MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 52 (1)

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The system was stunned: "This, you are really the most amazing raider I have ever seen. Where is that ruthless and ruthless Chu Chisi, why haven't you got a knife yet?"

Tang Li: "Maybe, because I'm cute."

The system muttered: "It's so strange, we have at least tens of thousands of raiders, and she has killed them all over and over again. How can you be so soft-hearted to you alone?"

Tang Li: "Maybe, because my mouth is very sweet."


Without morals, anything is possible.

"Forget it, you should do your best to deal with this scene first, and call me anytime if you have something to do." After speaking, the system reduced the screen, but some voices could be vaguely heard in the ears.

Tang Li's eyes sank, and it is estimated that the system was definitely staring at the screen while going to report the situation to her boss, that is, the administrator.

At this moment, the person on his body also moved, and a strand of long hair fell from his shoulders, falling into Tang Li's arms with a sporadic aroma.

To be honest, Chu Chisi is really light.

Tang Li fell to the ground on her back, and was pressed into her arms by her whole body, and she didn't feel much weight.

Compared to that Chu Chisi, who was fed by herself diligently every day, so that she was white, tender, and well-proportioned, she is too thin now.

Like glass, it can be easily broken.

Looking at Chu Chisi's eyes, Tang Li froze, and almost subconsciously read out the lines of the daily task:

"Chi Si... Are you so reluctant to give up on me?"

Tang Li completely regretted this **** nasty line after speaking, and could not wait to bite off his tongue.

Unexpectedly, Chu Chisi just smiled: "Well."

The palms of her hands were softly pressed against her cheeks, and the lines went over the flesh a little bit, smashing the ice and smashing the little remaining reason.

Chu Chisi lowered her eyelashes, her voice was densely woven into a net, melted into her flesh and blood, embedded in her bones, and trapped her in it: "Yes."

"I really... miss you very much."

Chu Chisi sat on Tang Li with his knees on his waist, and his long black hair poured down his shoulders, spreading a faint coolness.

She laughed softly and said softly: "I'm already... very tired, and I don't want to think about what's wrong."

Whole or broken, it doesn't matter.

Those glass-like emotions, those silk-like sensibilities, connected and dressed, pieced together a fragmented body for her.

Emotionally sensitive and delicate, she will pay attention to the things hidden in the details, the habits of speaking, the small movements, the ordinary expressions, the favorite food and so on.

All the small fragments were assembled and pieced together into a figure that could give her warmth and care, a vague but complete circle.

So emotionally, you should trust her.

Reason is ruthless and cold, she will calculate the probability, to estimate the result, the data of 30,000 times is disassembled layer by layer, analyzed layer by layer, and then all the information she has grasped is also included in the formula.

In the end, with a negligible probability, which is negligible in the calculation, all selected branches are decisively cut off.

So rationally said, you must not trust her.

Or perhaps, reason and emotion are intertwined in themselves. Under the tide of 30,000 memories, the balance in the heart is shaking, who can distinguish so clearly.

"Actually...I'm almost unable to recognize it."

She bent down and touched Tang Li's cheek with her palm, her voice softly whispering, "But, it doesn't matter."

Just keep her, tie her up,

Don't let her go, don't let her go.

The black hair fell down, as if a fine curtain had been drawn, blocking the light in the room, leaving only a sparse darkness.

Chu Chisi got close, and slapped Tang Li on the cheek with a warm breath. She seemed to want to kiss him, but in the end she didn't.

She just smiled and looked at herself.

Tang Li recognized that look, it was the look that stood on the cliff of ten thousand feet after being forced to a desperate situation.

There was no light in her eyes, only ashes and desolation.

Even if it was just a piece of rotten driftwood in the river, or a dry branch in the avalanche, she would not hesitate to clench it tightly, and would never let go.

Tang Li couldn't take it any longer.

She used some skill to cut back Chu Chisi's hands, and pushed him away, with neither light nor heavy, so that he could not break free.

Chu Chisi was stunned: "??"

Although Chu Chisi is rich in experience, he is no match for those who have accumulated skills and experience under many years of professional training.

She only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and the positions of the two suddenly reversed. The next second, Chu Chisi was instantly pressed onto the blanket.

Tang Li was on top of her, her brows furrowed slightly, she just stared at Chu Chisi without blinking, looking a little angry.

