MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 58

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Thirty centimeters is a safe distance.

Tang Li now regrets saying so.

One of Xiaochu's legs was bent on the sofa, and the other was touching the ground. The black-haired little dumpling who was bound had been bouncing all the way through today, and had long since loosened a lot.

She looked up at Tang Li slightly, and the room light fell between her hair and her long eyelashes, making her eyes sparkle.

The corners of his eyes and brows were still a little childish, as green as a piece of fruit that was just picked, and the thin cheeks in his memory were a little fleshy, soft, and a little round like a goose egg.

The undisguised, straightforward and clean words that belong to the young man alone: ​​"Can I call your sister?"

Her voice was not too loud, but it penetrated into her auricle in an instant, her chest, the stream of water, and the arc of moonlight, which directly disturbed her heart.

I am not an opponent at all.

A crushing defeat, ripped apart.

Thirty centimeters, which should be the "safe distance" in the mouth, has now become extremely dangerous. Stepping on the shaky "dangerous distance" on the sideline, step by step, stepping on the intense heartbeat.

Tang Li's throat was a little dry, she subconsciously wanted to keep a distance, but her body was stiffer than a stone, so she could only stop in place, staring blankly at Xiao Chu.

Who is the hunter and who is the prey; who is the master and who is the subject; who is the leader and who is the follower; who is the master of the game and who is the passive participant.

Or from the very beginning, they have been equally matched, and they will never be able to tell a definite victory or defeat.

No matter what "time", any node of life.

Xiao Chu waited patiently for a long time, but Tang Li seemed to have crashed and didn't say a word, which made her very puzzled.

"Why don't you speak?" Xiao Chu was very puzzled. "This is a multiple-choice question with only two options, not a question-and-answer question that gives you a blank page."

Tang Li: "..."

Well, Xiao Chu dragged her back with a few words, Tang Li exhaled, and knuckles stroked her long hair: "I know, I'm just thinking about it."

Xiao Chu looked at her and said in a low voice, "This is just a proposal that can be modified. If you object to me, I will change the proposal. You don't have to think too much."

Well, Chu Chisi is worthy of being Chu Chisi, after these words, the charming atmosphere just now has almost dissipated.

Tang Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Don't talk, let me think for a while. I'll give Miss Chu an answer later, okay?"

Xiao Chu was forced to shut up and glared at her.

Tang Li struggled for a while. On the one hand, she was still more used to Chu Chisi calling her "Tang Li" for so long. On the other hand, Xiao Chu's "sister" just now was really...

Nice, clean, and so heartwarming.

So, after some deliberation, Tang Li moved forward bravely and challenged the self-control and control that he had forged through years of training from today.

Tang Li cleared his throat, "cough, cough" twice, and attracted Xiao Chu, who was carefully studying the material of the sofa's fluff and was thinking of lighting it with an alcohol lamp.

She threw down the bunch of fluff that had been pulled off, her back was straight, and she looked straight at Tang Li.

It's clearly a childish voice, but it has an old-fashioned temperament that doesn't match his age: "You say it."

Tang Li deliberately followed her tone, and replied seriously: "After a series of strict and serious considerations, I agree with this nickname."

Xiao Chu said, "Okay, I understand."

What an inexplicable conversation, Tang Li wanted to laugh, but she was abruptly suppressed. I am a sister now, so I have to look like a sister.


Xiao Chu approached a little, with fluffy eyebrows, a pair of clear black eyes, and a small dimple on his face, which looked like a soft and sweet glutinous rice dumpling: "Sister."

Tang Li: "..."

It's over, control and self-control will almost be thrown out of the sky, Tang Li has already started to regret the choice he made. .

After hurriedly finishing dinner, Tang Li pondered and wanted to pack some things for running (escape).

The original room was still exaggerated as always, Tang Li was expressionless, threw all the cumbersome long skirts aside, and managed to pack up a few sets of clothes to wear.

To be honest, it's hard to find something useful.

The daring and talented Tang Li was even seriously considering whether to sneak into Chu Chisi's villa late at night and steal her mysterious black backpack.

Xiao Chu also has a black backpack, from which she can often take out some strange things, and she hugs her tightly, and she doesn't show it to Tang Li.

