MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 48 (1)

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Fortunately, Chu Chisi only sniffed around his shoulder and neck for a short time, and then stepped back a little, otherwise Tang Li would really be a roasted pear, or a burnt one.

"The scent is still not right."

Chu Chi Si weighed the bottle of essential oil, frowned slightly, and it was rare to see obvious distress on his face: "The proportions still don't seem right."

Her fingers are thin, but not the kind of thin and thin, slender and beautiful, well-proportioned and powerful, like a white lotus spitting out of water.

Tang Li has seen her holding a pen countless times, recording simulated data again and again on the record sheet, and the words written are graceful and detailed, especially beautiful.

However, Tang Li originally thought that she was a little guy who lived in the laboratory all day, and could not even beat a wild cat, and her strength was estimated to be small.

Until one day, when she visited the Beimeng Academy of Sciences to see her wife, and saw that Chu Chisi had neatly disassembled the titanium centrifuge into a pile of parts, Tang Li silently retracted her tinted glasses.

But when those hands touched her, they were soft, very light and soft, and only when they were bullied would they tug at her hair and her clothes.

Tang Li held her lower jaw and swam every day.

Chu Chisi, who was beside him, frowned and put down the small bottle, took out a new one, and started a new round of debugging.

"Raiders, what are you thinking?" The system said helplessly, "You have been in a daze for a long time, have you done the quest yet?"

Tang Li asked knowingly, "What mission?"

"The task of holding my wife to make DIY items," the system tapped on the keyboard and said lazily, "What a great opportunity, don't miss it."

Tang Li was absent-minded: "Got it."

Maybe it was because the atmosphere in the perfume shop was too peaceful, or maybe it was because of the faint scent of snow oozing from the skin of the people around me.

Tang Li always felt a little sleepy and lacked energy, raised her fingers and rubbed her forehead.

It's really strange, after the cycle is reset, the state of his body should also be reset, why is he still looking sullen and always sleepy?

Tang Li yawned.

She was thinking about whether to go to the coffee shop next door and buy a cup of black coffee that Chu Chisi likes to refresh herself, when someone tapped her shoulder lightly.

Soft, like a kitten tickling you.

Who else but Chu Chisi, this action seems to have become a tacit understanding between the two.

Chu Chisi didn't like to speak, so she always tapped her shoulder to attract Tang Li's attention, telling her that she wanted to talk to her.

Tang Li gathered her tired face, put on a bright smile, and moved her body a little, and spread her blond hair on her shoulders: "Chi Si, what's wrong?"

Chu Chisi was holding a few glass tubes, and those dark eyes were like glass, reflecting the room light cleanly: "Are you very sleepy?"

Tang Li said, "Huh? No."

Chu Chisi glanced at her, held the glass bottle with her knuckles, and shook it towards her: "You just did a deep breathing exercise just now on a conditioned reflex."

Did you see such a small action?

Tang Li blinked and began to bring the topic to Beimengyang: "My wife pays so much attention to my expression and cares about my state, I am so moved, woo woo."

Chu Chisi: "..."

The hand holding the glass tube tightened, and the purple gloves were twisted into some folds. Chu Chisi lowered his head and let a few strands of hair cover his sight: "I don't care."

Look, she can't even convince herself.

The liquid in the glass tube is flowing, and the faint pear fragrance is scattered, but it is not right, it is not right, it may be a little bit worse in concentration, it may be a little bit worse in fragrance, in short, it is not right.

There were countless small glass bottles on the table, which contained many different raw essential oils. Chu Chisi played with the dropper in his hand, and after a while, he slowly put it back.

She can't even simulate the fragrance perfectly, and the most advanced cloning technology can't do it. Can there really be two identical people in the world?

What is the mathematical probability?

Chu Chisi was calculating the numbers in her heart, and suddenly a familiar, warm fragrance of pear blossoms rushed into her chest, disturbing the numbers and formulas in her heart.

Tang Li hugged her arms and seemed to be very interested in what she was holding. She leaned over a little and looked at herself:

"Chi Si, what fragrance are you concocting?"

The light-colored eyelashes drooped slightly, and a small piece of fine shadow fell, which made her eyes clear and transparent, like the most beautiful gem on the ring.

