MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 67

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Xiao Chu didn't know that he had joined the battle again.

She is still trying to analyze the current situation: "Every time you are about to quarrel, you will stick together, and after the sticking, suddenly it will stop quarreling, so you can draw an equation—"

Chu Chisi smiled: "Really?"

Tang Li was very guilty: "Okay, let's go."

Chu Chisi had a "certain and polite" smile on his face, while Xiao Chu stared at Tang Li with big watery eyes.

Tang Li felt that he had become a pear-flavored sandwich again, this time being sandwiched between the big wife who was justifiably angry and exploded, and the little guy who watched the fun every day and didn't take it too seriously.

I don't know if I should be happy, or I can't live by myself.

The combination of the three is very strange. It doesn't look like a "scumbag" taking two girlfriends to the street, but more like two people with a baby.

Xiao Chu didn't realize that he had become a "baby".

She trotted in front, looking around to find interesting things, and when she turned around, she saw the two walking not far away, and the movements were slow or slow.

There is a long chain of hands. The handcuffs are connected, but the two of them actually shook hands and pressed them together again in a blink of an eye.

It's a bit like the two in the previous art gallery.

Xiao Chu thought to himself.

Chu Chisi seemed to have said something, and his knuckles fiddled with Tang Li's long brown-blond hair, causing Tang Li to purse her lips and turn her head to the side.

What are these two doing, walking so slowly, so slowly.

Chu Chisi couldn't laugh, raised his hand and touched Tang Li's cheek, forcibly broke her over, and said something, making Tang Li's cheeks a little red.

Xiao Chu was a little puzzled.

Don't you need to "quarrel" before you "stick" together? Why did they "stick" together even though they didn't "quarrel"?

What's wrong with your equation?

She stood on the spot and waited for a while, but the two actually dawdled even more. Xiao Chu was really impatient, and ran over with a black bag on her back.

After getting closer, I can finally hear the conversation:

Tang Li folded her arms with a rare serious expression, and shook her head at Chu Chisi: "I won't shout."

"One-year-old is not much different at all, and it can even be regarded as the same age if you round it up," Tang Li said, "Besides, I am taller than you, Chi Si."

Chu Chisi squinted at her, the silver ring on her wrist rattled softly, and a strand of Tang Li's long hair tugged at her fingertips, tangled between her knuckles.

She said slowly: "Your argument doesn't hold up at all, and height and age are not the same unit of measurement."

Tang Li said, "An analogy, just an analogy."

A few strands of long hair were scattered quietly, entwined with thin white knuckles, and a little pear blossom fragrance was accumulated, which she held in her palm.

"Then why don't you call?" Chu Chisi raised her eyebrows and looked at her, counting slowly, "Didn't you kidnap a young girl and call you sister every day?"

Tang Li was at a loss: "This..."

Chu Chisi pulled the strand of hair, and Tang Li lowered her head obediently, and the fragrance was quietly surging and intertwined.

The two were so close that Chu Chisi could kiss the tip of each other's nose with just a little tiptoe. She let go of that strand of hair and touched Tang Li's cheek.

The pulp of her finger was very soft, sliding over the soft flesh of her cheek a little bit, touching her chin, and scratching it very lightly, like a kitten tickling.

The movement is very light, but it makes people itchy.

Tang Li pursed her lips and swallowed silently, but Chu Chisi didn't seem to want to let her go, her fingertips slid down and touched her throat.

"So disobedient?"

Her voice was soft, her fingertips were a little cool, and she slowly stroked along her throat, "I don't even want to shout, sister."

Once, twice, the fingertips slowly slide down.

She hooked Tang Li's collar button and tugged it lightly. She waited for the fragrance to wrap around the tip of her nose, but then left in a very unfeeling manner.

Tang Li's voice was slightly hoarse: "Chi Si..."

Chu Chi gathered his knuckles in thought and said, "What should you shout?"

Tang Li: "…"

Chu Chisi, who had no interest in the name (and thought it was meaningless), suddenly became obsessed with the name "sister" after hearing Xiao Chucuan call him "sister" vigorously.

Chu Chisi is a little shorter than her, with dense and curled eyelashes, hidden in a pair of dark, smiling eyes: "Tang Li, what should you call?"

Tang Li surrendered: "Chi Si, please forgive me."

"You've been on the roller coaster three times, three full times, and bought strawberry marshmallows. I've never been to an amusement park or an aquarium..."