Tang Li was flipping through his clothes, and a man came quietly behind him.

Someone tapped on the shoulder, very lightly, and poked into the soft flesh through the fabric, which was inexplicably itchy.

Tang Li turned her head and smiled: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Chu squatted down and said seriously, "I want to take a shower, but I have no clothes."

Tang Li: "...don't you have it in your backpack?"

"Backpack space is limited," Xiao Chu said loudly, "You must know how to choose, and only pack items of relatively high value."

Tang Li: "..."

It seems that the relative value of the clothes is very low.

The original body had a lot of pajamas and nightdresses. Tang Li took a bunch of them and let Xiao Chu choose them at will. The little guy frowned and thought for a long time, and finally he didn't know what to take away.

There was the sound of water splashing in the bathroom, and the frosted glass was covered with white mist. Tang Li was at ease, but the sound of water was louder for a while, and then a little smaller.

It made her a little uneasy.

Xiao Chu's movements were quite fast, and the sound of water stopped after a while. However, the glass door has not been opened for a long time, and it is quiet inside.

Tang Li's originally settled heart began to feel uneasy again. He was a little afraid that the little guy had fallen, knocked, touched, etc., and began to wonder if he should ask.

After dawdling for more than an hour, Xiao Chu opened the door. She was wearing a long-sleeved white silk pajamas, swaying across the floor and jumping over to Tang Li.

Like a small pearl, like a little white rabbit.

Seeing that Tang Li was holding a gray backpack in her hand, she leaned over curiously and asked, "Sister, what are you doing?"

Maybe she had just taken a bath, her voice was still a little waxy, and the water vapor on her body came over, causing Tang Li's hand to hold the bag to tremble.

"Pack...pack up." Tang Li meditated in his heart, "Your wife is only seventeen years old", and handed her the backpack.

Xiao Chu was naturally curious. Tang Li allowed her to look at it, and she began to turn it over: "Toothpaste, toothbrush, shower gel? And some clothes..."

"It's all things of low relative value."

Xiao Chu curled his lips and commented, "What's your measure of value? We can talk."

Tang Li was laughed at by her, reached out to cover her hair, and rubbed it very lightly, making Xiao Chu stunned and staring at her blankly.

"It doesn't matter what's in the backpack."

Tang Li said leisurely: "Take this little guy well, and don't lose it is the serious thing."

The little Chu people were all stupid, all the words were stuck in their throats, and the soft white cheeks were flushed a little. I don't know if they had just been steamed by hot water, or they were teased by Tang Li.

She opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word, her smart brain completely crashed again, the host computer was broken, and after restarting for a long time, it was still crackling and sparking.

Take heart. Take heart. Tang Li stopped teasing her, put the packed backpack on the sofa, and went to take a shower.

The clean, messy facial cleanser and shower gel in the bathroom were re-arranged by Xiao Chu, and they were neatly arranged in front of the mirror.

It turns out that Xiao Chu has been dawdling for so long, is he cleaning up these?

Tang Li guessed in his heart.

However, another incident quickly overturned her guess. As the hot water was released, the white mist also evaporated, and soon the entire bathroom was densely covered.

The water vapor surged and spread over the originally smooth and transparent glass mirror, as if the waves swept in, the mirror was engulfed in an instant.

But when the surging fog fades—

On the originally smooth and transparent glass mirror, there are full of formulas and calculations written down with fingers.

The complicated variables and numbers are arranged on the mirror, and they are neatly arranged from top to bottom. Only at the end, they are messed up, smeared in anger, and a small crying face is drawn.

There is no way to calculate the final result.

Tang Li's heart stopped beating abruptly, and then jumped again quickly, beating drums in his chest and beside his ears, silent but deafening.

She couldn't care less, glanced at the silent screen, and hurriedly brought a white cloth.

Tang Li quickly turned off the hot water and wiped the mirror clean with a few brushes. The hand holding the cloth was trembling slightly, and his breathing could not stabilize.

So... so, so.

She seemed to understand what Chu Chisi meant.

Tang Li clenched the white cloth tightly, her knuckles exerting force, she took a deep breath, and then slowly released her hand.

After the hot water was turned off, the bathroom slowly cooled and quieted down, her breathing echoed in silence, and then it was covered by the flushing cold water. .

