MTL - Womanizing Mage-Chapter 587 News of the city under the sea

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From the mouth of the two dragons, Long Yi knew the beginning and the end of the matter. \\\\www.qΒ5.c0m/

Since the establishment of the Shenlong family and the Demon Dragon family, they have been incompatible with each other. When they first searched for the Vatican and Salian, the two dragon kings once met each other. It was said that they did not know each other and eventually became good friends. When the Vatican and Salion were arrested, they would be able to climb the throne of the Dragon King one day, and they must find ways to rescue them and strive to eliminate hatred between the two communities.

Only some of the two ethnic groups are very stubborn. It is almost impossible to achieve the goal. They are waiting for an opportunity. When they sneak from the Princess of the Devils, Sharman and Crystal, to the mainland, they will notice. It may be an opportunity to go to this, so the Dragon King will send the sister of Mitty. Sure enough, he actually led Long Yi, a powerful and perverted human being. He had a very close relationship with the two daughters of the Vatican and Saliya. The most important thing was to discover that the girl is the legendary swallowing dragon, then the dragon dragon The fusion of the two families has become a matter of course.

"Two old foxes." After listening to the dragon, he grinned. The old guys who have lived for thousands of years really didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp. After getting the dragon king seal, he was still smug and thought that luck was excellent. I didn't expect it. It was the Dragon King who deliberately let him get it, and it was a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Ha ha ha, Long Yi, things are going so smoothly, thank you very much." The Dragon King laughed and patted Long Yi’s shoulder.

"It’s better to talk about the use of the light than the mouth." Long said, turning his eyes.

"Well, I am not a stingy person in Shaqing. If you have time to come to my magic dragon island. If you look at what baby is, you can take it." The Dragon King laughed.

The Dragon King looked strangely at the Dragon King and smiled: "You have always been a kid, and a silver coin has to be compared with me. When did you become so generous?"

"You have less to ruin my English name. In the mainland of the sky, you can marry me a lot of treasures." The Dragon King blinked, is the Dragons not stingy? Of course not, the reason is not because his niece Sharman made some plans.

"Okay, you two don't argue, you can say that all of you are rare dragons." Long Yihehe smiled, he saw the two dragons show a satisfactory expression and then said: "You are all at sea. I have lived for so many years. I want to ask if you know the existence of the sea?"

"Hai? Are you not talking nonsense? The little mermaid around you is not a sea, it seems that it should be a royal family." Shenlong Wang wondered.

"Although she is a sea, she is exiled. I heard that the place where the sea people live is called the city of the sea. Do you know where it is?" Long asked.

"I know the approximate position, but I have never been there. The Haizu has the sphere of influence of the sea. They have been living on the bottom of the sea and have nothing to do with our dragons." said the Dragon King.

One of the hearts of the dragon was happy, and asked: "Which direction is it not far from here?"

"Far, far and far away. Going southwest through our Magic Dragon Island, it will be almost ten days and a half to fly around the clock," said the Dragon King.

"So far?" Long Yi gave a slight stunned expression of meditation. In today's world, no one can continue to fly for ten days and a half, day and night, even with his wind magic combined with internal forces, it is impossible to do. To that, that is to say, plus the rest time, it is likely to be more than 20 days, and the specific location is not known. It's really a little troublesome.

"Do you want to go to the seabed city of the sea? Persuaded you not to go, the sea land attack may not work, but the sea is like a fish, and the number is extremely large. Although your boy is very strong, it is really hard. You can't ask for it." Demon King reminded me.

"Oh, I am like a person who has no brains? Is it not enough to visit the number of people?" Long smiled.

"The sea is the most exclusive race I have ever seen. They will never allow other races to break into their territory. For whatever reason, they will be besieged."

"So?" The dragon touched his chin and raised his eyebrows. In my heart, I was greeted with interest. Exclusion? It seems that I have to give a lesson to these arrogant sea people, let them understand what is called each other. mutual benefit.

Long Yixiao laughed and saw that the expression was obviously playing a bad idea.

The two dragon kings glanced at each other, in order to avoid the bad idea of ​​this kid hitting his head, staring at him not paying attention to both people.

Long Yi can not care, for him, knowing the approximate location of the city under the sea has been a huge gain. I don’t know how long it took, how about Buffy and Xiaomi?

When the dragon returned to the small island of Teresa, the night was dark, and the little girl and the star had already slept. Only Teresa and Liuli were talking softly and whispering, seemingly waiting for him to come back.

"Young Master." Liu Li saw the dragon appear, smiled and greeted him.

The dragon slammed the small waist of the glaze and smiled: "It’s good, so I’m still chatting late."

