MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-~ Section II.

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Xu Can did not come, she took sick leave.

The head teacher said it was just a fever, not serious.

Tong Mingyue thought, then she should be back to class in the afternoon.

She should have packed up her things and left at noon, but she promised to make an appointment with other teachers in the office, thinking of leaving later.

She wanted to tell her to study hard.

I want to tell her that next time, chemistry is not allowed to be lower than mathematics.


I want to see this little girl again.

As a result, she stayed in the office until the sunset was full of oranges and didn't wait for her.

Goodbye is on the pedestrian street of Songjiang University.

On the way from the small auditorium to the canteen, there were many students who brought new students through various procedures and checked into the dormitory. Occasionally, students in this department will greet her when they see her.

She nodded, looked over, and couldn't help bending the corner of her lower lip.

actually met again.

Many, many years later, Tong Mingyue can still clearly recall the scene at that time, the sun was shining, the wind was blowing with the shadows of the trees on the ground swaying, and the leaves were blowing to the corners.

Standing at the other end was that awkward little girl.

When I came back from a business trip, I found that her new neighbor was her.

Tong Mingyue was stunned at first, and her happiness was inevitably accompanied by other thoughts. There was always a reason behind the coincidence. Coincidence to a certain extent, can not be simply described as coincidence.

But when she saw her helping her install the cabinet, she said nothing on the surface, and at the same time the corners of her lips rose slightly. Whether the eyes are very calm or the kind of smile that comes out, the dimples appear from time to time.

Tong Mingyue didn't ask anything, and didn't say anything.

I don't know why.

Can't go on like this.

Tong Mingyue is not a person who sticks to the rules, but she does not dare to despise and blaspheme the word "teacher morality". Students are students at school.

It's normal for her to be dependent on her, and it's cute that she's possessive towards her.

But she can't...

Tong Mingyue fell asleep.

Both reason and morality told her that she should be distanced from her and keep a distance.

What is teacher morality? Teachers can never lead students' temporary dependence on themselves and lead them in the wrong direction. This is the basic thing in the basics.

But she was reluctant to... reluctant to distance herself or stay away completely.

There was no more time for her to think about being deaf and dumb, and the countermeasures for both.

The little girl ran over drunk and kissed her.

Although she was full of alcohol and her cheeks were red, Tong Mingyue knew that she was sober, or at least conscious.

After the lips quickly brushed a kiss on her lips, she clearly did not dare to look directly.

Those eyes don't lie.

Tong Mingyue's heart beat faster. Silently, it took a long time to resist the urge to squeeze her chin and kiss back.

She's a teacher, she can't do this.

Xu Can said that he did not want to be her student.

She gave up the opportunity of postgraduate research in this school, and re-prepared, and went all the way to study for a master's degree abroad. Why, people who can't see it can only pretend to be blind on purpose.

She has many scruples, and she is far more firm, brave and persistent than her.

Tong Mingyue didn't know what good she had to get all the love from this little girl.

All I know is that it's nothing but luck.


The wedding is of course carefully arranged, but it is not the pursuit of grand, simple and warm enough.

Only my best friends and close colleagues were invited.

A typical English church wedding, the process is also simple.

While Xu Can was wearing her wedding dress and doing her hairstyle, Guo Xiaoya was chatting beside her, talking about all kinds of fun things. When two cute little flower girls with blond hair came over, they were going to the church.

Guo Xiaoya suddenly cried softly.

Xu Can was stunned and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"No...I...I just feel that it's not easy for you to come this way, it's so nice, it's so **** romantic, and this wedding dress is so beautiful..."

As she spoke, her tears fell.

Xu Can's heart is also mixed, but happiness occupies the absolute top, raised his lips and smiled, patted her shoulder and said, "Okay, then you will cry for me today."

Guo Xiaoya sniffed, carefully wiping away her tears so as not to smudge her eyeliner: "I think so too, but wait for Professor Tong to say a few words, you must cry."

Xu Can chuckled: "I don't cry, this is the happiest day of my life! Why should I cry?"

Everyone was amused by her.

After the witnesses finished speaking, they exchanged rings.

Tong Mingyue hooked her lips, always smiling and looking at each other.

I heard her laugh softly.

Whispered: "I'm a little nervous..."

Xu Can heard her calm and smiling tone, thought she was joking, looked down and saw that her hand holding the ring was indeed a little unnatural, only then did she realize that she was really nervous.

Xu Can couldn't help but laugh.

Tong Mingyue opened the ring box, moving neither fast nor slow, and said with a smile, "I obviously don't have any advantages, but I am so liked by you."

"I'm just afraid that I'm not good enough, but I still want to hold you, otherwise, there will be a second bright sun in this world."

Her voice was soft, with a gossip-like tone but a very serious expression.

Xu Can paused and blinked, the roots of his eyelashes were already wet. I couldn't help grinding my teeth, and whispered, "I don't cry..."

Tong Mingyue raised a smile on her lips, took her hand, and put on her ring with her eyes down.

"Well, don't cry, there are so many people around to take pictures."

Raising his eyes, his eyes are so gentle that they can melt people, "Because you are by my side, I think that no matter what happens, it will always be beautiful. From now on, you are my legal wife."

"The rest of my life is fine, I just have to worry about the afterlife."

As a result, the three cameras next to him captured all-round shots without any blind spots. Xu Can went from being shy to bursting into tears, and then to crying into a small cat.

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