MTL - Wife, You Can’t Run After Eating-Chapter 149 For life

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"What did you say? Xuanyuan Haoyu, you ... you tell me clearly!" Feng Yanyao almost heard this, and it was almost messy in the wind.

"Yaoer, we hope you get pregnant as soon as possible," Xuanyuan Haoyu said under pressure.

"Okay, okay, but if I have a daughter-in-law, it must not be yours. Don't forget that you used a white body!" Feng Yanya glanced at him.

"It doesn't matter whose body it is, as long as you are pregnant and whose child, I will treat her like myself!" Xuanyuan Haoyu shook his head, he only wanted to be with Feng Yanyao, and he didn't want to control who inherited the incense Issues like that.

"Woohoo ..." Why was she so unlucky, she was only 16 years old, OK, this group of bad silver, she was depressed.

"Yaoer, don't be sad, we will be qualified father." Wen Xingyuan said gently.

"Yeah, yeah, Yaoer, you will have more children in the future, and we will treat each of them as if they were our own." Fu Xuecan nodded and echoed.

"Cut, do you treat me as a sow? Also ... have more births ... you ... you ... and you ... why don't you give birth yourself?" Feng Yanyao remembered the kind of having children Painful, there was an urge to wipe out their hair.

"Yao ... Yaoer ... I ... we are men ... can't have children." Su Muyan said weakly.

"Isn't that man who respects the country a man who has children?" Feng Yanyao immediately retorted.

"Who said it? Yaoer? Where did you hear it?" He Lanqi was puzzled, and the other five were puzzled.

"I heard ... I heard ... isn't it?" Feng Yanyao covered his enchanting curve with a quilt.

"No, it's the wife and the child." Situ Xunlei explained.

"Hey, it's really hard to be a woman." Feng Yanyao sighed and continued to sleep, leaving six beautiful men facing each other.

Uh ...

Another two days later, after a series of etiquette arranged by the Ministry of Gifts.

Fengfeng Yaoyao was officially renamed Dongfang Yao, and there was a princess residence, and various rewards followed.

She also heard the news that Dongfang Xi was injured in Danzhou City on this day. She couldn't help worrying about Dongxi's injury, so she wanted to go to Danzhou City to have a look.

"Yaoer, if you can't go out, the old emperor gave orders to those guards, whoever killed you will kill him." He Lanqi saw the anxious expression on Feng Yiyao's face.

"Hey ..." Feng Yanyao sighed. Being a princess is not good at all, and she has no freedom at all.

"Princess, don't sigh." 栀 Er is the niece sent by Dong Fang to take care of Feng 芷 Yao's life. At this moment she persuaded with a smile.

"Hey, no freedom is equal to death, hey, how do you understand, but you moved from one cage to another." Feng Yanyao also smiled, refuting her.

"Princess Qiqi, Princess Qinya is looking out of the door," said the housekeeper of Princess House.

"Why did she come to me?" Feng Yanya smiled coldly, what should she call Liang Qinya? Auntie?

Xier shook her head, and naturally the six beautiful men shook their heads.

凉 When Liang Qinya saw six handsome men, she only felt that her heart was floating and her eyes were full of peachy hands.

Mother-in-law said she was about to get married and could marry someone.

He is just the identity of these six beautiful men? How could it be in the residence of the little niece Dongfang Yao?

She Fengyao carefully looked at Liang Qinya, but she saw her pink palace dress, elegant jade face, and hibiscus like a willow and an eyebrow.

A black hair dangles from the slim waist. The head is elegantly chic, and the slow-moving cloud is inserted with an amethyst moon magnolia. A string of delicate and lucid pendants is hung on the collar. Floor flower cage skirt, embroidered with peony flower brocade pattern, jade-colored smoke and silver silk gauze shirt, lined with moonlight white pink water lilies and short waist, with a light blue mountain gauze on the waist , Fangfei looks charming, powdery and crispy.

She was only thirteen years old, and she had already come out so pretty, showing that Hei Ningguo was a beauty.

Alas, who made her older than her? She had to call her. depressed.