Chu Chisi began to turn over the account again, and clicked one by one. Tang Li was originally taller than her, but Chu Chisi said that she was shorter and shorter, and she wanted to burrow into the ground.

Fortunately, at this time, Xiao Chu ran over.

"Are you going?" Xiao Chu looked at the two of them, his eyes turned and landed on their interlocking hands.

She blinked, and suddenly reached out to Tang Li, her voice crisp and childish: "Sister, I also want to hold hands with you."

Chu Chisi's expression changed instantly.

Tang Li secretly said that it was not good, but Xiao Chu was serious and poured a bucket of oil on the fire: "You said, you can only cross your fingers if you hold hands with you."

Chu Chisi looked over with a smile: "Tang Li?"

Coincidentally, the time came to nine o'clock in the morning at this time, and with a deadly "ding dong" sound, the daily task was also updated:

【Daily Mission (0/1)】

[Task details 1] Pick up target 1 with your right hand, and target 2 with your left. Without letting go of either, he said affectionately to No. 1: "You are my big baby", yes No. 2 tenderly said: "You are my little baby."

[Task details 2] After completing details 1, hold both of them in your arms and say to both of them at the same time, "You are all my treasures."

【Failure Penalty】The cycle will be forced to end.

Tang Li: "??????"

The expression on Tang Li's face can be described as horror: Help, do you really not treat her as a human being? !

She hadn't finished the time-limited task before. Although she had finished reading the "scumbag" line, and then took the opportunity to quarrel with Chu Chisi and went to bed to finish detail 1, but there was still a death detail 2 that needed to be completed. Pink dumplings are given to Xiao Chu.

Xiao Chu still raised his hand, looking a little dissatisfied: "Sister, you agreed before, why don't you hold me?"

Tang Li: "This..."

Chu Chi looked at Tang Li with a good look, and smiled: "Huh? Don't you want to hold other people's little girls?"

"Let it, I will." Tang Li's heart was crying, she glanced at the system screen, gritted her teeth, and quickly pulled Chu Chisi from [Difficulty: Hell Level] first.

Chu Chisi looked indifferent and let Tang Li hold him.

Facing the stare of the real wife, Tang Li bit the bullet and asked, "I just don't know, does my darling agree?"

Chu Chisi smiled but not smiled: "Big baby?"

Xiao Chu asked curiously, "I am your eldest baby when I am married, so what am I?"

Tang Li took the opportunity to pull her up and said, "It's my little baby."

Xiao Chu's face flushed red, and Tang Li let go of the little guy's hand while scolding herself as a scumbag in her heart.

Chu Chisi smiled even deeper: "It's all your baby, right?"

Tang Li came over, put his right hand around Chu Chisi's neck, and patted Xiao Chu's shoulder with his left hand: "Yes, yes, it's all my baby."

Relying on some judgments of fishing in troubled waters, the daily tasks were successfully completed, but what Tang Li was going to face next was not so easy to deal with.

[Difficulty: Easy] Xiao Chu blushed and didn't hold hands anymore, so she timidly dragged the corner of her clothes and stood beside her obediently.

However, Chu Chisi of [Difficulty: Hell] had pushed Tang Li away, she took a few steps back, folded her arms, and looked at her with a smile.

Tang Li was already thinking about whether he should kneel on the durian or kneel on the keyboard, and it may be useless for both, just cremated.

Chu Chisi said slowly: "I didn't expect my baby Tang Li, there are other little babies outside, who took the roller coaster three times and bought such a big cotton candy..."

Tang Li, who was once again turned over by old accounts, was very desperate, and almost didn't kneel to the ground to admit his mistake: "Chi Si, you can hear it, it's a mission—"

"I know it's a mission line," Chu Chisi glanced at her, smiling unabated, "but you're so sincere that I can't judge."

Tang Li: "..."

Xiao Chu blinked and said, "Are you guys going to quarrel on the bed again?"

A word made both of them stop, Tang Li didn't dare to say a word, Chu Chisi glared at her, and quickly wanted to leave them.

As a result, just two steps away, there was a soft sound of "Dang".

The silver chain between the two was pulled to the end, and because Chu Chisi's movements were too large, Tang Li was dragged forward and staggered a few steps.

"Chi Si, we are still connected at the moment," Tang Li shook his wrist, "Wife, take it easy, I'm very delicate."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Xiao Chu was stunned: "Are you delicate?"

