MTL - Wife, You Can’t Run After Eating-Chapter 141 Linghu Ziche's crush

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The valley of Shaoyaowang is colder than the outside. The surrounding trees are dappled with light and shadow in the dark night, and the mountain wind is blowing.

Howling wind Yao Yao shivered.

"Yaoer, come here, I hug you." Mo Ranbai stretched out his strong arm and looked at her.

"No, brother Dye, we are already at the entrance of Yaowang Valley anyway, just wait for Zi Che's brother to show up." Feng Yan Yao smiled.

"Little girl, see that you will do light work, you should have internal strength, you can use it to protect against the cold." Simon said with no time to laugh.

"Okay, why didn't I think of it?" Feng Yanyao spit out his tongue toward Ximen's time.

Sure enough, this method was useful, Feng Yanyao immediately felt that his whole body was warming up.

When Linghu Ziche was heard by Yaotong, there were young people like Yueluo Shanzhuang and Soul Eater Villa in the doorway, and Linghu Ziche raised his eyebrows. What did they do here late at night?

She Fengyao looked at the ink dyed moon carried by Ye Xun and Ye Meng's two brothers, and he said that he was lucky and had a good brother.

She must face him alone when Mo Yanyue wakes up, and control him with charm. He couldn't hate her, yes, that was the only way.

When Zheng Fengyao traveled too far, Feng Huzi Che appeared.

"Ximen? Dye white? Yaoer?" Ling Hu Ziche was pleasantly surprised to see Feng Jiyao, his voice could not help but raise his voice.

"Brother Zi Che." Feng Yiyao saw a beautiful man with a divine doctor, and a touch of tender red flashed on Feng Jiao's charming little face.

"Yao'er, why are you here?" Linghu Ziche's peach eyes stared at her.

"I came here because of the ink dyed moon." Feng Yanyao stretched out her slim fingers and pointed at the ink dyed moon carried on a simple stretcher, frowning.

"Zi Che, Ran Yue's life is now dying, and I ask you to take care to save him and save his life." Mo Ranbai's worried eyes fell on Mo Ran Yue's pale beauty.

"That's natural." Ling Huzi Che responded, noting that the two are not only years of business relationship, but also friends with each other, he should do his best.

Xi Linghu Zi Che raised her hand slightly, but only heard a whistle, a very thin gold thread was wrapped around Moran's wrist.

Wu Mo dyed white and stared at Ling Huzi Che's actions tightly, afraid to let go of the slightest change on his face, he wanted to see the answer from his look.

"Is there any salvation to dye the moon?" Ink Ranbai asked impatiently.

"Can't die." Ling Zizi chewed slightly.

只是 "Just how did Simon come to Yaowanggu?" Linghu Ziche asked, and other book friends were watching:.

"In order to protect Yaoer's safety." Simon had no time to think of his mother's reason, and laughed lazily.

Li Fengyao's heart is defamatory. Your old lady Hua Chihiro is afraid that she Fengyao will go back to the modern world by herself, but she has no way to go back. Must be this way? It's just that Feng Yanyao never thought of the real purpose of spending Chihiro, is to make her Feng Yanyao and her family.

"Yes, my uncle is to protect my safety." Shit, who took me to Xiliang Kingdom, and also prevented her from making a fortune, it seems that this is the case now, she is going to Hei Ning, she is looking for Dongfang Xi.

Because she now has the key of the Mojia treasure, she is also the richest woman in the world, but no one knows it, oh no, Xuanyuan Haoyu must know, but what does this mean? When he really irritated her, she would wear a robe every day and sleep with citrine.

"Little girl, they have already entered, why are you still standing here stupidly?" Simon bowed his head with no time, stretched out his good-looking fingers, pinched her Qiong nose, and laughed.

"Uncle, please take care of yourself!" Feng Yanyao fired at him, why pinch her nose, she seems to remember that there is a man who likes to pinch her neck.

"Little girl, uncle, I'm not serious. You see my slender body. Where is the relationship with heavy tears? It is really long hair and short-sightedness." Simon had no time to laugh against her, there was no anger in his tone, but there was a touch of pet Drown.

"Yeah, someone has a short experience and the pigs don't care, uh hum." Don't ignore Feng Fengyao and walk to the entrance of Yaowang Valley.

"Little girl, this is too damaging." Simon said with no time to annoy.

"Where am I hurting, don't you admit that even pigs will ignore you? Uncle, it turns out that you are the one with too little knowledge, haha ​​..." After Feng Yanyao finished, he ran away swiftly, Xi Liumen had no time to walk alone, depressed, walking slowly behind.

In the bamboo house of Shaowangwang Valley, Hu Ziche applied needles to Mo Ranyue and fed Mo Ranyue to eat ice silkworm.

Seeing the slippery ice silkworm, Su Feng Yao Yao was very disgusted and hurried to the door and vomited.

Xi Ximen had no time to follow, grabbed Feng Jiyao's hand, and said angrily, "What happened to you? Why did you vomit?"

"I ... I'm fine. When I saw the ice silkworm, I felt as sick as swallowing a dead fly." Feng Yanyao shook her head, she just felt uncomfortable.

"Yaoer, why did you vomit?" Ink dyed Bai Huofeng Feng Yao asked.

"I'm okay, Dye White brother, you go and see your brother." Feng Yanyao subconsciously stayed away from him, this delicate change hurts Mo Dye White.

But after all, he was too worried about Mo Ranyue's life, so he turned and went to the room, leaving only Feng Yanyao and Ximen facing each other.

"Little girl, is Mo Yanyue's injury related to you? Don't admit it, the uncle is not a fool. The scratches on his neck are basically the same as the shape of your fingers." Simon had no time to grasp Feng Yanyao's hand. The nearby Baicao Garden.

