MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 75

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Lies are lies after all, full of selfishness, full of deceit, and full of deceit and flaws.

Not a fact that can be verified over and over again.

While Chu Chisi was testing Tang Li, Tang Li was actually looking at his wife, but it was not so obvious, but after finding one or two flaws...

Slowly, step by step, unravel her lies.

There has never been an impeccable lie in this world, no matter how hard and perfect the "city wall" is, there will eventually be a loophole that cannot be hidden.

Chu Chisi's face was pale, and she had no way to make up or refute. The moment she asked the question of "red fruit", she had already proved:

【She has no memory in the loop】

Tang Li always thought that in this cycle, the person who met him should be Chu Chisi, who had all the memories, including 30,000 cycles.

Before seeing Chu Chisi's awkward gesture with metal, and her unskilled gun shooting, Tang Li actually felt a subtle difference.


Teaching a gun is a temptation;

The red fruit is also a temptation.

The Chu Chisi in front of her was indeed her own kissing wife, but she obviously had no experience in holding a gun, nor did she eat that red fruit.

There are various indications that the "Chu Chisi" in front of him did not remember the incident with Tang Li coming to the ruins of the research institute with her during the third cycle of Tang Li.

The red fruit fell to the ground and got out a long way.

"Could it be that in this cycle, there are still two of your consciousness bodies existing at the same time?"

Tang Li asked.

Tang Li knew very well that Chu Chisi was not a person who was good at lying, nor did he like lying very much. She either spoke out bluntly, or simply shut up and became a little mushroom.

The reason why Chu Chisi's "lie" is difficult to break is because she will be fully prepared every time, and try to make up and hide all the loopholes.

But if it was something she didn't know, Chu Chisi had no way to make up for it, and this became her fatal flaw.

Chu Chisi has no way to refute.

Seeing his wife's pale face and bloodless lips, the person who was soft-hearted and self-blaming became Tang Li instead.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

"Chi Si, don't panic, I don't mean to blame you, and I'm not mad at you at all."

"I-I just..."

Tang Li pondered, and sighed slightly: "I just didn't think of it."

She also thought that she could pull Chi Si back, let Chi Si change her completely self-destructive thoughts, and let Chi Si wait for a while, just a little while longer.

The toes of the shoes step on the grass and the fragrance is light.

The sun baked the treetops, clipped mottled and broken shadows, and fell on her slightly pale skin.

His knuckles touched his cheeks, he brushed aside his long brown-blond hair, and held Tang Li in his palms.

The skin is close to each other, ice and fire, cold and heat, completely different temperatures collide quietly.


Chu Chisi admitted it simply and neatly, and the tone was as flat as ever: "I did not choose to integrate memory at the age of 17, but modified the cutting node."

A breeze blew past my ears, and branches and leaves rustled in the distance.

She said softly, "I'm sorry, I've actually lied to you from the moment I saw you."

Tang Li closed her eyes, allowing Chu Chisi to caress her cheek, and gently rubbing her fingertips against her skin.

The movement is slow and slow, a little itchy.

Tang Li knew that she was not as smart as a wife, so at this crucial moment, she had to figure out the plans and thoughts that Chu Chisi had hidden.

All her information comes from Xiao Chu.

Thinking of this, Tang Li couldn't help but feel sad, and after so many cycles, Chu Chi was determined to abandon her, and his mouth was the hardest.

Only Xiao Chu, the lovely little Chu, not only revealed a lot of information, but also opened up a chance for Tang Li.

Xiao Chu followed himself into the No. 8 area, and after coming into contact with the core code, he also had complete control over the entire system and code.

She can fuse all the memories, leaving only one complete Chu Chi Si. At the same time, she also cuts herself into several different memories.

After entering the No. 8 area in the last cycle, the SAARC was completely blocked from all information, and Tang Li was busy setting up explosives everywhere, not knowing what Xiao Chu and Chu Chisi's plan was.

Therefore, apart from Chu Chisi himself, including Tang Li, no one knows about "cutting nodes". No one knows whether Chu Chisi has divided his memory, and no one knows that there are several "Chu Chisi's consciousness bodies".

[This is a question of poor information. 】

"So, where is the node for dividing the memory this time?" Tang Li covered her hand, intertwined her fingers, and held Chu Chi's thoughts in her palm.

Chu Chisi pursed his lips and did not speak.

Tang Li sighed and said, "Since you remember what happened in the laboratory, it proves that you have 'the memory between us before entering the cycle'."

"And you don't remember the 'red fruit' thing, which means you don't have the memory of the last few cycles."