Chu Chisi struggled for a while, but found that he couldn't move. He gritted his teeth and said, "Hey! What are you doing?"

Tang Li looked at her and pursed her lips.

With both hands clasped on top of his head, Tang Li bent down slightly, his shadow like a black gauze covering the sky, shrouding Chu Chi's thoughts in his arms.

Tang Li whispered, "Chi Si."

After the exchange of positions, Tang Li became the controller this time, she became a high-ranking person, and firmly controlled Chu Chisi in her own hands.

But Tang Li's heart is clear:

She will always be just her puppy.

No matter what, they can find their way, those who come to her relentlessly, and those who are pitifully waiting for her to come home.

"Chu Chisi, think about it clearly."

Tang Li's voice was clear and powerful.

"You still have a fever and you are not conscious. You are in a very fragile state, both physically and psychologically."

Those hands were slender and strong, with clear joints, and they held Chu Chisi tightly like this, imprisoning her like shackles.

Chu Chisi struggled for a while, but to no avail.

The wrist was rubbing against her palm, and it was a little hot, and it scalded her all at once, as if there was fire burning under her skin.

Chu Chisi raised his head with all his might, his eyes still covered with a layer of water mist: "No, I'm very awake, I'm very rational."

"Let me go." Her voice was frighteningly cold and calm, "I know what I'm talking about and what I'm doing."

Tang Li was on top of her, her soft blond hair fell from her shoulders, and a few strands swept across Chu Chisi's cheeks, like the tips of down feathers, stroking her skin little by little.

Tang Li frowned and looked at her, her light-colored eyelashes curled up, never before serious: "Really?"

"I can't see anything in your eyes."

Tang Li sighed and his expression softened a little: "I can't see love, no pity, or even my own face."

She smiled wryly, full of self-deprecation:

"You just want to grab whatever you want, anything is fine."

Chu Chisi's jaw tensed tightly, and he didn't speak. He glared at Tang Li a little fiercely, and the mist came up from his lower eyes, covering his sight.

"Chu Chisi, you are smart, think about it carefully," Tang Li said softly, "Are you really sure, is this what you want?"

【Do you really want this? 】

Chu Chisi was startled, she opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but her throat was dry and hoarse, and she couldn't say anything.

The light fragrance of pear blossoms surging quietly in the air, neither intense nor rushing, just like her eyes, silent and quiet.

Chu Chi shuddered, the [probability] that was rooted in his mind and slowly increased bit by bit jumped again, the value changed, changed, but quietly stopped.

After a moment of silence, Chu Chisi stopped struggling.

She lowered her head, as if deflated, let Tang Li restrain herself like this, tilted her head to the side, and did not look at the other party's face as if she was angry.

Tang Li has been paying close attention to her expression.

The hand holding the wrist loosened a little, and the long brown-blond hair swept the shoulder and neck densely, just like the gentle breathing of the man: "Is it better?"

Chu Chisi lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Well."

Tang Li let go of his hand and pulled Chu Chisi up, then took a small blanket and put it on Chu Chisi.

Both of them had disheveled hair and looked a bit inexplicably embarrassed, so they faced each other and sat on the soft carpet.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Chu Chisi blinked, suddenly a little aggrieved, she rubbed her wrist and whispered, "You hurt me."

Tang Li panicked, and hurriedly leaned over a little and asked, "I'm sorry, where is the injury, show me?"

Chu Chisi put on the little blanket and wrapped herself tightly. She peeled off a small slit and stretched out a delicate and soft white wrist.

After being strangled like that just now, a faint red mark was left on the wrist, not deep, just like the color in the depths of the flower core.

The color is beautiful, and it cleverly hooks the apex of the heart.

Tang Li lowered her head and carefully lifted her wrist. Looking at the red mark, she felt distressed and blamed herself: "Really... I'm sorry."

Her palms were very hot and warm, and when they pressed against her skin, she could feel a startling warmth.

Chu Chisi lowered her eyelashes and leaned towards her a little.

Tang Li looked down at the wound and didn't notice Chu Chisi's movements. She stroked the shallow red mark and rubbed it slowly a few times.

Not painful, but a little itchy.

Chu Chisi had already moved to her side, his jaw resting on Tang Li's shoulder, his voice fell softly into the auricle, sounding like a spoiled child: "It's better."

