MTL - Womanizing Mage-Chapter 664 Breakthrough

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The dragon looked up. \\\\www.qВ5, c0m\\ a little tight in the heart. There is a sense of not being able to tell the truth. Angela. This goddess who almost had a relationship with him. This goddess who is not a name for the dead. This goddess involved in the sacred powers of the gods. Her impression of Long Yi was too deep. So that in the heart of the dragon, there was a feeling of hatred. If there is no love and appreciation. Why is there such a complicated mentality?

Angela floated to the ground. A plain robe flutters. The beauty of the fascination looks at the dragon. Like to escape from dodging. Turning around and looking around, this is full of sorrow. The expression is very bitter. If not her. This will not happen.

Seven ancient war gods approached. And Angela is still moving between them and Long Yi.

I don't know if it is an illusion. There is such a moment. Long Yi felt the absolute meaning of Angela. Are these seven ancient war gods and the eight-winged angels not with her?

Angela slowly spread her arms. Go up high. It was stopped in front of seven ancient war gods.

The dragon has a bad idea in his heart. Shouted: "Angela. You are crazy

Angela turned back. Laugh at the dragon. She has most of the responsibility for this matter. Since it was her partner Uzige released it. Then she will destroy the God of War and has launched an attack toward Angela, which is close at hand. So close distance. The ancient **** of war has the energy to destroy the earth. Angela's failure to survive is only when the dragon breaks. Angela’s figure suddenly became blurred. A vortex is formed faintly around her body. Ancient spells spread in the air with mysterious power.

The seven ancient war gods have also become blurred. Flickering. Extremely weird. All the surviving gods looked at this scene with a stunned look. What kind of magic is this? Can actually resist the attack of seven ancient war gods.

The vortex is getting clearer and clearer. Angela and the seven ancient gods of war have been unclear. Vague. Long Yi seems to see a pair of talking beautiful eyes revealing from the vortex. With affection and apology. His heart could not help but burst into pain. It seems to be stabbed by something.

In the ruins in the distance. There is only one head left in Wugeqi. He looked at the already blurred Angela with love and hate. The heart is arrogant: "Why? Why? Why you can die for this man. But for me, I will give you even a little affection."

Ugzi is strong and wants to see the dragon and be killed. Who wants to see such a scene. His eyes straightened straight. Eventually it turned gray. There is no interest in the torture of love and hate.

suddenly. A blind light beam has been directed toward the dragon. The pure and primitive power of chaos rushed toward him. It is about to explode his whole person.

Long Yi did not seem to feel the pain of the body. Just keep watching the faint beauty. There was a little wetness in my eyes. I am so impulsive. It seems to be caught in a sad dream.

"The ancient **** of war was made by the ancient gods with the power of chaos. I will transfer all the chaos power on them to you. As long as the heart is completely absorbed, the chaos will inevitably advance. This is the only thing I can do. If there is still the afterlife, please grab my hand. Never let go." Angela fluttering. Looking back at the dragon and softly. The exquisite face is the two new lines of tears.

The dragon reached out. Want to grab something. The start is empty.

Awkward. A loud bang in the mind of the dragon. It becomes a blank moment. The perception of everything is gradually returning to the body. Long Yi slowly opened his eyes. It was found that his right arm extended out and caught in the air. And Angela, who was fighting in front of him, and seven ancient war gods disappeared from the air. Thousands of gods on the ground in the distance are still there. Each look is shocking and complicated.

The dragon fell off his arm. Only then did he discover that he was exhausted and his chaos was extremely abundant. And there is a qualitative leap. Chaos magical power broke through to the fourth layer. But he did not have the slightest joy. Just some wood looks at the sky. Angela’s apologetic eyes continued to emerge. The ear echoes the words that are really illusory.

"The afterlife is too far away..." For a long time. The dragon lowered his head and whispered with only the sound he could hear. The moon is staring at the night. The wind is biting. At this time, it has entered and the winter season. The climate is much colder than in previous years. So one night. There are no people on the street. Only the endless magical street lights slammed forward. Occasionally a full-armed patrol walked neatly.

