MTL - Womanizing Mage-Chapter 691 Bloody sky 2

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The Mozu army launched a full-scale attack on the mainland of the Canggu, and it took a while to smoke.

The army of the whole continent began to gather and defend according to the region, which caused great obstacles to the fire attack of the Mozu army. The original Tiro played the idea of ​​quickly killing the mainland, but now it has to slow down. .

Only the gap in strength is placed there. Under the strong attack of the Mozu army, all ethnic groups in the mainland have suffered heavy casualties.

After knowing the defensive intentions of the Cangwu continent, the Gorefiend Tyre also used the method of combining soldiers to evict the large areas one by one. The first thing that suffered was the area where the Hengduan Mountains were dominated by the orcs.

Although in the case of this situation, the army of other major regions sent troops to attack the rear of the Mozu army, but the effect was not great.

In the military camp of Tenglong City, the generals headed by Bei Tangyu are holding an emergency meeting. The beast leader Bessa has sent more than ten urgent military sentiments, and the entire Orc has suffered heavy casualties and requested support.

"Is it necessary for all the military to use the transmission line to the Hengduan Mountains?" Xiongba said.

"No, if this is not a positive battle with the Mozu army, then we will be defeated faster. The best way to do this now is to use the defense left by His Royal Highness, and to follow the example of the Prince. "The one who spoke was the revenge, the one who brought the dragon out of the prison."

Beitang Yu stared at the military power of the mainland. In the face of absolute strength, any strategy seemed so pale, except for stubborn resistance, it could only resist.

In the Hengduan Mountains, Bessa looked at the fierce and spectacular battlefield in front of him. The teeth of the beasts squeaked loudly, and the Orcs fought fiercely, but they did not cooperate with humans. In such a battle, they suffered very much, within a short day. The entire orc casualties have already passed more than half, and only then will the end of the army be destroyed.

In the news from Beitang Yu, she let her try to delay the time and wait for Longyi to return. However, the Mozu dumped millions of troops to attack the Orc region, and the gathering of other regional forces could not alleviate such a bad situation, and the entire Orc could not support it for a long time.

"Withdrew." Bessa could not bear it. The Orc races cannot be cut off in her hands.

As the Orcs use the transmission array to withdraw from the Hengduan Mountains. The Gorefiend Tyro is laughing.

"Retreat and retreat. It is best to have all the population troops together. Save the generals trouble."

In fact, Long Yi had thought about it at the beginning. Is it advantageous to join forces to deal with the invasion of the Mozu army? But after the analysis. In the face of absolute power gap. As long as the Mozu army breaks through a gap, it can kill the people in the central area. Fear is spreading. When it is time, it may be defeated. Let the Mozu army defeat the Cangwu continent in one fell swoop. So it was finally defined as a sub-regional cross-defense system. In order to be able to resist the invasion of the Mozu army for the longest time. "Villebella. You led a large army to go back to the devil world. If the main force of the demon world has already attacked the sky, it will destroy the devil world. If there is a great army resistance, they will return to the realm of the gods. Stay behind to prevent the Mozu army from fighting back." Long Yi said.

"Yes. Overlord." Verbella took the lead.

A dragon is a gloomy face. Leading another protoss army to the space node leading to the mainland. He is in a hurry. But it can't be shown. I hope that the facts are not so bad as I thought.

War is the most cruel form of destruction. The two enemies are like the opposite of the sea. Once you collide, it is not that you die or that I am dead.

The Mozu army is like a broken bamboo that has destroyed several areas on the outer periphery of the mainland. Its horror is no less than the human purgatory. The Mozu army has piled up into a tall mountain. The terrible distortion of the five senses faces the mainland power center Tenglong City, and can't tell the difference.

"There is no time to go out one by one. Pass the order, don't fight again, forcibly break through to the city of Tenglong, and catch the family of the tyrannical dragon one, and then live in front of him one by one." Luo Dao. He knows that Long Yi will soon react to lead the reinforcement of the Protoss army. It seems that in a short time it is impossible to kill the creatures of the mainland, and only to retreat. The dragon's family will be caught up, and then he will try to taste the taste of life. I heard that his child will be very tender soon.

It must be said that the Gorefiend Tyro is a very deceitful guy. Forcibly breaking through the defense of several regions will make the Mozu army pay some price, but if it achieves the goal, it is worthwhile to pay a hundred times.

Sure enough, for the forcible breakthrough of the Mozu army, there are no ways in the mainland's major defensive areas. They can only watch the Mozu army whistling and not going to the Dragon City.

At present, there seems to be no other way than to follow the tail of the Mozu army. If other military forces are trapped in such an encirclement, it is self-seeking, but the strength of the Mozu army and the strength of the mainland army are not at all a level. They are not concerned about being surrounded, only to break the Dragon City to catch the Dragon. Once the family has returned to the devil world, then wait for the tyrannical dragon to send it to the door.

Tenglong City, the most elite army of millions has been waiting for it. Everyone knows that the army of the Mozu is coming here.