How could a person who was holding himself in his arms to avoid bullets in the playground and run wildly over the wall without gasping for breath?

Tang Li said: "It is limited to being delicate in front of his wife."

Xiao Chu suddenly realized: "Is this one of the things you said before, elder sister, 'acting coquettishly to your wife'?"

Tang Li nodded: "Yes, you are so smart."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi was really angry and funny, but there was nothing he could do about this person, so he patted Tang Li on the head, "Let's go, let's have breakfast.".

This little guy, Xiao Chu, is very magical. She can be the guide of the war between wives and wives. fire. Soo can also be an inexplicable assist.

There were not many people in the breakfast shop, so they chose a corner location. Chu Chisi and Xiao Chu picked up the menu and fell into the same tangle at the same time.

Tang Li waited for a long time and was tired.

It seems that whether it is Chu Chisi when he was young, or Chu Chisi now, they are always entangled in the choice.

Tang Li yawned, fell on Chu Chisi's shoulder, and whispered, "Chisi, I'm hungry."

Chu Chisi rubbed her head: "Good, wait a while."

She pillowed softly, and could smell the quiet fragrance. Tang Li put her pillow on her shoulders, rubbed it gently, and hooked a few strands of long hair into her collar.

Chu Chisi chuckled: "Don't move, it's itchy."

She raised her hand, touched Tang Li's forehead, pulled a few strands of broken hair that hung between her brows and brushed it behind her ears little by little.

Tang Li suddenly opened his eyes and blinked.

The breath fell on the wrist, leaving some ethereal hotness. Light-colored eyelashes slightly curved, softly shouted: "Chi Si."

Chu Chisi said, "Huh?"

"It's fine, I just wanted to call you," Tang Li pursed her lips and smiled, and closed her eyes again, "Look at the menu slowly, I'll squint for a while."

Chu Chisi lowered his head, his cold voice seemed to soften a lot, and replied in a low voice, "Okay."

Xiao Chu quietly raised his eyes from the menu and looked at the two of them, his eyes very warm.

It's so strange, this time, they posted together without quarreling? What is the relationship between the two different variables "quarrel" and "posting"?

"Love" is really something very magical and worth studying. Why does Dr. Chu hate "love" so much?

Xiao Chu thought about it for a long time.

I didn't want to understand, so I went back and continued to look at the menu.

After dawdling for a long time, the two finally decided what to eat, but when they ordered, they found out that the two Chu Chi thought of eating exactly the same thing, even the same food.

The two were at a stalemate, and they were about to get into a tangled state of ordering one or two. Tang Li came forward in time and grabbed the menu.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, they can have lunch or even dinner directly at the same restaurant.

Xiao Chu stuffed something into his mouth, looked at Chu Chisi who was facing him from time to time, and suddenly said, "You are so thin."

She bit her chopsticks and said, "It's beautiful too."

Chu Chi thought for a while: "Really?"

"The main reason is that the Beimeng Academy of Sciences is relatively busy, and I usually don't have time to eat," Tang Li helped explain, "Unlike me, you can skip work every day to find a wife."

Chu Chisi sighed, but there was a small dimple on his cheek.

Xiao Chu bit his chopsticks and shook his hanging calf: "But my first paper is still very basic, and it was co-signed with others;"

"The second paper has been written for a long time, and it has not been written yet. And whether it is simulation or experiment, the data that comes out is completely inaccurate."

"How can there be a chance to enter the Beimeng Academy of Sciences?"

She bit her chopsticks with a depressed expression: "I don't understand."

Chu Chi thought of holding her hands together, and her expression suddenly became much more serious. She looked straight at Xiao Chu and said, "You can't say it."

Xiao Chu was stunned: "Huh?"

Chu Chisi's expression was as cold as ice, and he said word by word: "Burn that little book, or destroy it in other ways."

"Stubbornly guard all the news about Jingfan, and absolutely can't reveal a word." Her voice suddenly became cold, "No matter who you are, especially Tang Li."

Tang Li didn't dare to say that Xiao Chu had already revealed a lot of information about Jing Fan to himself, so he could only wink her cautiously.

Xiao Chu looked at her with a question mark on her face.

Tang Li made a mouth shape and pointed to Chu Chisi beside her: 'You can trust her. ’

Tang Li had warned Xiao Chu before that she was not trustworthy, but only Chu Chisi, another her, was completely worthy of Xiao Chu's trust.