Tang Li kept her distance and didn't get too close.

However, the alpha pheromone on her body was no longer under control, and there were always a few strands rushing to the tip of Chu Chisi's nose, surging and slender, and slipping away naughty when she wanted to touch it.

out of touch, out of touch,

Surrounded by a white fog.

"How are you doing?" Tang Li watched her fiddling with the small bottle for a long time, adding a little here, adding a little there, it can be said that she has drilled to the extreme.

She couldn't help it anymore, and asked silently, "I see that you have changed several bottles, are you still not satisfied?"

Chu Chisi glanced at her and shook his head: "It can't reach 100%, it's only about 65% similarity at most."

"Pheromones are inherently difficult to imitate," Tang Li leaned on the table halfway, with a crooked figure, "65% is already very good."

Saying that, she stretched out her hand to Chu Chisi and asked with a smile, "Can I smell it?"

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Chisi took a small piece of test paper to her. After dripping the essential oil, a faint fragrance of pear blossoms spread.

Tang Li weighed the test paper and leaned in to smell it. Her long hair was a little messy when she slept, and it was fluffy, like a puppy just woken up.

"Actually, still... OK?"

Tang Li's voice was full of doubts, and after sniffing a few more times, she kneaded the test strip into a small ball in her hand and threw it into the trash can.

"It feels like the faint smell of white petals plucked from a pear tree and dried in the sun."

Tang Li leaned back on the chair and muttered, "I smell like this, it feels so ordinary."

Tang Li's voice was small, but Chu Chisi was keenly caught. She clenched the glass bottle tightly and shook her head: "No, it's not."

"It's my fault, I can't call it out."

Chu Chisi took a new glass bottle, and she poured out all the liquid in the original bottle mercilessly.

Resolute yet cruel, without the slightest hesitation.

Tang Li was stunned for a while, a little unbearable: "Actually, it smells pretty good, Chi Si, you just adjusted this bottle for a long time, you don't need to throw it all out, right?"

Chu Chisi shook his head again: "No."

The glass bottle swayed, which also drove the clear liquid inside, and the calm sea surfaced with waves, but how many turbulent and stormy waves were all just trapped beasts fighting.

All trapped in this little glass bottle.

"The doctor said that imperfect things don't need to exist," Chu Chisi lowered his head, his hands tightening on the vial, and his voice sank into the abyss:

"I'll definitely call it out."

The falling black hair obscured her sight, but she couldn't hide the trace of darkness buried in the depths of her eyes. It was dark and deep, and it was slowly consuming the little remaining reason.

Tang Li frowned and said nothing.

Seeing that Chu Chisi repeatedly picked up the raw material bottle, added debugging repeatedly, and finally threw the whole bottle away, Tang Li was keenly aware of something.

Chu Chisi's mental state is a little wrong.

Since starting the third cycle, Tang Li has been more or less able to feel the ups and downs in her state.

When Chu Chi was sober, her behavior was always meticulous, she liked to take everything into consideration, and her methods were also strict and prudent, so that there would be no obvious flaws.

Although due to various reasons, Chu Chisi's attitude towards him was a bit hot and cold, full of consideration and temptation, but overall, his killing intent towards him has faded a lot.

However, once something hits the bottom line, Chu Chisi's state will plummet, whether it is swallowing CY-1875 or directly blowing up the three Mirare-In buildings—

It's all too radical, at the expense of self-destruction.

She is like a string that has been taut to the extreme, pulled repeatedly by emotion, reason, and countless memories.

Just like the self at that time...

very similar.

Tang Li knew this feeling all too well. If she hadn't met Chu Chisi at that time and had not been rescued by her, the situation would only have gotten worse until it was irreversible.

Chu Chisi was still pouring the raw materials, and suddenly his hand was empty. When he looked up, he found that the small bottle had been snatched by Tang Li, and he shook it in his hand.

Tang Li didn't even look at it, without any hesitation, he directly threw the small bottle into the trash can.

There was a bit of coldness on her brows and eyes, like the ice on the blade, as if she was angry, but she was definitely not angry with Chu Chisi.

Chu Chisi was stunned for a while, and there was some annoyance in his voice: "What are you doing, I just did half of it?"