She held Chu Chisi's hand, and her fingertips were not very restful, so she scratched her wife's palm very lightly: "Chi Si, am I right?"

Chu Chisi's face froze, and she wanted to withdraw her hand, but Tang Li was a bad person, her knuckles were tightly clenched, but she just wouldn't let her go.

Tang Li said, "I guess you put the node in the middle?"

She looked at Chu Chisi, stared at the change in the other party's expression, and guessed: "So now it's you who has half of the cycle memory, and the other half of the cycle?"

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment, then nodded.

After this reset, she was wearing a white shirt and a light-colored silk scarf around her neck. From the neckline, she could see a little white and soft skin.

There were strands of hair hanging on the side of the ears, gently blown by the wind, and hooked on the silk scarf. Tang Li naturally reached out and helped her hold it up.

Knuckles tangled his hair, brushed his cheeks softly, and pulled behind Chu Chisi's ear.

Tang Li rubbed her auricle lightly, her fingertips greedy for the fragrance on her skin, and she was reluctant to withdraw her hand.

Chu Chisi closed her eyes obediently under her palm, her crow's eyelashes were dense and long, like a butterfly digging into her palm.

She said, "Tang Li, okay... okay."

Maybe the sunlight was too subtle, or the aroma was too attractive, Tang Li's heart beat a little faster, she pulled her hand back and stuffed it into her arms.

The research institute is located on a high mountain, and because of the accident, most of the surrounding woods and trees were burned down. Without the shelter of the branches and leaves, the cold wind became more and more piercing.

The cold wind swept the gravel and dust, making people shiver. Tang Li walked to Chu Chisi's side and helped her block the cold wind: "It's a bit cold here, let's go back to the car first."

Chu Chi Si nodded silently.

Tang Li stretched out his hand to Chu Chisi, put his hand up to the convenience, and Xiaobu approached her and leaned against her shoulder.

The two walked side by side in the cold wind on the top of the mountain. .

There are not many confidential documents. The fire on the ruins of the ruins burned for a while, and there was no other support for combustion, and it quickly went out quietly.

After tidying up, Chu Chisi's trunk was stuffed to the brim, half of which was neat equipment, and the other half was Tang Li's mess.

The back seat was also piled with something, but it was not too full, and there was still some spare space to put things or sit people.

With Tang Li's insistence, the bunch of pink roses avoided the fate of being thrown away, and was beautifully placed in the middle of the front seat.

Chu Chisi seemed to be a little quiet.

Tang Li didn't care about anything, all kinds of passive sabotage in the Beimeng armed forces gave Tang Yiqi a headache. Only when it comes to her wife will she be particularly concerned.

There was a little heater in the car, and hot air was blowing from the air outlet, blowing the thin and transparent silk scarf around her neck like a mist.

Tang Li knows his wife best, and Chu Chisi has always been less interested in things like clothing. The wardrobe is either black or white, and all the beautiful dresses are bought for her by herself.

And she put on the silk scarf for the first time, there must be a purpose, it may be related to the tattoo, or it may be to cover up or hide something.

Tang Li adjusted the seat and leaned over: "Chi Si—"

This shout was intimate and slender, and entwined the tip of Chu Chisi's ear: "Chi Si, why don't you speak?"

Chu Chisi said, "I'm thinking about something."

Tang Li asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Chu Chisi's thoughts, most of the time, it is very easy to guess, and Tang Li can touch it closely, but there are also a few cases where Tang Li can't guess at all.

For example, now.

Chu Chisi stroked her face, her fingertips slid across her cheeks, then down, down, and hugged Tang Li's neck.

The tiny lines ran across the skin, like a light butterfly flying over in front of him, and quietly stopped on a small piece of skin on the back of the neck, thin and itchy.

"Tang Li..."

Chu Chisi caressed the back of her neck, her fingertips seemed to be drawing small circles, and she seemed to be writing, stroking Tang Li's breath a few times.

"A lie is a false statement that does not conform to the facts. I deceived you. I deliberately tried to avoid you. Will you be angry with me?"

Chu Chisi's voice was so clean, with a little nasal tone, she asked herself, "Tang Li, are you angry?"

Tang Li's throat was slightly hoarse: "No."

Her heart was beating erratically, and the light fragrance on Chu Chisi's body held her pace, fast and slow, all falling into her palm.

Knuckles round the back of her neck, pulling her back.

The seat was "banged" to the lowest level, barely able to let people lie down. In the already small space, the distance was narrowed and almost overlapped.

The seat belt was strangling the body, like a belt, but also like a rope, going around the white shirt and skin, and tying the person to the seat and under him.

"Tang Li."

