MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 107 her dragon 3

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Ali has always been lonely.

There is no so-called "family" concept in the dragon clan. Her mother brought her to the age of ten, taught her some basic survival laws, and then fluttered her wings and disappeared into the distance.

Perhaps it is the nature of the dragon clan, Ali likes shiny and sparkling things.

In normal times, she is bored and has nothing to do, so she likes to plunder a pile of gold and silver jewelry and pile them up in her lair.

Among the bunch of flashing things, Chu Chisi was the strangest one, and the one that she couldn't see through the most.

Mysterious, charming, and occasionally looking at the moon in a daze, a magician who looks a little sad.

The moonlight streamed behind her, scalding the night into a silver streak.

The hidden scales shone slightly, and her eyes were burning with a faint fire, a hot, burning flame.

The flames scorched Chu Chisi's eyes, she pushed Ali sharply, and the vines rose in response, wrapped around the wrist covered with dragon scales, and pulled the other side backwards.

Ali looked at her and did not resist.

The curse imprint that has not completely faded is engraved on her body, which is covered under the maple red dress, like the black vines crawling under the stems of roses, stained with mud, and unknown greed.

Silence, after a long silence, Chu Chisi finally spoke up, his voice was very light: "...what are you doing?"

Ali said, "I'm kissing you."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Ali stared at her scorchingly, unexpectedly, Chu Chi stretched out his hand suddenly, pressed his cool knuckles to his forehead, and probed for the temperature on it.

"I heard that the dragon clan has a period of estrus," Chu Chisi withdrew his hand and said slowly, "but I don't think you have any signs of fever or confusion."

Ali Yijie: "I-I don't!"

Just now, he was still looking fierce, but he felt guilty in the blink of an eye. The flames not only burned several vines, but also burned a small amount of brown hair.

"You are the treasure I plundered, just like those gold coins and gems," Ali said aggressively, "You are my hostage, what's wrong with my kiss?"

Chu Chisi asked back: "You usually go to the cave, those gold coins that are scattered all over the mountains and plains?"

Ali said, "Of course, I still sleep in the pile of gold coins and gems every day."

She was clearly just stating the facts, but the magician in front of her laughed "puchi". She smiled so much that her long hair spread from her shoulders.

"…why are you laughing?"

Ali was a little puzzled, and gritted his teeth: "Humans or magicians, they are all strange creatures."

The falling leaves fell between her hair, and Chu Chisi was still laughing. She sat on the edge of the branch, smiling so shaky that it always made Ali suspect that she was going to fall in the next moment.

"Nothing, I just think I think too much."

Chu Chisi wiped the corners of his eyes and sat back a little from the edge: "You know, when people live too long, they always like to think about things."

Ali looked at her puzzled.

The vine spread out from its own side, bypassing Ali's thin wrist, and gently and slowly encircling her.

The fingertips are against the neck, where there is a thin layer of dragon scales, which is cold and hard to the touch.

"Ali, I promise you."

"I'll unravel the spell for you, and you'll help me take revenge and bring down the disaster it deserves for the kingdom."

Chu Chisi's breath was so warm, thicker than honey, warmer than moonlight, leaving a sweetness between his lips and teeth.

It's temptation, it's bewitching,

It's a spell whispered by a witch.

Help me destroy this rotten kingdom that has rotted to its roots; kill that greedy king who is already crazy.

The "magician" leaned towards her, put his fingertips against his throat, and pressed in gently: "As long as you are obedient, I will not leave.".

That dragon is really deceiving.

After observing the other party for many days, Chu Chisi, who slept in countless fine silk satin, came to this conclusion in his heart.

She grabbed more and more things. At first, it was just some shiny gold coins, but after seeing Chu Chisi's lack of interest in them, things changed quietly.

Bright gems, delicate silk satin, luxurious clothes, and even a whole apple tree was brought back once—yes, with the crown and roots, a complete apple tree.

And she would do all this just because Chu Chisi said casually that she wanted to eat apples.

"You don't need to do this." When Chu Chisi said this, the little dragon shrank in front of him, its claws tensed, and the tip of its tail curled into a small ball.

"Don't you like it?" Ali looked a little distressed. When she was in the shape of a dragon, those big eyes looked even more wet, "I thought..."

The lower her voice was, she muttered a few words in the "Dragon Language" that Chu Chisi couldn't understand. She slapped the bushes at the entrance of the cave with her tail, and swept away several leaves.

"Neither... don't like it."

Chu Chi thought about his words and explained, "It's just that I'm not very interested in these things. There are enough things in the cave, and there is no need to bring more back."

Ali repented a few more words, and sparks lit a leaf, hissing and burning: "Okay- okay."