"I'm going to get the ointment for you. After applying it, it will heal faster." As a result, Tang Li tilted her head and saw a person on her shoulder.

Her voice trembled, "...Chi Si?"

Chu Chisi raised his head upon hearing the sound, and the thin blanket draped over his shoulders slipped off, revealing the thin white snow-like shoulders.

The silk pajamas rustled down, spreading a thin water color. The room light through the thin dress faintly traced the outline of her body.

In the **** and **** that could not be concealed, the dark fragrance surging quietly, gradually entangled Tang Li's breath.

She lay on her shoulders, just like Tang Li, and the fine snow that piled up seemed to fall into her arms like this.

Tang Li's voice was hoarse: "Chi Si!"

The culprit hadn't noticed what had happened yet. She leaned her head on Tang Li's shoulder, and tugged a strand of her long hair with her fingertips.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Chisi got closer, tapped her auricle with her fingertips, and bent the cartilage slightly, "Your ears are so red."

A few warm breaths blew into the pinna, as if piercing the eardrum, melting between her chest.

Tang Lixin said that this is no nonsense, and my whole body was about to burn. Chi Si, if you get closer, I can directly turn into a barbecue grill and bake a few pears for you. .

Tang Li was really suffering, so she avoided her without revealing a trace, trying to change the subject: "That... Chi Si, what do you want to eat?"

"I bought some fresh ingredients, let me cook."

Who knows, with such a small dodging action, Chu Chisi was caught all of a sudden.

She grabbed Tang Li's cuff, her eyes full of water, and said, "I'll cook dinner with you, and I'll help you."

Tang Li froze, and the whole person was not well.

With a simple sentence, Tang Li instantly recalled countless painful memories, including of course the time when Chu Chisi blew up the kitchen of the orphanage in the last cycle.

But Chu Chi Si still looked ignorant, with **** red fingertips, grabbed a little bit of her collar, and looked at himself eagerly: "Is it alright?"

" agreed just now," Chu Chisi pursed her lips, her long eyelashes drooping slightly, "you can't leave me alone."

Tang Li was really confused: "This..."

It seemed that she could see her hesitation, and the warm breath came a little closer, blowing softly across her chin, stirring up a little itch.

Chu Chi Siyi came over, a strand of blond hair wrapped around his knuckles, and whispered, "Your words don't count."

Tang Li was completely helpless and failed: "Okay, then I'll cook, can you order some dishes?"

Chu Chisi nodded seriously.

At Tang Li's insistence, Chu Chi Si reluctantly put on a thin sweater, white fluff covering his neck and wrists, like a beauty made of snow.

Delicate everywhere, beautiful everywhere.

"I bought a lot of fresh vegetables and came back," Tang Li put the things out, skillfully and naturally, "Chi Si, you still have a fever, let's eat something light."

Chu Chisi nodded seriously again.

She looks too serious and serious, completely different from the Jiaojiao look just now, like a three-good student with a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with only two big characters left in her eyes.

Tang Li didn't dare to give Chu Chi something too complicated, so she handed some tomato and cabbage to her to cut.

Chu Chisi rolled up his sleeves, revealing his slightly pale wrists. Under that thin layer of skin, he could vaguely see blue veins.

She is very skilled in holding the knife, although it is not standardized, but she is very experienced in actual combat.

However, after these 30,000 cycles, Chu Chisi has accumulated all the experience of killing, and using it to deal with vegetables is just...

Some are appalling.

A good chopping board was turned into a scene of killing vegetables and throwing vegetable corpses. It was extremely cruel and jaw-dropping.

Tang Li originally planned to fry assorted vegetables, but it was temporarily changed to a pot of stewed vegetables.

Chu Chisi was elated and proud.

She held a bowl of small rice, occupied the vegetable pot, and put a lot of vegetables into the bowl: "I also made this dish, you eat more."

Tang Li laughed: "Well, thanks to your help."

Chu Chisi was picking up some rice, and after hearing her say that, her hand holding the small bowl tightened: "Really?"

"I always feel like...I'm not helping you much," she said, her voice getting lower and lower, almost inaudible, "and breaking your cutting board."

Tang Li laughed: "What's the matter, this is your own chopping board anyway, it doesn't matter how many you want to buy if you have the money, you can cut and play every day."

Chu Chi thought about it too, and started to eat with peace of mind.