Chu Chisi snuggled up beside her shoulders and neck, wrapped her arms around her neck, rubbed the tip of her nose against her skin, and gently kissed the corner of her lips: "Don't be mad at me."

The kiss was too soft and too warm.

It completely disturbed Tang Li's breathing.

She knows Chu Chisi, and Chu Chisi doesn't know her. The two have been partners for many years. They have known each other for a long time, and they will never be able to tell the real "winner".

The heating in the car seems to be running high.

Chu Chisi slightly arched her eyebrows, the smile at the corners of her eyes was very light, but extremely soft, and a strand of long hair was on her lips, which she licked between her lips and teeth.

"Tai... late thinking."

Tang Li wanted to say something, but her voice was blocked by a kiss.

Chu Chisi kissed her, kissed the tip of her nose and the corner of her lips, kissed her cheek and neck.

Too light, too light, kisses are too light, but thoughts are so heavy, loneliness walks step by step along the beach beside my heart, leaving long footprints.

"Tang Li, I feel a little bored."

The silk scarf was wrapped around her neck, and a subtle light rippled with her movements, half covering a small section of beautifully curved skin.

"help me…"

"Take off the silk scarf, okay?"

The silk scarf was wrapped around her wrist, and the light reflected on her wrist through the lavender tulle, making the skin almost transparent.

Bright and bright, like a painting.

I don't know who pushed the switch in the car, and a little music flowed out, it was a very quiet piano song.

There is sunlight and water in the song, as long as a small pebble is thrown, ripples can be rippling on the originally calm water surface.

The fingertips play the snow-white keys, the mountains and the flowing water, the mountains and rivers where the bright moon lives, the visitors in the clouds, and the buds with dewdrops.

Chu Chi remembered a long time ago that her biological mother, Dr. Chu Lianchu, also had such a music box that would play piano music.

That's a very different song.

In that song there are snow-capped mountains, falling moonlight, a rustling fireplace, and a woman standing at the door, waiting for her lover to return.

Chu Chisi lowered her head, her long eyelashes covered with water vapor, and she sat on the dark leather of the seat, which made her muscles and bones extraordinarily white.

Wet knuckles pressed against her lips, slowly tracing the shape of the lips, Tang Li pressed her forehead and coaxed softly, "Chi Si?"

Chu Chisi kissed her fingertips, then hugged Tang Li, put her head on the other person's shoulder, and said softly, "Tang Li."

Tang Li only listened to her words, snuggled up obediently, with the tip of her nose pressed to her face, her throat slightly hoarse: "Huh?"

"Since you received the notification from Beimeng Xingzheng last time, you have been on a business trip for a long time. If I remember correctly, it should be 32 days," Chu Chisi said softly, "It's been more than a month."

Tang Li paused and said, "Well."

"I thought at the time that we would meet soon." Chu Chisi shrank, and his voice became softer, "I was actually very happy when I received the notice to go to Xingzheng."

Tang Li pressed her forehead and lowered her eyelashes.

"Yeah, I'm happy too."

Tang Li skipped work without saying a word, and bought a lot of things that Chu Chisi liked. When he first received the takeoff notice, people were already waiting in the waiting area of ​​Xingzheng.

The people next to him came and went, watching a major general dressed in serious formal clothes, holding a big pink bear, and a bunch of messed up gifts beside him.

That picture, how strange it is.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Chisi laughed, eyebrows curled, and there was still some water vapor that had just poured out: "Have you not packed enough decorations into your house, you can't put them all."

Tang Li shrugged: "The more the better."

"It's all that guy Tang Yiqi," Tang Li said angrily when he mentioned someone, "I have to submit a resignation report to her."

Chu Chisi shook his head: "You are a major general, and your nature is different from mine. How can you resign if you say you resign."

Tang Li said, "It's hard to say. If I make trouble in Xingzheng again and tear down her office seven times or eight times - she might agree."

Chu Chisi laughed: "You really..."

The carriage is very narrow, and it can only accommodate two people, only their breath and heartbeat, and those soft voices are woven together, which is extremely warm.

However, the next thing, both of them tacitly pressed down, because no matter what they said, it was meaningless, they were just rubbing salt on the wound that could not be healed.

Chu Chisi leaned against the car window and fiddled with Tang Li's collar. She held the small button in her palm, swayed it a few times, and then untied it.

"Tang Li..."

Tang Li, I miss you so much.

She read in a low voice, the words wrapped around the tip of her tongue, some words were leaked out, and some words were hidden, hidden so deeply that they may never be spoken.

[If you don't want to say it, you can use a kiss instead]

This is what Tang Li said before. They have been married for so many years and have practiced this sentence countless times, and this time is no exception.

