MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 5

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Tang Li propped up her arms and was half-prostrate on the sofa.

Chu Chisi was sitting on the sofa, looking down at himself. She smiled lightly suddenly, her long eyelashes softly covering her pupils, unable to distinguish the color inside.

She lowered her head slightly and touched the top of Tang Li's head.

With her slender hand in the gap between her hair, Tang Li could smell a slight fragrance from her wrist, and her beautiful fingertips swept through the long strands of hair, fiddling with the wind beside her.

"Do you really think...this is home?"

Immediately afterwards, the hand touched the position of the neck.

Chu Chisi leaned over for a few minutes, the distance between the two could only accommodate the next breath, the long lacquer hair covered the light, leaving only the bottomless darkness in his eyes.

The knuckles pressed against the flesh and moved down inch by inch, like a dormant snake waiting for an opportunity, pinching Tang Li's throat breathing in the palm of his hand.

Tang Li was not afraid of her.

She raised her head and completely exposed her fragile neck to Chu Chisi's palm, like a docile and pious beast.

Tang Li pursed her lips and smiled: "Wife, I'm a little embarrassed that you are so close all of a sudden."

Chu Chisi: "?"

Tang Li paused, with a slight blush on her cheeks: "Is this... are you going to give me a light good morning kiss?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

System: "You go all the way, don't send it."

Chu Chisi's expression changed, and he suddenly let go of Tang Li. She clenched her knuckles, still the same smile, "Impossible."

Tang Li was aggrieved: "I'll just ask."

She stared at Chu Chisi pitifully, her eyes were clear and clear, inexplicably a bit like the kind of little golden retriever that was lying on the side of the street, waiting to be picked up.

Chu Chisi: "..."

After a moment, she sighed and stood up, smoothing her long hair, and gave Tang Li her seat.

"You don't need to ask the housekeeper about my whereabouts in the future," Chu Chisi said in a light voice, "Just eat directly, don't wait for me."

This sentence is quite meaningful. For the task yesterday, Tang Li did "nuisance" the housekeeper after dinner, and pestered the other party to ask when Chu Chisi would come back.

It seems that the housekeeper is Chu Chisi's "eyeliner": every move, everything about sesame and garlic skin will be reported. Maybe he can take advantage of this to reveal some information [just let Chu Chisi know].

Tang Li nodded: "Understood."

She threw herself on the sofa and hugged a pillow. There is still the breath of Chu Chi's thoughts here, like a hug or a soft kiss, if there is no trace of it, it is hooked to the tip of the heart.

Chu Chisi quickly left.

The housekeeper also disappeared, and the entire villa was empty.

Tang Li, wearing a beige hooded jacket, with her hands in her pockets, walked around the house a few times, pushing the locked door.

"It's still a combination lock, it's a little troublesome," Tang Li clicked on the screen, "Is this a thief or me."

System: "What do you think?"

Tang Li looked around the house, found the glass door leading to the backyard garden, and opened it with a push.

There are many, many hydrangeas planted in the yard, the petals are clustered and reunited, from the entrance to the wall.

When the wind blows, the branches and leaves overlap, like bright clouds under the rays of the sun.

"Is there no power grid on the wall?" Tang Li asked.

The system said: "There is no trace of current passing through, what are you asking about?"

"Okay, found the way."

Tang Li took a few steps back, but the system hadn't reacted yet. After a while of running, her body sank slightly, her toes slammed hard, and her whole body suddenly vacated and stepped on the wall.

She reached the edge of the wall with her right hand, clenched it tightly, and pulled her whole body up.

Before the system could react, Tang Li was already squatting on the edge of the wall, looking down and thinking about where to jump off.

System: "What you're looking for this way... is a bit unusual."

"What are you surprised about," Tang Li said, "Although I'm very unremarkable sometimes, I'm still an Alpha anyway."

System slander: Do you still remember!

Tang Li took a step in the air, and her figure suddenly fell. The brown-gold ponytail was raised in the wind, and she stepped on the ground steadily without breathing.

"So, where is this going?"

One hundred thousand whys The system is online again.

Tang Li lowered the brim of her hat, "You say, I am such a heinous bad guy who abruptly broke up other couples, why did Chu Chisi marry me?"

The system said, "For revenge?"

"I also think," Tang Li agreed, "so, in order to be able to retire with peace of mind, I must understand what the original body did."

It was not because of the family background and power of the original "Tang Li" that the marriage contract was made in the first place. But now that the Tang family is in such decline, and Chu Chisi doesn't love her, she can completely tear up the marriage contract, and it is not difficult to destroy the Tang family.

But she still fulfilled the marriage contract.

He even drafted a specific and detailed contract, so he gently and slowly "tied" Tang Li into this abyss that he could never escape on his own.

Apart from revenge, Tang Li couldn't think of any other reason. .

Compared with the bustling city center, the alleys of the city, and the places with strong fireworks, it is easier to collect information.

Tang Li was sitting in a breakfast shop, slowly flipping through the menu in her hand while drinking a sip of tea.

The system couldn't help but worry:

Did she come to inquire about news, or was she passing by for breakfast...