She took small mouthfuls of rice grains, her long eyelashes were dense, trembling leisurely with her movements, and flying like butterflies.

No matter how Tang Li looked at it, she thought it was cute.

Of course, the dinner is not only a dish of stewed vegetables, but Tang Li also made some dishes such as lean meat porridge and steamed fish.

However, Chu Chisi lacks interest in other dishes, and only has a soft spot for the stewed vegetables that she "helped out". After holding dozens of chopsticks, she can't wait to bring the whole pot back. eat.

Tang Li was helpless: "Chi Si, do you want to eat some fish?"

Chu Chisi shook his head firmly: "No, I just like to eat vegetables."

She stuffed vegetables while stuffing rice. Seeing that Tang Li kept staring at herself and didn't speak, she generously gave her a little: "You also... try it?"

Tang Li looked at the few pieces of cabbage that had been smashed into thousands of pieces, and couldn't help but feel sadness in her heart, and stuffed it down with a wry smile.

Chu Chisi was still busy with her pot full of stews. Tang Li saw that there was only clear soup and little water in her bowl, and couldn't help but ask, "Chi Si, do you want some fried meat?"

Chu Chisi was even more determined and plausible: "I will be a vegetarian for three hours from now on, and I will be full by eating only vegetables."

Tang Li: "..."

It's over, maybe it's because he has been with him for a long time, and he gradually becomes fascinated by the ink, and the more he learns this shameless technique, the deeper he learns.

Chu Chisi shouldn't be allowed to enter the kitchen. Tang Li fell into contemplation and began to deeply regret the choice he made not long ago. .

Chu Chisi's body is indeed a little weak. The fever is not completely healed the next day, and he still has a low cough.

But when Tang Li said that she was going to Tang's house today, Chu Chisi followed up stubbornly and said, "I'll go with you."

To be honest, although Tang Li was worried about her physical condition, she was even more worried about leaving Chu Chisi at home alone.

Chu Chisi didn't know how many cycles he had gone through. His mental state was very unstable, and he was on the verge of losing control. He was pulling back with reason.

If this is the point, what will Yin do... Tang Li really doesn't know what will happen.

Simply Chu Chisi is willing to go with herself, and she can take care of each other more to prevent possible unknowns and dangers.

The car drove quietly, and the scenery outside the window kept passing by.

Chu Chisi leaned against the window, her long hair fell softly over her shoulders, holding a cup of hot coffee in her hand, drinking slowly.

The car smelled of coffee all the time.

It may have been raining a lot recently, and the water vapor was freezing cold, so Chu Chisi didn't wear a neat suit anymore, but changed into a thin white sweater.

She likes a sweater that is slightly larger than herself, wraps her body loosely, and has long cuffs and collars. From a distance, she looks like a fluffy little snowman.

The black hair was a bit messy, and strands fell on her shoulders. Tang Li naturally stretched out her hand and helped her straighten the broken hair beside her cheek.

Tang Li touched the side of her face, her fingertips ran across the skin, tugging up strands of black hair, and then helped Chu Chisi pull it behind her auricle.

The fingertips are delicate and gentle, and when they touch the cheeks, they itch a little, as if they touched the softest part of the heart.

Chu Chi raised her head slightly, holding the cup of black coffee, she asked with some doubts, "Why do you help me with my hair?"

"Probably, because it looks a little messy?"

Tang Li pretended to be thinking, and said lazily: "And seeing that you are holding coffee in both hands, you have no free hands."

Chu Chisi nodded thoughtfully.

She looked down at the coffee in her hand, and suddenly handed it to Tang Li: "Please take a sip."

Tang Li waved his hand: "It's too bitter, I don't want it."

Chu Chisi gave a disappointed "Oh", took the coffee back, continued to take a few sips, and suddenly leaned towards Tang Li again.

"Don't move." Chu Chisi raised her hand and followed her example. She also touched Tang Li's cheek and helped her pull up her long hair.

It's really strange, her black hair is submissive in Tang Li's hands, but when she did it for herself, Tang Li's blonde hair didn't cooperate at all, and it always slipped through her fingers like water.

With blonde hair tangled in her knuckles, she tried several times without success.

The fingertips touched the cheeks and swiped back and forth several times, like a kitten tickling gently, which made Tang Li "puchi" to laugh.