The moon is getting colder and the night is getting darker.

Tang Li came out of the bathroom, her brown-blond hair was soaked with water vapor, and her brows and eyes were also cold, like pear blossom branches and leaves adorned with frost and snow.

It just melted away the moment he saw her.

Xiao Chu was lying on the bed, her smooth black hair scattered. She was holding a signature pen, holding her chin, her legs crossed, and was writing and drawing something on the small book.

Hearing Tang Li's voice, her eyes lit up, she closed the notebook with a "pat", rolled twice to the right, and rolled in front of Tang Li.

With bright eyes, she shouted, "Sister!"

Tang Li's heart skipped a beat, her hands trembled, and she almost fell to the ground, but she managed to stabilize: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Chu pressed the notebook, fiddled with the signature pen with his knuckles, looked at her without blinking, and said, "What's your Circadian Rhythm?"

Tang Li smiled with a good temper: "I don't understand."

Xiao Chu puffed out her cheeks, and said, like Xiaobai dough, "Sister, what time do you usually go to bed?"

She had just rolled twice on the bed, her black hair was all messed up, and some were scattered on her cheeks, shoulders and neck, vaguely outlining the outline of her back.

Clearly pure white like milk, but with a hint of lust.

Tang Li put on a polite smile, unceremoniously, unfolded the towel in her hand, and threw it on Xiao Chu's head.

"You throw me the towel!" Xiao Chu was covered tightly by the towel, struggling to pull himself out, and said dissatisfiedly, "I don't understand the purpose of your behavior."

Tang Li sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "Guess what?"

The most annoying thing for Xiao Chu is that there is no definite result, and there is no probability and guess. He threw the towel back to her and sat up.

Tang Li was sitting on the edge of the bed, with her arms folded in her arms, in a gesture of a little distance, hiding a lot of thoughts.

"My routine is not stable," Tang Li said. "If you feel sleepy, go to bed first, don't worry about me."

Xiao Chu held the book and whispered, "But I'm afraid I'll disturb you. They used to say that my writing is too loud and my breathing is so loud that no one else can sleep."

Tang Li: "…"

Tang Li was silent for a moment, raised her hand and rubbed her head, her knuckles brushed her long hair casually, and touched Xiao Chu's cheek.

Very gently and softly, he held her in the palm of his hand.

Why is writing so noisy? How can breathing be noisy? She is too smart, but she doesn't know anything about the world.

It was clearly the dazzling achievement of skipping grades at a young age, and the praise from countless teachers and professors, which quietly shattered the balance in some people's hearts.

The palms are warm and hot.

Xiao Chu blinked, the man's face was reflected in his black pupils, his long brown blond hair was moistened, his eyebrows were so gentle, and he looked at himself so quietly.

Reminds her of the stained glass in the church. When light penetrates in, it will fall down with colorful and bright colors.

"No, you will never disturb me."

Tang Li rubbed her cheeks, and the skin under her fingers was as moist as water. She wanted to lean over and kiss her. But she couldn't, she could only hold her so tenderly.

She spoke slowly, her voice soft like a sigh: "You can go to bed when you want, wake up when you want, make any noise, and make as much noise as you want."

The pulp of her fingers pressed against her cheek, making Xiao Chu a little itchy. She blinked, her dark eyes covered with a soft light, like water.

Xiao Chu nodded ignorantly and said, "Okay, I'm a little sleepy now, can I sleep?"

Tang Li retracted his hand and smiled at her: "Of course."

She stretched out her hand and pulled up the quilt, the fabric rustled and put it on Xiao Chu's shoulder, and tucked the corner of the quilt.

Xiao Chu leaned on the pillow and looked sideways at her.

Tang Li leaned over to find the switch on the bedside, put her finger on the button, but suddenly looked back.

The blond hair spread out, and the warm light fell on her eyebrows, and it was lightly moistened, with a slight smile and boundless warmth:

"Chi Si, good night and sweet dreams."

The lights were turned off, and the room was plunged into darkness.

The tablet was smashed on the coffee table, and with a soft sound, Chu Chisi bent down, and his knuckles sank deep into the hair gap.

