MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 92

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Tang Li took the string of beads and jade in his hand, and only slightly raised his finger, and the bead and jade fell down with a crisp sound.

The pearls are connected one by one, strung together with thin threads. The color of the jade is excellent, with a layer of warm luster, like curdled milk.

There is a saying that "the sun warms the blue field and the jade rises to smoke", saying that jade qi nourishes people, Chu Chisi has always felt that it does not conform to the laws of science, but now thinking about it, it is not unreasonable. ①

Under the bright sunshine, the jade stone lay in her white and slender hands, like a hazy layer of smoke.

Chu Chisi sat on the sofa, with one leg bent and the other on the edge, his toes stepped on the fluff on the carpet and stood on tiptoe a little.

She wasn't tall enough, and the insteps of her feet were slightly arched before she could reach the ground. .

I ate dinner late, because the food was cold, so Tang Li could only go to the kitchen to reheat it silently, under the eyes of his wife's "condemnation".

In fact, at the beginning, Tang Li's cooking skills were quite poor.

This has to be traced back to the time when she was still called "No. 63". At that time, Tang Li was cold and fierce, with scars and killing intent on her back, and cut fruit for Chu Chi with no expression.

She does know how to cook, but it's limited to "eating". As a member of the sixth military dog ​​team, they only need to be able to maintain their own physiological needs, and they don't need to pursue so-called deliciousness, dishes, tricks, and so on.

Fortunately, Chu Chisi is too good to support her. No matter what Tang Li does, she finds it delicious. After going over and over again, Tang Li's cooking skills are getting better and better, and Chu Chisi has never touched kitchenware again.

The infrared rays detected the items, and the water flowed down "rushing". Tang Li brushed the dishes with a small brush, and Chu Chisi helped her put the dishes into the dishwasher one by one.

She does things carefully and carefully. She must place the dishes from large to small. Dishes with the same pattern must be next to each other. It is not like Tang Li is thrown away every time.

"What dessert would you like to have later?"

Tang Li asked with a smile, "It's been hot recently, and I bought a lot of ice creams. Chi Si, you can pick one later."

Chu Chisi took off the gloves, moved to Tang Li's side in small steps, and hugged her from behind.

"What ice cream did you buy?"

Her voice scorched her ears, soft and soft, her breathing was particularly distinct, clearly not touching, but it seemed to be clinging to her beating heart.

Tang Li said: "There are many, some are fruit-flavored, some are milk tea-flavored, anyway, I have chosen a few of each, we can eat slowly."

Chu Chisi said "Oh", let go of the hand around her waist, and walked to the side of the refrigerator, watching a lot of different styles of ice cream begin to tangle.

By the time Tang Li wiped the table clean, Chu Chisi had already run out of the kitchen, pure music was playing on the TV, and the sound of the piano was ding ding dong dong.

Like a stream, it flows by the sides of the two.

"Let me guess, what flavor did you choose?" Tang Li wandered over and sat down next to Chu Chisi.

She blinked, got very close, the tip of her nose seemed to be close to her ear, she bit her ear and said, "Coffee flavor?"

Chu Chisi avoided her, but the tip of her ear was blown red by the sound, and she muttered, "Don't you know me yet?"

Tang Li was quite proud: "Of course, an Alpha who doesn't know his wife can't find a wife."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi: "...You made an obvious logical mistake... Forget it, I got you an ice cream too."

She handed over another box of ice cream on the table, and put the small spoon in Tang Li's hand: "Here is it for you."

Tang Li doesn't like sweets, but one of her favorite things is to eat sweets with her wife, so she happily takes it over.

The ice cream box is very small, not as big as Tang Li's palm. She dug a little with a small spoon and licked it in her mouth. She was a little surprised: "Strawberry flavor?"

Chu Chisi nodded.

She was silent for a while, and then asked in a low voice, "Don't you like strawberry flavor?"

Seeing Chu Chisi looking at him, Tang Li pursed her lips and smiled, leaned over and kissed the corner of his wife's lips: "I like everything."

She added: "I like you the most."

As always, Tang Li, as always, bluntly and enthusiastically attacked with love words, Chu Chi thought for a while, and almost didn't hold the ice cream in his hand.