"You turned into a human figure." Chu Chisi said concisely, and raised his hand towards her, "I will help you remove the curse."

Ali nodded, but in an instant, the huge dragon body that was entrenched at the entrance of the cave disappeared.

The golden chain squeaked, the corners of the skirt fluttered across the ground, and like a butterfly, it fell into her palm and was clenched tightly by her.

Chu Chisi rubbed her head, her long brown blond hair was against her palm, and Ali bowed her head obediently, her pointed ears seemed to be a little red.

She has to repeat:

That dragon is really deceiving.

The vines wrapped around her body and covered the black engraving. Her spell was arrogant and domineering. Ali was trembling all over, biting her lip and clenching her hands, but said nothing.

Her skin is very white, so thin that you can see the light blue veins, and the engraving is extremely dark, wrapping around and tightening her, like a mark, like a shackle, locking her inside.

Ali endured very hard, every time the thin sweat would wet the broken hair, only after the spell was over, he would sneak a little closer to Chu Chisi.

The scaly fingertips brushed against the skin, itching and itching, and the dexterous tail circled around, pulling up a strand of long black hair.

Her breath was hot, with a spark or two still alive, and she asked, "Can I kiss you?"

Chu Chisi said, "No."

The spark is extinguished, and the residual temperature seems to be absent. Ali bit his lip regretfully: "Okay."

Chu Chisi wanted to laugh inexplicably. She obviously hadn't laughed for a long time, but when she faced this little dragon, that long-lost warm smile always came to her heart.

"Why would you want to do this?" Chu Chisi asked.

"I... heard," Ali said, "I heard that this is a way of expressing intimacy between humans."

Chu Chisi smiled: "But we are not lovers, but winners and captives. This relationship is inherently unequal, so how can we say intimacy."

A few words made Ali speechless. She wanted to say something, but despairingly found that she couldn't defend herself: because she really wanted to keep Chu Chisi, no matter what means or method she took.

The bat wings flapped and stirred up the airflow, and the dragon quickly disappeared from sight, and in the next few days, Chu Chisi never saw her again.

One day, two days, three days, Chu Chisi waited for three rascals in the cave for three days, and finally couldn't hold back.

She put on her cloak and followed the **** and swaying dandelions all the way to a small town near the cave.

Compared with the prosperity of the distant kingdom, this small town is small and inconspicuous, with moss covering the gaps between the stone bricks, and the old wooden barrels crunching and rising from the well.

The wide hood covered her face, and the small spell concealed her breath. Chu Chisi walked among the people passing by, just like a long time ago.

Human beings have used all negative words, greed, cunning, viciousness, and viciousness, decorated with malicious malice out of nothing, and painted with turbid colors - "witch", an existence they are not familiar with.

They loathe witches, but they fear power, the eyes that ask her for alchemy gleam with greed, the blood that asks her for rights is muddy, the knees that ask her to ask her only know how to blame others, and everything changes It's boring, boring.

[It goes back and forth, like ouroboros. 】

A small bird stopped on her shoulder, beeping twice, Chu Chisi followed the direction she was pointing, and sure enough, she saw Xiaolong.

They say that the "dragon" is the rib of God and the darling of the heavens and the earth, which is not true at all.

Ali is tall and slender, and her long dress is like a liquid formed by melting rubies. The gold chain is wrapped around her waist, soft and thin, and her curves are unbelievably exquisite.

When she's in dragon form, she's a pretty little dragon, and when she's in human form, she's also a pretty little girl.

Chu Chi thought so, and hid his figure in the shadow of the fruit shop, and looked at the other party without any expression.

"Don't pester me any more, you say it again, these... um, what are the flowers used for?"

Ali hugged her arms, looked down at the dirty flower girl in front of her, and raised her slender eyebrows: "What's the use?"

The flower girl held a large bush of roses and tried her best to sell her: "Sister, these are the most beautiful flowers that were newly picked. Buy one for your lover."

Ali was puzzled: "Why send flowers?"

The girl blinked, her cheeks covered with sweet freckles like cookie crumbs: "Because the flower is beautiful, just seeing it makes me feel good."

"Bang", a brilliant gold coin fell into the girl's hand, and in the pupil's suddenly widened pupils, Ali coughed: "I'll buy one."

The girl held the gold coin in disbelief, bit it in her mouth, and stared at the sun for a long time, until Ali began to urge impatiently, and then handed her a rose.

Ali took the rose.

The five fingers folded together subconsciously, and the scales covering the skin scratched the petals, so in the eyes of the two, the poor rose was crushed with a "chi".

