MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 56 (two)

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The voice faded, and she opened her eyes.

It's still the familiar Tang family study room, but this time, there is no Tang family parent NPC who would nag about the engagement in front of him during reset.

The study was empty, and she was alone.

Tang Li was watching the surrounding environment attentively, and a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "NM9034, welcome back."

The luck in misfortune is the voice of [System].

rather than the lingering silver.

"In the second half of the last cycle, the administrator suddenly said that he would assist you in person, and then drove me away."

The system tapped on the keyboard lazily, "So, how did the last cycle end? We were attacked by target No. 1 again?"

Tang Li asked lazily, "Didn't the administrator tell you?"

"She didn't tell us anything," the system pouted, slightly dissatisfied, "this time, too, only said that I would 'assist' you, and then left directly."

Tang Li breathed a sigh of relief: "Really?"

The system complained: "That's right, I don't explain why the two are good... Cough, the good mirror world has collapsed and crashed. It's really annoying."

Tang Li echoed, "Yeah, no explanation."

It seems that Chi Si still held on, and in order to continue to wear down her will, Yin clearly knew that NM9034 was the disguised identity of "Major General Tang Li", but decided to take advantage of the same as the previous three times.

A gamble with all the cards on the table, really fun.

"So, is this cycle any different?" Tang Li stood up and glanced at the surrounding study, "Where are the parent NPCs?"

The system said: "You walk around first to see if you can trigger any NPC, and I'll get the background file."

Tang Li nodded slightly, she walked down the stairs, and happened to see her parents NPC sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Xiao Tang, why did you suddenly come down?" Mother Tang called her over, "Come on, sit down."

Tang Li put on a professional smile and sat on the sofa. She leaned back slightly and folded her five fingers.

"Xiao Tang, you are also a big boss. It's time to consider inheriting the Tang family, as well as your lifelong events."

I saw Mother Tang took out a few documents from her bag and handed them to her with a smile: "Don't blame mother for making up her own mind and arranging a few blind dates for you."

The two had never appeared in a loop before, and the extremely unfamiliar words were heavily smashed, and Tang Li instantly realized something.

She stabilized her mind and hurriedly asked the 'parents': "Why do you want to have a blind date? Didn't I have a marriage contract with Chu Chisi?"

As soon as the words fell, the parent NPC was stunned.

The two looked at each other, and finally Tang's mother tongue said earnestly: "You don't even look at the market value of Mirare-In, it's not something we can afford."

Tang Li was stunned: "What?"

She frowned, and just as she did in the first loop, inquired about the so-called [story background] again.

Unexpectedly, this major restart really shuffled all the cards, completely reversing the original trend.

Chu Chisi has no first love girlfriend at all. She has always been alone. As the mysterious and low-key founder of Mirare-In, she has never appeared in public and has no lace news.

Of the three buildings occupying the prime location in the city center, there is only one left at this moment, standing in the original location of Building C.

The original location of Building A and Building B is still a small garden, with gravel paths and white pavilions for tourists to rest.

Even the reset time was pushed forward by three days.

Tang Li looked at the Mirare-In building in front of him, and there was an unrealistic sense of illusion, as if something that clearly existed in front of him suddenly disappeared.

There is only one building left, and the exhibition area on the third floor and the large exhibition hall on the fourth floor are gone. Instead, they are full of offices.

Now that time has moved forward, some things that must have happened in the past cycle may be prevented by themselves.

For example, the corpse that was frozen in the freezer by Chu Chisi, trying to do everything possible to hide it, [Strategy Target No. 2].

Tang Li skillfully found Mirare-In's staff channel. She knocked on the system and instructed: "Speed ​​unlock, be careful I'll beat you."

The system muttered: "If you order me like this again, I will quit the stall."

Tang Li smiled: "Dear, help unlock the lock."

The voice was greasy, with a hint of irony, and the system got goosebumps with fright: "Forget it, you'd better be more aggressive."

Tang Li shrugged, dodged and slipped in.

It happened to be Saturday, and there was no one in Mirare-In. Although the structure had changed a lot, Tang Li still found the mysterious office with memory.

Before entering the tattoo mirror, Paipai once said to Tang Li: "That office is the very center of Area 5, and the data here can never be read."

That's why Chu Chisi chose to hide the body here. She was avoiding the administrator's sight, and she was avoiding the program's tracking.

The house number was not blacked out this time, and the three characters [CO1] were written neatly on it.

Before Tang Li opened the door, she heard some voices coming from inside, muttering, as if complaining:

"The formula is obviously correct, why the experimental data just doesn't match? It's too strange, it doesn't make sense."

This voice Tang Li was all too familiar with, but compared to what he remembered, it seemed... much more immature?

Tang Li took a deep breath, then opened the door decisively, and at the same time startled the people inside.

The man looked at him blankly, his dark and bright eyes were slightly widened, and his long black hair was tied into a small ball, swaying down the back of his head.

A voice sounded in my ear: "Ding dong, target 2 has been unlocked, do you want to check it now?"

Raiders Object No. 2:

Name: Chu Chisi (Little Chu)

Age: 17

Identity: [to be unlocked]

Favorite things: [to be unlocked]

Dislikes: [to be unlocked]