"Uncle is really clever, ink dyed moon will become like this, it is indeed inseparable from me." Feng Yanyao dafangfang Jiupin Literature welcomes you, any search engine search "Jiupin Literature" can quickly enter this site, this site Permanent non-popup window provides free novel reading and txt download service! Admitted that she didn't feel the need to lie to him, because Simon's time was too smart, and also, in the modern education method of Chihiro, could Simon be smart?

"Really did you? Although you would open your teeth and dance when you were young, why did you pinch his neck?" Simon had no time to feel that the situation was serious.

"Uncle, just a few hours ago, ink dyed moon ... ink dyed moon ... ink dyed moon ... he ... he almost possessed my body ... oh ..." Feng Yanyao cried, she knew Not far away, the ink dyed white must have heard it.

"Little girl, this matter is ink dyeing moon is not right, you are not too much to hit him, isn't someone else not dead yet? Don't blame yourself too much." Simon had no time to think of his mother's orders, and quickly stretched out his arms to Feng Yanyao hugged him in his arms and tried to comfort him. He scolded Mo dyed white in his heart. He took the little girl from Hei Ning country to Xiliang country well. Mo dyed white took the little girl to Yueluo Villa. After that, I didn't take good care of the little girl.

"Uncle, you are so good." Feng Yanyao heard these words and felt that Ximen was too busy. Although she sometimes liked to raise her with her, it was still very good. Now she is so supportive of her. She is grateful to him. There was a slight throbbing in my heart.

"I've always been good, haven't you noticed it?" Simon had no time to look down at those bright and charming Qiu Shuiming's eyes, looking at it, Jun face was unnatural.

"Uncle, what do you dare not look at me, eh, why are you blushing?" Feng Yanya screamed as if he found a new continent.

"I ... I don't have a blush. Let's go in. The pile of herbs here is bad, and the wind is strong, so I can't freeze you, otherwise I can't tell my mother." Simon had no time. Holding her hand is about to leave Baicaoyuan.

"Is that a begonia flower? Why is it blue?" Feng Yanyao looked at a begonia flower nearby and asked.

"It is Qixing Begonia, a very poisonous herb. Don't touch it," Simon warned.

"Just don't touch it, what is so fierce." Feng Yanyao retracted his small hand.

Xi Ximen shook his head without time. "I didn't mean to you. Little girl, don't remind me of your kindness as donkey liver and lungs." After finishing, he picked up Feng Yanyao and quickly flew to the bamboo house with light work.

But after knowing a sycamore tree, he came out of a handsome and slender figure in white. This person was inked in white. Naturally, he also heard the scene of Feng Xiyao and Ximen's flawless intimacy, feeling sour, he felt it. Feng Yanyao seems to be changing since the Ranyue accident.

Did Yao Yaoer no longer want him?

Ink dyed white was very worried that Ximen had no time to **** Feng Yanyao. Although Ximen had no time to be ten years older than Feng Yaoyao, in his eyes, he felt that if Yaoer chose to spend time with Ximen, it would be like a cow eating tender grass. Already.

Alas, he does n’t want to be separated from Yaoer. He did n’t know the taste of women before. He did n’t know what it means to be a soul eater and a bone eclipse.

How can he let go of such a superb lady?

So I dyed white and left Baicao Garden and flew into the bamboo house.

Xifeng Yaoyao and Ximen naturally arrived at the bamboo house without any time.

"Brother Zi Che, did Mo Yanyue wake up?" Feng Ji Yao approached Ling Hu Zi Che and asked.

"There will be two hours to wake up." Linghu Zi Che smiled stretched out.

"Brother Zi Che, you've worked hard, come and have a drink of tea." Feng Yan Yao diligently brought Linghu Zi Che a cup of tea and said with a smile.

"Yao'er, I just sent a flying pigeon biography to Xing Yuan, saying that you are in my Yaowang Valley, I think, in half a month, he should be here." Ling Zizi remembered that his friend The chasing beauty was almost exhausted, so he just took the time to throw a carrier pigeon in the sky.

Although he also likes the fresh and natural, handy woman in front of her, but she is a fiancee with a good friend, and he can't win love.

So he strongly convinced himself that Feng Yaoyao was Wen Xingyuan's fiancee, and he could not imagine it.

"Brother Zi Che ... you ... What are you talking about?" Feng Ji Yao did not expect Ling Hu Zi Che to help her.

"Of course it is true." Lingzi Zi nodded with certainty.

"So, brother Zi Che, I will leave tomorrow. If Xing Yuan comes, please tell him that I have already returned to Nanxun." Feng Yanyao's red lips were soft, and she naturally made Fox Zi Che also care That ’s what I decided, good-looking novel :.

"How to leave Yaowang Valley so? Why?" Ling Zizi heard the words, and could not hide her eyes.

"I ... I have more important things to do." Feng Yanyao smiled brightly at him. She couldn't say she was trying to escape marriage.

I still remember how the five beautiful men united and how they bullied her. Therefore, she has to run far away. Now she can only go to Dongfangxi to take refuge. When she leaves the Medicine King Valley early in the morning, she will go to Lichun Academy in Xiliang Kingdom. Xi Na can not get rid of the relationship!

"What's more important?" Ling Zizi asked Ximen with no time.

"I ... this is a secret, I will not tell." Feng Yanyao shook her head and said, she is not a big mouth.

"Zi Che, how is Ran Yue?" Mo Ran Bai came in from the door.

"As long as he wakes up, it's okay. I'll keep it here. You all go to the next room to sleep, Yaoer, you go to my room to sleep. The bed is comfortable." Ling Zi Zi shouted dumb Slave, let the dumb slave take the wind to Yao Yao and they went to the box.

"Thank you, brother Zi Che." Feng Yanyao thought

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