MTL - Womanizing Mage-Chapter 656 Thoughtful life

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Cangwu mainland, Tenglong City. \\\\www. qΒ5. C0m//

The night is very quiet, a few stars are adorned in the sky, and the autumn evening wind has a hint of coolness.

Long Yi's women usually gather in the Imperial Garden in the evening, talk about some homely, Fuqin to make strings, but also lively, sometimes the Queen's Oriental will also join in, the mother-in-law is happy.

Just today, all the girls are silent, and they all look at the stars and wonder what they are thinking.

From the news of the Principality of Mia, Long Yi did not come out after using the transmission line of Mia Sheng Mo College to the Magic Forest, and the ancient magic transmission array has expired, I do not know what happened inside.

Long Yi is not only the lifeblood of all the women, but also a symbol of the mainland. Nowadays, the devil is like the mainland. Everything needs the dragon to preside over the overall situation. He is the hope of everyone. Many people believe that as long as there is a dragon, everything They can all be solved, even if they are all women.

"Women, how are you, one by one? Isn't it very lively?" Dongfang asked with a few women, and smiled and asked.

"Mother, we are thinking about where the husband is going. I haven't heard a message for so long. I am anxious to die." Nangong Xiang, who had a slightly convex stomach, stood up and replied.

"What is the panic, my son, I still don't understand? He is a commandment. When the sky falls, he must have lived well."

"Hey, my brother-in-law is awkward, then we are not a mother-in-law, and a mother-in-law, are you not..." Nalan laughed like a dream, even though she was already a woman of Longyi, she still called him Brother-in-law. In the early days, Nalan was borrowed from the catastrophe, and the mainland must be unified to form the Nalan empire as a empire. She and her sister Nalan dreamed of being with her sisters all day long.

"瞎 ...... 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵

"He will definitely be fine with him. Maybe he is so happy now that he is left and right." Cold and quiet smile.

"That is. Sisters. We don't worry about him. Let the unparalleled sister blow a song. It is good for the baby in the belly of the sister-in-law. The husband said what kind of prenatal education." The wind chime said with a smile.

The mood of the girls quickly relaxed. At least on the surface.

On the side of the Royal Garden. The bull and the singer are in the shadows.

"I really don't know when the boss is coming back. Tenglong City is tired of the old cows. I really want to kill the devil with the boss. That is cool." The bulls screamed at the green jade.

"Don't worry. This day will not be too far away." Li Qing said with a narrow sword.

At this time, the Qingyue continent, the Qingfeng Empire capital city.

A small silver-haired head looked up at the same starry sky, and her mouth quickly closed and recited a curse, and her transparent eyes twitched. There was a picture of incompleteness in front of me.

"Angel? The gods? How did the young master go to the realm of the gods." Xiaoyi muttered, there was an angel in the prophecy picture, but there was no dragon one.

"Xiaoyi sister, you are really here." Mu Jingjing smiled and walked forward. Since she became a woman in Longyi, she became more and more charming. This flattering is mixed with the straightforwardness and innocence of the day. Into a very attractive temperament.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Xiaoyi said with a faint look.

"Sister is looking for you? She definitely wants to ask if there is any news of Long Yi." Mu Jingjing said, but Mei Hao is not staring at Xiaoyi, obviously she wants to know.

"Go back and talk about it." Xiao Yi said lightly.

The two returned to the wooden smoked residence. See her picking up clothes and other things.

"Sister, where do you want to go?" Mu Jingjing hurried.

"The things of the Qingfeng Empire are now almost the same. There are several officials from the mainland who are in the mainland. I want to go to Tenglong City and other dragons. You can also join together." After the show came to the ear, he smiled and patted the head of Mu Jingjing.

Mu Jingjing smiled and opened a heart, a heart has long been hung on the body of a dragon, ** after her is even more worried about the belly, thinking about the night.

"Xiaoyi, Longyi, does he have news?" asked the wood.

"I estimate that the young master is in the realm of the gods." Xiaoyi said.

"God world!?" Woody smoke and wood Jingjing are stunned. The realm of God is beyond their expectation.

Angela lazily stretched out a lazy waist, and a blue silk was softly draped over the back of the powder. And holding her hands along her. The pair of jade-filled ** on the chest was even taller, and the Mississippi was on the side. This seductive style is not something that her little girl who is still very young can have.

"Auntie Angela, you are so beautiful." Misini praised.