"It's gone," Tang Li's eyes were calm, "Suddenly I feel that perfume is meaningless, let's go back, I'll treat you to a small cake."

Tang Li, who was already tall, suddenly stood up and cast a shadow over Chu Chisi, hiding her whole body inside.

Chu Chisi pursed his lips and looked at her suspiciously: "Isn't your mission requiring me to make pear fragrance?"

"What mission?" Tang Li shrugged and said in a lazy voice, "I don't have a mission at all, I just want to take you out to play and relax."

This lie is too obvious.

For fear that Chu Chisi couldn't hear it.

Who knows, this "lie" is all true words from the heart, every word and every sentence, just to make Chu Chi Si happy. .

Chu Chisi was still a little hesitant, but Tang Li had already paid the bill neatly and dragged Chu Chisi out of the fragrance shop.

People came and went on the street, and they were quite interested in the two beauties who stood at the intersection for a long time and did not move for a long time.

Without exception, Tang Li glared back fiercely.

Chu Chisi stood beside him, and the breeze blew through the ends of his hair, raising his long black hair a little, and also blowing away the buzzing thoughts in his mind.

She raised her head and put her knuckles on her forehead. This time, she found that her collar and fingertips still had a little smell of perfume.

The first blooming buds, the full-bodied pear blossoms, the petals falling and piled on the ground, the white petals after drying, the crispy pears, the sweet and greasy glutinous pears, and many kinds of "pears" are mixed together.

But neither, not her Tang Li.

Chu Chisi leaned against the railing and was blown by the wind for a moment. The very strong and terrifying obsession in his mind that controlled his behavior and reason just now faded a little.

What was I thinking just now?

Chu Chisi rubbed her forehead and Tang Li stood beside her, her brown blond hair was picked up by the wind and picked up by Chu Chisi.

The delicate, light fragrance was held in the palm of her hand, and it rubbed against her cheek softly like a petal, extremely familiar and warm.

Peace of mind for no reason.

As soon as Chu Chisi let go, the long strand of hair fell back. She looked at the long brown-blond hair that was draped behind her and melted like sunshine, and she suddenly felt itchy.

There is a strange urge,

I really want to braid her a few braids.

Tang Li frowned, looking for the nearest coffee shop and cake shop on his mobile phone, and a questioning word suddenly came from behind:

"Are you sure you're not doing the quest?"

Chu Chisi asked tentatively, and tugged at Tang Li's cuff: "Isn't there a punishment for [Alpha Pheromone Out of Control] when you failed the mission last time?"

She moved so lightly, with little strength to tug at her cuffs, like a candy begging child in Halloween.

As long as you give sugar, you are willing to do anything.

Tang Li didn't answer her, but showed Chu Chisi the screen of her mobile phone: "The puffs in this store are delicious. They have chocolate, vanilla, and coffee flavors. Would you like to try them?"

Chu Chisi frowned: "I'm asking you a question."

Tang Li said, "I'm also asking you a question. If you don't want to eat puffs, do you want to buy an ice cream?"

The two were at a stalemate, and the atmosphere was a little stiff for a while. Tang Li had always been obedient to Chu Chisi, and seldom had she defied and rejected her so clearly.

Chu Chisi was finally defeated, and the hand that was holding the corner of her sleeve loosened, but there was still a hint of exploration in his eyes, and he said, "Okay."

"If you fail the mission and trigger the punishment mechanism again," Chu Chisi added, "Remember to tell me clearly, and I will try my best to help you."

Tang Li put the noisy system behind her head, and her voice was lazy and idle: "It's obviously my task, why are you more concerned than me?"

As she said that, she raised her eyebrows: "Do you have a crush on me, an out-and-out liar? Or do you have a crush on me?"

Chu Chi Si was dumbfounded, and he hesitated for a long time before saying, "I am..."

Tang Li smiled and didn't embarrass her anymore.

"Let's go," she stretched out her hand, wrapped it around Chu Chisi's neck, and patted her shoulder, "Take you to eat chocolate puffs."

Tang Li controlled the distance extremely well, and suppressed the alpha pheromone to a minimum, but he could still smell a little bit.

Spread the petals gently on the tip of the heart.