"Auntie." Feng Yanyao was immediately annoyed when she saw her holding her sacrifice, so she froze coldly, so she was startled by Liang Qinya, who was looking at the beautiful men.

"Yao ... Yaoer ..." Liang Qinya had come to her mansion to explore the truth, but now she was startled by a sudden scream.

The two girls next to Beng Qinya, Ping Ting and Pinger, were also taken aback by Feng Qingyao's cold voice. They watched the beautiful boy getting into the gods, damn, actually bothered them to see the beautiful boy.

He Lanqi, they naturally noticed an obsession under Liang Qinya's eyes, and immediately followed Feng Yanyao to call her, "Little aunt!"

Desolate Qin Ya was called by them, and her small face was suddenly pale, damn, is she so old?

Six beautiful men called her aunt! So the black lines on her face hung out, and her heart was annoyed.

"Do n’t know that Yaoer hasn't been assigned to anyone yet. Which one are you shouting at?" Liang Qinya said angrily with Yunsha Sipa.

"This ... Anyway, Yao'er already has a skin relationship with us, we are Yao's acquaintances!" Fu Xuecan hated Liang Qinya when she saw it, and this time she simply showed their relationship with Yao'er. Qin Ya always looks at them.

Other beautiful men naturally agree with it. Originally, they wanted to protect Yaoer from the fate of being married. Now, naturally, they agree.

"Auntie, they are indeed Yao's acquaintances." Feng Yanyao smiled slightly.

"Ah?" Liang Qinya's hate in her heart, she managed to get rid of it, she has a fancy beauty, but she already has a good name, and she is so frustrated?

Desolate Qinya is very strange. She looks so beautiful. How can these men only look at Yaoer and not themselves?

"Auntie, I'm tired. I'm going to rest. Please go back. I'll go to your house to see you someday." Feng Yanyao said to Liang Qinya.

Obviously, it's a customer order!

Desolate Qindie carried her skirt in anger, and left with two skinny girls.

Uh ...

"Ah, they are finally gone. I almost vomited out the dinner last night!" He Lanqi frowned.

"Xiangong, do you say that Dai Guifei will take any action this time?" Feng Yanyao thought of Dai Guifei's cruel methods, and her heart was a little unsteady.

"Yaoer, you should worry about whether the old emperor will marry you to others!" Wen Xingyuan sighed.

"He dares!" If he really wants to marry her to anyone, she hypnotizes the old emperor into a fool, and then herself becomes the empress devil for hegemony.

Only she can't think of it, nothing she can't do!

"Yaoer, aren't you afraid?" Su Muyan saw her self-confident, her lips slightly hooked.

"I'm not afraid, our soldiers will come to block, the water will cover the soil." Feng Yanyao drank his mouth tea and said, moisturizing his throat.

The others laughed at her together.

"Don't laugh, the water in this palace is already deep. I'm here to stir this muddy water." Feng Yanyao said with a chuckle.

"Right, are you in Heining state-owned industry?" Feng Yanyao asked.

"Should all be there." Wen Xingyuan said first.

"Well, that's good." Feng Yanyao's lips raised a weird smile, which made people unable to detect one or two.

"By the way, tomorrow, we will go to Yulong Snow Mountain to find Mother-in-law Xiansu to save Dylan's life." Feng Yiyao thought for a while. Since he can't go out, he can only use the old method to steal the sky and change the day.

"Yaoer, you're right, it's not good for Dylan's body to drag on time." Su Muyan also agreed.

Others see the lady order, naturally only obedient.

Uh ...

The sky was pale, and now it was white, and at a glance the margins were not visible, the wind was blowing, and the snow flakes were rolling up.

积 It is covered with snow all the year round. It may be high in altitude, so the air is very thin, and it is difficult to see human traces. Occasionally, there are several flying birds passing by.

"Yaoer, are you cold? If it's cold, I will carry you." He Lanqi hurriedly approached Feng Yanyao and asked.

"It doesn't matter, I can do it myself." Feng Yanyao now has the essence of Xianggong for several nights. Now she walks very lightly, and it is related to her martial arts practice.