The Elf Queen is a luxurious queen robe. The light green hair fell like a waterfall. The long ears are naughty to drill the starting silk. She is sitting at the window. Looking at the lonely garden outside with a lonely lamp. In the past few days, she and her daughter Lucia personally sent a batch of Elf Forest specialties to visit the emperor Empress and Long Yi's wife. It’s hard to be full of love. In the palace

Unconsciously. The elf queen of the gods suddenly showed a smile. That look. It’s no different from a woman who misses her love in love. But very soon. The Elf Queen will return to God. There was a layer of contempt between the eyebrows. What is the man doing at this time? Have you hooked up a few goddesses? I knew that this guy was not a good person in the Elf Forest. In the middle of the night, she climbed into her yard. The skin is comparable to the wall. But I am also nervous. I don’t want to drink alcohol with him that month. I still couldn't hold it and let him kiss.

Lucia came back from the palace of Nangong Xiangxi. She saw Nangu Xiangxiang’s tall belly. I can't say the envy of my heart. Now in the woman of Dragon One. Not only Nangong Xiangyu has been pregnant. Even Nalan Ruyue and Sibi were also aware of the baby. Apparently the species that he sown in darkness when he left. Can you not have it yourself? Lucia is very annoyed. The spirit of the fairy bell heaven and earth. The essence of the Quartet. Not only has a long life. And handsome and beautiful. However, the dragons and the dragons are generally not easy to conceive. Especially the heterogeneous combination. It is very difficult to want a child.

"Mother. What are you thinking about?" Lucia entered the house. It happened that I saw some lonely backs of the Elf Queen.

The Elf Queen turned back. A touch of scorn is quickly hidden. She chuckled: "I didn't think about anything. It's just a little uncomfortable with the climate here. Or our Elf Forest is comfortable."

"That's it. But the Elf Forest is too lonely. There are so many sisters here. And..." Lucia walked down to the Queen of the Elf and sat down. The whole body is like a cat, and it is in the arms of the Elf Queen.

"Stupid girl. Want a dragon?" Elf Queen asked the daughter's hair softly.

"Yeah." Lucia nodded. Suddenly smirked: "Is the mother just thinking about him?"

The elf queen has a red face. The slender hand on Lucy's hair suddenly settled.

"Mother. Don't deceive yourself. You like him. He likes you too. I don't mind." Lucia reached out and wrapped her hands around the Queen's waist. I feel heartbroken for the mother who is struggling in ethics. She was not acceptable before. But now I accepted it. Just like Long Yi said. Go to ethical ethics. Put aside all the constraints. Feel free to love.

It is the ground. Have fun and love. That is, Lucia's hand clinging to the Elf Queen is getting tighter and tighter.

"Stupid girl. I... I can't do it with him." The Elf Queen was a little confused. She is always like this when she raises this question.

"Mother. He won't let go of you. Just accept it." Lucia sat up straight. A face is right.

The Elf Queen is crying and laughing. The mood is a lot more relaxed. The line of defense that already had cracks in my heart was loosened a few more times. Give up your life. Give up your life. There has always been such a voice echoing in my heart.

The area of ​​the Lord God closest to the Holy Land is the area of ​​the Light God. Long Yi used the power of chaos to restore the physical strength of the gods. They were surrounded by the Fort of Light in the capital of light.

In Bright Fort. Long Yi was assisted by Verbella and others. Take the power of the gods in one hand. Officially launched the first level of warfare in the world. Call on all capable Protoss to join the Divine Legion. Come to the demon army to fight for a life and death. He ordered all the seven major legions of the gods to gather in the capital of light. So that you can move at any time. Due to the preparation period. The military transmission arrays in all cities of the gods are all open. Just two or three days of good armament. You can reach the city of light directly through the transmission array.

The milky day of the glory is hanging in the sky. The capital of light has become the most densely populated city of the Protoss. Because the new leader of the gods is here at this time.

The tyrannosaurus is alone on the top of the mountain in the south. I hope that it is still ruined. I haven't moved for a long time.

"Hey. Angela. Why are you suffering this?" The dragon sighed with a sigh. For the death of Angela. He can't let go.