Before coming out, Tang Li deliberately put on a thick layer of makeup, and smoothed all the features on her face. The brown wig hides the brown-gold color, her temperament is gentle and supple, and she even has a thin and sweet voice when she speaks.

There were mostly migrant workers in the breakfast shop. A woman and a little girl poked her head behind her, staring at Tang Li.

Tang Li raised her eyebrows and smiled, took down the peanut plate on the table, and handed it to the child: "Little sister is so cute, do you want to eat peanuts?"

The child blinked and took two secretly.

"Thank you sister soon." The woman touched the child's head, and Tang Li took the opportunity to chat with her, and in just a few words she gathered a lot of useful information.

This woman had done things in the Tang family.

"That eldest lady of the Tang family has a temper that ordinary people can't bear. I can't stand her tossing and swearing when she throws things at every turn."

Tang Li raised her tail slightly and said deliberately, "I heard that she finally got married recently, and I don't know who she is."

The opponent really took the bait. The woman sighed: "Sorry, girl, you don't know, this marriage contract was forced by Miss Tang."

This is not going well...

Tang Li stroked it, her heart was half cold.

To put it simply, Chu Chisi originally had a girlfriend for many years, and the two had a very good relationship.

At that time, the SAARC and the Northern Alliance were in the negotiating stage with hidden smoke of gunpowder.

"Tang Li" relied on this point and forcibly separated the two.

Chu Chisi's research was blocked across the board, and his girlfriend was sent abroad because of some secret involvement. As a result, the plane lost contact with the tower in mid-air, and no one was alive or dead.

Deprived, loved ones missing.

Chu Chisi had nothing and could only ask Tang Li for help.

According to the gossip, the negotiations between the two were very unpleasant. Tang Li took an inch and pressed her to make a marriage contract. I heard that she almost did something even more extreme....

[Ding Dong, all background information has been unlocked! 】

[Please continue to work hard and pass the level successfully! 】

The cold wind by the river was bleak, and Tang Li's heart was also bleak.

"SSS level scripts are all so **** and have no bottom line," Tang Li said melancholy, "I know that 'I' is a scumbag Alpha, I knew I was forced to marry, I didn't expect it to be such a scumbag."

Fortunately, Chu Chisi can still laugh every time he sees him. I'm afraid that there is no hidden knife in his smile, and his words are poisonous.

Tang Li really admired her determination.

The system said: "It's really scum, and the scum is indignant. It depends on how you turn things around."

It also turned the world around, and let it go directly to the ground.

Tang Li sighed, the system seemed to have seen her soul solidify and slowly float out of her body.

"Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will never end in a hundred battles, why don't we search for information about our first love?" the system suggested.

After entering the keywords, a photo comes into view:

The woman in the major general's suit stood sideways, with a gleaming gold star of the North Alliance on her chest. With long brown and golden hair scattered behind her back, her eyes are cold, her spine is straight, and she frowns slightly towards the camera.

What's even weirder is that the appearance of the Alpha in the photo is eight or nine points similar to Tang Li's current face, but it is slightly different in momentum.

It would be this photo.

Tang Li raised an eyebrow.

Under the sound of ding dong, the last keyword [substitute] was officially unlocked, and the full name of the script came out:

"Missing a Dangerous Lover: The Engagement Stand Is A Little Sweet"

Tang Li ruthlessly complained: "Good guy, it's still a stand-in literature. You have all the elements. Do you want to add a follower.. mother's setting to memorize.. moral taboos?"

System: "Why do you understand so well..."

"It's useless to know too much, and it doesn't help this desperate situation in the slightest," Tang Li sneered, "Is there something wrong with your setting, is the logic out of the sea?"

"I'm a **** Alpha, a foolish Alpha, relying on my family background, how did I force a young and promising major general to leave?"

Tang Li really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The system explained weakly: "This content has not been unlocked, there is a lot of hidden content, please make persistent efforts to find new clues."

"Well, even so."

Tang Li rubbed his forehead, "But he's a major general, major general! A top-notch Alpha, what can I compare a third-rate me with, will I take my life?"

System: "Take... take the body?"

"They're in better shape than me!" Tang Li was angry. "Look at this tight and beautiful waistline, and look at my thin arms and legs. Is there any comparison? Is there any?"

The system is honest: "No."

Tang Li: "…"

She continued to blow the wind on the riverside melancholy, chatting with the system one after another, and staring at the ships near the estuary not far away in a daze.

There was some cold wind blowing on the river surface, with dust and gravel slowly rolling in the gaps.

A fallen leaf was swept into the wind.

Ye Jian softly brushed Tang Li's cheek, swayed for a while, and stopped in front of a nearby alley.

The high wall tightly blocked the blowing cold wind, and between the gaps on both sides was sunk in a cold and thick darkness, a suffocating silence.

No one knows that there are a pair of extremely beautiful eyes hidden there.

There was a person hiding in the shadows, TA lowered his head slightly, black clothes covered his figure, hat brim and mask blocked his face, and his knuckles were clasping something.

The metallic light flickered for a moment, then disappeared suddenly.