Chu Chisi had forgotten how the two came back that day, but only remembered that he was coaxed into confusion, pulled by the big liar, and ran to several dessert shops in a row.

She ate a lot of things, such as coffee-flavored ice cream, coffee-flavored puffs, coffee-flavored cupcakes, and all kinds of messy snacks that she didn't usually dare to buy, filling her stomach and heart. of.

By the time they returned to the villa, it was almost evening. Tang Li left the large and small bags beside the coffee table and threw herself on the sofa.

"Huh, I'm a little tired."

Tang Li fiddled with the broken hair between her forehead and complained, "You can get so out of breath after walking this little distance, can you exercise your original body?"

The system sneered: "You can stop doing the daily tasks. After being sent back to the reset point, there will be opportunities to exercise."

Tang Li said: "Hugging for ten minutes, this task is too difficult, it is obviously to embarrass me, and secretly wants to trick me back to the reset point."

The system said: "How can there be such a good opportunity in the perfume shop just now, because you didn't grasp it yourself, and you blame the task for being too difficult."

Tang Li quarreled with the system and argued with reason: "The last raider didn't see her having a chance to approach Chu Chisi, why doesn't she have a daily mission?"

The system snorted coldly: "I have already said the reason, you know it yourself."

Tang Li pouted, fell down on the sofa, and yawned lazily, always feeling a little sleepy.

She put one of them on the sofa, and even pulled the pink rice dumplings covered with a small blanket over her body, put it under her head without hesitation, and closed her eyes.

The system said silently: "Chu Chisi likes this dumpling so much, you can mess with other people's things at any time, and now you use it as a pillow, are you really afraid that the target will get angry?"

This **** rival in love is cherished by my wife every day in her arms. I don't think I have a good temper if I don't throw it in the trash can.

Tang Li closed her eyes and said in a lazy voice, "It's okay, I'll just sleep on my pillow for a while, so I won't be discovered by Chu Chisi."

Feeling tired, Tang Li quickly fell asleep.

Her tight brows relaxed a little, her wrists rested on the edge of the sofa, her fingers spread slightly, as if trying to grab something.

After Chu Chisi changed his clothes and came out, he saw that the pink dumplings had been snatched by some bad guy, and pressed him mercilessly as a pillow, wrinkling the big eyes of the dumplings.

Chu Chisi: "..."

Childish, inferior, childish, and bullying with a stuffed doll is really something she can do.

Tang Li slept soundly, breathing steadily, her thin voice wrapped into a thin thread, quietly wrapped around Chu Chisi's ankle, and led her to the sofa.

The footsteps were broken, and then slowly stopped. Chu Chisi folded his arms and looked at the sleeping face of the man.

With golden hair, snow-white skin, and beautiful eyebrows and eyes, no wonder the children in the orphanage were clamoring for something to make her a princess.

Truly a flamboyant beauty.

Shopping bags were piled up in a mess beside the coffee table and sofa, and inside were the snacks and cakes they bought when they went out.

There are all kinds of things, a dazzling array, as long as you fiddle with the paper bag, you can smell the faint aroma.

Chu Chisi sat down on her knees, leaned her back against the edge of the sofa, took a few paper bags, and slowly sorted out a lot of things she bought.

The man fell asleep behind him, and the sound of breathing fell in his ears, as calm as it was, proving that she was still alive and that she had not left him.

The alpha pheromone on Tang Li's body was not as stable as it was when he was awake.

After losing the powerful control, the pheromone spread out from the skin in a messy way, like a candle that was shaken by the wind, ups and downs, and clearly extinguished.

Chu Chisi sat on the ground with her back against her.

The fine fragrance wrapped around her, circle after circle around her neck, wrapped into a flexible and unbreakable thread, and slowly tightened inward.

Breathing quickly, that strange obsession came to her mind again, and thousands of voices whispered in her ears, speaking to her in a low voice:

Even if... it's fake,

Hold her, trap her, tie her up.

So sober, so what's the use of reason, the administrator will not let you go, and the cycle will continue forever and never end.

Instead of struggling hard, staying sane, sticking to the so-called moral bottom line, and insisting not to betray her, why a little crazy, not a little degenerate, and become a complete lunatic?

Go indulge, go betray.

You have nothing to lose anyway.