The kiss left at the touch of a button, but left the faint aroma on the corners of his lips, and when he licked the tip of his tongue, he could taste the melted strawberry-flavored ice cream.

"...Eat your ice cream," Chu Chi said stubbornly, and slapped Tang Li with his elbow, "Don't mess with me."

Tang Li smiled brightly, but sat back in her original seat obediently. She dug out another large scoop of ice cream and stuffed it all into her mouth.

Chu Chisi took a small bite, much slower than her, and her lips were covered with a layer of water, which looked extraordinarily soft.

"If you like it," Tang Li lay back and fell on her shoulder, "Next time we go out together, I'll take you to buy it."

The long black ink hair was lying on her pillow, and it flowed down like silk satin. Tang Li turned her face slightly, and the tip of her nose rubbed some light fragrance from the tip of her hair, rubbing against the skin between her neck.

For Tang Li's proposal, Chu Chisi was very puzzled: "Now that the traffic is so developed, it's better to order directly online and let the robot deliver it to your door. Why do you want to go out?"

Tang Li said: "Because you can see the sun, flowers, and all kinds of ice cream when you go out."

Chu Chisi shook his head: "I can see the same thing on my computer, so why go out the door."

After coming out of Jingfan, Chu Chisi, who had been hurried in several areas without breathing, returned to the previous state of "don't go out if you can't go out".

Tang Li thought about it again and said, "But if you agree to go out together, I will be very happy."

Chu Chi thought for a while: "How happy."

Tang Li then raised her head, her lips touched her cheek, and kissed her softly: "So happy."

The blush rose from the tip of the ear and burned all the way to the neck. Chu Chisi lowered his head and muttered, "Go, then go."

Today's Tang Li is still strictly practicing her own motto: she really is the person in the world who knows her wife best. .

It was still an ordinary day in the laboratory, but Chu Chisi noticed that Pai Pai and Tang Li seemed to be absent-minded and didn't know what they were thinking.

Paipai was very excited today, and wrote a lot of errors in the code. He almost made a salesman NPC who was buying a printer to rush into the cold storage to kill the fish. Fortunately, Xibian stopped him in time.

"Pipie! What's the matter with you today?" Xibian helped her cover the code, a little worried, "Are you okay?"

Pai Pai looked bright, looked at her with wide eyes, and said, "Ah? Ah! I'm fine."

Xibian: "..."

Xibian: "You have made mistakes several times today. Did you stay up late last night reading novels again?"

"I swear to God I didn't." Pipa swallowed, not daring to say that she was so excited that she didn't sleep all night because of her "big plan" with Tang Li.

Xibian frowned and looked at her a few times.

The two little assistants were "flying chickens and dogs jumping", and Chu Chisi's side was similar. As the ceiling of Beimeng's force, Tang Li, the captain of Team A, actually cut the cake into his own hands.

But Chu Chisi was frightened, and hurriedly turned out the medicine box, and even wanted to run to the next biological laboratory to borrow an ointment.

Tang Li was very calm and held her back: "Chi Si, after you come back from a trip, the wounds may be healed."

Chu Chisi: "..."

It seems so.

That small cut on the little finger will cut through the cortex, and a blood will spill out.

Chu Chisi held the cotton ball with tweezers, dipped it in alcohol and slowly wiped away the blood, and her slender eyebrows were shrunk together, making Tang Li a little dumbfounded.

"This is really just a minor injury." Tang Li explained silently, "I was accidentally distracted."

Of course, she was not "distracted", but deliberately scratched herself and wanted to find an excuse to leave, but she didn't expect such a small wound to make Chu Chisi so anxious.

Chu Chisi shook his head: "As you told me, the wound is not big or small, and it should be treated properly."

Tang Li really said these words, and she was dumbfounded, so she could only keep silent.

Chu Chisi was very skilled in handling wounds. After rubbing the ointment, he helped Tang Li put a small hemostatic patch.

She frowned and said softly, "Okay."

Tang Li glanced at the piece of tape and quickly kissed her on the lips while the two little assistants beside her were still arguing.

She said sweetly, "Thank you wife."