The living room was empty and silent, and everything was reset again, no dolls, no messy games, and no stranger yet familiar.

The numbers beat,

Everything goes to zero, everything goes to zero.

She had just woken up, and the messy memories were all piled up in her mind, sweet, warm, warm, intimate, peaceful, quiet, painful, sad, desperate—

Then, the long-hidden [Anchor] was connected into a line, all the memories were neatly listed, and each event slowly returned to her current position.

Even Chu Chisi was surprised, why did she wake up again? Why is she still alive? Why isn't she crazy yet?

Why is she still awake?

Even, thinking is faster and more active than action, and he has begun to sort out the few chips in his hand and formulate a plan for this cycle.

This reboot seems extraordinarily long.

Chu Chisi searched casually, looked at the web pages and news that changed a lot, and knew that they had modified the [random number] in the world variable and shuffled the world.

She cannot rest, she has no chance to rest.

The metal is skillfully loaded, and everything is properly packed into the backpack, neat, orderly, and orderly.

Chu Chisi lowered the brim of his hat and picked up his backpack. Her brows were cold, her jaw clenched tightly, and she stepped into the night outside the door.

A cold wind came and blew through her long black hair.

"Ah, Ah Ni!" Xiao Chu shrank, his voice muffled under the quilt, "I, I'm a little cold."

Tang Li pulled another quilt and covered Xiao Chu more tightly. Seeing the watery black eyes, she always wanted to poke her in the face.

"Is it still cold," Tang Li said, "I'm going to adjust the temperature?"

Half of Xiao Chu's face was buried under the quilt, only revealing a pair of clear eyes, she hesitated for a moment, then muttered, "But it's too hot."

"I once spent three months doing an experiment on the temperature change of an air conditioner and sleeping comfort. Temperature is the independent variable, I is the dependent variable, and the quilt is the constant."

Xiao Chu was very proud, and showed off to her: "After many experiments, it has been proved that this temperature is the most suitable for me, and it is the most comfortable to sleep."

Tang Li: "..."

Although she didn't quite know what strange things were in the little wife's mind, it didn't prevent her from thinking that her wife was cute.

Now that Xiao Chu has already "argued", Tang Li has no reason to adjust the temperature of the air conditioner. She silently returns to her original position and closes her eyes.

The bed is very big, not to mention two people, more than enough for four people, Tang Li and Xiao Chu are on one side, and there seems to be a Mali X Nahai Trench in between.

Tang Li had something in her heart, and she was extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment, her forehead tingled slightly, and she couldn't sleep anyway.

What's even more "terrifying" is that, dawdling and twitching beside him, he slowly touched a little guy.

Xiao Chu groped and found the corner of Tang Li's clothes under the quilt, thinking it was her cuff, and gently tugged it.

The small fingertips brushed the skin around the waist, soft and soft, as if scratching it, making Tang Li tense up and breathing a little short.

"Sister...Sister," Xiao Chu said pitifully, "My experiment failed and the theory was overturned...I'm so sad..."

Tang Li knew what was going on as soon as she heard it. She was so angry and funny that she quickly convinced Xiao Chu: "Is it too cold?"

"This doesn't conform to common sense," Xiao Chu's voice, which was originally thin and weak, and was about to break out of grievance, suddenly became agitated and frustrated. "It doesn't conform to scientific logic."

"I spent three months, detailed planning and strict operation, taking into account a total of 24 variables such as location, wind speed, quilt thickness, air conditioner brand and so on."

She was puzzled and very angry: "Why is it wrong?"

Tang Li: "..."

You ask me, I don't know either.

Saying that, Xiao Chu silently came over a little bit. She grabbed Tang Li's clothes and said with a shy face, "Sister, your temperature is high here."

It's time to test Tang Li's self-control and self-control. She feels like a poor pear, being roasted over and over on the fire every day.

"Then you can get some sleep?" Tang Li suggested.

Xiao Chu waited for her words. With Tang Li's permission, she happily broke the safety distance of 30 centimeters.

She moved her body, moved the sheets, pressed the fabric to a rustling sound, and there was a thin amount of incense between the pillows, which melted into the fragrance of her body.

Penetrate her gently and slowly, wrapping her.