The voices became more and more louder and louder, echoing in circles, resounding in my mind in a noisy and disorderly manner, tearing at her precarious sanity, and covering her little by little with mist.

"Well, it's annoying..."

A dreamy voice interrupted his thoughts, and instantly pulled Chu Chisi back, the voice suddenly disappeared, and reason returned to his mind.

Chu Chisi lowered his head and looked at his trembling hand, the palm lines were vertical and horizontal, and there were several small wounds.

Just now... she felt dizzy for a while.

Tang Li slept a little uncomfortably, muttering a few words in a low voice, she turned over to face the back of the sofa, and flattened the doll a little more.

The long hair was scattered behind him, and a few strands spread down the edge of the sofa. The ends of the hair swayed slightly, just brushing the back of Chu Chisi's hand.

It tickles thinly, rubbing against you exclusively.

Chu Chisi lowered her head and held a strand of her long hair, the brilliant color flowing in her palms.

She squeezed slowly.

It was rare for Tang Li to slept so deeply, so peacefully, and her tired spirit recovered a lot—if she hadn't been woken up by the **** task prompt.

"Ding dong! Congratulations on completing the daily task, please make persistent efforts to play the SSS ending to clear the world!"

What is the situation, the daily task has been completed? !

Tang Li was agitated, and the drowsy brain just now woke up instantly.

She turned over and sat up, and her movements were so large that she threw all the pink dumplings to the ground, her big blue eyes staring at her innocently.

"System, system," Tang Li tapped on the screen and asked incredulously, "I obviously didn't do anything, why did the daily tasks complete?"

Since seeing Chu Chisi's expression, Tang Li has left the task behind. Nothing is more important than his wife's state, and she can't control that much.

The system came out with a shocked look: "I don't know why, it's really inexplicable."

Tang Li said, "Did Chu Chisi do anything after I fell asleep?"

The system said: "Chu Chisi did come, but she didn't touch you the whole time, she just sat on the ground next to the sofa and adjusted perfume for four hours in a row."

Tang Li was heartbroken and looked at the table. Sure enough, a small bottle of prepared perfume was placed on the table. There was no decoration, just a small glass bottle.

Crystal clear, filled with light-colored liquid.

Chu Chisi thought that her task was to mix a bottle of pear blossom-flavored perfume, so she sat beside the sofa for four full hours, just for this little bottle?

Tang Li felt a little irritable in her heart. She held the small bottle in her hand, and the temperature in her palm dyed the perfume hot. It seemed that she could smell some pear blossoms through the lid.

But then again, if Chu Chisi really didn't touch him the whole time, why would the daily task be [judged] as completed?

Tang Li thought for a long time, but couldn't find an answer.

But in fact, the answer was simpler than she thought. When Chu Chisi sat down on the sofa, the soft fragrance of pear blossoms spread over, and a layer of gauze draped over her shoulders.

So hazy, so close, as if someone was hugging him.

She was wearing that layer of soft gauze, and slowly adjusted the fragrance, one bottle after another, and finally came up with a very similar, very similar, almost perfect replica. .

Tang Li finally went back to her room to sleep, and was woken up by the daily task of updating at nine o'clock. She rolled over and covered her ears with a pillow, trying to muddle through.

"Ding Dong, the [I want to fall in love] series of tasks has been updated, please complete it in time today, or you will be punished!"

【Daily Mission (0/1)】

[Task Details] My throat is so dry and thirsty, I always want to drink something. Received a drink from the lovely lover, drank it in front of her, and said softly, "Like you, it tastes so sweet."

【Failure Penalty】Death after accumulating the number of failures (0/2).

"System, you taste really sweet," Tang Li said strangely, "Why don't you come over quickly and let me die?"

The system unexpectedly didn't quarrel with her this time. Although Tang Li had already passed the night here, it might only have a few seconds for the system.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be still struggling with the last daily task: "I still don't understand, how did you complete yesterday's task."

"The details of the mission clearly stated that the requirement is obviously [intimate contact], and it requires ten minutes of intimate contact."

The system was puzzled, tapped the keyboard, and went back to look at the list of daily tasks, trying to analyze the reason:

"But Chu Chi didn't even touch you, and you slept the whole time without waking up. Why did the program judge the task as completed?"

