MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 55 (two)

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, "Excuse me, are you still afraid of taking wedding photos? ... I'll go home for dinner without taking pictures."

Tang Li embraced Chu Chisi's shoulders, took him into his arms, and smiled softly: "Paint, why don't you do it."

The cameraman began to direct the posture, and the two followed suit, but their hands and feet were a little uneven, and they couldn't always get their positions.

After finally getting it done, the cameraman chose the angle and position and waved to them: "Get ready, one, two, three—"

Tang Li was posing in an orderly manner and didn't dare to move. Instead, there were some soft rubbing noises from the wedding dress beside her.

The moment the shutter flashed, something stuck to his cheek.

The soft, soft, light and clear kiss made Tang Li stunned for a moment. She opened her eyes slightly and looked at the person who was leaning towards her on tiptoes.

The evening wind that day seemed to have color, pale gold, soft pink, clear orange and brilliant red, sprinkled with sparkling sequins and a little light.

Those soft and fine winds blew across her cheeks like that, blew her long hair, and sent her breath.

Tang Li's heart beat so fast, so fast.

Chu Chisi looked at her with a smug expression, and analyzed it with a straight face: "You kissed me just now, and I also come back."

"It's called equivalent exchange," she said.

Bit by bit, bitterness spread out from her throat, mixed with a **** aura that couldn't be dissipated or dissolved, almost drowning her.

There should have been two photos, the one who stole the kiss was his own, and the one who hugged was Chu Chisi's. He disappeared with her and could not be found.

Tang Li put the photo back on the table.

Xi Bianpai handed over a glass of water, but she didn't know what to say, so she had to sit beside Tang Li in silence.

Tang Li hoarsely said, "...Thank you, thank you."

She took the small cup and drank the water in one gulp. The thin plastic cup was pinched in her hand and turned into a small wrinkled ball.

Tang Li clenched the plastic ball like a vent, her knuckles exerting force, and her joints turned white.

She didn't know how long she held it before she let go.

The narrow room is divided into two halves, one half is densely packed with wires and equipment, and the other half is covered with photos and pictures.

In the middle of the wall is a huge world map, with the North Alliance on the top, many neutral countries in the middle, and the South Alliance on the bottom.

A small dot was marked with a red pushpin, marked with [Disconnected Location], and a huge circle was drawn with the red dot as the center.

The circle spans the North-South Alliance, several different countries, many of which are marked with an "X", but many more are blank.

Tang Li stood beside the map and raised his head slightly.

The ghostly dark shadow slowly descended, fell, and pressed heavily on her shoulders, drawing a stern silhouette.

[I will find her and take her home]

【at all costs】

The author says:

【Broken thoughts】

For the sweetness of taking wedding photos, can you leave a comment and then knock on my head QAQ (hold your head-

【Citations and Notes】

①: The original text comes from "Genesis 6:17" - "Behold, I will flood the earth and destroy the world, and every living thing that has flesh and breath on the earth will die."

Read Dafeng’s Night Squad