MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-Chapter 50

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Xu Can's throat moved slightly, what else could she say, and at the moment when her mind was blank, she nodded directly and said, "That's good... okay."

Tong Mingyue smiled, still staring at her, as if saying: hurry up and call.


When Xu Can stared at her like this, her hands trembled, and when she dialed the phone to the front desk to pick up, she said "hello".

Hearing the sweet tone of doubt at the front desk, I realized that I had to switch to English. Explain the reason for the itinerary and need to cancel the reservation of the room.


hang up the phone.

Xu Can pressed the phone screen, raised his eyes, and glanced at her slightly.

Tong Mingyue sat up, her long black hair was slightly messed up on her shoulders, with some laziness on her shoulders, she casually lifted it and kept it behind her ears. With a very dignified smile, he said, "Would you like to go out and wait for me?"

Xu Can's eyes slid down, and conditioned reflexively, he glanced at the lines outlined by the quilt.

Well, after all, you don't wear pants to sleep.

"Oh..." She quickly lowered her eyes, her Adam's apple moved slightly, and quickly turned around and walked out of the room first.

Close the door.

Xu Can stopped at the door for a few seconds, still thinking about the image of her lying on the bed. It's the closest they've ever gotten to each other.

react again...

Are you going to stay overnight? ?

After dinner.

Drive to a nearby large supermarket.

While thinking about the daily necessities he still lacks, Xu Can asked, "What are you going to buy?"

Tong Mingyue pushed the shopping cart, seemed to think for a moment, and then picked up a pack of tissue papers from the discount shelf next to her.

"Well, that's it."


Xu Can stared at the packs of paper: "...Is this what it is?"

Tong Mingyue's face didn't change: "Well, that's it." Then he pushed the shopping cart forward, looking at the shelves next to him, "Are you going to buy some daily necessities, stationery tapes?"

Xu Can: "…"

She wondered if she remembered it wrong, and recalled it in place for a few seconds.

Looking at Tong Mingyue's back pushing the shopping cart.

That's right, it was Tong Mingyue who accompanied him to the supermarket to buy things.

Why does it seem to be reversed?

In the end, Xu Can bought all kinds of daily necessities that were inconvenient in China in the supermarket.

Also bought a lot of fresh vegetables and ingredients.

Carrying two large bags, go home.


The streets of foreign countries are obviously much quieter than domestic ones after dark. Stores close early.

There was no one on the side of the road.

Outside the window, it was completely dark.

In the car going back and forth, Xu Can could barely keep his composure, talking and laughing freely. When she got back to her apartment, she couldn't help panicking.

Although I have been a neighbor, I have never been in the same room all day.

Put the two big bags on the small bar first.

Tong Mingyue turned around and turned on the light.

It was late at night outside, and it was quiet inside. Xu Can not only enjoyed Tong Mingyue's excitement around him, but he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy and thought about it.

This apartment, as a single living, is of course very spacious and comfortable. Although it is not difficult to live with two people.

But Tong Mingyue has only one master bedroom and no guest room.

Xu Can twisted for a long time and didn't dare to ask where she was going to sleep.

The two of them were packing their things.

"You said I'm applying for a dormitory in the school, or outside the school." Xu Can lowered his eyes and asked a little at a loss, not thinking about this issue.

In fact, the difference between inside and outside the school is not big, and she is not bothered at all.

"Stay here with me," Tong Mingyue opened the door of the refrigerator, put the things that need to be refrigerated, and said with a smile, "The school is within two kilometers, and there are occasional pickups."

The tone was calm, not like a joke.

Xu Can raised his face abruptly: "Then why are you embarrassed..."

Hearing this, Tong Mingyue turned her head, rolled her eyes, and went to bring the big bag of tea on the bar counter, and said with a gentle smile, "I have already collected the rent."

Put the tea leaves in the refrigerator.

Close the refrigerator door.

Xu Can's heart skipped a beat at the simple words between her frown and smile. I even meditated in my heart, wishing time would stop at this moment.


The moon hanging on the horizon, faintly shining down, the golden brilliance does not change. It exists quietly in the dark night, as if to burn out a pattern in the darkness, looking down at the faint lights on the roadside.

Half silent.

Xu Can quickly packed up all his things.

Tong Mingyue asked, "Do you want to watch a movie at night? I have a few horror movies with good reviews in my computer."

Xu Can said curiously, "When did you become interested in horror movies?"

"No," Tong Mingyue said with a smile, "because you seem to like it."

Xu Can: "…"

She pursed her lips and was speechless again. I thought she liked the horror movies she watched to pretend to be pitiful, so she went to learn about horror movies with good reputation?

Xu Can pursed his mouth and said quickly, "I don't want to watch it."

Tong Mingyue: "Okay." After finishing her things, she turned off the light in the kitchen and said, "Do you want to take a shower first?"