The fragrance of fine snow filled the air in the car, it was clearly a very cold, very cold fragrance, but it was warmed by her.

The alpha pheromone poured in slowly, filling the entire wine glass, and her aroma wrapped around the tip of the tongue like nectar.

Intoxicatingly sweet. .

The evening sky was a bit bleak, and the dark clouds were heavy in the distance, pressing the bright sunset light into the sea level.

Tang Li's pile of purchased things actually came in handy, cleaned the car and sprayed some perfume.

Chu Chisi: "..."

"You don't even think about this, do you?" Her voice was still a little hoarse, and she asked incredulously, "Why did you buy so many wet tissues and disinfectant?"

Tang Li was very guilty: "Habit, habit."

Chu Chisi originally wanted to pat her on the head, but his heart softened when he stretched out his hand halfway, and only rubbed her long hair: "Really."

Tang Li moved her seat back, and while Chu Chisi was not paying attention, she secretly kissed her cheek again: "Prevent problems before they happen."

It's so warm and sweet to kiss.

"What to guard against? Against this?" Chu Chisi couldn't help laughing and crying, "You have time to buy things, why don't you go to No. 5 and grab the control."

Sometimes she really can't understand her wife, she is clearly a ceiling-level figure, and she is strictly guarded against the number 8 area that is strictly guarded, and she even brings a little Chu in.

When passing by the relatively loose No. 5 area, she was too lazy to enter, patronizing shopping in the supermarket in the city center, buying a lot of strange and useless things.

Tang Li spread out his hands: "Let's go now?"

The two returned to the car. The seats were clean, but there was still some temperature left on them, which was very warm and very hot.

Chu Chisi felt that her face was also a little hot, she covered her reddish cheeks and tucked herself into Tang Li's jacket.

body, hair...

Her breath is everywhere.

It is a light and elegant pear fragrance, not like Alpha pheromone at all. When you touch yourself, it is unbelievably gentle, like a warm cloud, it will wrap people tightly.

"Let's not go to No. 5 for the time being," Chu Chisi fiddled with the cuffs of his coat, "I think, why don't we go to No. 4, or No. 1."

Tang Li agreed with one bite: "No problem."

Seeing that Tang Li was skilled in his movements and looked like he was about to set off, Chu Chisi was stunned and asked, "You... don't you ask me why?"

Tang Li turned to look at her, looking puzzled: "Why do you ask? Didn't you say to go to No. 4 or No. 1? Or are you tired and want to leave later?"

Chu Chisi pursed his lips, and his voice became smaller.

She was a little lacking in confidence: "I mean, why didn't you ask me why I went to No. 1 and No. 4."

"After all, I lied to you before. Logically, you should question my decision, or ask me why I went to the two areas."

The coat covers the body, shielding from the cold wind blowing a little.

It was the coat Tang Li gave her.

There was a faint, vague scent on her collar, which was shallowly embedded in her breath, like pear petals covered with dew, leaving a faint fragrance on her knuckles.

Tang Li was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Her smile was beautiful, her voice was clear, and her light-colored eyes looked at herself helplessly, but she didn't mean to blame.

"What's the matter," Tang Li smiled lazily, "I'll just do what you say, no need for any reason."

"But I'm not telling the truth."

Chu Chisi lowered his head, and his voice gradually cooled and faded: "I concealed the matter of cutting nodes, and I deliberately came to area 7, just to avoid you."

"You should be wary of me, suspicious of me, test my next move - instead of believing me unsuspecting like you are now."

Chu Chisi's speech speed increased, she clenched her sleeves and wrinkled the fabric: "Tang Li, I lied to you."

【Tang Li, why are you not angry? 】

Before she could speak, she was interrupted by Tang Li, who pressed her fingertips against Chu Chisi's lips, "Chi Si."

"I'm really a little dissatisfied that you came to Area 7 on purpose to avoid me," Tang Li shrugged and said lightly, "But how can I be angry."

"Chi Si, you have to be more confident."

Tang Li handed herself over to the place near Chi Chi, the fluffy blond hair fell down and brushed the back of Chu Chisi's hand, like that kind of tickle fluff.

"I'm your wife, it's your thing."

Tang Li smiled again, clearly in a fluttering tone, but said every word seriously: "How could I possibly be suspicious of you, let alone be wary of you."

The voice was so muffled that it penetrated into her heart.

Tang Li got too close, so close that she could see her slightly curled eyelashes, and the thin fluff on her cheeks, so close that only a kiss was left.

"Chi Si, you never have to worry about me being angry."