A bit of hazy moonlight came in from the window, like a veil falling on the two of them, Xiao Chu actually couldn't sleep a little, she pulled a little bit of the quilt and secretly looked at her.

Tang Li closed her eyes, the faint moonlight fell on her eyebrows and moistened into her skin, white and soft, like a milk candy.

Xiao Chu silently rubbed past a little more.

She dared to poke Tang Li's cheek. Seeing that there was no response from the other party, he poked again excitedly, and whispered, "It's so soft."

A slow voice came and fell on her ear: "Chi Si, if you poke me again, I will bite you."

Xiao Chu's hand trembled and he silently retracted it.

"You... you haven't fallen asleep yet," Xiao Chu shrank and wrapped himself tightly, "I'm sorry."

Tang Li chuckled. She turned over and lay face to face with Xiao Chu in the darkness. A few strands of long hair swept across the back of her hand, itching.

"Well, aren't you trying to poke my cheek?"

Tang Li pressed closer, with a smile in her voice: "The express delivery is here for you, just poke it, just a few times."

Instead, Xiao Chu felt embarrassed and said, "I'm not poking you, I'm studying the thickness and feel of the cheek muscles—"

Before she could speak, a hand stretched out, wrapped around her shoulders involuntarily, and with a bit of skill, hugged Xiao Chu in her arms.

The heat rushed over all of a sudden, wrapped the body warmly, and successfully stuck Xiao Chu's words in his throat: "I..."

Tang Li hugged her and rubbed her long soft hair, thinking that although Xiao Chu's cheeks looked fleshy, she was actually a little thin.

There was clearly a lack of someone to feed her.

"Chi Si, aren't you sleepy?" Tang Li laughed sullenly, "Are you still doing research here? Hurry up and close your eyes to sleep, be careful that you won't get up tomorrow."

Xiao Chu was a little unaccustomed to being held to sleep, twisting his body to find an angle, during which his knee accidentally hit Tang Li's leg, and he rubbed up unconsciously.

Tang Li: "..."

Who can stand it like this?

Tang Li was seriously considering going to the game city for a walk, winning back the lavender bear (rival in love), and placing it between the two as a moat.

Xiao Chu moved over, moved over, and finally found a comfortable angle. She rested on Tang Li's shoulder, rubbed against the comfortable temperature in her arms, and gradually calmed down.

The breathing was soft and thin, scattered in the lonely night. .

Holding a soft person in her arms, the fragrance of fine snow came out lightly. Tang Li slept well, but it was just a test of her self-control.

She woke up early this day. After getting up and changing clothes and washing up, Xiao Chu was still lying on the bed and couldn't get up. The little book was placed by the bed, which seemed to tempt Tang Li to look at it.

No, no, it's people's privacy.

The Tang family mansion has a total of three floors. The original room is outside the third floor, and a small balcony is also designed. If you look out through the glass door, you can see the gate of the Tang family.

It was still early. Tang Li wanted Xiao Chu to sleep for a while. After she packed everything, she sat at the window bored and looked down.

A familiar figure stood at the door of Tang's house, and it took Tang Li's breath and heartbeat away in a flash.

The man was dressed in black clothes and black trousers, and the peaked cap was pressed down very low, and the exposed jaw was clearly defined, as if he was observing something.

than panic...

Tang Li was more distressed.

Chu Chisi looked calm, terrifyingly calm. The Tang family mansion has changed its structure after the restart, and she must regain control of the information as soon as possible.

Tang Li suddenly fell into a dilemma.

She didn't know whether Chu Chisi knew that Xiao Chu was kidnapped by her. If you know it, then Chu Chisi is obviously here to kill himself, but if you don't know it, you should...can you say a few more words?

Chu Chisi didn't seem to have any intention of entering Tang's house. She didn't stay at the door for long, and soon disappeared into the surrounding fence.

The reconnaissance action is very skillful.

Tang Li gritted her teeth and decided not to take this risk. She turned around and pushed Xiao Chu, but the other side opened his eyes in confusion, and his voice was glutinous: "Morning... good morning."

"Chi Si, quickly pack yourself up." Tang Li said, "I'll take you out to play and live somewhere else?"

Tang Li's voice was very soft and gentle, but Xiao Chu was still very keen to catch the trace of anxiety and unease hidden in it.

