MTL - Wife, You Can’t Run After Eating-Chapter 211 Here comes the rival

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"Brother Shang? What do you mean by this?" Si Kongao Qing was suddenly confused by his questioning, and said in his heart, how did Brother Shang look so painful, after he looked carefully at his hands, he was fair and fair. His face turned rosy, and it turned out that his hands were on the waist of the Wind Demon, which is no wonder that Shangguan's expression was so distressed.

After realizing his mistake, Si Kongao immediately let go of his hand and kept him three steps away from the wind demon.

"Even if the officials are protecting each other, I have to let Bu Junhua go to eat!" Suddenly a lot of girls were insulted by Bu Junhua's flower-picking thief before the wind demon's eyes, swearing.

"Brother Shangguan, you misunderstood, I have nothing to do with the demon monster." Si Kongao lightly and handsomely frowned, he would not like the stupid woman Fengfeng monster.

"Yeah, what can I have with this bad embryo, Shangguan Gongzi, don't get me wrong, I'm a clean and innocent girl, I'm still waiting to marry my husband!" It's normal, the last sentence directly puts the two beautiful male thunders out of focus.

"Marry a husband?" Shangguan Liqiu said that his neck was narrowed. His family would certainly not agree with him. What could be better? However, after hearing the explanations of the two, he still had a little doubt.

So he immediately winked at Si Kongao lightly, "Brother Si Kong, come here, I'll ask you something."

Jian Sikong is so light and light, and the second monk walks to him beside him, wondering, "Why is it so mysterious?"

"Don't you like her too?" Shang Guanli Qiuti pulled Si Kongao Qing a little further and asked softly, which was so nervous that the answer given by Si Kongao Qing was so nervous.

"Where did you think of it? How could I like this kind of nonsense, not gentle at all, and always add a messy woman to me. Even if all the women in the world die, I can't like her." Si Kong proudly The disdainful glance swept away the wind demon not far away, with an expression of admiration and insensitivity.

Hearing his words, Shangguan Liqiu frowned, but thought about it in turn, wouldn't he lack love rivals? Therefore, Shangguanli Qiu raised his eyebrows, "As long as I know she is good, you can go back first Well, I'll take the demon back later, presumably King Chu should be in a hurry. "

"Well, okay, I'll pack her up when I go back, and I still have the fear of the snake." If Skong Ao Qing was not in the face of his friend Shang Guanqiu, he really wanted to punish the demon. Yet.

"Hey, what are you two mumbling about?" Feng Yao Yao thought they were weird. The two big men were biting their ears just like other little girls, so she approached them slowly.

I just had her clothes wet because of the rain, and her hair was wet too.

Feeling that the hair was too wet and uncomfortably tight, she lifted her hands to take off the bun, and combed the wet hair with clouds of fiber, and the strands of blue silk hanging on her chest covered the enchantment on her chest. Xue Feng, Rao is also fascinated by Si Kongao Qing who has seen many beauties, not to mention Shangguan Liqiu, who has a good impression on her. It turns out that beauties can be so charming and so unique!

"Hurry back to Yuelai Inn, my clothes are so wet and uncomfortable!" As for the flower thief, Jun Jun will definitely find a way to kill the people.

"Ga?" Did the demon want to go back? Shangguan Li Qiu originally wanted to get along with her alone, but now it seems that she can only go back together.

He is just two horses now. What should the three of them do now?

"I was trapped here just now because I lost my cartilage, and now my strength has recovered. I can fly back with light work, and you will ride back!" The wind demon did not want them to be in trouble.

Wait a minute, although she and Si Kongao are not right, but Shangguanli Qiu looks pretty good, but I do n’t know if he is a boy or not. Is she the first one on her hunting trip? After thinking about it that way, the wind demon started staring straight up at Shangguan Liqiu.

"Fairy, if ... if you can ... how about we ride a ride back to Yuelai Inn?" Shangguan Liqiu thought this was a good opportunity for his performance, so he approached her and asked for a cry.

"Okay, it's better to be respectful than let's go, then let's ride back together." As for the bad embryo, Si Kong proudly casually asked him.