She smiled with her brows and eyes curved, the crescent moon reflected in the light, and her voice was soft: "Chi Si, what are you doing?"

Chu Chisi was annoyed, and finally threw her long hair away casually and withdrew her hand: "You can do it yourself, I won't."

Tang Li laughed so much that her whole body trembled, and the few strands of blond hair that Chu Chisi had finally pulled up were all spread out, and fell on her shoulders like gold foil.

"You are...? Stop laughing."

Chu Chi didn't understand why, and his expression was cold.

But when Tang Li saw her cold expression, she laughed even harder: "It's alright, I'll just laugh for a while."

Chu Chisi frowned and glanced at her, raised his hand to touch his face, but in the end still didn't understand what Tang Li was laughing at. .

The piece of land that the Tang family planned to buy is in the [No. 7] area of ​​the map. Tang Li and the two drove all the way down from the No. 2 area. When the car passed No. 4 and No. 7, the map was updated accordingly:


No. 8-9: [to be unlocked]

No. 1-6: [Click to expand]

No. 7: Research Institute Site [New]

The system was finally reliable for a while, and soon a complete and detailed map was sent to Tang Li. It seems to be particularly favored by raiders, and every corner has basically been explored.

Tang Li didn't look at the map directly, but frowned at [Xin] in the map, and asked, "What do you mean by the ruins of the research institute?"

"Haven't you heard of Dr. Chu from Beimeng?" The system explained, "It's the lunatic who invented countless terrorist weapons and finally blew up his research institute."

How could Tang Li not know,

She even knew Dr. Chu very well.

"Ah, I got a bit of an impression when you said that," Tang Li pretended to be just remembering, "She's a doctor and her surname is Chu. Does she have any connection with target 1?"

The system said: "The two are indeed related, but I don't know what it is. It seems that Chu Chisi is the adopted daughter of the doctor? Or his biological daughter?

Tang Li nodded indifferently: "Understood."

The research institute is located on a nearby mountain, close to the boundary of the block, and most of the No. 7 area is actually a large residential area.

The residential area was built recently. There are very few people living in it, and the streets are deserted. It is because the Tang family values ​​this point that they want to invest in the flower market here.

The two got out of the car one after the other and walked down the street.

Tang Li was looking for that piece of investment land, and Chu Chisi followed her step by step, looking obedient.

She originally followed a little far, but after thinking for a while, she walked in a little faster, and then lightly tugged at Tang Li's cuff.

Chu Chisi got so close, the wind blew his long black hair onto Tang Li's shoulders, and in the soft and spreading ink color, he could vaguely smell some clear fragrance.

Tangled and lingering, hooking people tightly.

Tang Li turned her head to look at her, and her eyes fell on the hand that was awkwardly tugging at her cuff, but was unwilling to let go.

Chu Chisi's fingers are very beautiful, with cool tones in the light, crystal clear and round, with a thin layer of light.

That hand seemed to have little strength, but it was not. Every time she was bullied by herself, she would rise up to resist. The last time she was making a fool of herself, she accidentally pulled her Major General's star title off.

Tang Li, one of the parties, was very calm, but instead, Chu Chisi was frightened into a panic, pushing her angrily while crying a little hoarsely, saying that she would never make trouble with her in the office again.

Tang Li wandered for a moment and silently collected his heart.

Chu Chisi tugged at the corner of her sleeve and looked around, as if she was looking for something, but she was very lost and found nothing.

She looked at Tang Li for a moment, and said hesitantly, "Actually, I'm not very familiar with this area."

Tang Liwang turned to her and asked, "Do you rarely come here?"

Chu Chisi hesitated and nodded: "I spend most of my time either in the villa or in Mirare-In."

Tang Li glanced at the system screen beside him and frowned slightly.

Chu Chisi seemed to be unfamiliar with Area 7, but the map from the system showed that the Raiders, or the "traversing bureau" behind them, were very concerned about the so-called "Relics of the Research Institute".

It can be said that inside and outside, the area was thoroughly explored in every detail, otherwise Tang Li would not have been given such a detailed map.

They must be looking for something, but unfortunately they didn't find it. Either they were stopped by Chu Chisi in the middle, or they were likely to be stopped by the "protection mechanism" that Chu Chisi said.

"If I remember correctly," Chu Chisi asked suspiciously, "This is supposed to be the slum of Beimeng, right?"

