MTL - Womanizing Mage-Chapter 668 Love Navita

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Break the iron shoes innocent. \\www, qb5, com//.i. It takes no effort.

After the dragon reached the demon world, the nerves that had been tightened relaxed. now. He really wants to laugh three times. The little monster caught by him was squatting on the ground. A crying expression.

original. This little monster is dressed up as a dragon and where he is. Therefore, he was regarded as the person of the evil devil Naweiqi. In fact, a long time ago. Through the various factors, the demon king infers that there are a lot of extremely high purity magic crystals in the venomous jungle. I have been trying to enter. But not a success. The poison of the venomous jungle is poisonous to the world. Its toxins can corrode anything. Includes an energy shield. Even if the Devil King fights his life, he will not last long. Although he is coveted by the magic spar in the poisonous jungle. But I have to do it.

According to this little monster confessed. In fact, before ancient times. The magical creatures of the devil can be more than the devil. More than ten kinds of intelligent creatures coexist. Just like the vast mainland. But the indigenous demons quickly picked up. Form village towns. Constantly expanding territory. All the land that the devil can survive is occupied. And the devil is sexually cruel and killing. Implement a genocidal strategy for intelligent creatures other than the Devil. The little monster is a variant of a smart creature in ancient times. His ancestors were chased by the devil and entered the venomous jungle in despair. Occasionally, it was found that the juice of a plant of the venomous jungle could not be harmed by the poison of the jungle. From then on, it was rooted in the poisonous jungle. It has been proliferating for generations. The most beautiful.

At this time. The magical Naweiqi sent a faint energy conflict. The dragon glanced at it. The dragon was summoned. He looked at the little monster that was kept unable to move. Then I gathered my breath and went to the other side.

"The generals of the sorcerer have commanded. Unless she has come out, no one can bother her." Naweiqi's mighty guardian was in front of a Mozu teenager. Say nothing to let go.

"There will be an urgent military report. If it is a mistake, do you have a few heads to take on it?" The demon teenager took the lead. .

The guards snorted. Road: "I don't care what big things are not big. I only listen to the orders of the generals of the sorcerer. You have to make it difficult for us to do it."

"There is no reason for this. Isn't the token of the demon king's sorrow not recognized? Is it necessary to let the sorcerer general be detained with a betrayal hat?" The Mozu teenager is too lazy to kiss the nonsense with this. Directly pulled out the demon to sway in front of his eyes.

Did Long Yi lurk in the distance to pass a message? How come again?

At this time. The dragon, one of the evil spirits on the edge of the venomous jungle, has a faint energy fluctuation. It will be suffocating at the moment. The use of chaos and meditation can blend the nature of everything and integrate it perfectly with the surrounding environment. A flash of figure flashed. The love devil Naweiqi has appeared in front of the demon teenager.

"The Gorefiend asks you to find me?" Naweiqi asked faintly. A pair of nephews are intrigued. The hidden **** atmosphere makes everyone afraid to look at it.

"Yes. The generals of the evil spirits. The Gorefiend general has a keen military situation. You can't contact you. So the two of them will send a letter." The Mozu teenager answered.

"You two people? Is there another one?" Naweiqi asked.

"He came first. Later, the Gorefiend General remembered that there was no demon order to see the generals. So I ordered me to come with the devil." The Mozu teenager answered.

Naweiqi nodded. But don't care too much. She will be in a daze here every few days every year. The order does not bother her no matter who is coming. I think the first one to come is to be blocked and go back first.

Naweiqi took the crystal ball. I read a few spells in my mouth. I saw a crystal ball with a circle of glow.

"The Protoss army is very embarrassed. The 100,000-strong army in the area burned and looted in the devil world. That is the shame of the whole devil world." Naweiqi said lightly. Then a hand in the hand into the crystal ball. To the demon teenager, lead: "This person takes you back to the Gorefiend. It is said that the general understands. The specific information is sealed in the crystal ball."

Waiting for the Devils to go far. Naweiqi gently raised her brows. I don't know what I am thinking about.

The dragon heard two conversations. I squeezed a sweat in the dark. At the same time, there was a burst of excitement in my heart. He still has been nervous about how to let Naweiqi know Tiro's plan without causing her suspicion. Everything is now settled. It’s really sleepy and someone has a pillow. One word. Cool.

Let's work together. The more accommodative the match, the better. Long Yi thought in his heart.

Verbella led the 100,000 Fengshen Legionnaires to hide in a forest in the northern part of the Devil. She studied the map of the devil world seriously in her own tent. It is better to analyze which town to start with in the next target.

The tyrants of the dragons invaded the territory of the northern emperor Naweiqi. To tie in with his plan. Verbella turned to kill the north.

"If you can come out of the poisonous jungle, this whole north will be destroyed. Unfortunately, this is an absolute restricted area." Verbella stared at the map of the poisonous jungle.

At this time. A peaceful and arrogant breath came to Verbella.

