MTL - Womanizing Mage-Chapter 640 The chaos of the moon

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"Dragon one?" asked Mu Jingjing. www.qВ5. Com\\

"No... I don't know." The woody smoke was a little scared. Could it be that Longyi had an accident after entering the space passage, or he did not come in at all.

Mindful of the second possibility, the wooden smoke contained a slight calmness and then negated it. The dragon is not the kind of person, but if it is the first one, it can be even worse. If it is caught in the turbulent space, it will be ruined. It has not happened before.

At this time, there was a noisy footstep outside the temple, and hundreds of soldiers from the Giants camp surrounded the wooden smoked sisters.

The wooden smoke contains the soldiers, and the heart sinks. The temple is on the outskirts of the Imperial City. There are so many enemy camp soldiers here. I am afraid that the emperors are fierce.

Long Yi was stuck in a white place and couldn’t move. He could feel the boundless energy of the surrounding area rushing into his body. It was possible to absorb the purest energy between the heavens and the earth. Things, of course, are within the acceptable range of the body, but the energy of this place in the dragon is vast and extremely comfortable at first, and later it feels like the whole person is exploding.

"Ink rhyme, ink rhythm big sister, dark god, you are coming out, young master, I have to hang up." Long Yi used his mind to keep calling, but the response is still a cold and lonely.

Long Yi proud to reach the seventh floor, has long been able to fly, the world is big, but now he is stuck in this ghost place. All internal forces are used to guide the compression of the energy that rushes into the body. If you want to get rid of it, it is powerless.

When I feel that every blood cell in every cell of the body begins to swell, the dragon is crying and crying. He is proud of the internal force and reaches the seventh layer. After the whole body is hard as iron, this situation represents his body. It’s about to burst.

"Day, come on. Come on." The dragon was worried and no longer resisted. Instead, it is absorbed more and more madly, and the pure energy, like the tide, is rushing into the body and limbs.

In the moment, Long Yi felt that his body was rising. The pain is not something that any creature can bear. He feels that his body has been torn apart, and numerous blood vessels have burst open.

Long Yi’s consciousness has begun to be groggy, like a dream to wake up, as if it is really illusory. The soul floats like a float in the air. Whenever he thought he was going to dissipate in the universe, he was pulled back by a strange force. Continue this dreaming feeling.

pain? If Long Yi can detect this feeling, he will feel very happy, because at least he proves that he is still alive, but he has no feeling at all, I don’t know if the body is numb or has been destroyed by energy, only This has no soul of the slightest weight.

Darkness, deep into the darkness of the heart, like the beginning of the universe, that is nothingness, only endless energy compression and compression, the whole dark world begins to inflate infinitely. Eventually, there will be stars in the sky.

The mystery of the universe was born. When Long Yi first entered the dark space, he had already experienced it. But at that time, there was only a trace of understanding, and it was far less than the current Ming Dynasty.

If the world is a big universe, then the human body is a small universe. When energy gathers to a certain extent, it will inevitably explode and swell. If it is not broken, it will be broken and then stand, and that is a new height.

Energy is still madly pouring into the dragon. His body is no longer resisting and no longer accepting it. Instead, he runs automatically in a peculiar way, transforming every part of his body. If Long Yi can see himself, he will find his body full body, the body is damaged again and again and remodeled, and the milky white prophecy beads on his chest are also emitting a brilliant light.

A faint illusion began to solidify on the side of the dragon. It was a completely ** female **, the skin was snow-scarred, ** towering high, the lower body was smooth, and she was silvery and long-haired. Nearly transparent pupils radiate a wise light, as the heavens and the earth are in the calculations.

"Dragon, my lover, Xiaoyi is finally back..." A whisper echoed in this infinite darkness. Smoke and wood Jingjing were banned by magic and hung high outside the city.

"Mu Qingming, your two daughters are here, but they are not ready to scream." The giant spirit king screamed excitedly. He did not expect to catch a pair of daughters in Mu Qingming in the temple. Even if he was indifferent, he was The morale of the soldiers is determined to be low, so it is not a lot easier to attack the city.

Mu Qingming stood on the top of the city, and his mouth twitched and looked at the two daughters hanging in the air. The fists had already been white. The two daughters went to the Cangwu mainland to find the dragon and came back to help. Now they are caught together, but the dragon is not seen in the shadows. I don’t think it is successful. It seems that the emperor is going to have a **** river and grievances.

"Mu Qingming is here, the man is born in the sky, the death is fearful, the giant spirit, the nonsense is less, the real chapter on the battlefield." Mu Qing Ming eyes cold, ready to die, but he died It will never make the other party better.

