MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 716 Everything is fixed

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After Qin Xiaobai messed up India, the West China West was basically stable, but this is not over yet, and there is Japan in the east of China.

Compared to India, which has already started war, it needs an armistice to deal with Japan, which has not yet started a war, and it needs to go to war.

Because India has a large population of soldiers, you can find troubles in China at the same time in both the world city and the main world. It is good to stop the troubles of one side.

However, Japan has limited military strength and can only fight against China in one battlefield. If there is a choice, Qin Xiaobai hopes to put the Japanese battlefield in the main world.

Although it is the cause of China's triggering of the city of the world, in the city of the world can have the upper limit of ten times the strength of the ordinary country, but after all, there are still restrictions on the strength, the fewer opponents in the world city, the better.

In the main world battlefield, although the strength of the Mengyuan and Manchu, it is quite terrible, but in this battlefield, China has no military restrictions and can use more combat power.

This means that China's strategic space in the main world is much larger.

Therefore, for China, it is natural to take the initiative to contain Japan and force it to transfer the battlefield to the main world, which is more favorable to China's overall strategy.

At the same time, the battlefield of the World City is mainly the Army's operations. The Navy basically does not have much room to play, so it is undoubtedly the best choice for the Gulf Cove to contain the main force in Japan.

So after Qin Xiaobai settled in India, he immediately declared war on Japan and announced that he would send Zheng He, Zheng Chenggong, and Qi Jiguang, the three-member group, to lead the Wanwan Navy to fight for the East.

After the news was released, the players in the entire Japanese area suddenly felt terrified.

For the deadly enemy of China, the players in the Japanese area have long known that there must be a battle between China and Japan, and they have already prepared enough.

So generally speaking. Even if Huaxia declares war against Japan, it will not scare them, but it will only inspire Japanese players. The so-called spirit of the Bushido.

But now it is different. Everyone knows that China faces a huge crisis. It won't take long for the wall to be pushed down.

In the face of such a dying person, players in the Japanese area, even if there is a Bushido spirit, it is impossible to be desperate, and become a life-saving.

Nowadays, China’s internal and external troubles, the Quartet’s truce and the soldiers are too late, and how can they actively provoke other countries.

But since Huaxia did this, there is only one possibility, that is, Huaxia knows that it is not enough. Therefore, they plan to drag their Japanese together before they die.

In this way, this battle can be more dangerous than ever, because what they face will be the offensive of the power of China.

In addition, Zheng He, Zheng Chenggong, and Qi Jiguang, which are also famous in Japan for their resounding trio, are even more powerful.

Therefore, after the war on the Japanese, Huaxia naturally let the Japanese players who have lost their lives feel great fear. There have been a series of incidents in which the grass and the soldiers are nervously preparing for war.

Japanese players also know that the Japanese region is their root, so now this situation. I also mentioned what the world city is fighting for, and it is the key to protect the island first.

So at this moment in the Japanese area, there is basically no player to increase the number of soldiers in the world of the city, all of which are building a wall of grain to guard against the Chinese army.


On the other side of Qin Xiaobai, there were still some concerns. The trio of the levy left the main force of the Japanese army in the main world.

After all, as the island nation of Japan, the Navy has always been strong, and the levy trio has just been summoned for not long. Zheng He’s treasure ship has not yet been built, and Qi Jiguang’s Marine Corps has not been trained. Zheng Chenggong has just taken over the Wanwan Navy.

Therefore, it is about to start a war with the Japanese at this time, let alone capture the Japanese island. I am afraid that even if the Japanese army and the land forces are held together, it will not be a very easy thing to do.

However, Qin Xiaobai did not expect that he would only slap Japan, and the reaction of this book was so great.

This made Qin Xiaobai very happy to be so happy, so that he would not have to worry about it, can not contain the problem of the Japanese army's main force.

At the same time, using this kind of mouth gun to contain the words of the Japanese army, there is still more cost than this.

So Qin Xiaobai immediately continued to make adjustments to the troops, while in the dark, the three groups of the levy were not allowed to raise their batteries, keeping this gesture of unsuccessful, unsuccessful, and holding the book to let them Don't dare to move...


In the chaos of Wuhu, there are strong enemies in the southeast and northwest of China, and the small countries around are also ready to go, which can be described as tigers and wolves.

Up to now, Qin Xiaobai has annexed Vietnam in the south, forcing India to sign a peace treaty in the West, and scared Japan in the east, and the East and the West are in peace.

In the end, there is only Russia in the north.

However, Russia's main forces are deployed in Western Europe, and there are very few troops in the Far East. Otherwise, they will not be so happy after the defeat of the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

At the same time, in the main world, the strong enemy of China is in the north, and the strength of China in the battlefield of the main world will also be concentrated in this direction.

Anyway, even the enemy of Mengyuan and Manchu must be resistant, and it is not bad for Russia. If they want to find trouble in China in the main world, then Qin Xiaobai wouldn’t mind cleaning it up.

The group wolves around Huaxia also led the Chinese army in Qin Xiaobai. After conquering the Wuhu victory over the Eight Kingdoms, all the nations came to the thigh of China.

And in the end, under the flicker of Qin Da’s flicker, they all changed their flag and became the country of China.

Although this China is facing a huge crisis will have a certain impact on these countries, and shake their loyalty to China.

However, Qin Xiaobai also quickly came up with a solution, based on facts, based on theory, and condensed with interests... In short, it is to continue to deepen the country...

Under the powerful offensive of Qin Xiaobai, the squadrons of the squadrons were naturally ruined.

Pakistan, North Korea, South Korea, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc., all of them are open to the public, and will be closely united in the core of Qin Xiaobai, with the heavens and the DPRK as the center, and jointly toward the Huaxia The goal of the circle is firmly moving forward...

Seeing the Southeast Asia region centered on China, this piece of harmonious scene, Qin Xiaobai is very happy.

In this way, not only do you have to worry about the fire in the backyard, but even let them become the help of China in the battle of the world city.

Now that everything is fixed, then Qin Xiaobai can concentrate on dealing with Mengyuan, Man Qing, Tsar, and the US emperor. (To be continued.)