MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 680 Chengxian Road

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Qin Xiaobai can be said that at the beginning, he remembered the Tianshutian volume. Now that he finally got it and unblocked it, it is like chasing a beautiful woman like a flower, and after working hard for a long time, he finally got the catcher. The feeling of going home, don’t mention how excited you are...

Now that it’s hard, I’ve finally taken the beauty home, and anyone can’t wait to do one thing... that’s it’s hijab.

And this great beauty also did not let Qin Xiaobai disappointed, I saw that Tianshu Tianju really has the function of summoning the time.

At the end of the day, there are three options: climate, weather, and sky.

The climate can be summoned, and cold, warm, dry and wet are equal to temperature-related prizes.

The regulation of climate, the impact on farming is undoubtedly very huge, as long as the weather can be maintained, Dahan will inevitably be able to harvest the grain every year, and Qin Xiaobai, who is licking the grain, will have a deeper understanding of this.

Weather can be summoned, frost, rain, snow.

The scope of meteorology is much smaller than the climate, but only one city and one domain, but its role is much more modern, and it can play a key role in the battlefield in many cases.

The celestial image is a eclipse of the eclipse of the eclipse, the mirage of the mirage.

Relative climate, weather is the basic thing of cold and warm weather, the sky is to change the light.

Ordinary use is basically useless, but if used well, it can control the change of day and night to a certain extent, and the help for the assault is not strong.

The mirage can be used in naval operations, which can make the enemy navy form an illusion and let it lose its route.

All in all, although there is a so-called inferior time, it is not as good as people.

But undoubtedly, the role of the time, whether in the marching operations, or in the management of people's livelihood, has a huge role.

More importantly, the power of the sky is difficult to manifest, and if it is matched with the interests of the people, then it can really exert its power.

At the same time, the land, the people and the help of the time. It will also be more powerful. This is 1+1 is greater than 2, not to mention there are three ones here. If you use it well, you can generate energy. It will be powerful and cannot be infinite.

And now these three items, Qin Xiaobai has been handed over. This made him want to pick it up again: "How invincible, how lonely..."

Of course, Qin Xiaobai untied the sky. In addition to getting the time, it is more important to make the heavens and the books one.

According to Qin Xiaobai. Only when the heavens and the books are one, the complete Xiuxian will appear on the books of the heavens.

Then Qin Xiaobai took out the roll and rolled it out and connected it to the sky roll. Immediately after the outbreak of the glamorous brilliance of the Tianshu, the three books of the Tianshu became one.

"Sure enough!"

The book after the union. After dispersing Guanghua, Qin Xiaobai went to the previous one and immediately found out. Sure enough, the original blank volume and the sky volume have now begun to appear in a row of fine words, which is the middle and lower chapters of Xiuxian.

Although Qin Xiaobai has taken the longevity of Dan, he can basically not worry about the lifespan problem, but Cheng Xian is still very tempting for him, but he does not say anything, that kind of arrogance and coolness, and The unpredictable means of immortality is enough to make any mortal heart.

"The scriptures on the Tianshuren's volume are on the top, with the yellow towel Lux, so the middle and the next, there should be spells."

Qin Xiaobai has always been so conjectured, and he is now looking at the Xiuxian Temple on the Tianshu, and he is very happy to find out.

The middle part of the earthworm repairing Xianxuan, with the spells is the Five Elements, can use the force to drive the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth as an attack or defense.

The next volume of Xiu Xian’s Xiuxian 附带 is accompanied by Tian Lei Ling Shu, which can lead Tian Lei to destroy everything.

"I want to be developed..." Qin Xiaobai saw this suddenly his eyes shining, and immediately began to cultivate.

After eating the longevity of Dan, the spiritual power surged to 99 points of Qin Xiaobai, and then cultivated and cultivated Xianyu was soon.

After only two hours, Qin Xiaobai will complete the initial cultivation of Xiu Xianyu, and he will master the accompanying spells of the middle section and the five elements.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai also experimented with it. It is easy to control the five elements and penetrate the stone in a radius of ten meters.

It is natural to penetrate the stone in a hole, and this is just a little bit of fur.

I want to be in the yellow towel treasure, Zhang Jiao, a five-line magic, easily melt the ten-class sword in Qin Xiaobai's hands into molten iron, and the power of the five elements can be seen.

And Tianlei Lingshu, although Qin Xiaobai has not seen it is cultivation, but no doubt the power will inevitably be greater.

When Zhang Jiao climbed out of the bronze coffin, a thunder slammed down, and three hundred tigers and leopards rode special forces, which could be instantly turned into fly ash.

Of course, the most powerful one is the combination of the three sets of spells.

When the Yellow Turban finally decided to fight, the Tiangong General Zhang Ye placed a five-line Thunder array outside Guangzong City, which is a combination of the heaven and earth people's three-volume spells.

If it wasn’t for him to drive the wolf, the 20,000 violent yellow towel sergeants were introduced into the Liaoguo Tianmen squad in the copy of Yangmen’s female creator, and then the fishermen benefited, and with the help of Mu Guiying’s Song dynasty, the exhaustion was exhausted. The weak yellow towel Lux broke the words of the call of the earth.

I am afraid that the millions of players and the imperial army under the Guangzong City will be wiped out.

Just kidding, what is the concept of destroying thousands of troops, even if Qin Xiaobai, who now has 200 million troops, is afraid that he will not be able to resist such huge losses.

This is China's largest country in the world's largest population. If it is placed in some of its small countries, it can directly destroy its entire army, or even directly destroy the country.

Such tremendous power is much more terrifying than the atomic bomb.

But of course, although the power of this move is terrible, but when I think of releasing this big move, I immediately slammed the lamp to the corner of the coffin, and the minute is going to die. Qin Xiaobai In the end, I decided not to be good...

At least the five elements of the thunderbolt are listed as a ban not necessary to the critical moment of survival, never easy to use ...

In fact, there is no need for greed. Even if you don't use the five elements of the thunder, it is enough to summon the yellow towel, and the five elements of the magic, the thunder and the magic, to the mortal is basically enough.

Originally, Qin Xiaobai was already unified, martial, and intellectual. The three parties basically reached the peak level. It was unprecedented in the mortal, and now with the three spells of this heaven and earth, it is really a last resort.

At least in mortals, there will never be one that is stronger than Qin Xiaobai.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai could not help but sigh again: "How invincible is the emptiness and coldness..."


In addition to these spells, there is still something in the book that attracts the attention of Qin Xiaobai. That is the last sentence of Xiuxian: Tianxia, ​​Xu Shiyi, Jiulong, and Xia.

"Is this the so-called path of immortality?" Qin Xiaobai could not help but see this slightly. (To be continued.) Enable new URL