MTL - Womanizing Mage-Chapter 633 Bloody world

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Regarding the civil strife at the end of the Hengduan Mountains, Long Yi can only say sorry, to destroy the Demon King, this is an excellent opportunity, heavy and light, I believe that the wooden smoke sister can understand. /www, qВ5. Com\\\\

Indeed, wood smoke is very understandable, so she came back from Longyi, but only accompanied him to laugh and laugh, even though this smile is somewhat bitter and bitter.

It was drizzle and the sky was dim. Long Yi and the unparalleled three women survived for a while, but decided to leave for the mainland conference hall to watch today's final final.

On the platform of the powerful enchantment, the two fierce fighting figures look dazzling, no vindictive light, only pure skill and ability.

"Hey, Murong Bo, who is not dead, likes to fight for this fame and fortune?" The dragon looked at it clearly. One of them was the sword **** Murongbo, and it was a thin old man who had never seen it before. It is estimated to be an expert in the mountains.

"Sister husband, why don't they have to be vindictive." Mu Jingjing pulled the sleeve of Lalong one and asked.

"I think that an old man is also a high man who has reached the realm of the sword god. If the two sword gods use vindictiveness, let alone the mainland conference hall, that is, the Dragon City must become a pile of ruins, and they are now more skillful than the fighting. Long Yi replied, his brows were slightly wrinkled. He could see that the strength of the two should be evenly matched. It’s just that the two men are playing with the temper, and the move is more fierce than the one, although it is not vindictive. But to their realm, you can kill people without anger.

Sure enough, Long Yi’s words had just been finished, and the thin old man jumped up and shouted, and the giant sword in his hand shook a trick. Straight to the heart of Murong.

Murong Bo shook his wrist. In the hands of the giant sword, the sword's tip of the opponent is swayed by lightning, and the homeopathic neck is obliquely cut toward the opponent's neck.

"铛", the thin old man raised the sword, the cross of the hilt stuck the Murongbo's giant sword.

The two swordsmen blushed their necks thickly and screamed, and the giant swords of both of them broke at the same time. Murong Bo is the main attacking party. The force on the road took up the cheap, the broken sword still ruthlessly cut to the neck of the thin old man, and the old and thin old man grabbed the broken sword tip with lightning, and directly inserted into the heart of the Murong Bo, it was the result of both losses. All the people watching were exclaimed.

Ximen madness and Ximen anger on the referee's seat are also scared and it is too late to save people. You know, this is the two sword gods. If you die on this platform, it is a big loss.

At this moment. I saw a flash of shadow, and the powerful enchantment on the platform was broken like tofu. I only heard a bang, Murongbo and the old man paled back a few steps, panting and suffocating. In the center, there was a handsome young man in a white silk shirt tied with a black hair.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Edward," the audience in the stands cheered.

"It is not the prince of the Prince, the two swords are not his opponents. I see that the first position in the world does not need to be compared, and the Prince's Highness will be deserved." Someone in the stands shouted, should be the public.

The dragon swayed his hand and the mental power of the eyebrows was released. The scene suddenly calmed down. He looked at the tens of thousands of viewers who were crushed by the black, and sighed: "Today, in this venue, several of them include the entire mainland Chinese masters. As for who is the best in the world, it is not important at present. The mainland catastrophe is coming It is imperative that all of us unite and decide our destiny together. I know that many of you don’t believe it, but I can tell you in a timely manner that my words are not alarmist. The specific situation of this catastrophe will be specially You are puzzled."

In the Imperial Palace of Tenglong City, all the masters who are famous on the mainland are gathered here. Ximeng sent a special person to explain the beginning and end of this catastrophe for them.

At this time, Long Yi was in the inner temple, his expression was very serious. He was surrounded by people he trusted, and there were dragons and other people. His wife and relatives, and the wild cow Li Qing were among them.

"I have found the land of the demon king, and the sharks are almost in my grasp. I see that the demon king is about to break out. Our mission is to destroy him when he breaks. Otherwise, the whole The world will become a **** hell." Long frowned, half-squinted eyes flashed.

"Kid, what do you say about how to do it, we gather the power of the whole continent and the power of the sea, and we can't believe that the devil will be the day." Murong Bo said.

Long Yi will repeat the arrangement with the sea emperor, and it is not necessary to kill the demon king.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the sky is completely dark.

Until the night, all the masters fully figured out what was going on, and there was a heated discussion around the ages. They did not think that the battle of the gods and gods was so fierce 100,000 years ago, the seven main gods were cursed, the demon king was sealed, the continents sank in pieces, and the entire splendid civilization was destroyed.

"Hey, what did you smell?" A middle-aged man dressed in a large magician costume asked the people around him in amazement.

A few people next to me shrugged their noses and found a faint **** smell in the air blowing from outside the main hall.

As a result, everyone has discovered this situation, and the blood smell in the air is getting stronger.

The people moved to the door of the main hall and shone through the magical lights that were swaying in the wind. They were shocked to see the majestic heavy rain outside.

A water magician waved his wand in the hand, and the raindrops condensed into a red water mass and floated in front of him. Another big swordsman reached out and clicked on the water group. The nose smelled and he sighed: "The blood is strong."

Everyone was shocked, and the magicians fired light **** in the air. Under the illumination of countless magical light balls, everyone was shocked. I saw only a cloud of **** clouds floating in the air, and the **** red rain poured down from the sky.

"The sky is chaotic, the thunder is falling, the blood is shining on the earth, and the blade is broken by the sky. The blood is shining on the earth, the blood is shining on the earth, is that the case?" Long looked at a **** sky and suddenly remembered the prophecy of Xiaoyi, muttering again and again.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

Read The Mage of Eternity