MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 7

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Even though he was so embarrassedly pressed to the ground, Chu Chisi still looked calm and his voice did not fluctuate: "It's hard to talk like this, can you ask Madam to let me go first?"

Tang Li hurriedly let go, almost crawling down the ground, and the pheromone released was quickly withdrawn, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you."

Chu Chisi straightened up slowly, she was covered tightly by the black clothes, except for a small piece of milk-like skin on her neck.

There was a very deep red mark pressed out by himself, and blood beads were seeping outward.

Tang Li's heart was trembling.

She knocked her head hard twice, and reached out to Chu Chisi: "I'll pull you up."

The hand was gently pushed away, and Chu Chisi's smile could not find a trace of error. He was meek, humble, and polite: "Don't bother, I'm so offended."

Tang Li wept silently in her heart.

"System, help me find out the price of the one-stop funeral service. The location of the cemetery doesn't matter, as long as there is an empty space," Tang Li said, "I don't want to live anymore, let the sky accept me."

The system encouraged her: "You can still struggle!"

Tang Li did not speak.

If the system can detect the attacking character in time, and Tang Li knows that the other party is Chu Chisi, she will never take action.

Shouldn't she attack Chu Chisi? Shouldn't I do my best to please her and make her live a happier life? What is this now? He was clearly hurting her.

Although Tang Li was the object of stalking, a "victim", and although she may not have done anything, the terrifying harm caused by another "she" does exist.

There are countless deep cracks between them.

Chu Chisi stood up, her expression was flat, and she smiled softly at Tang Li like no one else: "I'm sorry, I scared you."

No wonder Tang Li couldn't see that the stalker was a woman.

The heavy black coat covered her slender waist, propped up her shoulder blades, and smoothed out all the details that could reveal her identity. Chu Chisi hid himself deeply, including the injury that he just fell fiercely.

Tang Li's face was not very good.

"I'm sorry," she said in a low voice, "does it hurt? Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Chu Chisi's face was hidden in the shadow under the brim of his hat, and he could only see it slightly through the street lamp.

"Why do you need to apologize?"

Her voice was gentle: "I just came out to relax at night. I didn't expect to meet Miss Tang here. It can be said that I have a lot of fate."

Chu Chisi's concentration was too terrifying, Tang Li couldn't see the slightest other emotions on her face, as if she had met her by accident, and she really felt "happy".

Her tenderness is dyed with gunpowder smoke and blood, and it can kill people.

After the fall just now, the black bag that Chu Chisi was carrying also smashed out, and the things were scattered all over the floor.

Cell phones, newspapers, stun sticks, climbing ropes, syringes in a plastic bag, five different cell phones, and even a very, very suspicious looking thing wrapped in leather.

Tang Li: "…"

Is she really just here for a "walk" with these things?

Chu Chisi took it easy, put away the things in a slow manner, and didn't forget to smile at Tang Li: "It's always good to be careful when you're out and about."

"Yes, it's better to be careful." Tang Li responded with a smile.

The two walked back to the bench one after the other. The Kirby doll was originally sitting, but now it is crooked, and it looks cute.

Tang Li picked up the doll, turned around suddenly, and handed it to Chu Chisi: "Give it to you."

Chu Chisi did not answer.

She smiled and asked, "What is this?"

"I'm really sorry just now," Tang Li handed the doll forward with a serious look, "This is an apology, and I will officially apologize later."

"You don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong."

Chu Chisi still didn't answer, and let Tang Li keep her original posture: "However, I'm curious about what this doll is."

Tang Li was stunned for a while. She didn't expect Chu Chisi to ask such a question. She hesitated for a moment and explained, "This is Kirby, a game character."

"The one you often play at home?"

"Ah... no, just the same company."

Chu Chisi nodded, "Can you say more? For example, what kind of character is this, and what does he usually do?"

Tang Li felt that he was a fish on a chopping board, and Chu Chisi was the master holding the knife, smiling and checking the texture, thinking about where to start cutting with the knife.

Tang Li bit the bullet and said in general: "Yes... it's a pink devil, it has the ability to devour everything."

Chu Chisi smiled: "It's really interesting."

She finally took the doll, Tang Li's hands were empty, and her heart was also relieved.

Kirby was round and chubby, looking like a pink dumpling. At this time, he was held in his arms by the tall and thin Chu Chisi, lined with black clothes, and looked a bit...weird and cute.

"I'll hold it for Miss Tang."

Chu Chi thought slowly: "I'll give it back to you when I get home.".

The atmosphere finally became a little more relaxed, and the silent system also ran back, whispering in his ear: "Why did you become so cowardly when you met the cat with the rabbit."

Tang Li smiled: "Do you want to die?"

System: "You keep threatening me, be careful that I will quit the stall one day."

Chu Chisi turned around and walked out of the park, and Tang Li quickly followed her.

She walked very fast, her dark ponytail swayed, her back straight.

The street lamp shone from overhead, blurring Chu Chisi's outline. The small one seemed to be able to be held in the palm of his hand.

Her fair skin made the wound even more ferocious.

The system's attention was taken away by Chu Chisi, so she didn't notice Tang Li's strangeness, the chill in her eyes, and the clenched knuckles that turned white.