The system is tangled: "I don't understand, I can't understand."

Compared with the attitude of the system, Tang Li was much calmer, and lazily got up to wash, "What the hell, it's all done anyway, isn't it?"

"But this judgment is really weird," the system said, his voice getting lower and lower, and he muttered, "Could it be that there is a bug in the program? Impossible?"

While the system was still doing all kinds of analysis, Tang Li had already washed up, changed into neat casual clothes, and was ready to go out.

She has two goals today, the second thing is to sneak into Building C in Mirare-In and see if the frozen body is still there.

Although the last reset was because Chu Chisi found out that he had moved the office and made a choice to keep the "secret", Tang Li still wanted to confirm.

[Strategy Target No. 2] Will it still be there?

Although there is no basis for it, Chu Chisi kept No. 2 so tightly, even at the expense of resetting the cycle, which proves that No. 2's identity...or that what No. 2 guards is extremely important.

Although Tang Li is not sure yet, she has a vague feeling that the survival of the target No. 2—

It is likely to be the key to breaking the game.

However, there is no hurry to break into the building. This is a matter that is properly tested on the edge of life and death. The risk is very high. If Chu Chisi finds out, it will have to start all over again.

So, Tang Li was going to go back to Tang's house first, to make some plans for the next, and see what changes.

The system once said, "In order to keep running smoothly, all data will be cleared at the end of the program. But because the world code is too large and complex, with so many global variables and temporary variables, there may be residual data."

Moreover, the system also added a sentence saying that there had been a situation where the Raiders reset cycle had occurred before, and then caused a subtle change in the mirror world.

Tang Li went directly to the game city to find Chu Chisi as soon as it reset this time. In the next few days, he was also busy with moving house, so he really didn't go to understand the background of this time.

Even if the working capital and popularity brought by the [Charity Auction] to the Tang family disappeared with the reset of the world, Tang Li still had some hope.

Maybe, the disturbance in the previous game can have any impact on this world, leaving some residual data or something, there is no need to start from scratch every time you reset.

She has too little information and must be cautious.

However, to Tang Li's surprise, she just told Chu Chisi the purpose of her trip, and Chu Chisi stood up.

"I just happened to be going to the Tang family." Chu Chisi looked calm, "If you don't mind, you can go with me."

Tang Li must be 110,000 happy to be able to go with his wife, but looking at Chu Chisi's well-prepared appearance, she should have planned to go to Tang's house before asking herself.

Tang Li was very curious and asked, "Wife, why are you going to Tang's house?"

Without raising his head, Chu Chi straightened the cuffs of his suit, tucked the black fabric inward, and hooked out his slender waist.

"Well, I have some things that I want to confirm in person, and I will also go to the Tang family today."

Chu Chisi glanced at her and said in a low voice, "So, our goals are probably the same."

Seeing her expression as usual, Tang Li began to tease his wife again: "That's not necessarily. My goal has always been my wife, you, so I'm not very interested in the Tang family."

Chu Chisi: "..."

The consequence of being sloppy is that Tang Li was left alone in the back seat, and Chu Chisi ran to the front seat indifferently. .

The car quickly stopped at the entrance of Tang's house, Tang Li got out of the car first, and opened the door for her before Chu Chisi.

The blond hair scattered a little bit, and Tang Li bent over and said with a smile: "Wife, please."

Chu Chisi: "...?"

Intuition tells Chu Chisi: she is diligent at all times, and she can do anything if she is not a traitor or a thief, especially a shameless person in front of her.

As soon as Chu Chisi got out of the car, he saw a pair of hands handed in front of him, fair and slender, with well-defined joints and no trace of calluses.

"Wife, according to Article XX of the marriage contract, we have to pretend to be loving partners in front of outsiders, such as holding hands, arms and so on."

Tang Li smiled brightly: "How, do you regret signing the terms of the marriage contract with me? Regret is useless, let's walk in hand in hand?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

A crack appeared on the ice cube face, which had always been calm and calm, and Chu Chisi bit her lip and glared at her.

She looks fierce, but she's too cute, and doesn't have any deterrent effect on Tang Li.

Tang Li stretched out his hand calmly and shamelessly pressed the other party with the "Terms of Engagement". Chu Chisi struggled for a long time, but still put his hand up.