Verbella is not shocked. She immediately turned around. But I found that the person standing behind her was not the one who thought about her day and night. It is an elf that is condensed in the fog.

"Villebella. My young master wants me to bring you words." Lingwu Elf Road. Today, Dragon One is the innocent leader in the realm of the gods. Its servant is also rising with the water. But he is not stupid. For other Protoss can be condescending.颐 颐 使 。. But for the Protoss beauty that can be contacted with Long Yi. He is polite. Who knows if this beauty will become a wife of Longyi in the future?

"You said." Verbella nodded. Although she did not see the spirit fog elf appeared in front of the dragon. But I have heard that he has such a servant.

The Spirit Fog reached out and pressed it on the hands of Verbella. The news that Long Yi let him conveyed into the mind of Verbella. After the task is completed. He disappeared without a trace.

Verbella's face is a bit ugly. If it is not a bad error. The 100,000 Fengshen Legion will be confessed to this demon land. I really didn't think that Devil would train a Warcraft Legion. but. She will let the demons pay the price. Humph. I want to seduce the main force of the protoss army. That also has to have this ability.

"Come on..." Verbella shouted out of the account.

The dragon, the little monster carrying the poisonous jungle, entered the poisonous jungle. Although he heard how horrible the poisonous jungle. But until now, I will realize it. The chaotic power of his body shattered and he was eroded by the entrance. Energy is consumed at an extremely fast rate. No wonder even the Devil King can't go deep into it.

Dragon 1 calculates the energy consumption value. If the little monster in the hand dares to play tricks. He is going to make it worse than death.

"It's time to come. Just paint the sap of this plant and you will be able to go in the poisonous jungle." The little monster pointed at a weird little tree road. Did not admit it. brat. You have to know that the consequences of admitting mistakes are very serious. "Long Yi shook the little monster and threatened."

"I won't admit my mistakes. I will never admit my mistakes." The little monster was shaking and shivering. I only feel that this person's eyes are sweeping toward him. From the heart, it will reveal the coldness of the forest.

"That's good. Now I have one more thing to ask for help." Long smiled.

"Whatever things say. As long as I can do it, I must do it." The little monster hurried. For fear of hesitation, this guy would have to crush his throat.

"Where are your people? How many people are there?" Long asked.

The little monster shuddered. Desperately shook his head.

"You can rest assured. I am not trying to hurt you. It’s just that your family has lived in the poisonous jungle for thousands of years. It must be very good to collect this juice. Just want you to do a favor. And you will have to pay accordingly. "Long, another hand bounced the head of the little monster. Said with a smile.

The little monster's eyeball turned. This devil is so terrible. It only lasted for so long with the energy cover. And so far it looks relaxed. Although he always scares himself. But somehow I still believe what he said.

"What do you want to give us?" the little monster asked cautiously.

"As long as you help me to finish this thing. In the future, you and your people will not have to be inferior in the poisonous jungle. You can choose a fertile soil to settle in the devil world. How do you pay for this reward?"

The little monster opened his mouth at the moment. Out of the poisonous jungle. It is the hope of their ancestors for generations. Such a reward cannot be tempted by him.

"How? I can't believe me?" asked Long.

"No. No. It’s just those devils..." The little monster was in his heart.

"As long as you help me. After the devil is what I have the final say."

A little monster screamed. Stuttering: " want to...sneak a sneak attack from the poisonous jungle."

"You are very smart. Now take me to meet your people." The dragon tied the little monster and threw him on the ground. Then he waved his blade to cut the epidermis of the small tree in front of his eyes. Suddenly, the light green liquid with astringent smell flowed out.

Long Yi applied these juices to his body. He first threw a roast hare out of the space ring. Only a blink of an eye. The roasted hare was eroded into a pile of liquid. Then. He used a roast rabbit with a sap of juice to hand out the protective cover. Half a mile is intact. This took a sigh of relief to remove the chaotic energy hood. Be aware that the energy consumed every second in this poisonous jungle is amazing. His surface looks relaxed. In fact, my heart has long been mentioned in the throat.

The tribe's tribe lives in the depths of the poisonous jungle. Here, except the world to the poison to the creatures can not survive here. There are not many poisonous animals inside. Therefore, the venomous jungle looks like a forbidden zone where life is extinct.

The more you go inside. Long Yi’s eyes are getting bigger. The little monster did not lie. The deep poisonous jungle is full of high-purity and high-grade magic crystal mines exposed on the surface. Some are even rare in the world. If you get such a big treasure. How many elite corps can be built!

Pass a toxic smoke barrier. The dragon will shine in front of him. I saw that there was an empty space in front of the wooden house. Many creatures that look like monsters move around.

When the dragon touched the little monster. Suddenly scared everyone in this race. I thought it was the outside of the devil who came in and tried to kill it. This race has lived in a poisonous jungle for generations. In addition to extremely fast speed and a strong body. There are no other exercises. But the jungle is their paradise. As long as you are in the jungle. It is not generally difficult to catch them.