"Not to wait for you, I am afraid that Liu Li is too lonely. Since you are back, I have to go to sleep." Teresa stood up and looked at the white dragon, and she flashed into her bedroom.

"Little Mermaid, let's sleep too." The dragon sneered, teasingly sighed in the ear of the glass, and one hand had climbed to the fullness.

In the heart of the glass, a crisp, pretty face was red, and the dragon followed the dragon into the room.

A little starlight sprinkled through the small wooden window into the room, and the faint floral fragrance blew through the breeze, enchanting the atmosphere of the hustle and bustle.

Long Yi's hand is like a magic, igniting the most primitive leak in the heart of the glass. The silky robes floated down, the golden hairs shattered like clouds, and the white and crystal skin lining each other. The beautiful and intoxicating glass ** the body of the body exudes amazing beauty, her full ** stands upright, two points The pink bud red man is infinitely tempted, and the slim and flexible waist is the perfect gift from heaven. The fascinating star glows on her body with a layer of fluorescence, like a fairy in the sky.

The fascination of the dragon is very satisfying to the glass. She went to the neck of Longyi, and the pink lips with aroma like blue left a fine kiss on his face, and the little hand dexterously lifted Longyi's clothes.

When the two were opposite, Long Yi couldn't help but pick up the glass and threw it into the bed. The intoxicating squats fluctuated and swayed wildly to interpret the tremor from the depths of the soul.

For a long time, the glass is like a spring water nest in the arms of the dragon. She is double-closed and her nose is closed, and a thin layer of sweat is slightly oozing. The body twitched from time to time, and the lingering linger had been dispersed for a long time.

Long Yi picked up the soft blond hair of the glass and stroked it to the side. The big hand gently rubbed on the neck of her ear. He knew that the glass liked his touch.

The glaze was long and sighed, and the little face was gently rubbed in the chest of the dragon, listening to the steady heartbeat that made him feel at ease. The lower body was still stuffed with his bad things, which made her feel full.

"Glass, dawn, let's go to the main island to see the catkins and her father-in-law, then let's go." The dragon moved to the frosty buttocks of the glass and pinched it.

The glass was slightly stunned and he looked up happily. I look forward to asking: "Young Master, where are we going?"

"Of course, I went to the city of the seabed. I already know the approximate location of the city under the sea. When we wait, we will find a way to mix in." Long smiled.

"Well, young master, you are so good." The swaying of the glass, knowing that Long Yi has always kept her things in mind, don't be too happy.

"Okay. Little Mermaid, I can't spare you if I move again." Long Yi was still satisfied, but only after considering the glass, he was dying early. At this time, he was stunned by this beautiful body. How can I not get angry?

"Then ask the young master to punish the glass." The glass bite the lower lip, and the beauty is as if it is dripping, and the waist is moving gently.

When the dragon turned over, the glass was pressed under the body, and the movement of the leaked point was played again...

Early the next morning, the dragon was refreshed and the bedroom was scented with tender and feminine glaze.

"Father. You are in bed. The girl has already got up." The girl saw the dragon giggling and slamming into the dragon.

The dragon smiled and hugged the little stars. In the face of the two little girl, he kissed him twice.

"Sister Liu, you are so beautiful today." The little star noticed the glamorous glass on the side, and was amazed.

"Yes? The stars are much more beautiful than their sisters." Liu Lixin said, the girl doesn't like others to say that she is beautiful? Especially in front of the beloved. At this time, Teresa walked in from the outside, squinted at the dragon, her face was slightly red, and she stared at the dragon in the heart of the dragon: "Stars, don't always wrap your dragon brother, hurry down, let you Long brother and Liuli sister have breakfast."

"No, the dragon brother is holding the stars and the girl, and the stars are feeding the dragon brother." The little stars are very in love with the arms of Long Yi, and they are spoiled.

"Well, let the stars feed the dragon brother to eat." Long smiled.

"You... don't spoil the child, you will spoil her." Teresa looked at the dragon.

This party has no feelings, but it is a slight glimpse of the glass, watching Teresa think thoughtfully, because this makes her feel like a wife complaining about her husband, the feelings of the place can be worthwhile. It is thought-provoking.

The glare of the glass made Teresa feel like it, but she didn't notice that something was wrong with her tone. Instead, she came up with a small hand holding the glass, and the two women bit their ears.

Long Yi sat down and put two hoes on one side of his lap. When he turned around, he saw two women with a pretty face and didn't know what to say. He couldn't help but smile: "What secret is it? Red face with monkey **** Like ground."

"Breakfast is on the table, you eat, I am going to water the flowers." Teresa threw a quick sentence and went out.