Ali: "…"

Flower girl: "…"

Ali was furious, took out another gold coin, and put it into the girl's hand before she could speak: "I'll buy another one."

The girl silently swallowed the words "no need to give money" and handed Ali another rose.

This time, she carefully controlled her strength, and the rose was not crushed.

Ali breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't realize that the sparks she exhaled swept over the petals. When she reacted, the whole rose turned charred black and smashed to the ground.

Ali: "..."

The flower girl opened her eyes in anticipation, looked at her watery, took the gold coin again, and handed the rose again.

Repeated defeats, repeated defeats.

Ali was very persistent and bought all the girl's roses, but it backfired, and those roses were all "shattered" and scattered around her.

Xiaolong drooped his head and looked sad, and said somewhat self-sacrificingly: "It's just a few flowers, what's so beautiful."

With her back to Chu Chisi, her figure was embedded in the wind, thin and slender, like a piece of falling leaves.

Chu Chi was in a trance for a moment, and then he remembered that she was just like himself, the witch screamed and burned in the fire, and the dragon race also rotted into skeletons.

All their fellows are dead,

In the end, only the two of them remained.

They are the same, lonely and dazed, frozen here by the endless life, and can only go down endlessly along the ouroboros that are connected head to tail.

Chu Chisi lowered his head and looked at the apple in his hand, pinching the cortex with his fingertips, spilling some sweet juice.

When she raised her head again, she could no longer find Ali's figure in her sight. Chu Chi thought for a while, thinking that the other party had left.

In fact, Ali didn't, she just squatted down, stared at the petals with her light-colored vertical pupils, and even reached out and fiddled with them.

Ali stood tall and slender, but when he squatted down, he looked very small, with long brown-blond hair lying softly on his shoulders, like a fluffy little animal.

It always makes people want to rub her head.

Chu Chisi just walked around the town and came back after seeing Ali. The trip out exhausted all her energy, and she just wanted to lie on the soft silk satin in a daze.

She slept in a daze until evening, and was awakened by the wind whistling in front of the cave. Ali stepped on the smoke and looked around, as if she was looking for something.

Chu Chisi was wearing a shaman's robe, and her black hair was loosely scattered on her shoulders. She paced over and half leaned against the entrance of the cave: "Are you back?"

This is not a questioning, but Ali hastily explained: "I went to a human town to buy something."

Then I used twenty gold coins to buy a bunch of useless roses. Chu Chi thought to himself.

She nodded slightly, and did not ask too much. She turned around and was about to return to the cave, but was stopped by Ali again: "Wait, wait a minute!"

Only then did Chu Chisi notice that Ali's hands were strangely held in front of him, his five fingers folded into a ball, and he was carefully protecting something.

The dragon shape is strong and tough, while the human shape is thin and fragile, so the dragon family prefers to maintain the original shape in most cases, and rarely changes into a human shape that is easily injured unless there are special circumstances.

She saw several small wounds cut by thorns on those white and slender hands, and the blood had dried up, but she could still smell the faint blood.

Chu Chisi frowned: "..."

Ali lowered her head, just missing the expression on her face, she slowly raised her hand, like a hero opening a treasure chest, like a magician opening a tarot card, revealing the contents little by little.

It was an intact rose, surrounded by petals and full of dewdrops. It was dark in the evening, and the flower scorched the sight like fire.

Ali said, "I brought you a flower."

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment, looked up inch by inch, moved up from the rose, and looked into Xiaolong's eyes fixedly: "Why?"

Humans are a very complex creature, but dragons are not. Dragons are simple and pure, wanton and powerful. They are entrenched on the top of the mountains and never need to worry about anything.

Ali thought that she understood the preferences of human beings, but she did not know that she was just learning and imitating clumsily, and she could see through it at a glance.

"Because the flowers are beautiful, so...I want to bring them back and give you as a gift."

Ali's voice was a little lacking: "After you received it, would you feel better? Wouldn't you always stare at the moon in a daze in the middle of the night?"

She racked her brains thinking about what to say, and suddenly a "puchi" laughter came from her ears, and her soft fingertips rested on the palm of her hand, scratching her gently.

"Well, indeed...beautiful."

Her hand touched Ali, sliding through those tiny wounds, and the cool temperature penetrated layer by layer until it touched the restless heart.

Chu Chisi smiled and said, "I like it very much. Thank you for bringing back the flower. Thank you for giving me this gift."

Witches don't like roses,

She took the flower. .

Xiaolong is really easy to deceive, like a piece of pure and clean white paper, what he wrote can't be hidden at all, and he can see it at a glance.

Chu Chisi has always felt this way—until today.