"Thank you," Chu Chisi pursed his lips, and immediately began to doubt, "How could you suddenly cut yourself?"

Tang Li said, "I didn't pay attention when I cut the cake. I had to look at my wife, and I cut it accidentally."

Chu Chisi: "..."

"Okay, just kidding," Tang Li explained, "but I was really thinking about something."

Tang Li sat beside Chu Chisi and put a small piece of cake into her mouth.

She doesn't like sweets, except for her wife.

Tang Li frowned and said, "I may have to go back to the armed forces tomorrow, and I won't be back all day. I haven't figured out how to tell you."

Chu Chisi breathed a sigh of relief: "It's only for one day, just say it directly."

"You give up on me, but I don't give up on you," Tang Li said. "Tomorrow, I will call a few guards I trust to come over and replace my work for a day."

Chu Chisi agreed.

After this little episode, the day passed quickly, and it was time to get off work in a blink of an eye, and Pai hid in the storage room of the Academy of Sciences with his schoolbag on his back.

Time passed by, and the Academy of Sciences gradually became quiet. Many laboratories were still lit, but the hall was empty and no one could see patrolling security guards.

Tomorrow is a rest day, neither Chu Chisi nor Xi Bianyan will come to the laboratory. This is a good opportunity for them to secretly use Jingfan.

Pipa trotted back to the lab, unlocked the electronic door, and turned on the lights in the room.

The laboratory is still the same, with all kinds of documents and instruments neatly placed, and two mirrors placed on the circular workbench.

The pale blue light glowed faintly, and it circled around the machine several times. The intricate pipes connected the inner layer. Pai checked carefully and pulled out a few of them.

While she was studying, the door was suddenly knocked twice, and before Paipai could open the door, the electronic door lock opened with a "d--".

Pai's eyes widened: "This, this?!"

Tang Li was wearing black clothes and black trousers, almost blending into the darkness behind her. She walked in with strides, carrying a man who was bound with five flowers, covering his eyes, mouth and nose.

As soon as she let go, Yin smashed to the ground. Her hands and feet were tied, black cloth wrapped around her long silver hair, blindfolded her eyes, and something was stuffed in her mouth, so she couldn't make a sound.

"This," Pai Pai was shocked, and quickly pulled Tang Li, who was there with the old god, aside, and whispered to her, "Why did you bring her directly?!"

Tang Li was very calm: "She can only support one or two remote connections at most, which is far from enough."

Pai: "…"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the truth. Even a top-level Alpha like Tang Li can only withstand five or six long-distance connections, not to mention an already thin Beta like Yin.

"But-but she's the highest-ranking prisoner," Pai shuddered, "major-general, is it okay for you to bring her out directly?"

Tang Li had an indifferent expression: "Don't be found by Tang Yiqi, you'll be fine, even if you are found, you'll be fine, even if it will be troublesome."

Pai Pai: "...".

Everyone brought them here, so Pai Pai had to hurry up. She set up a mirror fan, and Tang Li sat on the sofa for a while before going out to answer the phone.

It was called by the Alpha team.

"Major General, we tracked Ni Xitong's traces on the snowy mountain. Just as you said, we followed her not far or near, deliberately leaving some traces."

The teammates said to her: "These days, Ni Xitong has been running around in fear, and several times he was scared away by us as soon as he found a little food."

Tang Li smiled: "Very good."

"Continue to follow her," Tang Li ordered slowly, "Let her be lucky and feel that she has a little hope of escape."


[She will completely crush this hope. 】

"Apart from Ni Xitong, where is the list of tens of thousands of people I gave you before?" Tang Li asked.

The list in her mouth was naturally that Paipai had previously cracked the remaining programs in the mirror fan, and repaired the data that should have been deleted when the mirror fan was destroyed.

Silver called this operation: "White Ring" (Bungarusmulticinctus) plan. The name comes from the highly venomous snake in nature, the white ringed snake.

It really fits.

Tang Li sneered silently.

Yin is naturally the top person in charge, while Ni Xitong is the core of the scientific research team. Except for many related personnel, there are two types of "strategists" who have entered the tattoo mirror.