Tang Li was very clear in her heart, but in order to hide her identity, she pretended to ask the system, "Really? Is there any relevant information?"

The system quickly gave her some search information, and the pictures and news reports were listed. Tang Li glanced at it, and felt a little disdain in her heart.

She had known it for a long time, no need to say it systematically.

Chu Chisi was right, because just a few decades ago during the war, this place was an out-and-out slum.

Poverty and hardship, full of pickle and violence.

During the war, many families were displaced, and many people came to this place a little far from the capital of the Northern Alliance after traveling to many places.

For a long time, there have been many poor and homeless homeless people living here, as well as many children abandoned by their families who have nowhere to go, so they also gather here.

Theft, robbery, fights, etc., are just commonplace for people living in this area.

However, shortly after the end of the war, Beimeng Xingzheng vigorously renovated the area and changed it into a residential area with good security. .

Since Tang Li's last recurring "auction" event was recorded in the background data, the Tang family's infamous reputation has improved a lot, and it is said that there are many people who want to cooperate.

The flower market went well, and soon it was time for lunch. The boss invited the two of them to a nearby restaurant for a meal.

Chu Chisi was very interested in the custard bun on the table. He didn't eat a single bite of the rice, so he secretly took two or three small buns and put them in the bowl.

Maybe it was because she was drunk last time, she was very careful not to drink tea or water this time. She brought a bottle of mineral water and only drank her own things.

The custard bag was fragrant and soft, and after taking a bite, a milky filling would ooze out. Chu Chisi took a small bite, looked extremely focused, and ate several in a row.

The plate was still there, but she was too embarrassed to take it.

Tang Li was blowing the wind lazily when someone tapped her shoulder suddenly. Chu Chisi leaned into her ear and asked softly, "Can you do it?"

Do, be a wife? Tang Li immediately thought about it for a while, but she was quickly pulled back by her: "What?"

Chu Chisi pointed to the custard bun.

Tang Li suddenly realized and shook his head: "I really can't."

Chu Chisi looked disappointed: "I thought you could do everything."

Tang Li was amused by her, picked up a custard bag and put it in her bowl, and vowed, "I'll go back and watch the video, and I'll make it for you."

Chu Chisi nodded silently: "Okay."

After lunch, the two walked slowly along the sidewalk. Tang Li was thinking about something, and was a little absent-minded along the way, and didn't talk much to Chu Chisi.

That's because Tang Li was busy wrangling with the system.

【Daily Mission (0/1)】

【Task Details】A beautiful daily life, how can there be less embellishment of songs! Let your lovely lover sing a gentle lullaby for you and lull you to sleep while you touch your hair! Remember to say to your lover, "I want to sleep next to you every night."

【Failure Penalty】Death after accumulating the number of failures (0/2).

"What's going on with today's daily tasks, isn't this difficulty a bit outrageous?"

Tang Li looked at the task panel and asked with a sneer, "Let Chu Chisi sing a lullaby to put me to sleep? Are you kidding me?"

The system pretends to be dead every day: "It's said that it's a randomly selected task. Maybe your task these days is difficult, and the next task will be simple."

Tang Li just sneered.

Simple? I think it will only get more and more difficult, and it will get closer and closer to the bottom line, and it will come to Chu Chisi unabashedly, obviously wanting to test her through myself.

But the punishment condition was still there, and Tang Li had to do it again. She pondered for a while, thinking about how to bypass the program's judgment to complete this task.

However, from Chu Chisi's perspective, Tang Li hadn't spoken for a long time—

It's not quite like her.

Usually Tang Li is a lot of words, especially after meeting her, she has to say two or three sentences if she has nothing to say. She can say anything from all over the world, and she is not her opponent at all.

Chu Chisi found her annoying on weekdays, and deliberately avoided getting along with her, but when Tang Li was quiet, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Humans are such strange creatures.

Tang Lizheng was arguing fiercely with the system, explaining the irrationality of daily tasks, but Chu Chisi suddenly stopped.

Tang Li also stopped: "?"

I saw Chu Chisi with his hands behind his back, and suddenly took a step towards him. Her eyes fell on her face, making Tang Li inexplicably uneasy, and her throat tightened: "What's wrong?"

The toes of the shoes stepped on the fallen leaves, making some fine noises.

