MTL - Wife, You Can’t Run After Eating-Chapter 156 Six dragons

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Is it because of amnesia? Are you so good to Miss Maine?

Qianhua Chihiro but smiled, she had her own considerations, just because this son was too stupid and needed someone to kick him beside him.

"The symbol of the beauty of girl Yin is more than enough for you, but I really worry that she despise you." I don't know why, the girl who spent Chihiro's perception is the same type of woman as Feng Yanyao.

"Mother, it's okay to look down on me. I already have Yaoer in my heart, and other women can't get in my eyes." Simon had no time to rub his temples with a headache and said.

"You have nothing to do with it, let's just, I'll go and chat with Maine girl. She is much more interesting than you." Flower Chihiro is very enthusiastic about the maine girl who just picked up, this is not, After speaking, she was blowing like a wind, and went out, leaving Ximen no time to fill her black line.

"Master, Madam, is there food for you again?" Xiaoxi Axi smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, all the good things have gone into your belly." Simon had no time to point to a bowl of red date bird nest on the long case, which meant that he could eat for him.

"I see, Master, every time you let me drink this kind of sweet and greasy stuff, you are not afraid that Axi will grow into a girl." Axi reluctantly squeezed her nose and drank it, it was the red date bird's nest I was too sweet and tired to drink, and he was tired and crooked, but the young master ordered that he could only drink it silly.

"Axi, young master, I like to watch you drink so refreshingly. In this way, I will be good to her mother, and other book friends are watching:" Ximen laughed with no time to raise his lips.

"Young Master, A Xi thinks that the main beauty girl is still very beautiful, why don't you go to Frost Court to see her? That hand embroidery is absolutely good and can't be better." A glimpse of surprise, admired that girl named Mei Yin.

"No matter how good, it is better than her status in my heart! Ah Xi, do n’t presume in my presence that Meiyin, my mother is shaved and burdened, it ’s okay, go and give the empty bowl to the kitchen Go, I need to look at the ledger here. "Simon didn't want time to waste his time on someone who had nothing to do with himself.

"Yes, Master." Axi quit silently.

Axi exited silently. As she passed the corner of the back garden, she saw Madam Hua Chihiro talking with the main girl, and was curious, so he stopped and overheard.

I just listened to it, it seemed that Chihiro spent the beautiful girl.

"Mein, you are unfamiliar with this place. You left Soul Eater. This journey is not as easy as you think." Hua Chihiro persuaded bitterly.

"Thank you, ma'am. I'm always out of step here. I just want to find the way back. It doesn't belong to me. Sorry. I will leave here tomorrow morning. Thank you for your hospitality. I believe I will come back one day. There. "Maine's lips twitched slightly, a cold voice sounded.

"Mein, you can stay. You have become the young lady of our Simon's house, but you don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you don't have to sleep on the street ..." Hua Chihiro tried to persuade Mein, but she couldn't think of Mein That kind of autonomy made her feel a bit empty.

"Ma'am, I can live well with hands and feet." Mei Yin then gave a gift to Hanahiro Chihiro, then turned gracefully, beautifully shaped like a white swan, and nudged back to her room. .

Chihiro Chihiro only stared at Mei Yin's back. Then she saw that Axi was eavesdropping not far away, and then walked over and closed Axi's ears.

"Madam, please forgive me!" A Xi shouted pitifully.

"Axi-let you go and see the young master, what are you doing here in the corner to listen to the wife?" Chihiro annoyed.

"Uh ... Uh ..." Axi consciously felt ashamed and didn't dare to say more, so she hung her head and waited for scolding.

"Don't ... Uh ... Uh ... It's ... I don't think you can make any green water on the white hair, get out, go back and supervise the young master." Hua Chihiro threw Axi into the air, Presenting a beautiful parabola.

Alas, he was so painful to fall, he was so unlucky!

Uh ...

Feng Yanyao looked at the old mother carefully and carefully looked at the body of the woman lying in the crystal coffin. In her heart, she always felt that her life was too weird. Suddenly, she felt like Xiaolong was looking for her mother. Who is your mother?

"Prince Qilu, she is a virgin!" The mother replied kneeling respectfully.

"Fufeng, take her outside." Dongfang Xi ordered Fufeng to take Ms. Gu outside. There was a touch of firmness in his eyes, maybe ... he could.

"Yes, His Royal Highness." Fufeng quickly lifted Ms. Gu and then took Ms. Gu out of the door.

"Prince 舅舅, what's the situation?" Feng Yanyao looked up at Dongfang Xi and asked, puzzled.

既然 "Since she is a virgin, then she should be the second emperor I have never met. Maybe my big-hearted sister is your mother-in-law!" Dongfang Xiyang laughed.

"I hope so." In addition to saying this, Feng Yaoyao no longer knows what to say.

"Yao'er, your face is pale, do you need to find a doctor?" Wen Xingyuan looked at Feng Yan Yao Yan's expression with great anxiety, anxious to hold Feng Yan Yao in her arms immediately, to make her comfortable. Go to sleep.

"Xu is insomnia these few nights." Feng Yanyao shook her head. In fact, she had something in her heart. Her spirit was getting worse and worse. She always dozed off and sometimes left the soul. She even dreamed of herself last night. Back to modern times, Jiupin Literature welcomes you. Any search engine searching for "Jiupin Literature" will quickly enter this site. This site provides free novel reading and txt download services for free without popups! It is lingering with a European male model on a huge Italian water bed.