They are named with different "code names" in the records. The Raiders starting with "NS" (number_of_southern_members) are all SAARC insiders, and there are many interrogation experts, psychologists and so on.

There are few NS Raiders, probably only one or two thousand people, and the number of Raiders named after "NM" (number_of_materials) will be dozens of times more.

Most of these "raiders" are ordinary SAARC residents, who were deceived by Yinyong's so-called "traversing bureaus", "raider missions", "SSS-level endings", and "rich bonuses and security of food and clothing".

Due to the large number and chaos, it is also difficult to track them, so Tang Li's current investigation focuses on the NM Raiders.

Unfortunately, since most of the people are located in the SAARC countries, there is not much information available, so the Alpha team can only search for more clues in neutral countries.

Tang Li was in no hurry.

Tang Yiqi is also very good, not to mention SAARC, anyway, she has time, and she slowly consumes it with the other party.

Although he threatened Tang Yiqi with a letter of resignation, he won Chu Chisi the right to "do not need to come to work until his body has fully recovered."

But this is still a scratch after all. What Tang Li wants is the information related to the "remote-controlled neurotoxin" in Tang Yiqi's hands, as well as the activator that holds Chu Chisi's life.

The "accident" of the research institute is too long ago, and the relevant investigation reports have been destroyed and deleted, and they are only preserved in people's memories.

In Tang Yiqi's eyes, Tang Li was just an insider who knew "Nightingale" and guessed the "truth of the accident".

Tang Yiqi didn't know that Tang Li also had another "trump card" in his hand, a piece of evidence enough to convict her.

But Tang Li doesn't want to use the "trump card" in her hand for the time being, and she is worried that Tang Yiqi will kill her. She needs to maintain the current balance, and she needs some other chips to compete with Tang Yiqi for the poison trigger.

And the silver in front of him might know something. .

Luo Xue pounded on the glass abruptly, the cold wind howled outside the window, and it was a dark night where you could not see your fingers.

Yin woke up groggy in the chair, she coughed several times in succession, and slowly calmed down.

It was late at night, and it was dark outside the window, but the lights were on in the house. The decorations were simple and elegant, with a calm scent of sandalwood.

Strange... where is this?

Silver wrinkled, and for no reason felt that the scene in front of her was very familiar. She circled around, and her eyes fell on the flag not far away.

The silver long sword stood in the midst of thorns, the dark green thorns wrapped around the body of the sword, and the blade cut through the thorns, but it was inviolable.

[That is the symbol of SAARC. 】

Yin was shocked and suddenly remembered where this place was. This is clearly the place where the "Snow Mountain Encirclement and Suppression" of Beimeng occurred many years ago.

If she remembered correctly, the North Alliance issued a death order to the 6th Army Dog, attacked with a suicide attack, and tried to **** this military fortress at all costs.

How could you come back here?

There was a lot of noise and confusion in my ears, my brain was aching, some things were clear, but most of my memories were fuzzy and confusing.

Yin pressed her forehead and stood up. The only thing she remembered now was the extremely tragic scene during the "Snow Mountain Encirclement and Suppression", and the explosion that would happen later.

She flipped through the backpack and documents beside her, and finally remembered something piecemeal.

Her name is "Silver Silver", she was originally a close friend and strategist of Tang Yiqi, a major general of the Beimeng (now an admiral).

Because of the "accident" at the research institute, Yin and Tang Yiqi completely fell out. Just three days after the "accident", they resolutely betrayed the North Alliance and joined the SAARC camp.

Apart from the bad reputation, Chu Lian was simply the most powerful and most obedient piece in Tang Yiqi's hands.

But for such a crazy, beautiful, and loyal woman, Tang Yiqi was able to kill her mercilessly and destroy all evidence.

[I want to avenge Chu Lian, even if I want to use her only daughter. 】

Chu Chisi, the seemingly indifferent but soft-hearted child, who was obedient when studying at Beike, did not inherit her mother's charm at all.

Simply disappointing.

Yin closed the document, only to feel that her head was a little more painful. She frowned and looked around, always feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

Everything around is too real,

So real that it feels creepy.