"Auntie is old." Angela shook her head and smiled.

"Where is it, look at this chest, it's bigger than mine, and envy me." Misini couldn't help but stretch out and grab a piece of Angela's elastic **.

Angela knocked out Misini's little hand and got up and pulled the robes, enticingly wrapped in it.

"Get up, Missini, take the aunt to meet your little lover." Angela laughed, the perfect lip corner is beautiful.

"Auntie Angela, don't say, Dragon is not mine... Hey, can I see him?" Missini was blushing and pretended to twist her side.

"Oh? You can't look at him, that aunt is not welcome," Angela said jokingly.

"Auntie Angela, you can't even see my father, and you will see the guy who doesn't have long hair." Misini said, I really don't know if Longyi heard Misini describe what he would be. Expression, what is certain is that Misini's little **** must be abused.

"Oh, this can be said." Angela laughed.

At the moment, Long Yi was lying comfortably on the balcony of the 36th floor of the Vulcan Fort, and squinting at the things. The power of the gods must be combined, but he must also go to the temple of creation. If Dibia really leaves the ancient gods and the land of the law, the odds of dealing with the demon king will be more than a few.

However, the Temple of Creation is on the peak of the setting sun, and the peak of the setting sun is above the vacant sea. There are enchantments in the periphery where the Lord God can't get in. There are more than three thousand strengths in the world, and they must pass through the evil zone of the Jedi. . I don’t want to think about it because of his current strength, but how can he not want it?

"Dragon, when are you going back to the mainland?" Sishen came over and asked, although her tone was calm, but Long Yi could still hear the urgency.

The gods are thinking of a Jedi. The gods and gods have not stood up since ancient times. If she is wearing her identity, it is not a joke.

"There is no such plan for the time being." Long faint.

"You have to know, if my identity is exposed, you don't want to discuss anything with me." Si Si said with a hint of anger.

"This doesn't work for you, I have to deal with it myself. You manage it yourself." Long said with a glance.

"You... hope so."

At this moment, Misini pushed the door in and came with a beautiful and charming woman without reason.

"Dragon, you are here. I introduce a big beauty to you." Misini ran up and pulled the dragon up.

"This is my aunt Angela, pretty, but you don't want to hit her idea, or your next game will be very miserable." Misini smiled.

"Don't dare, I am self-deprecating in front of your aunt, how can I beat her idea? A group of pursuers behind her drowned me drunk." Long Yi nodded to Angela and said with a smile.

"You understand." Misini laughed.

Angela looked up and down the dragon, this is a handsome man, but in the realm of the gods, this skin is not outstanding. What impressed me the most was the smile of his mouth and the pair of clear but black eyes that could see through the heart.

I looked at it twice again, and Angela’s scorpion flashed a bit of surprise and then became dignified.

"Missini. You take this guest out, I have something to say to Long Yi." Angela is right, and the eyebrows provoke an unquestionable power.

"Oh." Misini gave a cry, and she went out with a blank expression, stepping back and forth, life Angela ate the dragon.

"I don't know what to see?" Long Yi smiled, but his heart was not so stable. I always feel that this woman seems to know a lot of secrets.

Angela suddenly waved a white light to cover the room. Then I fluttered a palm and pushed it up, which was extremely slow. Unlike pushing, it seems like touching.

But Long Yi was shocked. I felt that my body was locked by her air machine, and there was a feeling of no resistance.

Suddenly, the spirit of Long Yi rose wildly, and the seven gods were running at high speed in the sea of ​​consciousness. Only when he saw the brilliance of his body, the people disappeared out of thin air.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be the brand of the gods of the five main gods, and there are seven main gods in hand." Angela burst into a splendid color, looking at the dragon with surprise.

"Who are you?" asked Long Yi frowning.

"Don't ask such a naive question, human." Angela giggled.

"How do I feel that I don't seem to wear clothes in front of you." Long Yi helplessly.

"That's not it, but you don't have the brand of God and the main **** card, but you have a different thing, or else I can see you so easily." Angela said.

"What's still worse?" Long Yi asked with extreme depression, and once again suffered a huge blow.

"The Lord God exercises." Angela said.

"Do you have?" The dragon looked bright. "No, but there is a temple of creation in the sunset, you can go and take it." Angela Jiao smiled.

"You said it is equal to white saying that you can't get into anything." Long Yi turned his eyes.

"Maybe there is a way to go in and maybe." Angela fascinated, sweeping through the dragon and looking at the sky, seems to fall into deep thought.