"See the real chapter on the battlefield, see the real chapter on the battlefield..." The soldiers of the human camp on the wall shouted.

The giant spirit king brows a wrinkle, a big fan-like hand, and said: "kill!"

"Kill!" The tides of the soldiers of the Giants camp generally rushed toward the city. The magic of the magician's troops, such as the most splendid fireworks, slammed into the city, and the bow of the archer was as dense as a rain. Cover the sky.

"The battle of death does not retreat!" Mu Qingqi screamed, his body lit up a shield, a wave of sword in his hand, blue vindictive like a green dragon swept across the city, more than a hundred giants camp soldiers were stopped.

"The death war does not retreat!" A human soldier seized the spear that broke into the belly. A sword pierced the opponent's throat.

"The death war does not retreat!" A dwarf general has dozens of smashing arrows in his body, screaming, his body shrinking, and a bang blew himself. More than a hundred enemy soldiers were blown apart.

"Grandchildren, come here to Grandpa. Let Grandpa come to clean you up."

"***, let the grandfather burst your chrysanthemum."

Out of the expectations of the Giants. Not only did his prestige not let the morale of the enemy fall, but it caused the soldiers of all races in the human camp to explode unprecedented warfare. That posture is completely unwilling to play, killing a capital preservation, killing two to earn one, killing three earned

In fact, this is not difficult to explain, although the various races of the Giants camp are brave and good. But he said that once the city breaks the chicken and the dog does not stay, war or no war is a dead end. Why not kill two more cushions? Originally, the human race camp has become numb after a long period of siege spirit. It was stunned by the giants of the giant spirits, and the last part of the heart was ignited, and all of them were afraid of death. The soldiers in the camp played a little cringe.

"Give me kill, kill, and the retreat is executed. The magician troops throw the magic into the city to see how much they can intercept." The Giants are angry.

Brilliant magic with a notice of death led to the emperor to fly inside, and a burst of smoke emptied. The screams followed one after another.

And this time. After the city wall lost its magical protection, several large gaps appeared soon, and the giant spirit camp soldiers swarmed in. It’s really fierce to see people kill. . Mu Qingming looked at the city's smoke, and the soldiers of the Giants camp, such as locusts, quickly spread to the surrounding area. The people in the city, regardless of age, men and women, were all smashed into meat sauce.

"Giant spirit, you **** it." Mu Qing sighed with sorrow, and his body turned into a glimpse of the Qing dynasty toward the giant army of the giants.

Numerous magics in the air smashed into the wood, all of which were blocked by a layer of energy on his body, but with so many magic clips, the energy cover quickly shattered, and Mu Qingming It also rushed into the magician's army in front, so close, and Mu Qingming is also the person who reached the peak of Juggernaut. Hundreds of magicians were killed by his ants in an instant.

When the "Boom" was slamming in the green, the huge lightning of a bucket was empty, and everything within a few hundred meters of the surrounding people, including people, was turned into a gray fly. This is a ban by several Ley Magisters. Curse the thunder of God.

Mu Qing stood upright, his body was black, and his body was flashing, but his eyes were looking straight at the direction of the giant king.

"Father of the Emperor." Woody smoke and wood Jingjing hepatobiliary crack, heartbreakingly looking at his revered father and life without knowing. Hundreds of soldiers were rushing around, and a row of cold-cold spears pointed at the black and green.

"Don't you die?" asked the giant spirit king's body more than ten meters high, and asked.

"Back to the king, Mu Qingming is still dead, but can not move." A guard answered.

"Okay, very good, this is not a good-natured bastard, let us hurt so many soldiers, today the king will let him see how his daughter and his people die painfully." The giant spirit king screamed wildly.

Once again, the war was beyond the expectations of the giant spirit king. He thought that Mu Qingming was restrained, and the resistance would soon stop. But he did not expect the soldiers of the human camp to fight street battles with them, slippery and muddy. In the same way, let the casualties of their own soldiers rise straight. Not only that, the residents of the city also picked up the kitchen knife and iron rods to resist when they knew that they must die. Many soldiers of the giant spirit camp were killed by the cold when they searched the residential houses. Even the children and the elderly women picked up. Weapons, the wars of the soldiers of the Giants camp are extremely difficult.

"Withdraw the soldiers and burn the city." The giant spirit king gnashed his teeth.

"Da Wang, Mu Qingming and his two daughters how to deal with it?" asked the half-orc patriarch.