The scent entangled in the collar became more and more distinct, moist and sweet, it was a crisp sweet pear, and she could just let her bite.

Chu Chisi suddenly panicked and began to doubt his own plan. Is it a correct and rational choice for her to set the "memory splitting point" at the current position?

She's fouling, it's cheating.

What am I...

How to leave her? .

The car drove smoothly, and soon left area 7. The sky gradually became dark, and it was dinner time in a blink of an eye.

Tang Li is best at things, one is to tease his wife, the other is to buy a lot of useless things to go home, and the third is to fish in troubled waters and not do things well, which makes Tang Yiqi quite a headache.

"Chi Si, you see it's so late."

Tang Li glanced at the sky outside the window, and began to coax and coax the wife next to her: "Should we go to No. 4? Why don't we stay on No. 7 to eat and sleep."

Chu Chisi: "..."

This is inside the tattoo mirror. The enemy is still moving, looking for a breakthrough. Does this person in front of him feel a little nervous?

It turned out that Tang Li really didn't feel nervous at all. He strolled leisurely in the courtyard, parked the car directly by the roadside, and started to look up the restaurant on his mobile phone.

"What would you like to have for dinner?" Tang Li swiped his phone and leaned over to Chu Chisi, "This restaurant has a high rating, would you like to take a look?"

Chu Chisi was helpless: "We are still in the tattoo mirror. Everything is a computer-simulated signal, which is transmitted back to our brain after several conversions."

"What's wrong with the data, the data also needs to be eaten," Tang Li said confidently, and turned to another restaurant, "Look, this restaurant has coffee cakes."

Chu Chisi helped his forehead: "Just this one."

To be honest, after Chu Chisi woke up on the 2nd, he was in a state of high alert and high tension from beginning to end. He packed up his equipment and went straight to the 9th area, and then rushed to the 7th without stopping.

But since he met Tang Li, his tense nerves have relaxed a lot, and he has also become more relaxed, as if there is nothing he can't do as long as she is by his side.

People are not machines, and there is no way to measure them with data. After so many years of research, Chu Chisi has not found a way to describe a person in detail.

Emotions are really scary.

It also makes people powerful.

Emotions can make cowards brave, heroes become cowardly, persistent, fearless, inferior, and strong. All kinds of complex emotions combine to become more complex people.

Chu Chisi held his chin and looked out the window thinking, while Tang Li slowly flipped through the menu, almost ordering.

The No. 7 area is deserted, and even there are few NPCs. Their small restaurant is considered a large-scale restaurant in the area, but there are few customers next to it, and there are only a few tables.

The restaurant they chose is located in the corner of the map, and they will soon be able to reach the No. 4 area. It is brightly lit there. According to Chu Chisi, there are many "interactive" NPCs.

Dishes are laid out on the table.

Tang Li knows best what his wife likes to eat, and everything steps on the other party's point. Seeing Chu Chisi eating happily, she was also very happy.

Porcelain spoon picked up a little hot soup, Chu Chisi lowered his head to blow off some mist, and drank the soup carefully.

The hot soup steamed the lips, and a little redness came out, like the red fruit on the branches, which made people want to taste it and want to take a few bites.

"The soup is pretty good," she commented.

"Let's just say it," Tang Li smiled and placed an order in her bowl, "Even if it's computer data, people still need to eat."

This sentence is really weird and logical.

It was a little hot in the restaurant, Chu Chisi loosened the silk scarf around his neck a little, and a little red mark could be vaguely seen on the soft white skin.

That red mark is very shallow, very light.

Chu Chisi not only wrapped a silk scarf, but also smeared a thick ointment and foundation to hide the traces, but it was still very early, very early, almost when she met Tang Li—

It was already seen by her.

When he was messing around before, Tang Li also took these scars into consideration, and didn't dare to touch Chu Chisi's neck, so he turned his attention to other places.

Tang Li drank a glass of water lazily, her fingertips slowly tracing the edge, the water in the glass rippling, reflecting her somewhat icy profile.

Tang Li was all too familiar with those traces.

It must have been strangled by both hands and pinched downward with a lot of force to leave any traces.

The person who pinched her wanted her to die, no doubt about that.

It's just how Chu Chisi met TA, how he injured himself, and how he escaped, Tang Li didn't know anything about it.

The ice water poured into the throat, and the coldness spread along the limbs, until it reached the deepest part of the heart.

Tang Li was holding the glass of water, her brows and eyelashes were slightly drawn, and her fingertips slowly clasped the rim of the glass, so tight that her knuckles turned white.

So, who would that person be?

The author says:

Add up to have 800 wives and wives combinations (.)

Go get married! Oh no, have been married for years. ?