"She has a lingering death!" A sigh of relief rang from the dragon. Misini does not know when it will appear here.

Long Yi is unaware of it. Still looking at the front.

Misini has a four-wing exhibition. Fly to the front of the dragon. Blocked his sight. A look of anger and anger.

"I know that you have a big chest. I don't have to get it in front of me. I can see it too." It’s like saying a cold joke.

Misini gritted her teeth. One kicked to the dragon one.

The dragon frowned. Divine power is diverging. Misini was shocked by hundreds of meters.

"What Father and God passed on. You are not worthy. Angela killed my father. You still miss her here. don't want to face." Misini flew back. Pointing at the dragon and breaking it.

"One willing to make a wish. If your father has no ambitions, how can he collude with her to conspire with the whole world?" The dragon hangs a faint sarcasm. A hit on the nail. In fact, the wrong and the right are the winners have the final say. Before Dibia did not equally conquer the entire realm of God. But he became the father of all Protoss populations. No one is comparable. If Angela is successful. Then she became right.

Misini's face was pale. Inability to justify. From small to large. She is very admired by Angela. Always on her list. The feelings of the two may be comparable to the mother and daughter. When she learned the truth of the facts from other people. It is like a thunder. It is difficult to accept this fact.

"Wow". Missini suddenly burst into tears. Four wings fluttered. Pleasant love.

The dragon is together. I touched Misini's hair. Sighed: "You grow up soon. You are not a child." He did not expect. He is not in his 30s. And Misini has spent a hundred years. This contrast is a bit funny.

Misini grabbed the neck of the dragon. Nested into his arms. It was dark to cry.

I don't know how long it has been. Missini cried in the arms of the dragon and slept.

Long Yi looked at the pale and pretty face of this pear flower with rain. Shake your head slightly. Holding her into the light castle. I wanted to call a protoss aunt to settle her. I don’t want to die because of this girl’s death. Still clinging to his clothes in his sleep. It seems that he is afraid of running away.

Looked at Misini's pitiful look. Long Yi couldn’t help but think of the wives who were far away from the mainland. The heart is soft. I personally hugged her and put it on the bed. Lying on her, she lay quietly. In my heart, I am more and more miss my wife. I think the belly of Nangong Toon should be big. The first blood of his own is about to be born. This made him a little excited.

unconsciously. Long Yi suddenly missed the beautiful and tempting posture of his wife. In the meantime, the scene is as bright as a movie.

The dragon is a girl. But suddenly found that Misini's clothes don't know when to open. Half of the smooth and full snow white ** was exposed to his eyes.

"咕咚". The dragon swallowed a sip of water. Take a deep breath and hold your own mourning. Hurry to quit the room. Just Missini is caught too tightly. It may be a little difficult to let her let go. After the dragon pulled it. It was discovered that this movement made Misini's clothes open more open. Even the faint ** can be seen in vagueness. He simply took off his coat. Escaped like a room. Stay there again. He may have something to do with anger.

The dragon one after the room was blown by the cool breeze outside. The desire has dissipated a lot. I found a quiet hall in Guangmingbao. He began to look through the space ring to read the classics left by Dibia. I plan to make some of them public. Let the power of the gods take it to the next level.

Long Yi found a priest of the gods. Suddenly after a turn over. There was a burst of ecstasy in my heart. This above actually records the space nodes that enter the devil world and the vast continent.

For example, today the Devil is still in full force to restore his skill. If at this time lead the Divine Legion to the Devils to come back. That is not very beautiful.

"Ha ha ha. He ***. Devil King. You want to kill our gods and the mainland of the sky. Master, I will first slaughter you in the devil world." Long laughed.

at this time. There was a figure coming in at the entrance of the hall. It was the former controller of the Fengshen area, Verbella.

"God of the gods. What is so happy?" Verbella asked with a chuckle.