"Put the wooden green meditation in the city and watch his capital burned down. His two daughters are useless, and enjoy the following soldiers." The giant spirit king smiled cruelly. The barrel of kerosene was poured into the entire Imperial City by the magician's volley, and Mu Qingming was also hung up. The wooden smoke and wood Jingjing were placed underneath him. He was surrounded by more than a hundred ugly half-orcs. live.

Wood smoke and wood Jingjing were banned. It’s hard to die, they know their plans from the eyes of these half-orc soldiers, except for their grief and incompetence.

"Dragon one, where are you? Come and save us." Wood smoked in his heart.

With a slap in the face, a half-orc led the hand with a spear to cut through the clothes of Mu Jingjing, revealing a large white snow-like skin on his shoulders. A few drops of blood ooze from the scratched surface of the skin, such as a few plums blooming on the snow. The half-orc led the blood to reveal an extremely excited look. It’s blame for two sounds.

Bang, at this time. The whole world suddenly trembled, and many people fell into disgrace.

"Great king, this..."

The King of the Giants is also the color of the face, and the last bite: "Don't worry, Ignite the city."

Order it. Hundreds of fire magicians ignited the fire oil, and the entire empire was caught in a sea of ​​fire.

"Bang" was another violent shock. The momentum is even more amazing.

"Da Wang, is it a god? God is angry." A winged ethnic group beside the giant spirit king.

"Nonsense... The end of the giant spirit king's words, the vibrations between the heavens and the earth are coming more and more, and there is crazy energy in the sky.

Suddenly, lightning flashed through the sky, the thunder of the rumble began to blast, and a white mist of ice over the horizon swept past. The raging flame of the empire was extinguished in an instant, and it was covered with a layer of frost. The soldiers of the Giants camp also stayed in place for a time. They all see a white frost. Even the floor of their clothes was condensed with a thick layer.

"God bless, God bless. God bless me the Qingfeng Empire, and bless me the human race camp." Many soldiers of the people walked out of the ruins and muttered to the ground.

The land of Cangyue has been protected by a powerful energy cover for 100,000 years. It is warm and spring all year round, and the climate is extremely pleasant. It has never been frosted and snowed. The curse of the water magician can also cause a hundred miles of ice, but This kind of magical destructive power is astonishing. The ice fog that swept the mask just now is much milder. It seems that it is aimed at extinguishing this fire, and it is not unreasonable.

The people of the Giants camp are heart-wrenching. You look at me and I don’t know what to do. They are also afraid of being angered by the gods.

"Who is it? Who is the big thing of the bad king." The giant spirit king roared, but his heart was also extremely uneasy. This ice fog and the previous vibrations were extremely unusual. Is it really the gods?

Suddenly, there is a colorful Huaguang in the sky above the Qingfeng Empire. A male figure dressed in silver and purple is appearing among the colorful Huaguang. He has a white dress wins snow and a silver-white hair flutters. The mantle figure, surrounded by a few sighing beasts.

Raytheon, which is the trench of Raytheon in the history of the gods of the celestial continent, is one of the seven main gods.

In an instant, the soldiers on the side of the Giants camp left most of them, and the rest looked at their own masters, and some were at a loss.

"Long Yi, is Long Yi, he finally appeared." Woody smoke looked at the god-like figure in the air, I do not know why I especially wanted to cry, I want to nest in his arms and cry.

Long Yi and Xiao Yi landed on the ground and looked at the black-pressed head on the ground. Then they looked at the standing figure of the giant spirit king who was flustered. He waved his hand, and the hundred were surrounded by wood. The half-orc with the wood Jingjing was suddenly smashed by the electric mansions that were sent out by his fingertips.

"You... are you really Raytheon?" asked the Giants of the Giants, and no matter how tyranious he was, facing the legendary Lord God, he only had a trepidation.

"What do you think?" Long Yi faintly asked, the idea was moved, the huge Thunder hammer with the power of the world is now in the air, the sizzling lightning in the air.

"咚", the giant king of the giant spirit could not withstand the pressure of the gods, and suddenly the people who were panicked behind him all fell down.

Mu Qingming, who was hanged in the air, was also excited and tearful, and the gods did not throw away his people. There was no regret in this life.

"The space energy cover has been broken. Later, you can freely reach the vast expanse of the vast continent. The battle for resources is no longer necessary. This unnecessary battle will stop." The thunderous sound of the dragon echoed in everyone's ear.

Almost everyone couldn't believe it and looked up at Longyi. The space energy cover that no one can solve for 100,000 years is gone? Can they finally get out of this little continent?

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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