It was as if she had really "traveled through time and space" and returned to the snowy night where the encirclement and suppression of the snow-capped mountains happened, and that nightmarish encounter for her that day would be like a ghost hitting a wall, constantly and constantly.

Yin suppressed a little uneasy feeling in her heart, she pushed open the door and walked out, strangely, there was no one in the corridor, only her and her footsteps.

Strange, what about the patrolling guards?

It was about half an hour before the official start of the encirclement and suppression of the Snow Mountain, but the entire fortress was empty, as if there was no one alive except her.

There was only a terrifying silence.

That weird feeling came to her mind again, and Yin vaguely realized that she should... not be in the real world, she should be dreaming, or have hallucinations.

But the memory was chaotic, and she couldn't remember it.

Time passed by, and Yin felt like a guinea pig in Tolman's labyrinth experiment, searching in the empty fortress at a loss. ②

She kept walking, kept hitting the wall, and the doors and windows were blocked. She could see the dark night, but she could never find a living person, and she could never get out.

Panic, fear, unease, and a deep sense of powerlessness enveloped Yin, those majestic emotions solidified, filling her like cement, blocking her breathing.

I don't know how long it took, but after turning around for a few times, I finally found the gate of the fortress, which was covered in a vain way, leaking the whistling sound of wind and snow.

That's great, you can find someone after you go out!

Yin rushed over with almost joy, the door was very heavy, she spent a little effort before slowly pushing it open, and walked into the snow and darkness.

The snow was deep and thick, and the snowflakes mixed with hail were violently draped behind him, and the cold wind scratched against his cheeks, making him extremely painful.

Yin walked staggeringly, but she did see a little light in the dark night, it seemed to be a small wooden house, with a warm orange glow in the distance.

She walked for a long time, her mouth was dry, her calf was shaking, and she finally reached the door of the cabin.

The beautiful, bright lights were within reach, and the silver could even smell a hint of dinner, and it was heaven compared to the cold, dark fortress.

Yin let out a breath. She was about to push open the door of the hut when someone approached behind her. Her long hair was caught, and she smashed it fiercely to the ground.

He knocked his forehead on the stone steps of the cabin with a bang, and was hit with a deep bloodstain. Yin helplessly stretched out his hand. The light was so close at hand, but could never be touched.

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Yin coughed intermittently, her long hair tugged, and the man pulled her up sharply, forcing Yin to look at her.

"You're so slow," the man said lazily. "I followed you all the way and watched you go several wrong rooms."

She has a rare long brown blond hair, which is carried up by the cold wind, reminiscent of the constantly moving sand dunes in the desert, and can never find an exit.

More memories flooded into my mind.

Yin's eyes widened in horror, her throat was dry and hoarse, and it took a long time to say a word: "Tang... Tang Li?"

"…Do not."

Tang Li squinted slightly, and a bright dog tag fell from his neck, glowing with a pale cold light.

"It's No. 63." Tang Li said slowly, "It's No. 63 who blew up your fortress, killed countless guards, and almost killed you too."

As soon as Tang Li said that, the hellish scene in her memory flooded into Yin's mind. She struggled to escape, but was held down by the other party, unable to move. "

"Don't rush to leave," Tang Li smiled, her voice soft, "We have a lot, a lot of time to play slowly."

"What exactly did you do to Chi Si, and how many times did you let her cycle - I don't know, and I don't know the specific details."

Tang Li suppressed Yin's movements, held one of her fingers, and with a little force, a "click" sounded at the same time as Yin's screams.

"So, I can only double up to get it back."

The fingers were forcibly broken, the broken bones pierced into the flesh and blood, the severe pain rushed into the heart, and the silver was pressed into the snow, panting in pain.

"This is the first cycle."

Tang Li smiled and pierced Yin's eardrum word by word: "Welcome to my hell."

The author says:

【Citations and Notes】

①: From Li Shangyin's "Jinse" in the Tang Dynasty - "The moon in the sea has tears, and the blue field is warm and the jade is smoke."

②: Edward Tolman (EdwardC.Tolman), through the labyrinth experiment in mice, proved that the individual's learning behavior is purposeful, not simply a response to stimuli. ?