"Of course it's a good thing. Great good things." Long Yi shook his head. Throw the Divine Chronicle in your hand to Verbella. Where has a little hegemony should have a dignity

Verbella turned over. The stunned expression and the dragon one immediately became excited. If she doesn't know what these space nodes mean for the gods, then she is not worthy of being the controller of the Fengshen area. I used to know where the devil is. The gods can only be beaten passively. The discovery of the spatial nodes leading to the devil world completely changed the divine from passive to active. this moment. The thoughts in her heart coincided with the dragon.

"Are you looking for me?" Longe waited for Verbella to calm down and ask.

"Yes. Overlord. We have a total of 500,000 soldiers in the Fengshen area of ​​the Fengshen area have arrived in the capital of light," Verbella said.

Long smiled and nodded. Road: "Good. Come very quickly."

Verbella is black on the upper dragon. I don't know why my heart beats and suddenly speeds up. Hurrying over the head and pretending to look out the window of the glory day to cover up.

The dragon saw the faint blush on Verbella’s face. The color that was forced to go down could not help but start to move. Compared to Misini. Verbella is not inferior. The cold and elegant taste even reminds me of the unparalleled. The dragon's scorpion became extremely soft. I read about the various things that happened in the mainland. Then to the present situation today. It’s more legendary than the legend.

Wilbella played drums in his heart. to be frank. Long Yi is the first man who has made her feel so many years. In fact, the Protoss and the intelligent animals of the Cangwu continent generally have love and desire. The only difference is that the life of the Protoss is as long as the metamorphosis.

Protoss worship the strong. Verbella is not the same. It’s just that she is at the top of the status of today’s gods. Who can get into her eyes? But when the dragon was born. Everything becomes different. Perhaps because of the emotional gaps of many years. It is extremely simple to let Verbella's understanding of feelings. I like it when I like it. I missed a year and a month before I could meet another one.

In fact, Verbella has such an idea. Angela is not the same as Missini.

Verbella turned around in two deep breaths. Her usual coldness does not know which corner she was thrown into. But she has a courage. I found that the dragon's incomparably soft eyes passed straight through her. I don't know where to stop in the world.

He is still thinking about Angela? Verbella's heart was a little lost.

"Darity. If there is nothing else. I will go down." Verbella snorted and passed straight to the dragon. The faint fragrance is still lingering in the hall.

The dragon returned to God. Shrugging. Sexual creatures. They are creatures that men cannot understand. Goddess is the same. I don't know if this woman has any temper for no reason. Did you provoke her?

Yaozhi Day is set in the West. It is already late at night in the realm of the gods.

The dragon sat cross-legged. Consolidate the chaos of the body. Although Angela used the cost of life to transfer the power of chaos in the seven ancient war gods to his body. Let his chaotic magical skills jump three levels. But after all these chaos powers are not his cultivation. The foundation is not very stable. There is a slight fluctuation in the light of the gods in the sea of ​​consciousness. In his heart, he shot the light of the gods. The Temple of Creation in the Sunset Peak. The soul of the great elders of the gods told him that there were three gods in the light of the gods. But at that time his mental strength did not go in. Can't communicate with the gods in it. Now Chaos has reached the fourth level. The spirit has also soared a lot. Maybe you can break the prohibition inside.

"Dragon one. You bastard. Bad guy." Outside Misini's yelling let Long Yi withdraw the mental power and chaos power that has just infiltrated into the Bright God card. He frowned. The chicken is usually thrown into the room.

"Smelly girl. What crazy are you doing?" Long Yi didn't have a good air.

"You...what did you do to me?" Misini asked angrily.

The dragon is one by one. A look of stunned. What did he do to her? Why can't he remember? "You still play silly. Is my clothes taken off? I woke up and found... I found out... you bastard." Misini slammed up. A pair of chaos in front of the dragon.

"Hey. Hey. Don't blame the god. Just your flat chest and flat butt. This **** is not interested." Long snarled. The genius knew that he almost couldn’t hold back her. of course. He has never done anything to undress.

"You... I know. You like Angela's **** and big ass. Would you like me to find a cow for you?" Misini was angry.

The dragon looked heavy. Cold and cold: "Let me pull Angela. If you don't want to stay here, you can get out."

