MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 691 Punch the tsar

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"The time when the fighting people also had awkwardness!"

Seeing that Russia and Russia are arrogant to China, the country is certainly amazed, but it is understandable. After all, a big pit in China, Russia has dared to jump in and it is quite courageous...

However, Qin Xiaobai was crying and laughing when he saw this. He did not expect that the Tsarist Russia would be so cumbersome, and he had to wait for the US emperor to come and dare to do it.

Qin Xiaobai is not really worried about whether the United States will send troops to invade China. After all, since Qin Xiaobai dared to open the historical plot of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, he naturally has the confidence to succumb to the Eight Kingdoms. Now he has easily reached the four countries and scared off the two countries. This is the point.

On the contrary, Qin Xiaobai is still very much looking forward to the United States to send troops, because now he, see the Eight-Power Allied Forces is exactly, to give them a transportation brigade to solve the food shortage in China...

Although Qin Xiaobai had pre-sold the Japanese maids, he sold all the gold coins of the Chinese single dogs, and introduced a lot of foreign capital, which had already made his little purse bulge again.

With small money, these are not problems. It is entirely possible to purchase grain and grass from the coastal and Central Asian countries through the two silk roads of the sea and land to solve the food shortage.

However, the G8, warmly and kindly give them warmth, they are also embarrassed not to be...

And now it's hard to be able to give the United States the opportunity to create the opportunity to reinvent the American spirit in advance of the advantage of the geographical advantage. He can not miss it. After all, the US emperor is the biggest stumbling block in the future of the Chinese hegemony.

With such a strategic intent, it is reasonable to say that Qin Xiaobai will wait for Russia and the United States, and the two goods will be fine.

But in fact, Qin Xiaobai knows that if he really let the Russian army stay in China, then the US emperor can not see it, this is the rhythm of waiting for him to enter.

In the United States, the reason why Russia has been invading China in advance is because of the transfer point of the United States. And the transfer point of Russia, both located in the northeast of China.

If China goes to Russia, then it will be difficult to concentrate on the strengths and deal with them.

Since the US emperor has such an idea, then Qin Xiaobai is as good as he wishes. Not only did not sit and wait for Russia and the United States to slap, but immediately conveyed orders and launched an ambush against Russia.


On the side of the Jaksa grassland north of the upper reaches of the Heilongjiang River, the Russian Expeditionary Force camped on the side and prepared to spend with the United States. One sent a scout in all directions, beware of the Huaxia ambush attacking them.

As a result, I didn’t know what to do. When I was scared, there was a Chinese army that raided them.

After listening to this news, the soldiers of the Russian army were shocked and then quickly tempted to find out that this army came from the south bank of Heilongjiang.

This has led the Russian soldiers to speculate that it is very likely that China will ambush this army on the south bank of Heilongjiang, waiting for them to launch an ambush when crossing the river.

See them now, they are too late to cross the river. Moreover, they also camped on the North Bank, so they had no choice but to take the initiative to attack.

There are tens of millions of soldiers and horses in this Huaxia army.

The ordinary army heard the news, and it was inevitable that Dawei was shocked. However, the soldiers of the Russian army were collectively relieved.

After all, the enemies that appear in the clear are always more comfortable than the enemies hiding in the dark.

Moreover, the tens of thousands of troops are a terrible number for many countries, but for Russia, it is still within acceptable limits. This time, their Russian expeditionary army and horses reached a figure of nearly 30 million.

Although this is an enemy raid, they will be a little confused, but after all, it is only one-third of the enemy. Still able to cope with it.

Of course, in the face of the Imperial Cemetery, even if the fighting nation does not dare to take it lightly.

Therefore, after the Russian expeditionary army master learned the news, he immediately ordered the array of defenses and waited for the arrival of the Chinese army.

However, when this Huaxia army appeared. They discovered that the 10 million Huaxia army is not a military army of any name in the international army, nor is it a Chinese prince, but a fighter of all kinds.

The Russian Expeditionary Forces, after the confrontation of the Chinese army, found that the other side was not only the Qin army of the Qin Xiaobai system, nor the Huaxia princes, even the top ten Chinese game guilds.

There is no historical name in the army, and the **** is slag, and it is impossible to break through their slightest defense.

"Huaxia's soldiers and horses are going to ambush the remaining seven countries. Is nobody available? Or, look down on us Dasha!"

Just kidding, although they have fallen in Russia, they are not so discriminated against. It is an insult to them to send such **** to fight against them.

As a result, the blood of the fighting nation burned up, and the Russian army began to turn to defend the big counterattack.


This is not a battle player of the top ten players' guild. It is naturally a player in the state.

In fact, they are also very tragic. They originally listened to Qin Xiaobai’s order and went to Heilongjiang to fight and contract to build the project.

As a result, because of the shrinking of the Russian army, Qin Xiaobai, who has always been very good at selling teammates, once again sold them as bait.

Their level of strength, against Russia's almost top-level combat power, and still three times the attack of soldiers and horses, naturally needless to say, no resistance for how long, then suddenly defeated, only this battle will be injured up to nearly 100 There are so many.

Fortunately, this time, Qin Xiaobai sells his teammates, but the rewards are quite generous, otherwise they are really rude...


"Ha ha ha, our battle is the first victory of the Eight-Power Allied Forces since China, and I am afraid I will be re-entered the world record."

The soldiers of the Russian Expeditionary Force were angry first, and when the war was defeated, they immediately became ecstatic, because this war against China was the first victory of the Eight Kingdoms, and it will surely reinvigorate their Russia and become a big country in the world. .

And the state player army was so badly wounded that it could not be done by any one defeat. Therefore, the Russian army naturally did not suspect him, and quickly continued to pursue it to expand the game. Now it’s hard to find a Soft persimmons, of course, must be pinched, and the strength of their big sands and Russia will be revealed to the United States.

So the Russian army, all the way to death and bite the state player army, has been chasing to the south of Heilongjiang is not loose, apparently want to completely squeeze this soft persimmon.

As a result, when the Russian army crossed the Heilongjiang River halfway through, it was suddenly scared to discover that the calm Heilongjiang River face suddenly turned into a flood, like a dragon, and opened its mouth to swallow it...

That's right, the real purpose of the tens of thousands of players in the state, and the real purpose of being sent here by Qin Xiaobai is to build a dam to store water in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang.

Among the 100 kinds of death laws that Qin Xiaobai prepared for the Eight-Power Allied Forces, of course, there is no need for water attack, but now it is a successful flooded bear... (to be continued).

PS: Thanks: I can't learn to do apps, hot pot monopoly, Meng Yiming, **** stars, shadow dance team, gz2f22, Dakai 110, Panpan a, battlefield, Moshang Qian, meditation ~ peace of mind, HOVHO readers Our support for the black ink support O (∩_∩) O~

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