这 Is this a prophecy? Is it clear that she is about to go back to modern times through time and space?

"Insomnia? Yaoer? Should you find a great doctor?" Dongfangxi grabbed her little hand, and the gentleness in the black eyes was the fourth time Feng Yanyao had seen it, and suddenly, she shook her head, she was too Tired, will lead to hallucinations.

"Don't read it, I'm fine. Let's go outside and take a look." Feng Yanyao thought that she hadn't seen the anxious eyes of the comrades around her, she smiled slightly and turned away the question.

"Yaoer, do you really don't care?" Ink dyed white always felt that Feng Yanyao's recent body was too weak, so they also didn't play the multi-Pai love game together.

"Well, rest assured, I'm fine." Feng Yanyao smiled gently and followed the elegant steps of Dongfang Xi out of the closet.

Six beautiful men, each with their own talents, walked out calmly and calmly, but their eyes had the same poisonousness, and they looked at the big hand holding Feng Xiaoyao's small hand, and couldn't wait to go forward and split it. Hands, weird.

"Prince Qilu, she ... she is also a virgin." Mother Gu trembled immediately when she had tested Liang Qindie's body, and she knew in her heart that she knew the royal secrets, for fear that it would not be far from death. .

"What? She is also a virgin? That Yaoer ... you ... are you?" Dongfangxi's eyes were not disappointment, but ecstasy, naked **** ecstasy.

What happened to the baby girl 16 years ago? Didn't he say that his elder sister was pregnant?

"Isn't that baby girl you, isn't you?" Dongfang Xi was shocked. If the baby girl wasn't her, where did his real niece go?

He remembers that Yu Qiang is protecting Feng Ji Yao, but now Yu Qiang is dead, and there is no evidence of her death?

"Fufeng, take her down and treat her family well." After Dongfang Xi looked back, she saw the surprise of Madam Gu and hurriedly ordered.

"Yes, His Royal Highness." Fu Feng was led down with her eyes closed to endure death silently.

"Who is Yao's biological mother in the end?" Strangely, how is Liang Qindie still a virgin? He Lanqi is increasingly confused.

"Can it be that I jumped out of the stone?" Feng Yanyao asked casually, of course she was angry, she was sad for a long time, where did you think that the Liang Qin butterfly lying in the ice coffin was not her mother-in-law? Can't make her depressed?

"Yaoer, I will find a way to help you find your family." Dongfangxi is very happy to get this answer, great, Yaoer is not his niece.

"Okay, thank you Prince." Feng Yiyao thought, since she is not the princess of Hei Ningguo's royal family, she is not going to marry, she wants to go back to modern times.

"You are no longer my niece, so I call my prince." Dongfang Xi yawned gracefully.

"Well, I also think I've given you this big beautiful man a bit old, haha ​​..." Since she has no kinship with him, she is still worried about a bird.

I immediately went back to my room to sleep.

Yan Mo dyed white and others also felt strange, why is Yao's life so bizarre?

"Does the wind know who Yao's biological mother is?" Fu Xuecan asked.

"I thought Yao'er was my elder sister's daughter. It seems that Yao'er was contracted, but I don't know where my real niece went." Dongfangxi remembered that he didn't take good care of her niece. Quite guilty.

"You don't want it, it's already like this, don't blame yourself." Feng Yanyao softly persuaded him when he saw his sadness.

"Well, Yaoer is right." Dongxi Xi agreed, but there was always a tadpole in his heart, and he couldn't solve it.

"By the way, your father and emperor thought that I was really your eldest daughter's daughter, and also planned to hold an election party for me. What do you think of this?" Feng Yanyao remembered the utilitarian election party, and his eyes Passing a trace of thick disgust.

"Of course, let the election party be held as scheduled, but just change the protagonist, can Yaoer still believe in my ability to handle things?" Unconsciously, Dongfang Xi had already shed their coat of princehood in front of them. Today's He talked to them, like many years of friends, and looked kind.

"Of course I believe in your ability to handle things." Feng Yiyao thought that he did not have to make a marriage piece better than anything.

"Well, that's all right, you can rest early, and there will be the election meeting in two days." Dongfang Xi released her little hand and then left Liang Qindie's courtyard.

"Yao'er, Dongfang Xi has gone away, why do you still watch his back lost?" Situ Yunlei saw that Feng Yanyao's gaze had stuck on Dongfang Xi's body, and his heart was rather displeased, so he raised his hand A few fair-skinned fingers stretched out before Feng Yanyao's eyes.

"I ... I'm just a bit difficult to adapt. The last second was still my prince, and the next second was no longer." Feng Yanyao shook his head, said lightly, and yawned again afterwards, the weight of the entire body was all It was moved to Situ Xunlei.

"Yaoer, you seem to be getting heavier." Situ Fulei frowned.

"Wrong, it's because you're thin, you will feel that I'm heavy. No, I'm going back to bed. Who's going to bed tonight?" Feng Yanya glanced at him angrily, and suddenly his mood got better. Who is her daughter? Anyway, she is an orphan in the beauty of her previous life. Today, she is so good that she still has Feng Dao, but she does n’t know how Feng Dao and Feng Yanze live outside the Sai?

Should she take the time to see them?