Long Yi’s heart was once again hooked up, but Angela was already in his own thoughts. He stared at the seductive neck of the seductive goddess. It was like a white swan. I want to touch it, and her earlobe is delicate and delicate. Under the sunlight, even the blood vessels inside are clearly visible. It is a stunner.

Angela returned to God and saw the dragon staring at her forever, without any disguise. However, there is no disgusting ** in her eyes. Some are just obsessive. This is very rare. Therefore, she does not mind that women's beauty is to be shown to men who appreciate it.

"I am beautiful?" Angela chuckled.

"That is. It is said that this young master has not been fascinated by beauty for a long time." Long smiled, but he said that the truth is also true. Which woman around him is not a city, want to find out more beautiful and more charming than them. The woman was extremely difficult. She did not expect to have him meet one in the realm of the gods. It was also a lucky one.

It’s normal to see something beautiful and want to possess it. Dragon is no exception, but he understands the gap between the two. As long as you put your own mentality, and do not feel how uncomfortable to lose, it is good to look at the eye.

Angela didn't think that Long Yi was so frank and added another point to his appreciation.

"Coughing Gila, you just said that there is a way to enter the peak of the sun, I have not told me what is the way." Long Yi was seen by Angela a little embarrassed, dry cough two times back to the theme.

Angela shook her head. "There is one thing that needs to be the same thing that I am looking for. There is no such thing, unless your strength exceeds that of the creation god. Otherwise, you will never be able to enter the sunset."

"Creation God?" Long sneered two times.

"Do you have any disagreement with the God of Creation?" Angela heard his disdainful tone and raised his eyebrows.

"Then there is no, the creation **** does not exist at all." The dragon shrugged.

"How do you know?" Angela asked in a deep sense.

"I just know, well. Don't entangle this question, what do you need in the end?" Long asked.

"The blood of the descendants of the creation of God," Angela replied.

The dragon stunned, she said Dwibia's descendants, but who knows where his descendants are.

It seems that I have a question about the dragon, Angela said: "I can sense the existence of the blood of his descendants. In the past few days, I have sensed that his descendants appeared in this direction, but suddenly disappeared yesterday."

The dragon picked up his eyebrows. I turned around in the house twice. Suddenly, the pace of the stagnation, Angela said that the descendants of Dibia appeared in this direction a few days ago. Yesterday disappeared again, and his mind suddenly thought of a person. Muttered: "Is it going to be her?"

"Who is it?" Angela’s ear was sensitive and she immediately asked.

Long Yi refers to the devil princess thinking, Alexander does not mean that she has half of the pure Protoss lineage? A few days ago, she followed her in the Yunmeng Marsh. She used a gelatinous bead yesterday because she wanted to cover her body.

"Hey... Is this person somewhat related to the Devil?" Long asked casually, but he didn't know if he wanted to come to Angela.

But the first thing that made Long’s first thing was that he had just exported, and Angela, who had always looked relaxed, was a shocking body, and excitedly grabbed the collar of Longyi’s collar and said: “say Where is she now?"

"Don't be excited, excited and easy to wrinkle, you let me go first." Long Yixin was also very surprised, it is difficult to become the little demon girl who has the blood of Dibia.

Angela quickly calmed down and let go of the dragon: "Sorry, I am so excited, you can say it now."

"The girl who just stayed with me is not." Long Yi said.

"It's her!" Angela sighed, and immediately said: "I can't detect her breath, she should have used her method to hide her breath."

After learning the truth, Angela became more and more calm, and she sighed softly, as if she was reminiscing.

"I don't quite understand why a demon princess will have the blood of Dibia." Long Yi wondered.

"How do you know the name of Dibia? The whole world can't find a few people who know the truth." Angela stared at the dragon.

"A fallen angel named Alexander told me." Dragon.

"Alexander? Where is he now?" Angela heard the name of Alexander once again excited, which may be the day when she lived the most out of control.

"Dead." Long Yi and Alexander's desolation and mournful voice, stunned.

"Dead?" Angela fascinated and asked, looking at the white sun outside the window, lonely and sad.

Long Yi no longer speaks, it seems that Angela has a deep relationship with the Debian brothers and Alexander.

"Dibia is my uncle." For a long time, Angela said faintly.

