MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 1

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A violent dizziness hit her, Tang Li's eyes went dark, and when she opened it again, she found herself in an unfamiliar place.

The air was filled with the aroma of coffee and hot milk, and the humming of the machine could be vaguely heard. She was sitting by a window on the second floor, and she could see the crowd on the street when she looked down.

Where is this, coffee shop?

Memories seemed to be entangled in his mind, and Tang Li was currently in a fog, except for his name, everything else seemed to be covered in fog, and he couldn't see it clearly.

She rubbed her forehead and heart, and suddenly, a clear and cold voice poured into her auricle, which instantly drowned out the humming sound:

"Miss Tang, have you read the agreement?"

protocol? what agreement?

Tang Li lowered his head and saw that he was holding a thick contract in his hand, which was densely filled with words, and the four small characters "Marriage Agreement" were printed in the upper right corner.

There was a woman sitting across from him.

The man's skin was very pale, and he wore a black suit with his neckline buttoned to the top. His long hair flowed down his shoulders like ink, hanging down at his slender waist, looking cold and precious.

She smiled and looked at herself, her eyes bottomless.

Yo, big beauty.

Tang Li smiled in response, and her eyes lit up.

Although the memory is vague, but this porcelain-like fragile, rare cold beauty really hits her aesthetic point precisely.

As if responding to her heart, a strange prompt sounded suddenly in her ears: "Ding dong, congratulations on your successful crossing!"

【Bound characters】

Name: Tang Li

Identity: The only daughter of the Tang family

Differentiation: Alpha

Tang Li looked around subconsciously, but the voice came directly into his mind: "The main page of the system has been unlocked, the keywords [marriage contract], [a little sweet] have been unlocked, [task goal] and [notes] have been updated, do you want to do it right away? Check?"

Is this the legendary "system"?

quite advanced.

"Your current situation is very dangerous, should you check immediately—" Tang Li quickly turned off the screen as soon as the system spoke, "Shut up, I'll see later."

The beauty said lightly: "Miss Tang hasn't replied for so long, do you regret it, or do you want to give up this engagement directly?"

Her long eyelashes curled into a smile, looking at her with a mocking and biting gaze, without any intention of concealing it.

Tang Li let the other party look at it generously, but her eyes fell on her hand covering the table.

Slim and beautiful, with clear joints, there is a thin callus on the pen, and there seems to be something hidden in the cuffs.

Not easy to deal with.

But it looks... unexpectedly pleasing to the eye.

"I never said I was going to give up this engagement."

Tang Li weighed the pen in his hand, hid the sharp nib, smiled politely, and explained warmly, "I just need time to look at the contract and think about it."

At present, there is too little information, and the background and identity of the story are unknown. Whether it is actions or words, we should be more cautious.

You can't make a decision right away, that's what Tang Li judged.

The beauty smiled: "Really?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled "bang", the glass slammed into the table fiercely, the ice cubes slammed violently, and transparent water gushed out, slowly flowing down her fine white and beautiful knuckles.

Tang Li's brows twitched, and her body instantly sat upright.

The pen turned around in his hand, the tip of the pen was facing outward, glowing a little cold light, and it was lightly pressed under the pulp of the index finger.

"Miss Tang is still not satisfied?" The beauty was half-smiling, and her voice became colder, "You have carefully planned for so long to push me to this point at all costs, isn't it just for this engagement?"

Tang Li: "???"

What, what have I done? I don't know at all!

She had the illusion that she was suddenly thrown back to the day of the college entrance examination after many years of graduation. The papers were densely packed with aggregate functions and cones.

System: I always feel that someone is talking bad about me.

"Of course, I will give you a reasonable explanation."

Tang Li didn't know what to explain at all, but she laughed so lightly and confidently that she almost fooled the system.

She straightened up, leaned forward, put her five fingers on the contract, and smiled lightly: "But not now-please wait a moment, I'll be right back."

The beauty looked at her vigilantly: "Where?"

Tang Li put the pen in his pocket, eyebrows drooping slightly, and his voice was gentle: "To the bathroom. If you are worried about me running away, you are welcome to come with me."



After a strange silence, the beauty said coldly, "No."

Under the watchful eyes of the other party, Tang Li walked calmly, walked around the corner, finally couldn't hold back, and whistled.

The system popped up: "You have a good reaction on the spot, you can barely handle it - do you want to check the updated content?"

Tang Lipi smiled but didn't smile: "Of course I have to see it. It really helped me a lot when I came up and threw me into such a thrilling place."

The system shivered silently.

The blue light spots gathered, forming a translucent screen in front of him, slowly displaying two lines of large characters:

SSS **** level super difficult script:

"Koukoukoukoukou: The marriage contract is a little sweet"

"...Wow." Tang Limei's heart skipped a beat, "Can this plot pass the trial?"

System: "That's your filthy thinking! The box in the title of the book is the key word of the plot, which will be unlocked only after certain conditions are triggered."

"That's it."

Tang Li flicked his fingertips and browsed the following content:

Raiders Character No. 1: [To be unlocked]

Raiders Character No. 2: [To be unlocked]

mission target:

1: [to be unlocked]

2: Maintain the marriage contract and save the bankrupt Tang family [New]

Note: [to be unlocked]

1-3: [Read Error]

4: Don't trust other people

The moment I saw the system screen, the messy memories just now became clear, and the sequence and context were sorted out.

In the real world, Tang Li found a place called "Crossing the Bureau". After a lot of hard work, she successfully got the opportunity to enter the script world.