Ali has been restless since a few days. She will switch between human and dragon forms, and she will fiddle with the jewelry with her tail, and the sparks she spit ignite several pieces of cloth, almost burning the entire cave.

Chu Chisi didn't pay much attention to it at first, and only thought that Ali had encountered some troubles recently, until one morning, Xiaolong suddenly disappeared.

She suddenly realized something, wearing a wizard's robe, shouting Xiaolong's nickname, and walking back and forth in the cave several times.

But whether it was the vine that crawled back to the fingertips or the little bird that flew back, they all clearly told Chu Chisi: [The little dragon is not in the cave. 】

"If you're not here, look for it."

Chu Chisi's voice was indifferent, she moved her fingertips lightly, and the vines spread into the forest, the little bird left her shoulders, and disappeared like an arrow in the green shade.

Xiaolong ran far enough, Chu Chisi spent a lot of energy searching for hours, and finally received the news that Xiaoque brought back.

Thick vines buried the entrance of the cave, the weeds all around were waist-high, and the canopy cast a large shadow, immersing everything in the darkness.

Chu Chisi noticed that the weeds were bent, and cut off the hanging vines with one knife. The branches fell to the ground, the juice was sticky, and the fragrance was faint.


She called tentatively, "Are you there?"

In the dark depths, there was a faint sound, like a small animal trapped in a trap.

The bursting sparks verified Chu Chisi's guess. She lit the fire and walked towards it step by step, holding on to the wet wall.

The more she walked, the more intense the hot breath in the air was, pressing down on Chu Chisi's chest dully, making her a little breathless.

After some time, Chu Chisi finally came to a somewhat open place.

Under the bright light, the dense, cracked stone walls come into view.

The clinging vines were full of charred marks, and the dome cast a huge shadow, burying the curled dragon in it.

Chu Chisi took a step forward subconsciously, but there was a crisp "click" under the soft boots.

She hurriedly backed away, only then did she see that it was a piece of glass-like dragon scales, and the broken edge was covered with blood.

" did you come here?"

Ali trembled, raised her head in disbelief, and said in a hoarse voice, "Are you crazy? I managed to hide!"

Chu Chisi raised the fire in her hand, and under the bright firelight, she looked at the dragon.

Ali had several scars on his body, his light-colored vertical pupils were full of red threads, and the tips of his claws were full of mud and blood.

She curled up in the corner, her body not only trembling, trembling, and the beautiful dragon scales smashed to the ground, scorched black by the flames.

Chu Chisi walked forward, and she stepped back in embarrassment, the dragon body hit the stone wall, and the pain "hiss" and inhaled: "Go away, don't come here!"

"You are in estrus." Chu Chisi's voice was flat, "If you don't deal with it in time, it will cause great harm to your body."

The firelight reflected on the side of her face, blurring the originally clear outline. Chu Chisi lowered her eyelashes, her lips seemed to be covered with a layer of honey.

"Ali, turn into a humanoid."

She looked over calmly and put her hand on the dragon's head. The touch was so light and gentle that it could be torn apart by the dragon's claws in an instant.

Chu Chisi said, "I will help you."


To this day, Chu Chisi is still a little confused by the decision she made that day, and her past experience and a hundred years of thinking are not enough to give her an answer.

But that little dragon can.

When Chu Chisi woke up in a daze, she felt something pressing down on her waist, she lowered her head and glanced, sure enough, it was a dexterous tail.

The thorns restrained obediently, and the tip of the tail wrapped around the fabric around her waist, rubbing against her, making her a little itchy.

Ali leaned over from behind, the long brown and golden hair scattered on her smooth back, still stained with the hotness of Mars: "Well..."

Chu Chisi was so hot that she shrank, but she was still sticking so tightly that she always had the illusion of rubbing people in.

Stubborn and pitiful.

Is it a little too heavy for the return gift of a flower? Chu Chi thought so, and turned around.

It was already late at night, the moon wheel was hanging high in the sky, and some light leaking from the cave could be faintly seen.

Chu Chisi wanted to see it, but Ali hugged him. The soft breath brushed against the tips of her ears, reminding her of that flower, of crunchy apples, tender roasted meat, and soft silk satin.

And that unabashed, pure and clean emotion.

Her heartbeat sounded beside her ear, thump, thump, thump, vibrating her eardrum, hotter than the moonlight.

Chu Chisi didn't speak, and didn't wake up the other party, she slowly circled around Ali, her knuckles covered her long hair, and rubbed it very lightly. .

With Chu Chisi's help, the seal faded much faster than expected, but within a few weeks, Ali could easily swallow a mountain with flames.

She promised Chu Chi Si.