Xiao Chu didn't have much stuff at first. After washing for a while, he changed his clothes, stuffed the notebook into the black backpack, picked it up and left directly.

Tang Li is cautious by nature. She had a clear sense of the three-dimensional structure of the Tang family as early as yesterday. She hurried downstairs with Xiao Chu, passing by the living room.

The parent NPCs are in the living room, and—

Chu Chisi is also sitting here.

Her expression was icy cold, her black clothes were buttoned to the top, making her complexion even more pale and stern, her slender legs folded, and she sat across from the sofa without saying a word.

Chi Si, Chi Si...Are you okay?

Seeing Tang Li stopped in place, Xiao Chu didn't know what happened, so he gently tugged at her cuff and whispered, "Sister?"

The voice was soft and glutinous, and it pierced Tang Li's heart.

"It's alright, let's go." Tang Li clenched her trembling hand. She gritted her teeth and pulled Xiao Chu, who was dazed, and used the blind spot of vision to bypass the living room and came to the underground garage.

The door was closed, the car started slowly, and soon it left the Tang family mansion and merged into the continuous flow of traffic.

To be honest, Tang Li didn't know where to go.

The system went offline for a long time and didn't reply, and Tang Li didn't know whether she had found Yin or whether she hadn't contacted the other party yet.

But in any case, every step, every action, and even every word must be absolutely cautious.

This world has a clear boundary, and is divided into nine blocks in total. The Tang family is located in [No. 4: Jiangjing Villa District]. The surrounding areas are No. 1 suburban area, No. 5 city center, and No. 7 research institute. .

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Chu Chisi's "base camp", the Mirare-In company that does not exist in reality, is located in the center of Area 5.

Tang Li thought for a moment and drove the car towards the city center. The whole way was smooth, and soon came to the bustling city.

Xiao Chu was lying on the window, always looking at the scenery outside the window with great interest, and from time to time uttered some small sighs: "It's amazing, it's really amazing."

Tang Li paused, she was hesitating.

After a while, Tang Li said softly, "Chi Si, you should know... this world is virtual, right?"

Xiao Chu glanced sideways and said, "Of course, otherwise why did I use three questions to test whether you are an NPC in the first place?"

She turned her head to look out the window again, swiping her fingertips on the glass, tracing the outline of the tall building not far away: "It's so obvious, this world looks like a tattoo at first glance."

"Everything here is logical, although it may not be strictly replicating reality...that would be too computationally intensive...but everything has a trace."

Fingertips scratched the glass, leaving a light mark.

"For example, you have to open your legs to move forward. You have to open your mouth to speak, eat, and breathe."

The glass reflected her small face, Xiao Chu held her chin, her eyes were full of glittering admiration and yearning, full of vigor, vigor, and hope.

"It's really a huge, yet delicate and delicate world, more complete, more rigorous and orderly than I imagined."

While talking, Xiao Chu pressed himself against the glass, and the soft flesh on his cheeks was squeezed into a pile, like a small white flour dumpling.

"I'd really like to meet myself if I could," she muttered to herself. "How on earth did I do that?"

Tang Li said, "I know."

Xiao Chu turned his head sharply and looked at her expectantly: "Really, can you tell me?"

Tang Li is too bad. While driving the car leisurely, she smiled at Xiao Chu and spat out two cruel and ruthless words: "Guess."

Xiao Chu: "..."

This person is really eccentric. Usually, he can be said to be gentle and like water, but he always likes to bully himself by catching strange junctures. It can be said that he is full of bad water. .

The city center is prosperous and lively, and there are many fun and delicious things. Tang Li originally wanted to take Xiaochu to the Science and Technology Museum, but was rejected by the other party shaking his head.

"What are you going to do in the Science and Technology Museum?" Xiao Chu always said straight away when he had something to say. "It's all very childish things for children to play with."

Tang Li "puchi" smiled, thinking that it was indeed the case.

Even though the 17-year-old Chu Chisi is in front of her, she is also Chu Chisi. Bringing the other party to the Science and Technology Museum by yourself is not a trivial matter, isn't it?

Tang Li drove around twice, Xiao Chu searched on the phone, and quickly found something interesting.