Tang Li took a few steps, and she stretched out her hand to touch Chu Chisi's cuff: "Wait a minute..."

With a "snap", his hand was pushed away.

The brim of the hat traced a clear black and white line on her face. She pursed her lips, and there was no smile in her half-squinted eyes, only deep, deep darkness, and only cold anger.

In a blink of an eye, the gentle Chu Chisi came back: "What's the matter with you?"

"I want to use the marriage contract...," Tang Li said, glancing at the system screen again, "231. You follow me now, and you are not allowed to go anywhere else."

Chu Chisi nodded: "Oh."

"Continue to hold Kirby, and give me the bag on your body. It looks dead and dead. How many things are there?" Tang Li said.

"This isn't—"

"It's clearly stated in the terms that when the two of you go out at the same time, you have to pretend to be your loving partner." Tang Li said confidently, "So hurry up and give me the bag."

Chu Chisi had a smile on his face, but his actions were reluctant. Tang Li took care of her so much, and grabbed the backpack, "Don't worry, I'll return it to you when I go home."

This bag is dead and dead, and it can be seen that in addition to the things that fell out, there are many secrets hidden in it. Tang Li hung on her shoulders and waved to Chu Chisi: "Follow me."

She deliberately chose a flat road, kept an eye on Chu Chisi who was following behind her, and tried to slow down her pace to a more comfortable state for the other party.

The lights gradually increased, and other pedestrians could be seen everywhere. Tang Li stopped and his eyes fell on the words [Lingang Pharmacy].

"Are you going in with me, or do you want to sit outside and wait?" Tang Li asked.

Chu Chisi lowered his head: "Outside."

Tang Li nodded, "Okay, wait for me for a while."

She rushed into the pharmacy with her bag and rummaged through the medicine column. There were some other customers in the pharmacy, but strangely, they suddenly looked uncomfortable and rushed out of the door with their mouths covered.

what's going on?

Tang Li felt inexplicable.

The shop owner was pale, walked over tremblingly, and shouted to her across the two shelves: "Master Alpha... your letter information..."

Tang Li was a little puzzled. She had already taken back all the pheromones, and even if there were some leftovers after the release, it shouldn't have much impact.

The system came out slowly: "Don't forget, this is the body of 'Tang Li' now."

Tang Li's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

She is used to controlling herself perfectly, but this body has never received any training since she was petted, so after recovering the pheromone, it leaked more than half of it, and it is still surrounded by it.

And Chu Chisi has been following her since just now...

It's killing me.

Tang Li didn't care about anything, and quickly took apart an inhibitor from the shelf and plunged it straight into his arm.

Along with the slight pain, the shop owner's face improved visibly.

"I'm really sorry," Tang Li silently settled the bill. "If you multiply the bill by two, it will be treated as a loss fee."

The shop owner said "it's just a little thing" and then deducted double the money.

Tang Li opened the door with a large bag and a small bag, and saw Chu Chisi lowered her head, hugged the doll tightly, and curled up on the bench by the door.

Her shoulders were shaking slightly.

Tang Li only felt that a heart was clenched, and he hesitated for a while in the air, and finally landed on Chu Chisi's head, stroking his long smooth hair.

She tried to shout, "Chu Chisi?"

" came out."

Chu Chisi tilted his head, there was an abnormal flush on his face, his breathing was dizzying and rapid, and he supported it with reason: "Let's go?"

"This is an oral pheromone inhibitor," Tang Li handed the thing over. "Also, this is a wound medicine."

"Thank you for your concern, I don't need it."

Chu Chisi hugged the doll, her eyelashes drooping due to sleepiness, and her voice was very soft: "I have already taken the inhibitor, it will not affect you."

The system said: "It did."

Chu Chisi was breathing slowly, she lowered her head, her eyes fell on Tang Li's backpack, her jaw was extremely tight, and her face was unwilling.

"Then let me help you... apply some wound medicine?"

Tang Li asked tentatively, and seeing that Chu Chi Si was silent, she thought she agreed.

The ointment was warm in the palm of the hand and melted as soon as it touched the fingertips.

She leaned down and approached cautiously. Knuckles stroked the long black hair on his cheeks and touched the white jade-like neck.

Chu Chisi did not resist, or did not have the strength to resist.

She just looked at herself quietly.

There was some cold wind blowing from the riverside, his breath condensed into white mist, and the long hair beside his cheeks was ruffled, rubbing a trace of unnoticeable hotness.

The skin under her fingertips was incredibly soft, and it seemed like there was a sticky honey hidden in it, and it always seemed to overflow, pour out, and invade her chest with a strange fragrance.

So sweet, so alluring.

Tang Li didn't even dare to breathe anymore.

A voice suddenly sounded beside him, approaching very close, the cold water suddenly poured into the auricle, instantly extinguishing the tiny spark: "Is it enough?"

The author says:

Chu Chisi: Have you touched enough? (kind smile)

Tang Li: Continue to touch in the next chapter! Support my babies by leaving a comment! Let the wife see everyone's enthusiasm like a sea!

Chu Chisi: ? ? ? ? ? ?