After a little monster explained. The rioting group calmed down. When I heard that Long Yi could take them away from the poisonous jungle and return to the fertile soil of thousands of years of ancestors. They excitedly called and jumped one by one. Received the dragon with the highest courtesy

Through a deep discussion with this ethnic patriarch. Long Yi knew that this race is called the Waren. In the past, the devil was also a famous race. It was only after being invaded by the indigenous demons into the jungle. The practice of the ancestors has been lost. In the past, Warren’s new return to the homeland of his ancestors did not report any hope.

Long Yi proposed to let the Warrens collect the anti-drug juice used by the million sergeants. The old patriarch promised it very quickly. Wait for the dragon to leave. The old patriarch immediately held a ceremony of sacrifice. He is tearful. The Warrens finally saw a little hope. The ancestors of the past dynasties should have laughed at Jiuquan.

The 100,000 Fengshen Legion, led by Verbella, has embarked on the territory of the evil devil Naweiqi. As usual, **** means to kill the city. The ordinary Mozu heard the news of the Protoss army. Each transfer property began to escape. Even the cities of the Northern Lovers Naweiqi Power Center have moved to the home of the Mozu residents. Ten cities and nine empty. This is because the three great devils will not be caused. The grievances of the Mozu residents of the entire Devil world reached their peak. What they hate most is not the Protoss army. It is the three generals on top of them. They have to pay their belongings every ten years. But they were in danger and half of the fart was not put. It just makes them chilling.

"I still have to bear. I see how long you can endure." Verbella beauty flashed a trace of cool. Continue to order the massacre. Everything you see is killing innocent people.

It is already late at night. The lover Naweiqi wrinkled her eyebrows and sat on her generals. As usual, it is a two-piece armor that is **** to the nosebleed. Large white snow on the chest is bare. A deep cleavage is even more swaying.

"General General. Gorefiend General and Dragon Army." A Mozu soldier outside reported.

After Naviqi browsed. Jiao Sheng said: "Come. Come and use my token to inform you. Prepare for the battle tonight. Depart early tomorrow morning."

"Protoss. Look at this time you still have room to turn over." Na Weiqi was murderous. Judging with the melancholy temperament before.

at this time. Two extremely beautiful maids came in. A gentle help Navi Qi held his shoulders. Another kneeling massage her calf.

Na Weiqi looked like a face. She lifted the other fiber. Even stepping on the chest of the maid under the sway. And the maid snorted. Spring is full of joy. Holding the nails of Naweiqi, they began to kiss and suck. Behind the incomprehensible maid, she expertly solved Navidi’s upper body armor. Her majestic chest was kneaded across a layer of gauze.

quickly. The three masters and servants in the house were entangled in a red strip. Its posture. The exaggeration of the voice is breathtaking.

The dragon hangs under the eaves. Looking at the scene through the gap. Grinding the mirror? Lala? I did not expect the love of Naweiqi to have this hobby. Really worthy of

With a few high-pitched cymbals. The three women in the house are soft and soft. Especially the love magic Naweiqi. A white skin with a hint of pink luster. Sweaty and wet. Full of spring. Beauty is as charming as dripping.

In this moment. The dragon and the black donkey slammed dangerously. Whenever the male is the most relaxed. This time kill her when she has seven points to grasp. Just think of tomorrow's plan. Long Yi suppressed this temptation. If Naweiqi does not appear tomorrow, he will not be able to send troops. Then his calculations cannot be implemented. Anyway, the fall of the 蚱蜢 can not reach a few

"If you see enough, please come in." Just as Long Yi decided to go. Naweiqi in the house suddenly lazily opened his mouth.

The dragon eyed a jump. He has underestimated the love of Naweiqi. The heart began to think about the various ways to get out. He flashed into the house in a big way. The exclamation of the two maids was brought.

Naweiqi waved her hand. A magic blade splits two maids who have just served her to die. This is evident from the heart and soul.

"My missing maid is killing you." Naweiqi asked a dragon dressed in a demon. On one side, he slowly picked up a robe and put it on his body.

"Yes." Long smiled and nodded. I was relieved. Guess what the purpose of this poison woman is. If you want to kill him. When he was discovered, he could be transferred to a powerful and powerful demon to besiege him. Plus her own. It’s really difficult to get out. However, the poisonous jungle is close at hand. He still has a lot of confidence to keep his life.

"Dare to ask who is a **** in the gods?" Naweiqi asked.

"Do not change the name. Do not change the surname. In the next hegemony dragon. Fortunately see the devil is really a female hero." Long Yixiao laughed. Detach the demons to reveal their true colors. In the first two steps, Naviqi’s small hand was shaken twice.

Naweiqi opened the hand of Longyi. Lightly rubbed with a robes. I am afraid that he has any infectious diseases.

"What plans do you have to say? I can cooperate with you." Naweiqi speaks amazingly. Long Yi was on the spot and was on the spot.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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