MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 1 Come over

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"AD 183, December 1."

Looking at the timetable in the game, Qin Xiaobai's confused eyes gradually became clear, but the original calm heart, but turned up the waves.

Qin Xiaobai clearly knows that the online game ‘the world’ is not a normal game, and its timetable will never be wrong, so there is only one possibility, he...reborn!

"I went back three years ago, and now ‘the world’ is only open for a month.”

Qin Xiaobai was first confused, then shocked, and then an unstoppable excitement emerged from the chest.

Online game ‘the world’, a construction and development game, set by the historical background of each country, once released, it will be anomalous in all regions of the world.

Qin Xiaobai knows that under this online game, there is also a hidden secret. This is a game that will blend with the real world after three years. The power of the game can be brought to reality.

Now that he can come from the beginning, no one can come to his fate. In both the game and the reality, my life is my life.

"White, everything is already arranged, are you ready?"

At this time, a graceful voice came, and then a pink shadow went to Qin Xiaobai, the bright teeth, the eyebrows, the beautiful smile, but inadvertently revealed a feminine temperament, let people Fascinated by it.

Seeing this bright face, ordinary men will generally swear for a moment, even if they are determined, they will report a friendly smile.

Qin Xiaobai was conditioned, his eyes suddenly cold, as if two cold lights flashed.

This woman even recognized her as a gray Qin Xiaobai, because his turning point in life, or the beginning of the tragedy, began from the woman's hand.

"Xiaobai, you... are you okay?" Feeling Qin Xiaobai's sharp eyes, Xu Meier's eyes could not help but stagnate, a trace of doubt flashed, but his face became even more smiling, asked with a look of concern.

"I'm fine, just a little dry eyes."

After three years of life and death, Qin Xiaobai was no longer the first hairy boy. Just when I saw this woman who changed his life, the conditional reflection for a moment, now only a move, it will be cold and cold. For the spring breeze.

While speaking, Qin Xiaobai pretended to inadvertently turned his gaze and quickly swept the surrounding scenes, only to see him in the room of an ancient inn.

"Sure enough, this place." Qin Xiaobai secretly, the heart could not help but have a hint of excitement. Today is his turning point in life, or the beginning of a tragedy, but now that everything has come back, if he can seize the opportunity, it will be the beginning of his rise.

Because there is a big opportunity for him to wait for him.

"My sister, I am ready, I can start now." Just a moment, Qin Xiaobai made a judgment.

If you are afraid of danger, you will miss this opportunity, and you will not be able to achieve anything in the future. How can you afford the opportunity that God has given him this time?

"Well, everyone is waiting for you, come with me." Xu Meier smiled as if she didn't care, and walked in front to lead Xiao Xiaobai.

Although she had doubts in her mind, it is only the last step in her life, and she should not be allowed to think more.

And in her impression, Qin Xiaobai has always been a small, unpredictable teenager, and should not have anything to do.

Xu Meier looked back and saw that Qin Xiaobai was like a young boy. As if he was ashamed and bowed his head, he followed her behind. Xu Meier completely let go of her heart.

However, where did she know that Qin Xiaobai’s bow was not because of shame, but to better observe the terrain, recalling the details of this incident in the past, and it’s convenient to seize the opportunity of the day, and then pit someone again...

In the ‘World’s development-type game, the game backgrounds of all countries are based on the national wartime period. The background of the Chinese region is the period of the Three Kingdoms of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The present time is January 1st, 184, only three months away from the chaos of the Yellow Turban. Xu Meier does not know where to know. The 'General of the People' Zhang Liang returned from the Saiyan contact with the aliens and will pass through the Yanmenguan of the state. .

As a player in Yanmen County, Xu Meier decided to get the moon in the near water platform and set up an ambush on the road that Zhang Liang must pass.

Of course, now the game is only open for a month, no player is a rival of the historical NPC, Xu Meier naturally can not be stupid to die.

Accurately speaking, this incident is an ambush and theft. The things in the historical NPC are not bad, let alone Zhang Liang, one of the three giants of the Yellow Turban.

From this big local tyrant who scraped some oil and water, it was enough for players who were still in the early game to get rich overnight.

Qin Xiaobai expressed no opinion on Xu Meier’s move. If Xu Meier can divide him after shaving the oil, he is more than 200% agree, but he lied to him when he was young and ignorant, let him act as a pawn. The cannon fodder, this is not a force.

What is even less powerful is that after Qin Xiaobai became a cannon fodder, he stole one thing at the expense of the death attribute.

Xu Meier turned to kill him for a whole year, so that he has been innocent.

After three years, the general trend of the integration of the game and the reality, Qin Xiaobai, who has always had a chance to fight against the sky, has become the bottom of the world, a fish that is arbitrarily insulted.

Now that the game is reopening, of course, it is necessary to change things that are not strong. Not only do he not want to make cannon fodder, but he also wants to make the cannon who makes him cannon fodder.

"Mei girl is coming down, come sit here, I am spacious here."

"Old Wu don't rob me, or if the brothers don't have to do it, Meier girl comes to me to sit down."

In the lobby of the hotel, six or seven men sat around a table and were whispering something. Seeing Xu Meier coming downstairs, they all got up and rushed to make a seat for Xu Meier.

Xu Meier smiled lightly and thanked her. The voice said softly: "Don’t bother you, Meier stands."

Hearing this statement, everyone in the hall was amazed at Xu Meier, and they all cast their affectionate eyes.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai’s heart is laughing, these are the admirers of Xu Meier, or the ministers under the skirt.

At that time, he was also young and ignorant. He was also deceived by Xu Meier’s hypocrisy. A little Xiaohui was moved to death for her. Fortunately, she later saw the vicious heart of her hypocritical face, and she was not used by her in time.

Otherwise, like these people, they were used by Xu Meier to die, and they were grateful to Xu Meier, and even worshipped the pomegranate Then Xu Meier asked the people in the hall about how the situation is now, a tall and handsome man. As if he had invited the work, he immediately replied: "There is a slight change. Zhang Liang is not alone. There is also a historical NPC called Qi Yuanshao who came to pick him up."

"But it didn't matter. My gods drunk and the gods came drunk, so I made a job. At this time, they were drunk in the Tianzi No.1 room, guarding the Taiping people around them. It’s also how we think about it. Now is the best time to start.”

"Da Big Brother, this time you have worked hard." Xu Meier nodded after hearing the news, like the autumn water gaze cast it.

The tall, thin and handsome man was instantly fascinated by the fascination, and even the way for the beauty, this is what he should do.

Then Xu Meier turned to Qin Xiaobai and said: "Xiao Bai is now looking at you. This is the ring of bandit. You can use the three 'stolen' skills, remember to use them all in the 'General's General' Zhang Liang. ”

"Package on me." Qin Xiaobai looked at it as a girl, three good cannon ash, took the ring, patted the chest to ensure no problem.

Holding the ring, Qin Xiaobai’s heart sneaked, and everything was the same as his predecessor. He once again got the ‘the ring of bandits’ that can get the chance to go against the sky. Then the rest of the stage is the time for his performance. (The novel "With the historic name of the Three Kingdoms" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the upper right to "Add a friend" , search the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!)