After thinking for a while, she took out another bottle of drink from the refrigerator, ready to put it away first. Not so cold, let her drink it after bathing.

Xu Can watched her movements and did not answer.

This is cohabitation!

Why can she be so nonchalant.

And keep her here.

She doesn't know if she'll be nervous, doesn't she think there's something wrong with her... Or, because she's of the same sex, she can even be considered a junior, so it doesn't matter?

Just take care of it?

Tong Mingyue was too gentle, but it made Xu Can aggrieved, and his heart was heavy. Thinking of her liking for herself, it is likely not the kind of liking she wants.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

Tong Mingyue raised her eyes and saw the wetness in her eyes, she couldn't help being stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Can was speechless.

I don't know what to say, and I don't want to say it's okay. She's in trouble.

Tong Mingyue took out a tissue, stared at her face worriedly, and was silent for a moment, waiting for her to speak.

After a while, Xu Can's heart became more and more blocked, and there was nothing he could do when he was angry.

Long eyelashes blinked and tears fell.


It was fine just now.

Tong Mingyue frowned slightly, not understanding what happened suddenly, and did not continue to ask. She picked up a tissue and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.

pause for a moment.

She held her hand lightly.


Xu Can couldn't stop crying.

All her senses were concentrated on her hand, which was warm, delicate and soft. She looked down, suddenly turned her hand over, palm facing up, and held her with her backhand.

It is a very intimate gesture of interlocking fingers.

Xu Can's heart was beating, and he looked at her expression from under his long eyelashes. Luckily there was no impatience or anything like that...

Tong Mingyue bent her lips, but did not take it away.

He just chuckled and said, "It's not a child..."

"It wasn't originally," Xu Can was rebellious because of her tolerant and indulgent words. Originally, this kind of rebellious emotion was a little fearless.

"You always say that I am a child, and I sometimes feel sad."

Xu Can: "In the nine years behind you, I've been chasing it desperately!"

Xu Can: "You know that I like you, right?"


Xu Can got his wish, and saw a stunned expression on Tong Mingyue's face.


After she finished speaking in one breath, she became so nervous that her breathing was unnatural, and she was afraid of being pushed away by her. I don't want to see any frowns or expressions of disgust from her. If I could calm down just now, these words would never be said.

With the panic that came up, the tears she just stopped rolling down again.

In sight, her face was hazy through a layer of transparent film. The subconscious uses this method to escape her possible indifference.

Tong Mingyue raised her hand silently to wipe her tears, and kept staring at her face.

After a while, he said softly, "Don't cry."

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

The sound is a little harsh.

Xu Can's heart froze when he heard the words, and his tears fell even more fiercely. He lowered his eyes, while his mind was racing around how to end it, even if he was rejected.

She absolutely did not want, could not accept the ending of fading out of her world.

Only this one doesn't work.


Xu Can sobbed, feeling that he was crying like a mess, and saying "I like you" in his mouth was too unprofessional.

No wonder she was called a child, she was extremely immature, who would like someone like her...

A strong sense of self-loathing came over me.

Xu Can couldn't see her expression, but her still soft voice came from above her head.

"do not Cry."

Tong Mingyue couldn't wipe the tears from her cheeks.

The movement paused, and suddenly with a little strength, she pulled away the hand that covered her eyes.

"I don't know how to coax her," she leaned forward slightly, raised Xu Can's chin, and wiped the tears on her cheeks gently, in a gentle and serious tone, "If you cry again, I can only kiss you."


Xu Can held his breath and stared at her blankly.

Closed too fast, and a little hiccup. "I…"

Tong Mingyue held her in his arms and stroked her back with his hands, speaking a little slowly, looking very cautious, "I'm sorry, I made you cry."


"Cancan," she turned her gaze slightly, as though embarrassed to meet her, "...I like you too."

Then he said softly to himself, "Great, it really wasn't my wishful thinking."

The word "wishful thinking" was uttered by her in this tone of expression.

Xu Can couldn't even breathe well.

She blushed instantly. She didn't know which emotion between shyness and excitement prevailed, and she muttered, "But you clearly rejected me before... What does it mean to rather move Qianjiangshui than not to be human."

He couldn't help but hide his face in her arms, wrapping his arms around her waist. The heart is still shaking, not very real ecstasy. She said she liked her too!

"It is said on the Internet that it disturbs the meaning of the monks' sins and karma."

"How is that possible..." Tong Mingyue showed an obviously unexpected look, "I'm not a monk either."

"Then what did you mean then?" Xu Can hugged her tightly, acting like a spoiled child.

"Probably," Tong Mingyue brought her face closer, a short distance that could be kissed at any time, and stared at her cheek, "I'm also a little resentful... Qianjiangshui can be messed up by you, how can I hide from it? ."

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