Qi Sikong proudly saw his friend Shangguan Liqiu's dedication to the wind demon so diligently, his heart was broken, and a good white lotus, for fear that it would be broken by the shy little demon girl of the wind demon.

"Wind demon, my horse is bigger, why not ride with you and me?" Si Kongao leaped onto the horse's back lightly, chased it, and shouted loudly at the moment.

Shangguan Liqiu is not happy, ah, I have told you all, I want to chase the demon, what a **** do you want to make fun, so Shangguan Liqiu was very polite to give Si Kongao a light look, then Hugging the willow waist of the wind demon, he clamped the belly of the horse, his horse hissed, his horseshoes treaded on the muddy road, and he flew like a lightning, and flew out like lightning.

Jian Sikong Ao Qing was stuck to the face by the mud splashed by the horse's hoof, his lips twitched, and scolded Shangguan Liqiu for being inhuman!

But no matter how scolding, he still has to go back to take a hot bath to relax and relax his muscles. Minger will go to Jimo's house to see the beauty of thousands of gold throwing hydrangea.

Uh ...

Shangguan Liqiu was hugging the beauties at the moment, and the tip of her nose smelled the sweet fragrance from her hair. She looked down at the enchanting under the tube top, her body tense, and his handsome face turned red. The breeze brushed her delicate snow cheeks, and her silky hair brushed his nose, disturbing a slight itching, but Shangguan Liqiu's handsome face raised a shy happy smile.

The wind demon did not know how shocked she was to Shangguan Liqiu at the moment. She just chuckled secretly in her heart. His physical reaction was naturally clear to her, but she was as clever as her, and of course she would not take it apart, only intentionally. His arms twitched, so that a man's tortured cheeks were like cooked crabs, scary red.

Ying Shangguan Liqiu felt that he was doing bad things, because his mind always showed some top-level spring palace paintings that Si Kongao Qing showed him, and it was fragrant and exciting.

He couldn't bear it, so hugged the wind demon and begged for mercy, "Demon, don't move, I'm afraid, if you move again, I will become a monster."

After hearing the word monster, Howling Demon was confused, "Why a monster?" She asked back.

"Animals are better, aren't they monsters?" Shangguan Liqiu's hands were shaking at this moment, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"噗 ——" The wind demon is aware of his thoughts, so the delicate little hand is placed on his healthy chest, and the corner of his lips grins, "You misunderstand, I just feel a little sleepy, this It was disturbed so that I could keep myself awake. Really. "She specially emphasized that, in fact, the bubbles in her heart are beautiful.

After hearing the words from Shangguanliqiu, Jun's face was even more unnaturally red. He secretly despised himself under his heart. He must have been with Si Kongao for a long time, and his mind was full of colored things.

"Oh, oh." Shangguanli Qiu faintly, disappointed, don't the demon dislike himself?

Howling Demon felt that his embrace was very warm, and she really closed her eyes and began to rest. Only when it was near to Yuelai Inn was she awakened by Ziyan waiting at the door.

"Cousin, the demon was found by you, is she okay?" I heard that the girls who had been ruined by the flower plunderers all cried and died alive afterwards, and there was even more serious death hunting, wouldn't she be the demon?

"She's okay, she just fell asleep!" Shang Guanli Qiu thought, the wind demon was sleeping comfortably, but he was tortured and itchy.

"By the way, brother Ao Qing?" Xiang Ziyan just found a major problem. Why didn't her sweetheart come back together? Did Si Kongao Qing go to the fox essence fragrance song again?

"Probably coming soon!" Shangguan Liqiu replied.

"Zeyan, has King Chu ever been back?" He asked again, remembering that the flower picking robber was the eldest son of the master of the city of Qingzhou. I wondered what King Chu would think about it.

"Not yet." Xiang Ziyan shook his head slightly, and suddenly they heard the neat horseshoe sound not far away. It was Chu Wang Zongzheng Shaoqing who came back, and a pair of fine health behind him.