Without the propaganda of the imperialists, anyone knows that the mainland of the Canggu is a whole, and that life is the same, and death is the same. Ten thousand people from all walks of life in the old and new urban areas of Tenglong City spontaneously organized to provide strong logistical support for the Emperor.

"Three baby, where did your kid hide? You are not afraid that you will be afraid of a bird egg. You will join the army to make a piece of strength. The group of murderers will kill the princes and wait for their death. The land of an old man, holding a "father of the father, still used you to say, Sanwa, I am also a good man in this film, I am a greedy and fearful person, I have just registered in the army, now Come back and give you an old voice." The tall man was explained by his father's two sticks.

In the same scene, almost every place was staged. My father sent his son to the army. His wife sent his husband to the army. Grandpa sent the grandson who was still in his adulthood to the army. The vast ethnic groups in the mainland produced unprecedented cohesion. It is the test of life and death.

Beitang Yu stood on the high wall, and the sharp scorpion looked into the distance. According to intelligence, the Mozu army has forcibly broken through several layers of defenses surrounded by the city of Tenglong, and the soldiers are rushing to the power center of Tenglong City.

The cold wind blew her hair, and now the North Hall feathers are majestic and heavy. When I meet, I feel the murderousness of the face. As for her delicate and beautiful facial features, it has been forgotten for a long time. .

Hell Angel, this nickname once with the dragon, is still no one to forget, it is the honor to be killed from the dead. Enough enough to be memorable.

Suddenly, a black line emerged from the sky and flashed in the direction of the Dragon City. The evil magic began to ravage in the air.

"Come on." Beitang Yu’s heart was tight, and he clenched his sword in his hand, burning a raging battle**. From the sky, all the soldiers will be treated with sternness.

The army of the Mozu is getting closer and closer, and the air and the air are rushing in the air. You can see the ugly appearance of the Mozu soldiers.

"Start the moat shield." Beitang feather faint order.

In the underground base of Tenglong City, millions of magic spar are simultaneously pushed into the energy slot of a giant magic array. Suddenly, a layer of masks shrouded the huge city of Tamron.

The protective cover of the city, this is the incomplete array of dragons found in the magical array of the gods. After more than 10,000 magicians repaired together, it cost hundreds of millions of dollars and it takes several years to complete. The painstaking work, with many magicians for this magical array of dereliction of duty.

Numerous magical and magical attacks hit the rain guards on the moat guards, and the moat shields were rock-solid except for slight fluctuations.

All the soldiers in Tenglong City have a sigh of relief. It seems that for a while, the Mozu army is unable to break through the moat shield.

A white figure floated on the wall. Standing behind Beitang Yu.

"Xiaoyi, are the sisters settled?" Beitang Yu asked slightly.

"Already arranged. Shannon, Sibi and Nalan have been sent to the ground to send the magic array, and other sisters will not die." Xiaoyi white pupils are full of demon light.

"I didn't tell the sisters? I am thick. This protective cover is the main target of the attack of the Mozu army. Once it is lost, it will bring irreparable disadvantages to the husband." Beitang feather wrinkled the show .

"That said, the sisters all portrayed the self-destructive circle in the soul. Once they were smashed..."

There was a slight fluctuation in the face of Beitang Yu, because of her identity. She doesn't have much to do with other women in Long Yi. Most of the time she stays alone in the military camp. In charge of all the landlords in the mainland, they love their common men in her unique way.

At this time, a group of women wearing a body armor, the British capital will come over, they are followed by a hundred people to escort, which is the elite of the original unparalleled out of the elite.

They lined up in the north hall of the feathers, and all their faces were filled with firmness, and they looked at the protective cover of the water that was generally stirred up in the sky.

"Children, why don't you wait for the mother-in-law, I will come." The Eastern 婉 婉 婉 , , 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华

"Queen Empress." All the soldiers were bowed.

"You don't have to be extravagant. Today, you will kill the enemy with you." The East is so heroic, it seems to have returned to the days of the girlish era.

At this time, there are several figures coming in and out, but it is today's vast emperor Ximen anger and Taishang Emperor Ximen mad, and Murong Bo and so on.

Ximen angered an emperor's gold, and it looked a bit uncomfortable. He glanced at the East and glanced at the noble wife and the little girl and spit out his tongue. He couldn’t help but smile.

At this point, the Gorefiend Tyro stood on a huge gold-eyed konjac, frowning and looking at the huge moat shield underneath. I really didn't think that there would be such a strong protective cover in the city of Tenglong, and there was no sign of breaking for so long.

"Dragon Devil, can't drag it down like this, please go out of the magical eclipse, and you will not blame it." The **** devil has a faint feeling in his heart, and he always feels that there will be a big change.

Long Yi led the protoss army to the main position leading to the space node of the mainland, but I did not know whether it was a record error or something else, and it was too late to open the space channel.

"The overbearing adult, the news from Wilbella." A Protoss leader rushed to the front of Long Yi. Handed a magic letter.