呃......龙一愕然, 那安拉拉岂 is not the daughter of the ancient dark **** Dibis

"You guessed it, Dibis is my father. I was still very small when the world changed in the realm. Dibia put my heart on me. He thought that I didn't have a note, but I don't know. I remember everything clearly.

Later, Dibia had a daughter, and that was my cousin Anna, who was born to be unable to cultivate her power. Therefore, it is not liked by Dibia. After Dibia disappeared, I lived with Anna. Until the battle of the gods and demons broke out 100,000 years ago, Anna was sneaked into the gods of the demon king, and threatened her, so I did not shoot the magic war.

The magical war lasted for a thousand years, Anna was not put back, and the demon king had one more daughter, and I guessed it was the result. It was not until the demon king was sealed that I knew the news that Anna was dead. I tried every means to find a way to the devil world. But after Dibia’s disappearance, all the secrets were dusted in the hall of the creation **** of the sunset, and the sunset The enchantment outside the peak can only be opened with the blood of the direct descendants of Dibia. Angela said slowly.

Long Yi did not expect that things were so complicated. The enchantment of the sunset peaks must be opened by the blood of the little demon woman. This is not difficult, but it is only after the enchantment is opened, but the three thousand strengths are comparable to the guards of the first-level gods. . Even if Angela’s strength and the Lord’s God have a fight, it’s unlikely that they will retreat under the guardianship of the Three Thousand Temples, and that if they go, they will simply be looking for death.

But he has the mysterious giant stone statue of Dibia. From the words of Alexander, this avatar, even if it is not really Dibian’s head, has a close relationship with Dibia, and the golden plate that was taken from the abyssal hall. With them, there are Is it impossible to let the 3,000 temple guards not attack?

Long Yi and Angela have been in their own thoughts for a while.

At this time, the 36-story hall of the Vulcan Fort, Misini kept looking at the room where Long Yi and Angela were. I feel a little anxious.

"Thinking. You said that Auntie Angela and Long Yi are talking about it inside." Misini asked silently.

"It’s a bit of a love to talk about love." I thought it was rare to open a cavity, but Mishini was angry.

"You are nonsense. How can Aunt Angela see the dragon one." Misini cried.

"You should be my nonsense." Si Si shrugged, this action was over. Only then found that this action is the habit of the dragon one.

After a long time, the door opened wide, and the dragon looked out and said: "Think, you come in."

Thinking about it, I walked in. Who made her a tiger plain now? As long as the dragon reveals the identity of her demon, she must die without a place of burial.

"Why is it only unfair to leave me alone?" Misini said as she looked at Si Yu into the room.

As soon as she entered the room, she noticed that the inside and the outside were completely isolated. She found that the beautiful Protoss woman was looking at her with excited eyes.

"Thinking, fast... Come over and let me go." Angela was excited.

Thinking about unconsciously squeezing toward Long Yi, he wondered: "Who are you? I don't know you."

"I am you, oh." Angela stepped forward and took care of Si's hand.

I was a little overwhelmed and looked at the dragon one.

"I am your sister's sister, is your mother called Anna?" Angela clasped Si's little hand.

Thinking of listening to Anna's words, like being struck by lightning, suddenly the emotions screamed out of control: "Get out, you all go away, you are all murderers, all murderers."

Thinking about pushing Angela away, the emotional out of control made the effect of the condensed body of the condensate bead disappeared. She danced with a blue silk, and the scorpion was full of blood, and the black nails were caught in the air.

"Why? Why? Why kill the mother, father, why is it?" Si Yu cried and screamed softly on the ground, his hands screamed and cried, tears continually slipped from the fingers, and it was true. Sad, the smell of tears.

At this time, there was some sympathy for this little demon girl in the heart of the dragon. I did not expect her mother to be killed by the demon king. As the saying goes, the couple have a hundred days of enmity. Moreover, the family also gave birth to a daughter for you. The demon king can be too cruel. Is this the nature of the Mozu?

"You said that the demon king killed your motherland?" Angela's beautiful face was a little distorted and became extremely awkward.

Si Yan put down his hands and raised his head, looking at Angela with **** eyes, and twitching his mouth: "Yes, he cut the mother's neck with a sword, just in front of me, you are satisfied."

"My poor sister." Angela's eyes finally ooze a tear, and the hatred in her eyes is more than the thought.

Two crazy women with hate, it looks a little scary.

Do not provoke anyone to provoke a woman, the dragon swayed the erect hair, and quietly flashed out, this place is not suitable for long-term grievances.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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