"Fairy demon? Fairy demon?" Zong Zheng Shaoqing saw a pleasant person in Shangguanli Qiu's arms, and finally a big rock in her heart was released. The demon was all right, but why was her clothes messy? Stained by a flower picker?

When he thought of this possibility, a heart was hung up to his throat again, and suffered. The good-looking girl Huanghua asked him to take care of him, but he didn't take good care of him. How could he be worthy of the master who trusted him?

"King Chu, the demon is all right, when I went, Brother Sikong had already arrived." Shangguan Liqiu saw the anxious expression of Zong Zheng Shaoqing and explained in a hurry.

"I'm fine, but I have been touched a few times, and there is no less meat! Uncle Shaoqing, don't blame yourself!" The wind demon can still explain with a smile at this moment.

Xi Zongzheng Shaoqing heard this, but he couldn't be calm at all. "Demon, tell me, the flower-picking thief who bullied you, do you remember how he looks?"

"I ... remember, of course, that **** is the eldest son of the master of the city of Qingzhou!" The wind demon was irritated when he mentioned the name of the flower-picking thief, because Si Kongao Qing told her to protect the officials.

"What? Bu Junhuan? How is it possible? I also know his father Bu Lanfei, and Bu Junhuan is low-key and does not like to associate with people. He often chants poetry in the yard by himself, and he is served by Xiaoyu. Never seen a niece, a demon, Eh ... Could it be that the thief picking flowers used someone else's name? "Zong Zheng Shaoqing knew Bu Jun fantasy, so he was skeptical of the words of the wind demon.

What's more, he just went to the city mansion just now and saw that the eldest son's room was lit with candles, so he was very doubtful that the flower picking robber that the demon saw would be Bu Jun Fantasy?

"Uncle Shaoqing, it's true, Si Kongao Qing also confirmed, you just have to ask him later." Feng Yao Yao shook his head, because Si Kongao Qing and the man seemed to know, should not be mistaken.

At this moment, Si Kongao rushed back.

Jian Sikong proudly saw what they were talking about at the door of the inn at this hour, so he got off the horse and led the horse over.

"What's going on? How can I stand at the door? Could you welcome me back to the inn?" Si Kongao's light lips raised a playful smile, only to see Shangguan Liqiu still holding the wind demon horizontally at this time. The stroke of discomfort was just a flash, so he didn't delve into it.

"Son Kong, did you see that the demon was insulted by Bu Junhua lightly?" Zong Zheng Shaoqing asked, looking at the expression on Si Kongaoqing's face carefully.

"It is indeed him, I will not admit it!" Si Kongao Qing said with certainty.

"Are you so sure?" Not only Zong Zheng Shaoqing asked him, but even Guan Liqiu asked so.

"It's true." Si Kong Ao Qing believes in his unforgettable ability.

"Okay, Wang knows what to do. You demon, your hair is wet. Hurry and go to the room to take a bath and sleep well. You can also rest for yourself. Now Wang will go to the city mansion again, And explore the truth. "Zong Zheng Shaoqing said with a frown.

"Well, Uncle Shaoqing, then be careful yourself." Feng Yaoyue thought that Zong Zhengshao Qing was very good to herself, and suddenly remembered that his dear mommy had a good evaluation of Zong Zhengshao Qing. Would she like to make a match? ? She snickered in her interesting heart.

"Fairy demon-" but see the voice of the cold and worry-free clear to the ears of the wind demon.

"No worries?" The wind demon lifted his eyes and saw a touch of blue and sturdy jade, with a pleasant smile on the corner of his lips.

Shangguanli Qiu saw the wind demon greet Leng Wuyou, so he looked up and looked at Leng Wuyou, and his heart was still more panic-stricken. He said to his heart that the demon's sweetheart is the handsome young man whose hair has not grown up. Epigenetic?

-----—— Digression ——————————

Thank you pro-macy808, pro-ruo Xiaoxiang, pro-Yuanxuan monthly pass and pro-diamond 1 flower and 3 flowers, fell down, crazy one by one O (O_∩) O ~

Ah, who can eat the demon first, hehe, I really look forward to O (∩_∩) O ~

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