Tang Li held her back tightly, very tight.

With his fingers intertwined, the temperature between his palms passed, Chu Chisi was a little dazed for a while, and remembered the second law of thermodynamics: entropy is always greater than or equal to zero.

That is to say, under natural conditions without external interference, heat (entropy) can only be transferred from high temperature objects to low temperature objects, and the reverse is impossible.

This is the whisper of the universe, the law of all things. It reveals the secrets of time, writing a law that separates the "past" from the "future".

Tang Li's hands were very warm, very hot, and the heat spread along her knuckles, covering Chu Chisi's cold palms little by little, so tightly that they did not give her a chance to escape.

The two of them are...

High temperature objects and low temperature objects.

Chu Chisi lowered her head. If she were to use another metaphor, then she was a cold creature trapped in a crevice, a monster living in a prison. She longed for warmth, belonging, and love.

And warmth can only be drawn from her.

The heavy, distressed, icy molecules in her body were pushed by her, becoming restless, gradually heating up.

When you heat and melt a block of ice, you also intensify the microscopic molecular vibrations in the ice block.

When the entropy value gradually increases, between the violent vibrations, the molecules gradually lose their original close connection, and become unbalanced, scattered, disordered, and chaotic.

Just like her.

The Tang family didn't change much from before, and it still looked like a defeated and rich family, but Tang Li walked around twice and soon discovered the magical place.

All the artworks that were auctioned off in the previous cycle have disappeared in this cycle.

Tang Li asked Mother Tang and learned that the artwork was auctioned off at a charity auction, but it was an auction ten days ago at [Reset Point].

The amount is exactly the same as that of Tang Li.

In other words, the program did read the results of Tang Li's last auction and transferred it to the [Background Information].

Therefore, after Tang Li's reset this time, he directly owns all the contacts, money, and resources obtained from the [Auction].

Tang Li was very excited by the news of his last efforts, and he grabbed Tang's father and mother and asked a few more questions.

Chu Chisi has been following her silently, not saying much, just listening to their conversation quietly, as if thinking about something.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for lunch. As the host of the Tang family, they would definitely invite the two of them to have a meal. After much deliberation, they decided to go to the Beimeng Restaurant next door to reserve a box.

The box was full of people, all of them were NPCs related to the Tang family. Tang Li and Chu Chisi sat together, and the elders ordered a table full of dishes, chatting while eating.

Chu Chisi didn't like crowded places at first, and he was always a little uncomfortable.

In addition, the code of the elder NPCs was written so vividly that they regarded Chu Chisi as a son-in-law, and they were so enthusiastic that they grabbed her and asked questions.

Chu Chi Si reluctantly answered a few questions. The elders wanted to continue to ask questions, but Tang Li stopped him in time: "Chi Si is a guest, a guest! Let's continue to eat."

The food was served one by one, full of color, flavor, and flavor. Tang Li took a piece of fish, carefully picked out all the bones, and then secretly stuffed it into Chu Chi Si's bowl.

Chu Chisi was stunned: "You are..."

When chasing his wife at the Beimeng Academy of Sciences, Tang Li discovered that Chu Chisi's diet was extremely irregular.

So Tang Li volunteered and took the job of Chu Chisi's assistant directly and forcefully, cooking for her all day long, peeling oranges, chestnuts, and fruits for her.

The final result is that Chu Chisi's two single assistants have yellow faces and thin muscles, but Chu Chisi was raised well by her, the one who is white and tender.

"I just finished picking the thorns, and suddenly I don't want to eat fish anymore," Tang Li said calmly, and stuffed her with the tenderest piece of meat on the belly of the fish, "It's a pity to throw it away, I'll give it to you."

Chu Chisi looked at the fish in the bowl, fiddled with chopsticks a few times, picked it up and put it down, and hesitated for a long time before putting it in his mouth with the rice.

Very tender and fragrant, with a little soy sauce, it melts in the mouth, and the taste is particularly delicious.

Just after eating one piece, the next piece was stuffed over again. Tang Li didn't change his face, and cruelly snatched the most delicious part from the NPC's men and stuffed it all to Chu Chisi's side.

Chu Chisi