I don't know if Xiao Chu listened.

Chu Chisi, who was still smiling softly just now, became fierce and terrifying in an instant. Killing intent poured in like a flood, and fell heavily on his shoulders, making little Chu breathless.

She quickly hugged the book tightly and asked inexplicably, "Why? Are you afraid that I will use Jingfan's formula to steal my sister?"

Tang Li wanted to hit the wall, but she didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "When did this misunderstanding come about, I've never been interested in Jing Fan."

Chu Chisi said: "Yeah, every time you hear it, you can fall asleep."

Tang Li didn't dare to say a word: "..."

Xiao Chu hugged the book tightly, and looked at Chu Chisi with a bit of hostility in his eyes: "You are not allowed to rob me."

She paused, then said, "You can't take my sister away either."

Chu Chisi glanced at Tang Li again, only to see that his wife continued to close the wheat and pretend to be dead, pretending that she was just a poor pear-flavored cookie.

Chu Chisi: "..."

Tang Li had to speak from Xiaochu's mouth, and at the same time had to be careful not to overdo it, so that Yin had an opportunity, and the situation was very embarrassing.

She also counted on Chu Chisi to help explain, but Chu Chisi put her hands together and said, "I won't rob you of anything."

"At the end of the day, we're all going to die here."

Chu Chisi's voice was very low, and she looked at Xiao Chu indifferently: "Before you die, keep your mouth shut for me, and you must not reveal any news about Jingfan."

Tang Li couldn't hear the word, she pushed the chair away with a bang, and stood up suddenly: "Chi Si!"

Chu Chisi sternly turned his head away from her.

"I... I don't understand," Xiao Chu's voice trembled, "Why do you keep saying these things are dead and dead, why do you want to kill me, isn't this world created by us?"

Chu Chisi chuckled lightly, his long eyelashes fell slightly, and two arc-like shadows were circled, and his voice was a little self-deprecating: "Yeah."

She sighed very lightly and continued: "You turn to page 132 of the book, and in the lower right corner, what you once fantasized about has come true."

Chu Chisi is still Chu Chisi, and his mind is extremely meticulous.

Although she didn't have the memory of Xiao Chu's 1-17 years old, she turned over Xiao Chu's side, that is, everything in the "Reset Point in Area 5", of course, including the small book.

Tang Li was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Chu Chisi's delivery to be so advanced, so he couldn't help but praise his precious wife.

Xiao Chu didn't need to look it up at all. Her memory was so good that she immediately thought of the words she wrote down:

"After inventing the camera model, if a bad guy catches me and traps me in it and tortures me repeatedly, how can I escape?"

Here are some bits and pieces.

For example, overloading the world, opening back doors, implanting Trojan horse viruses, etc., but the final conclusion is: "It depends on the strength of the bad guys. If you really can't escape, you can only surrender obediently."

In fact, Xiao Chu had already vaguely guessed a little, but after being confirmed by Chu Chisi, the whole person was still stunned.

A few people hurriedly dealt with the breakfast, and before Xiao Chu recovered, he was dragged out by Tang Li with an (OoO) expression. .

The weather was a bit gloomy and cold today, and there were tiny water droplets floating in the air, soaking in the skin, and spreading a slight coolness.

Tang Li has only one coat.

But her wife is currently divided into two by Jingfan.

So "scumbag" Tang Li gave Xiao Chu the coat, then turned around and looked at his wife with a sneer, and hugged her in his arms.

Tang Li, Tang Li, is indeed a fighter among scumbags.

Chu Chisi held her arms, glared at her, and said in a sour voice, "Why, don't you take care of your little guy?"

Tang Li wrapped her shoulders, leaned over and kissed Chu Chisi's eyes, laughed and said, "My whole being is yours."

Chu Chisi said, "But you gave her the coat."

"..." Tang Li was silent for a moment, then said, "Why don't you use Jingfan to cut me in half, one person is just fine."

Chu Chi Si chuckled: "I'll think about it."

Xiao Chu squatted on the ground with Tang Li's coat on her shoulders. She flipped through the small book in her hand and didn't speak for most of the day.

"Actually, I think..."

Xiao Chu muttered and whispered, "The situation shouldn't be so bad that it must be buried with Jing Fan, right? Have you tried... er, temporarily overloaded?"

She even used the word "burial".

Tang Li really convinced the little guy's magical brain circuit.