However, looking at the empty, tattered screen in front of him, Tang Li couldn't help but say, "To be honest, aren't you really an 18-ban system?"

System: "...No."

Tang Li sneered: "Then what happened to the [to be unlocked] of this blockbuster? Do you have any useful information for me? Is there any?"

"Everyone's time travel comes with spoilers. Why don't you tell me the plot, and you don't even know the name of a strategy character?"

"Because it's an SSS **** level script!"

The system is excited and frustrated:

"You need to rely on your own efforts to capture different characters, unlock hidden content, supplement unfinished plots, and after completing the final task, usher in the Happy Ending of this world."

"As long as the SSS-level ending can be played, we will provide you with a bonus of 100 million yuan in the time-travel round, and guarantee that you and your family will have no worries for the rest of your life. How about you?"

"Oh my God, I'm so excited!"

While talking, Tang Li tapped the wall with her hand.

His eyes followed the slightly cracked tile and landed on a vent above his head: there were rust marks near the screws, which could be easily pried off.

The richer and more attractive the reward is, the greater and unpredictable risks are often accompanied—this can be seen from the word [lock] on the screen.

Tang Li tapped the tiled floor with her toes, and made a soft sound: "As long as the keyword is triggered, can the corresponding content be unlocked?"

The system said, "That's right."

"Keywords," Tang Li pondered, "I saw [Maintaining the Engagement Contract] in the quest, which means that I want to marry the beautiful girl just now...?"

Tang Li said, as if a little shy: "It's embarrassing to get married at the first meeting."

After a while, he asked, "So when are you going out to meet my wife?"


Sorry for not seeing you!

This Raider's mind was turning quite fast just now, and his thoughts were clear and reasonable. Why did he suddenly become stupid when he mentioned beautiful women.

Sure enough, beauty is misleading!

Tang Li sorted out her thoughts a little and went upstairs. The beautiful woman was sitting in her original position and glanced at her indifferently.

Tang Li smiled at her: "I'm sorry, the sense of direction is not very good, it made you wait for a long time."


Tang Li sat down in the seat and put his hand on the contract lightly. His voice was soft and soft, like coaxing a cat: "Can you give me a few more minutes, I would like to read the contents of the agreement again."

The beauty looked at her calmly, with thick ink in her eyes, like a beauty carved out of ice.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Yes."

Tang Li breathed a sigh of relief.

She opened the contract to her lap, used the tabletop to block the other party's sight, and turned to the end without hesitation.

Sure enough, Party A's name is "Tang Li", and under Party B's position, the words "Chu Chisi" have already been signed.

"Ding Dong! [Strategic Character No. 1: Chu Chisi] has been unlocked, and [Mission Objective] has been updated, do you want to check it now?"

Tang Li: "Check."

Raiders Character No. 1: [New]

Name: Chu Chisi

Identity: Mirare-In CEO, R&D Director Differentiation: [To be unlocked]

Favorite: [to be unlocked]

Disgust: [to be unlocked]

mission target:

1: [to be unlocked]

2: Maintain the marriage contract and save the bankrupt Tang family

3: Successful strategy of Chu Chisi, usher in HappyEnding [New]

The information available...too little.

The long falling hair cut off a narrow shadow, which reflected in his eyes like a blade. Tang Li turned over a page of the contract, and before the system noticed it, she returned to her original lazy appearance.

At least the Raiders characters and future targets were confirmed.

The agreement can be signed, but the pile of documents is at least as thick as a pinky knuckle, and even if it is only roughly read, it is estimated that it will take two or three hours.

Tang Li resolutely said: "System, system!"

The system popped up: "What's wrong?"

"I don't have a good memory, you help me scan the agreement into the file and search for the key words - 'duties' and 'obligations'."

The system made an "oh" sound, and after a slight operation sound, a pop-up box popped out in front of Tang Li.

Chu Chisi's work is meticulous to a terrifying level. All the matters are listed carefully. At a glance, every clause seems to be biased towards Tang Li and caters to Tang Li's needs. Instead, Chu Chisi is a little harsh and harsh. Not friendly.

Tang Li raised her head.

Chu Chisi's eyes kept falling on her, and the subtle changes in expression and subtle movements were all captured in the dark, gloomy eyes.

"Have you finished it now?"

Chu Chisi sat opposite her and smiled softly, "Then let me summarize it a little bit: I will provide you with all your life needs in the third chapter of the contract after marriage. At the same time, I will not have the slightest emotion for you. ."

"Simply put, I won't love you."

Most of her body was sunk in the darkness, her slender hands were folded in front of her, she smiled lazily and carelessly, like a noble lady who spent a lot of money in Fengyue Field.

It feels remote and unattainable.

Chu Chisi smiled: "Are you happy? This is the marriage you've been looking forward to for a long time. You can't expect anything but eternal struggle and pain."

Her tone was so determined, as if she already knew the answer to the multiple-choice question, and every step was within the plan.

The afternoon sun was just right, and the smell of coffee and milk permeated the air. There was a faint aroma on Chu Chisi's body, like fresh snow on the tip of a leaf, quietly melting into the skin.

"I accept your terms."

Tang Li closed the contract in a second and said softly, "I don't have any other requirements, as long as I have food to eat."

"So, I'm quite satisfied with this contract and I can sign it now."

Speaking, Tang Li pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes pure and innocent, looking forward to it: "How about we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate today, wife?"

Chu Chisi: "?"


Didn't you hear what she just said? !