Chu Chisi's hair has a smell like winter grass, like moss spreading in his heart, growing silently.

"Are you angry?" she asked.

Tang Li responded quickly, and immediately got out of the state of quarrel with the system.

She turned her head suddenly, deliberately not looking at Chu Chisi, pursing her lips, and didn't speak.

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi in Yu Guangli seemed a little hesitant, maybe thinking about whether Tang Li was really angry or pretended to be angry.

Of course Tang Li wasn't angry at all, Chu Chisi's little revenge turned into a self-hypnosis like "She revenges me, she cares about me, she has me in her heart!"

The system was eating popcorn and watching the fun: "Would you like to write a time-limited task for you: kiss me?"

Tang Li: "If you want me to return to the reset point, just say it."

After thinking for a while, Chu Chisi said: "In my opinion, assuming a certain stimulus (stimulus) causes you to be in a state of 'angry' with increased entropy, if I want you to be 'not angry', I must accurately locate the the reason.” ①

Tang Li groaned in her heart, secretly saying that it was not good.

Chu Chi thought dismantling analysis: "Hypothesis 1: The stimulus comes from external factors. Maybe 1, the location of the flower field is not good, maybe 2, I have to follow you to this behavior. Hypothesis 2: The stimulus comes from internal factors. Maybe one , you regret yourself for not being able to achieve a certain purpose, maybe two…”

It was rare for Chu Chisi, who was so cherishing of words on weekdays and never said three words when he could finish two words, to speak so earnestly for a long time, but Tang Li had to interrupt her.

Tang Li's voice was gentle: "Chi Si, please wait a moment."

Chu Chisi really stopped, his black and white eyes were like a few drops of dark ink splattered from the tip of a pen, like a piece of paper that was repeatedly filled with someone's name.

She looked at herself in such a quiet way that Tang Li couldn't help but want to touch her. She rubbed her fingertips across her cheeks and pulled a strand of smooth black hair behind her ears.

Tang Li pondered and explained seriously: "Chi Si, it is actually much easier than you think to reduce the entropy of your wife. First, you can give her a hug or a kiss."

Chu Chisi glanced at her: "Do you think it's possible?"

She had that pretty face straight, her long eyelashes drooping down a little, her eyebrows slightly narrowed, her eyes cold and indifferent, like a glacier that has not melted for ten thousand years.

"Or, you can give her a candy."

Tang Li explained with a smile, with boundless tenderness in her voice: "I like sweet things very much, and a little bit can make me happy."

"...just one candy?"

Chu Chisi frowned, a little unsure: "Don't you like sweets? A piece of sugar can reduce your entropy and return to the state where you talked a lot before?"

It turned out that Chu Chisi thought that I was angry because I had been arguing with the system just now and had never spoken?

Tang Li seemed to have discovered something, and her eyes lit up.

"Yes, it can only be a piece of candy you gave, plus an angry Tang Li, and it becomes a happy Tang Li - it can be equated like this."

Tang Li frowned and said with a smile:

"It's my formula, it's valid for life."

The stone steps in the alley are narrow and slender, and even the wind that blows grasps its proportions, passing the faint aroma of pear flowers and blowing over the tips of the slightly reddish ears.

Her voice was so soft that it made people fall, a trap that you knew but would step into without hesitation.

Chu Chisi was hesitant, she flipped through the black backpack for a while, and really found a small mint-flavored candy in the gap at the bottom, and held it in the palm of her hand.

The candy was wrapped in a transparent candy wrapper, and it was shimmering in the setting sun. A small one lay in her palm, and with a careful test, it was handed to Tang Li.

Her voice was cold: "Here."

Fingertips swept across the palm, and the candy was taken away, leaving an intangible or invisible itch or two.

Tang Li quickly put it in his pocket, and didn't forget to smile at Chu Chi Si and emphasized: "Thank you for the candy—you gave it to me, don't take it back, okay?"

Chu Chisi withdrew his hand: "No need."

"That's good, are we going home now?" Tang Li said more, and with a long leg took a few steps next to her, "Go back to the two of us home."

Chu Chisi glanced at her, his eyes seemed to refute him, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Isn't it?" Tang Li began to use the system to peek at the terms of the marriage contract again, "We are partners in the legal sense, and the place we go back to is not called 'home' or 'home'.

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