Chu Chisi shook his head: "The methods you can think of, overload, restart, loop, recursion, decorator - as long as I can do it, I have tried them all."

Xiao Chu fell into silence again. She scratched her head and looked at Tang Li silently: "What about Sister Tang Li? Can we trust her?"

Tang Liwang thought towards Chu Chi.

Chu Chisi slowly and slowly shook his head.

"CO1," Chu Chisi used this title, each word was slow and clear, "None of us can trust anyone, and no one can."

She smiled bitterly: "Even if she is Tang Li now, the next moment, she may not be the person we are familiar with."

Tang Li lowered his eyebrows, unable to deny this.

Xiao Chu stood up silently. Tang Li's black coat was draped over her, making her look slightly wider. At first glance, she looked like a child stealing an adult's clothes.

"But my sister is very good to me. At least for now, she is trustworthy, right? You obviously like her very much, and you seem to like her even more than me."

Xiao Chu held his chin and suggested, "Maybe we can tell her some news about Jing Fan?"

Chu Chisi said, "No."

Her voice was calm and indifferent, but beneath the countless suppressed memories and emotions, there was such an imperceptible trembling hidden.

"You like her so much, why don't you trust her?"

Xiao Chu pouted: "It's like playing a strategy game, rather than stalemate with your opponent, it's better to take a gamble, and in the end—"

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Chu Chisi:

"CO1, think about it carefully, I have tried all the methods I can try. You can calculate the probability that we can succeed. Do you dare to bet?"

Maybe the tone was too severe, which immediately aroused Xiao Chu's rebellious psychology.

She hugged the little book tighter and raised her voice a bit: "I am so timid when I grow up!"

The sky seemed to be a little gloomier, dense clouds covered the sun, and the boundless darkness seemed to fall on them.

"Yes, I'm selfish, I'm timid, and I don't regret it all the time. If at that moment I chose to die rather than survive, would everything be more different?"

Chu Chisi's voice was very soft, the drizzle fell on her hair, the air was filled with water vapor, and there was a heavy bitterness that could not be brewed.

"Do you even know what your technology means?"

She took a few steps towards Xiao Chu, then slowly bent her knees and looked at each other.

In those dark eyes like hers, there is no light, no hope, only desolation and silence, only the end of entropy increase.

quietly, for a long time,

waiting for his own death.

"The most lacking thing in scientific research is time. If one of the two similar forces suddenly gains nearly ten or twenty years of additional research and development time—"

Chu Chisi picked up Xiao Chu's cheek and looked at her seriously, her eyes were smiling, but her voice was so lonely: "Do you know what will happen?"

"What you bear is not only yourself, but all the residents of the entire Northern Alliance, thousands of families, countless bright and bright lives, all ordinary but incomparably great children who are chasing their dreams, and that —”

"I've been looking for your Tang Li."

Xiao Chu stared blankly at the other party, looked at his older self, lowered his head, and smiled to himself, without the indifference and killing intent he had before,

Her smile was actually very gentle and gentle.

Although she smiled to herself, her eyes were very red, with tears swirling inside, soaking her long eyelashes, but she refused to fall.

"Do you dare to bet, using Tang Li's life as a bet, to bet on your own illusory, extremely small probability of survival?"

After some words, Xiao Chu was completely shocked, her eyes were a little red, and she murmured: "I... I don't know that's the case."

Chu Chisi straightened up and smiled bitterly: "Yes, we are indeed the creators of Jingfan."

"And it will also be our grave."

The drizzle gradually became lighter, but the dark clouds were still condensed in the sky, like the ashes left when the cigarette butts were extinguished, chaotic, mixed with the dying sparks.

Chu Chisi stood on the spot, but a person leaned over behind him, leaned over a little, and gently bit her auricle:

"Are you finished?"

Tooth shells rubbed against the auricle, biting the edge a little bit, the tip of the tongue licked the skin, a little numb and a little itchy.

Chu Chisi lowered his head, not daring to look at Tang Li's expression, and replied in a low voice, "It's over."

"I sometimes wonder, Chi Si, whether you have a good memory or a poor memory, and you forget everything you just said in the blink of an eye."

Tang Li shrugged and said in a light voice, "To borrow what Xiao Chu said before, should we go to bed and have a fight?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

The author says:

Chu Chisi triggers the passive skill: madly turning over old accounts

Tang Li triggers the active skill: kiss and chew on his wife