"Sister, elder sister." Xiao Chu shouted in a loud voice, Tang Li was dizzy, and almost lost himself in the sound of the elder sister.

"I want to go to an art gallery," Xiao Chu said enthusiastically, "I'm really curious, why are humans so interested in such worthless artworks and decorations?"

Tang Li, who is very interested in "worthless" decorations, is keen to take Chu Chisi out to go shopping, and come back to decorate the two-person hut after shopping: "…"

Xiao Chu jumped out of the car, she seemed to be full of vitality, unable to hide her strong desire for knowledge and exploration spirit.

Tang Li bought a ticket at the ticket booth, and she went to the exhibit next to her to look at it, with a serious look on her face, and studied it for a long time.

There was also a person watching the exhibition next to him and exclaimed, "It's so beautiful and wonderful, and it reflects a series of complex social issues!"①

The man was talking when a little guy came over beside him.

With round eyes and a small face, Xiao Chu looked at her without blinking, and asked humbly, "Excuse me, how did you see it?"

She turned her head to look at the exhibits, and asked in confusion, "Aren't these a bunch of black cardboard cut into different shapes?"

Viewer: "..."

Xiao Chu still had a bunch of questions, and was about to speak when someone leaned over behind her and patted her on the shoulder: "Chi Si, what are you looking at?"

Tang Li put her hands on Xiao Chu's shoulders, stuck her head out from the side, and looked at her with a smile.

Xiao Chu pointed to the card stack, and she was about to start publishing her "long talk"—

Tang Li thought badly, so she quickly stopped her: "I've already bought the tickets, or shall we go in and see?"

The long brown-blond hair fell down and fell softly on Xiao Chu's shoulders. The tips of his hair swayed gently, and he could smell the sporadic fragrance of pear flowers.

It smells so good, it smells so good.

Xiao Chu's breathing stopped.

"Let's go, let's go to the art museum." Tang Li didn't bother at all, just pushed Xiao Chu lightly and followed her.

She was wearing a small bun, her black hair was loosely scattered behind her, she was carrying the black backpack, and followed Tang Li obediently.

The art museum is divided into three floors, the tour path is from top to bottom, and the topmost floor is mostly some ancient oil paintings.

Tang Li lacks interest and is not very interested in paintings, and spends most of his time watching what Xiao Chu is doing.

Xiao Chu was very excited at first, but when she looked at each painting, she was sleepy, and yawned secretly.

Her eyes were watery, and her cheeks were flushed.

Tang Li thought: cute, want to bite.

There are many other tourists in the art gallery, the atmosphere is quiet and comfortable, few people speak, only one or two muffled whispers can be heard occasionally.

Tang Li became more sleepy the more she looked, and she doubted her life a bit.

Xiao Chu also became more sleepy the more he looked, and he was even more suspicious of life than Tang Li.

However, both of them thought that the other party seemed to be very interested, and neither of them offered to leave. They were just a little sleepy, walking and strolling a little embarrassedly.

Xiao Chu pulled the strap of the backpack and circled it a few times between her knuckles to make a Mobius ring. When she let go, the strap fell back again.

She looked around and saw two people standing in front of a painting, dressed in different colors but the same style.

One of them was laughing and took the other's hand. The two held hands tightly, whispering and laughing.

They were so close, talking quietly, that they almost touched the tip of each other's noses. Xiao Chu blinked his eyes thoughtfully.

Tang Li was considering whether to take a nap on the bench in the art museum, when the corner of her clothes was suddenly pulled, gently entangling her footsteps like a string.

She turned around and frowned, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Chu looked up at her, suddenly stretched out a hand to Tang Li, and said seriously, "Sister, I have a proposal."

Tang Li smiled and asked, "What proposal?"

The art museum is very quiet, so quiet that you can almost hear breathing, there is a quiet, hazy breath spreading, like a goblin whispering in her ears.

She said, "Can I hold your hand?"

The author says:

Tang Li is about to lose herself in the soft "sister", please smash her head with nutrient solution and comments, and smash her awake—

【Citations and Notes】

①: Xiao Chukan's art work is "Darkytown Rebellion" from "Darkytown Rebellion", by Kara Walker, a very stylish and forward-thinking female modern artist. ?