazy and satisfied. I would like time to stop here tonight.

Going to bite the remaining half, the soft lips grabbed her fingers and wiped it lightly before eating the whole strawberry into her mouth.

Xu Can's reaction was slow, but he didn't pay attention.

Tong Mingyue's eyes flickered, and after feeding one, she retracted her hand.

She pushed the glass bowl towards her, and said warmly, "Eat it by yourself, darling."

Xu Can subconsciously obeyed.

Grab your own strawberries and eat them. Gradually, the dizziness became less.

Xu Can's drinking capacity as an ordinary person actually didn't drink too much, but it was the first time she drank white wine, and she was anxious and bored, so she was so high. The dizziness comes and goes quickly.

Tong Mingyue looked at her with concern: "Do you feel a headache?"

"No..." Xu Can shook his head slightly.

Xu Can was eating strawberries, looked at her brightly, and suddenly pursed his lips. A small round dimple was sunken on her white, flushed cheeks. So cute, makes me want to poke it.

Tong Mingyue bent her lips: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm thinking…"

Xu Can leaned over, raised his face, and smiled sweetly and silly, "Your eyelashes are so long, do you usually wear glasses that will hold you down?"

"No," Tong Mingyue said, taking off the glasses from the bridge of her nose. Fold it up and put it on the side.

She is more than 200 degrees, not too deep, so she can wear it or not at home.

The headlights in the living room were not turned on, and the light in the small bar was dim, and the light was soft and melted into the edge of the night. The two just sat quietly.

Xu Can's breathing slowed down a lot.

She had her back to the light, and Tong Mingyue sat beside her, her face bright and half-dark.

As soon as she took off her glasses, her vision blurred a lot. She frowned deeply and closed her long eyelashes before opening them again.

He found that Xu Can was getting closer.

Boldly, she leaned over and quickly brushed a kiss on her lips.

lips fell to hers.

The nose is full of light alcohol and strawberry sweetness.

Light and soft.


Tong Mingyue's body suddenly froze.

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