"I just don't know where Mother Xianxu lives, Linghu Zi Che is not there, and we don't know where she is, hey." Feng Yanyao sighed.

He Lanqi, they all have internal protection, but they don't feel cold.

Suddenly, a snow-white marten jumped out from under a rock, scaring Feng Yanyao to death.

"Why is there a mouse here?" Feng Yanyao wondered when she didn't know Marten.

"Yaoer, this is a marten." Fu Xuecan listened to the corners of his lips.

"Isn't that a mouse? It's just a nice name. However, the hair color is still very pure. If it is braised, it should taste good." Feng Yanyao laughed and teased.

She said that the moth in Su Muyan's belly was hooked.

"Yaoer, otherwise, I caught this marten and braised it." Su Muyan's favorite food is this, no, as soon as Feng Yiyao said, he became an activist.

Wu Xuanyuan Haoyu kept silent, and said, How can such marten rats eat indiscriminately, maybe they will eat the dead.

"Who dares to brave the old sable rat?" Came a vicious old female voice.

"Xiansu mother-in-law?" Feng Yanyao guessed.

Is there such a coincidence?

"Who is going to kill the old sable rat?" The old woman in a white shirt appeared in front of them, but when she saw the old woman in white clothes was angry, it seemed like they were going to have a thousand swords.

Wu Feng Yao Yao glanced at Su Muyan unhappyly, it was because he pouted too much. No, they wanted to kill him and read the full text of Xie Yu Tianjiao.

"I'm sorry next, that was just a joke with the next lady." Su Muyan thought that here is Yulong Snow Mountain, and the fierce white-haired old lady in front of her is most likely Xiansu mother-in-law.

"Yes, Xianggong was joking with me just now." Feng Yanyao quickly helped.

"Hum! So many of you went to the top of Yulong Snow Mountain together, what is it about?" The white lady whistled at the marten, and the marten jumped over her shoulder very sensitively, and looked at them arrogantly.

Howling wind and Yao Yao said, Hello, you are a petite mink, your fox and fake tiger power, change your mind to find a chance to burn you, steam it, and see if you are still arrogant.

"Old man, are you mother-in-law Xiansu?" Wen Xingyuan first arched his hand, then asked with a soft laugh.

"Why does the old body tell you, who is the old body?" She snorted coldly, and then turned around and wanted to leave.

"Mother Xianxu, please save my sacrifice." Feng Yanyao thumped to her knees.

"I'm useless to kneel, I'm dead. I can't save you." She glanced at the ink stained white road beside Feng Yao's side. At this moment, Xuanyuan Haoyu had stayed in the oil-paper umbrella brought by Feng Yao.

"What? Living dead?" Feng Yan Yao was surprised. "Mother Xiansu, what do you mean by that?"

"He's a living dead, not saving, it's as simple as that, don't you understand?" She glanced indifferently at Mo dyed white body.

"Mother Xian Su, how can you let him go to save him, I hope you mention one or two!" Feng Yanyao thought of Mo Ranbai's deep affection for himself, and begged again.

In order for her mother-in-law to save ink-dyed white life, it is not impossible for her to show weakness.

"Unless you can jump from this endless peak, I will save him!" Xiansu mother-in-law said to Feng Yanyao in good faith.

"?" Feng Yanyao heard the words, a tinge of pain in her heart, she meant to exchange her life for ink and white?

"Yaoer, don't do stupid things." Situ Xunlei felt that the mother-in-law of Xianxu looked at Feng Xuanyao's look wrong, so she was angry.

"Yeah, Yaoer, let's think of another way, don't be forced to die by her." Fu Xuecan also objected, knowing if her stomach had already been planted in her stomach, not only his wife And also a son.

"Yaoer, Brother Fu is right." Su Muyan also objected. At the beginning, he promised his uncle to take good care of Yaoer. Although his uncle was not Yao's biological father, he loved Yaoer so much that he did not want to be white. Hairdresser for the brunette.

"Yaoer, what they say is what I want to say." Of course He Lanqi also opposed ().

"Yao'er, you've done everything to him. If he also stares under Jiuquan, this jump is ... difficult to survive." Wen Xingyuan frowned, and knew that he would not let Yao'er come to Yulong Xuefeng.