Misini looked awkward. Then I was wronged. Tears popped out again. She choked: "You are a bad guy. It is not enough to bully people. You have to go home."

I saw tears in Missini. Long Yi’s head began to hurt. What a goddess. Hey, just like the dream of a small loli at home. Cry and cry.

Cried and cried. Misini went to the front of the dragon. Grabbing his clothes, he rubbed his face on his face.

The dragon rolled his eyes. Powerless: "Missini. I really didn't take off your clothes."

"I... I know. It was the maid who took it for me." Misini said with a sniff.

Long Yi couldn’t help but scream. You know that you are coming to marry me. When the young master is muddy, right?

Just in the first day, I will throw Missini. Misini suddenly grabbed the dragon's big hand and pressed it on her towering chest. I only heard her mosquitoes say: "You touch it yourself. My chest is flat. It is only a little smaller than Angela."

The dragon looked a bit strange. Can Missini not stand the blow of losing her father. Is the nerve disordered?

In fact, Long Yi did not know the feelings of Missini. From the beginning, contact with the beginning. Misini has a general affection for Long Yi. The death of his father, Alphat, caused her world's pillars to collapse. The dragon that turned into a father and a **** replaced the position of Alphat. It's hard to tell what is going on. On the other hand, Long Yi has an unclear relationship with Angela, who caused his father's death. She couldn't see the dragon and miss Angela. Making so many things is nothing more than wanting Long to notice her.

"Dragon one. Don't chase me away." Misini hugged the dragon one. A pair of small hands stroking on his back.

The fire of the suppression of the dragon was unstoppable. He gnashed his teeth and said: "Smelly girl. You are playing with fire."

Misini is a change to Ben Gali. The little hand grabbed the thick thing that was on her lower abdomen.

day. I thought the young master did not dare to do you? The dragon whipped up the chin of Misini. She kissed her red lips. Holding her little waist in one hand. The other hand has caught her full and smooth squeezing on her chest. That's right. He said the words of disobedience. The skull of this girl is tender and pretty. I have mastered everything, but how can it be flat and flat?

"Oh..." Misini had a few screams in his mouth. An excited hand used it.

"Smelly head. Do you want the eunuch?" Messini pulled the hard hand on his life. Then she was pushed down. The strong body is pressed up.

Broken clothes pieces are separated. Missini is already naked. And the dragon has a few cloth strips hanging on his body. It is a masterpiece that Misini is not willing to show weakness.

The dragon touched Misini's silky smooth skin and the four white wings behind him. The big mouth kissed her small earlobe. Use it with your mouth. Misini is weak and weak. For this aspect, she is still only a rookie. How can she be the opponent of this flower and old bird?

Waiting for the spring dew. The dragon has a waist. The two are one. The flirtatious cockroaches suddenly turned around.

After the love. The dragon is refreshing. After a few months of energy, I finally vented it. The little angel of Misini has long been tossed and slept.

Add another person to the harem. Long Yi despised himself. But there are still many concerns. When he is a general rocket upgrade. The number of harem in the harem is also rising. Although sometimes he does not want to provoke too many girls. But it does not mean that the number of his wife must be stopped. In his logic. There has been a point of friendship beyond each other at a certain time and place. That is fate. The stunning angels who sent the door did not eat? Start yourself. As long as you have taken up the responsibility of a man after eating. Also have the ability to assume such a responsibility. Even if you have tens of thousands of wives, it is a matter of course.

Long Yi dressed clothes. It took a bit of activity. I began to think carefully about how the development of the gods should be developed in the future. What plans should I take after I know the space nodes leading to the Devil? How can the gods and the vast continents be well united? There are so many things he has to think about.

Suddenly. Long Yi thought of the three gods in the Guangming God card who had not yet explored. Then I took out the Bright God card again. The enormous mental power and chaos of the gods carefully drilled into the light of the gods. Same as he estimated. His mental strength and chaotic power quickly encountered a barrier. However, this barrier is no longer a big question for him. The mental strength quickly got into it.

"Cousin!" A familiar voice rang in the mind of Long Yi. The dragon's body suddenly shocked. The whole person is in a sluggish state.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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