The glazed red face is sitting on the dragon's face, whispering: "Young master, did we not have an enchantment last night?" The dragon heard it suddenly, the atmosphere was so good last night, he forgot, it is no wonder that Trey Shah today is weird. I heard him and Liuli’s good voice last night. When he thought about it, he felt a little embarrassed.

After breakfast, Long Yili and the Mother Teresa went to the main island to visit the Vatican and Saliya who were recovering. Now the prohibition in Teresa’s body was solved by Long Yi, and the Dragon King sent it. A smooth person. It is no longer restricted to Teresa’s mother and daughter.

A few people came to the Dragon King's residence on the Dragon King Peak. Li Qing and the cows greeted them. They were arranged by Long Yi.

"How is the situation?" Long Yi asked.

"Back to the young master, Liuxu's parents are still very weak, but they are all awake, and now the catkins are around them." Li Qing said.

"What about the Dragon King?" asked Long Yi.

"My father, the Dragon King and the elders are negotiating things." At this time, the two brothers and sisters of Mitil and Grusia flashed out of the hole, and it was Mitil who answered.

As soon as the dragon shrugged, he would no longer participate in the matter of the dragon. He asked the two sisters to lead the way to the place where the catkins were.

"Dragon one, you are coming." Liu Xuan saw Long Yi, his face flashed a little shyness.

Long Yi is strange, the catkins have let the body, lying on a large white jade bed has been turned into a humanoid Vatican and Salian, both sitting, wrapped in a thick magic belt wrapped around the wound . The appearance of the Vatican is extraordinary. Only the eyes are blind. Salina was warm and beautiful, and a pair of beautiful women looked up and down the dragon, as the mother-in-law looked at the son-in-law.

"Aunt and aunt, is the body better?" Long Yiyang was enthusiastic and smiled.

"Is it a dragon? Well, yes. We have to thank you for your help." The Vatican responded with a smile and was able to get out of the restricted area and reunite. He thanked the young man from the bottom of his heart.

"Everyone's family doesn't have to be so polite." Long smiled.

"A family? Oh, yes, it’s a family, and we won’t be polite with you.” Saline seems to be very satisfied with Long Yi’s answer.

Liu Kui's pretty face is red, and the smile on her lips clearly reveals her happy mood.

At this time, Teresa forced her excitement to move forward, trembled and said: "Cousin."

A smile that is smiling. Looked carefully at Teresa, and he said: "Teresa is your gimmick."

Teresa fell in tears, remembering the encounters of herself and her cousin for so many years. Tears are even more unstoppable. This pair of cousins ​​cried and let Long Yi and others suffer from infection.

For a long time, the two talents separated. Salinea introduced Teresa to the Vatican and asked: "Treza, you should be married. Remember that you didn't see anyone at the beginning. I don't know which kid is stunned." Teresa, your proud dragon beauty, looked up and turned his head and looked behind him. He called: "Stars, come in quickly. ”

The stars screamed outside the hole, and the girl held hands and rushed into it.

The arrival of the girl made the Vatican and Salinea tremble on the white jade bed. Just now the girls were playing outside, they were holding back the feelings in their hearts. The eldest daughter Liu Kui was already sensible when they were arrested. They stayed with them yesterday. I felt very comforted in my heart. It was just that the little daughter was too small when they were arrested. I am afraid that they did not have any impression on them. Yesterday, I heard the little daughter recognize the dragon. One is the father and the strong trust in him, and my heart is very uncomfortable.

"Stars, come over, call Daxu and uncle." Teresa called the stars.

The stars screamed sweetly, letting the Vatican and Saliona return to God, even boasting that the children are sensible. They were surprised that the stars were so small that they could be turned into human figures, and they would like to ask Teresa’s husband, who is it. But at this time they were a little absent-minded because the girl was next to them.

Long Yi apparently saw their minds, and he knelt down and said to the girl: "The girl is awkward, in the past your mother and father."

The girl is clinging to the dragon's finger, although she has a wonderful affection for the Vatican and Saliya, but after all, she is too strange, she just shook her head: "You are the father of the girl, he No."

The body of the Vatican trembled slightly and sighed softly, apparently very disappointed.

"In fact, he is the biological father of the girl, I..."

"Father, don't you want a girl?" Long Yi still didn't talk. The two big eyes of the girl were full of tears. The whole person threw himself into the dragon's arms. The fat little hand caught the neck of Longyi. Ken is free.

Long Yixin was sour, and he had been with the girl for so long. He used her as her biological daughter and enjoyed the girl’s dependence on him.

Everyone saw that this scene was silent. It was not an easy thing for a child to suddenly accept two people who were very strange to her. In particular, her conception that Long Yi is the father is the closest relative has long been ingrained.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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