The way that Feng Fengyao was thinking made her mother-in-law sneer, "Why don't you want to save your life?"

"Of course I want to save." Feng Yanyao raised her eyebrows slightly, holding a paper umbrella in her hand, and walked step by step to the vicinity of Wuji Peak.

"Yao'er, you can't believe what the old lady said. What if she jumps down, she won't save the ink and white?" The soul of Xuanyuan Haoyu, who was still in the oil umbrella, also persuaded.

"I'm not afraid. If my departure can really save the life of the ink dyed white, it's worth it. But I think why my biological mother suddenly went crazy here, and my biological father is silent now, so I'm curious." Feng Yanya whispered, her thoughts turned round and round.

"Yaoer, do you think this old woman has a problem?" Xuanyuan Haoyu asked.

"I don't know what other mountains read." Feng Yanyao shook his head.

"Who are you talking to?" Xiansu's mother-in-law asked Feng Yaoyao to face an umbrella.

"I'm just sighing," Feng Yanyao said at will.

Li Fengyao followed them behind, but everyone was frowning.

I soon reached the top of the Promise, still ice-cold, and the sky was still floating with a huge snowflake, such as goose feathers, such as Qionghua, crystal clear ().

I walked to the edge of Wuji Peak, and there were clouds lingering, and the cold wind whizzed past, blowing like a knife on a person's face.

"It's here, you jump! If you really jump from here, I'll do my best to save your life!" Granny Xiansu smiled, but she didn't reach her eyes.

"No, just in case, if you don't treat my sacrifice, am I not very loss?" Feng Yan Yaoyang sneered, wanting to slap her?

"Of course it will be saved, my mother-in-law Xiansu talks for good!" She hugged the marten and smiled with a smile.

"Why do you have to let me jump from Wuji Peak? Since it is dead, why not let me choose a method of death myself?" Feng Yanyao also felt that the mother-in-law of Xianxu was quite weird.

"Since you begged me, should you say you should listen to me?" Said Xiansu mother-in-law with her back to Feng Yanyao.

"Mother-in-law, don't let the girl go young and jump to the endlessly, it's too cruel." The young girl was dressed in a veil-like white coat, as if in a mist of smoke. At the age, in addition to the black hair of a waterfall, the whole body is white and has a beautiful face, except that there is a layer of blood between the skin and it looks pale and abnormal.

Wu Wenxingyuan Although they also think that this woman is beautiful, but their favorite is Feng Yaoyao, so they do not squint, and they treat the woman in white as an ordinary person.

Seeing their performance, the woman nodded secretly, and rarely saw such a calm man, and at the first sight were still five beautiful men. Isn't it all the woman's husband in front of her?

"Qingfu, there's nothing for you here, quickly go back to the medicine furnace ()." Xiansu mother-in-law saw that she still had time to admire the beautiful man, and angrily said.

"Girl, don't listen to my mother-in-law. The terrain here is dangerous. Even if you martial arts are high, there is no possibility of surviving." Although the woman looked cold and indifferent, she spoke to Feng Yanyao and whispered softly.

"Qingfu, isn't your mother-in-law too indulgent in your daily life?" Xiansu's mother looked angry, and waved her hands to slap Qingfu.

Wu Qingfu didn't hide and wasn't angry, just a quiet eye, staring at her mother-in-law for a moment.

"Mother-in-law learned, but please mother-in-law pity others lives." Qing Fu said with scrupulous eyes.

She Fengyao whispered towards Qingfu and laughed, "Thank you, Girl Qingfu, but your mother-in-law was right that she decided whether to save my husband's life, of course I can only listen to her."

既 "That being the case, then you haven't jumped from this infinite pole?" Xiansu mother-in-law urged coldly, her voice was abnormally cold and ruthless, and it really wasn't like the **** doctor who hangs her head.

-----—— Digression ——————————

Thank you for your monthly pass for pro-fen, Momo o (n_n) o ~ Second is here, there is noisy near Xiaotao's house, someone bought a car and set off firecrackers to render a lively atmosphere, hey

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