As soon as the dragon started to look at it, his expression became more anxious. Verbella led the protoss army to return to the demon world, and found that the **** devils and the dragons of the Corolla land had disappeared from the air, and the demon in the last blood-washing demon world. Na Weiqi once again returned to her position as the general of the Mozu, and the millions of demons will guard the demon world. Under the two sides, no one can take advantage of it.

Obviously, the Gorefiend Tyro and the Dragon Magic Corolla have led the troops to attack the mainland, which makes Long Yi not worried.

"Naviqi. What are you doing in the end?" The dragon one punches a tree next to it, and the surrounding protoss will not dare to come out.

The Gorefiend and the Dragon Devil brought out a black-painted rectangular box, which was sealed with the gods of the Demon King.

The box was opened, and there was a black staff that didn’t stand up. It’s an ordinary person’s interest in not looking at the two eyes.

The Gorefiend and the Dragon Monster sang the curse of the scorpion, and they cut their wrists, and the blood dripped onto the staff and was absorbed by the stick. The scepter gradually lit up the black mans.

The Gorefiend Tyro holds the staff, and the wand is like a savvy Weng Weng, and can't wait to play his power.

"啪", the staff was taken over by the Dragon Carol.

"The Gorefiend, you have no choice, the Devil King can't miss you, but I don't care if I have a dragon or not." Longmo Corolla laughed and waved his hand to interrupt the Gorefiend, then said: "Wait Grab the relatives of the gods, leave one or two to pay homage to me.

"Heaven-magic-eclipse-God!" Dragon Magic Corolla held up his staff and said one word at a time. The look is like the most devout believer.

When the wand is in a dark state, such as the dark day of the demon world, it will burst out of the dark black mans, and it will directly illuminate the moat shield in the Tenglong area.

The dragon's body is withered at a visible speed, and the speed of the underlying protection dissipates.

"All the soldiers listened and prepared to fight." Beitang Yu shouted, as the protective cover burst. She will split the two Mozu pioneers at the beginning with two swords.

"The protective cover is broken, and the Mozu soldiers are fully attacked. All creatures are killed." The bloodsucker Tiro holds the dead body of the dragon magic Corolla, and snoring.

The fierce battle was kicked off. Everyone knows the consequences, it is not that you die, but I am dead. So no one left, no one escaped.

"Brothers, kill, kill a capital, kill two to earn one." A small captain of the Cangwu Emperor screamed, and the steel knife in his hand brought a light blue temper to break into a Mozu. In the soldier's body, his body was then pierced by two other Mozu soldiers. At this juncture, he also cut back the head of a Mozu soldier with a backhand, and closed his eyes with a smile. He earned one, value!

The entire huge city of Tenglong has been caught in a chaotic battle, and the heavens and the earth are full of shadows.

In a place in the east wall of Tenglong City, it was crowded into the high-level magical demon of most of the Mozu. They frantically besieged a group of thousands of the most elite soldiers guarding Ximeng and Beitangyu. They all I know that these people are relatives of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The Gorefiend Tyre Baizhang Heights body directly into the battle circle, he must fulfill the commitment to the dragon magic Corolla, to worship him with the two most dear ones. Anger, Ximen madness and Murong Bo and a group of hidden high-ranking people struggled with the **** devil Tiro, all of them spurting blood and still insisting.

"Boom" Gorefiend will defeat Murongbo and others, leaving Ximen Fury and Dongfang.

"Hey, you are the parents of Longyi. Today, my brother will be a companion to Huangquan." The blood-stained Tiro smiled, and the huge arms, like the Mount Taishan, generally smashed toward Ximen and the East.

"His Majesty……"


Everyone is smashing, and they are offering the most powerful attacks, but they can't stop the **** devil Tiro.

At this juncture, a black shadow lightning-like intrusion, it is actually a hard life to put Tiro's arm in a stagnation, and so on, Ximen anger and the East 婉 have flashed the attack circle that they suffocate.

The black shadow flew back, and it was a black dragon with a length of 100 meters. I saw it with a big mouth and sucked the people around it to the Mozu soldiers.

"You are a bad guy who bullies the girl, and the father will hit your ass." The scream of the dragon is so cute that it is a girl who has turned dozens of times.

"Devouring the dragon body? It's a pity that the end of adulthood, or else it is really troublesome." Tiro sneered, and the huge figure flashed and attacked.

Tiro did not brag, but only a few dozen strokes killed the girl, and at that time the most elite Cangwu Imperial soldiers had lost their lives. In the control of Tyro.

"You are ugly, but you only dare to blame my second brother is not a sneak attack, there is a kind of waiting for my second brother to come back." Simon did not hate faintly, a white ritual robes are full of dust.

"Don't delay the time, Long Yi, he can't save you." Tiro said coldly.

"That's not necessarily." A vibrating voice blew in the air, and the colorful radiance suddenly rose to form a vortex. The Mozu soldiers who surrounded the dragon to the pro-person were suddenly pushed back by a giant force by more than 100 meters.

Among the whirlpools, the dragon is stunned by the colorful gods of the gods.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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