[Vengeance, for myself, but also for her - bring disaster to the king and get back all that was lost. 】

It happened to be a full moon that day, with huge bat wings unfolding in the air, surrounded by overflowing Mars.

Beneath the bright and full moon, a boundless fire lit up, and the entire palace fell into a sea of ​​flames, with thick smoke rising from all directions.

The luxurious scepter smashed to the ground, the crystal gems fell all over the floor, and the crown was worn crookedly on the head, pressing down on the messy long hair.

High above, the mighty king is fleeing in the palace at this moment, with fire, smoke, and collapsed walls everywhere.

She has no way back.

The gigantic dragon gathered its huge wings and turned into a human figure in the firelight. The red skirt that reached the ground was scattered in the wind, and it was even more dazzling than the flames.

"This... this is all a curse..."

The king knelt before the throne, hugged the scepter that symbolized status, and said in a dreamy voice: "I can't escape... the curse."

Warm blood splashed on the throne, her head fell into the black velvet, her eyes were still wide open, staring unwillingly at the territory outside the window.

The giant dragon climbed on the high tower of the palace, and finally spit out a raging flame, and then spread its wings and flew to the top of the mountain not far away.

Chu Chisi sat on the boulder and looked at the firelight from afar. She closed her eyes and the giant dragon turned into a human figure and squeezed beside her.

The little dragon came over, rubbed her cheek with the tip of its nose, and breathed through her skin, making Chu Chisi a little itchy: "Mmm."

"Chi Si," Ariyi pecked the reddish earlobe beside her ear, "Am I doing well?"

Chu Chisi smiled and nodded: "Well."

Ali leaned over again, her light-colored eyes were wet, and looked at her very obediently: "Chi Si, I have a question."

Chu Chisi raised his eyebrows to look at her: "Speak."

"You are the witch from a hundred years ago," Ali said. "You have been watching this country, waiting for the curse to be fulfilled."

Ali stared at Chu Chisi tightly, her fingers clasped tighter, for fear that the other party would escape: "Right?"

Under her fiery gaze, Chu Chisi nodded lightly and said, "Well, it's me."

"But one thing, your mother was right: witches are really close to nature, and they are also good at magic and medicine."

She bent her eyebrows and smiled softly: "It's just that we really don't know... how to lower the curse."

Ali looked at her silently.

The so-called "curse" is just a lie. Chu Chisi can manipulate the vines, but he does not have the ability to cast down the curse, but the kings of the generations have taken it seriously.

In fact, as long as they govern the country wholeheartedly, the "curse" will never come.

However, due to the fear and anxiety in their hearts, all the kings chose to slaughter all the 'enemies', step by step towards their appointed ending.

However, Ali didn't care about this. After the revenge was successful, what happened to the human race had nothing to do with her.

She leaned over, the dragon scale slid across the back of her hand, submerged between her fingers, and held Chu Chisi in her palm.

"Chi Si, will you leave then?"

Ari looked at her scorchingly, and the tighter she held her hands, it was obvious that she didn't want her to go: "Will you leave me?"

Chu Chisi let her hold it, a little smile appeared between his eyebrows, and his voice was very soft: "Maybe."

She said, "Witches don't grow old, and so do dragons. If we stay together like this, you'll end up feeling bored and boring one day."

The strong wind blew the ink hair messy, and the hair fell on Ali's cheeks, like powdered sugar sprinkled around, scratching her slightly.

"If that's the case—"

"Why did you put the flower I gave you into a book, pressed it for a long time, and made it into a beautiful dried flower bookmark. And hidden it in your pocket?"

Ali bit her lip, kissed her cheek, kissed the corner of her eye, and rubbed the pinna with a small fang.

She leaned close to Chu Chisi's face, rubbed the tip of her nose against him, and said triumphantly, "I saw it all."

Chu Chi thought for a moment, and suddenly pulled her hand back. She turned around and was about to leave, but Ali didn't stop her, but just stuck to her.

"What are you chasing?"

Chu Chisi turned back and said with a straight face, "I'm a witch, a witch who is cunning and shadowy, and good at calculating. It's best not to get too involved with me."

Ali shrugged: "Okay, esteemed magician... or rather, Miss Witch."

Perhaps it has been in a human town for a long time, and this little dragon has become smoother and smarter, and his mind is full of strange ideas.

As soon as the wings spread, Ali walked lightly, and in a flash, she stepped in front of Chu Chisi, blocking her way.

Xiaolong's eyebrows are curved, his eyes are brighter than stars, he stretches out his hand to Chu Chisi, "Then tonight—"

"Can I invite you to watch the moon together?"

[The Little Witch and Her Dragon Ending]