MTL - World Controlling God-Chapter 1688 Identity exposure

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Reloating, a young patriarch of the Lei family, once took the brigade to the end of Tianyu, preparing to join forces with the Devils and Tigers to kill the people in the Tianyuan area.

Unexpectedly, he was "smart touched" to his own family, Lelo, and there were two brothers named Wu Xiao and Wu Fan.

As a result, the two men induced a devastating attack on the Devils and Tigers, destroying the Devils and Tigers, and finally led to a life-and-death battle between their Lei and Devils!

Later, Relotin and others found that both Leloy and Wu Xiao were missing.

At first, I thought that several of them were killed by the Devils and Tigers.

However, when they called on other people to fight against the people of the Devils and Tigers, they learned from some people’s news that Wu Xiao’s real name was Ling Xiao, a human medicine **** from the Jin family, and also a pharmacy association. Honorary deputy, the devil is the opposite of the Devil Tiger.

Rerotin was furious after knowing the news, and they understood that it was a sneer.

They are regretful, but the deep hatred of the Devil Tigers is already settled. No matter what they want to deal with, the Devils and Tigers are not willing to give up.

This caused them to only pour the bitter water in their stomachs, and they couldn’t say it!

This account, Raylotin is in his heart, thinking that sooner or later he will have to bring it back.

I don't want to, Ling Xiao has already killed them in the Lei nationality, it really makes him unexpected!

"Luoting, do you recognize the kid?" The Lei nationality patriarch did not hurry to catch up, but asked Relodin.

"Knowing, why don't you know, this kid is hooked up with Luo Xie and deceives us. If you don't believe that you can ask the elders of Bandung, I didn't expect him to be so bold. They all came to our family. It is really hateful! "Relotin said with a grin."

"It’s really awesome. It seems that I really have to take him down!" After the old patriarch of the Lei nationality snorted, he spurred the past in the direction of Ling Xiao and Shi Cangyang.

His speed is astonishingly fast, and there is a double of Thunder Dragon. It is not a problem to catch up with Ling Xiao and Shi Cangyang at such a speed.

At the same time, the other four or five figures pursued the past with the Lei nationality patriarchs. These people are the peaks, and Lei Xiaogang and Lei Wanlong are in the list. Both of them are comparable to the Tianyu Supreme. The top people on the list.

These people together can be comparable to a thousand horses!

Other Lei people did not have the speed to keep up with their pace, only to return to the Lei family to wait for news.

Ling Xiao and Shi Cangyang have already escaped from the distance, but they still feel too slow.

"The main hall, or you will escape from the other direction, I will lead them!" Ling Xiao finally decided to end.

"How can this be done? You have been lucky to save me. I am very grateful to the old man. How can you let this person take risks now? In that case, how do you want me to go back to face the boy?" Replied.

"No, Lord, I am taking you now, but I will not let them deal with them. If you leave first, I will be able to escape from them. I have the spirit and the shackles to stop them. You must believe me. The ability!" Ling Xiao firmly persuaded, and paused him again. "As long as you return to the Tianyuan area, your reputation can immediately call on all the supreme areas of Tianyuan, and you must count this account with the Lei people in the morning and evening. !".

The teacher Cangyang looks cloudy and does not stop, and can't decide next time.

Ling Xiao has summoned the macho man. "After the fierce man, you obey the instructions of the main hall and escorted him back to the celestial domain!"

The macho is already the eleventh-order mid-level strength. It has a pair of mutated tiger wings, which is no less than the general eleventh-order high-order sacred beast, so it is most suitable for the main hall.

Cangyang looked at Ling Xiao and no longer hesitated. "Okay, I will go from the other direction first. You must succeed in getting out, or else the old man will face the butterfly with no face!"

After all, he jumped on the back of the macho, and fled in one direction.

The macho speed is extremely fast, and in a flash there is only a little light left in the distance.

Ling smiled and glanced at the peak of the water and the life of the Supreme and all the active Supreme, intending to let them delay for a while, never let them catch up with Cangyang.

At the same time, he speeded up the recovery of the spirit of the soul, ready to fight.

"It should be a chaotic minefield not far from here. It is said that there may be a source of thunder properties, and the power of lightning there is not even easy for the Lei people to get close to absorption. Only some special strong existence can be used there. Absorbing the power of chaos and thunder, and those people do not dare to enter, for fear of being killed by alive, chaotic Tianlei is the most horrible force in the world, if you have to do so, maybe I can only hide there! Ling smiled and calculated the dark thoughts.

When Ling Xiao escaped, it was already a good route.

He already knew that the most dangerous area near the lightning space was the chaotic minefield.

There is a place where people and animals are close, and no one wants to be close to the most dangerous places.

Ling Xiao is not the body of Raytheon. He will never go there if he has to.

At the beginning, he took the opportunity to come here with the purpose of using Wu Wufan's chaotic warfare to see if he could enter this chaotic minefield. Unfortunately, people are not as good as days, but Wu is not infiltrated into the inexplicable black hole.

After Ling Xiao left all the living, he began to escape!

When these activities are destroyed, he can reunite, but he hangs, and that is all to no avail. Floating astronomical gods control the world

Ling Xiao drove the Thunder Dragon to escape to the direction of the Chaos Minefield at the fastest speed.

When the Lei nationality patriarchs and others wanted to catch up with Ling Xiao and Shi Cangyang, many of the most outstanding singers left by Ling Xiao blocked their steps.

"This kid is really a lot of means, you stayed behind to deal with them, I used to chase the kid!" After the Lei nationality patriarchs bombarded the two live cockroaches, they immediately broke through the obstruction of these cockroaches and ran to Lingxiao first. The direction has rushed over.

At the same time, the old patriarch finally summoned his Tianlei beast, so as not to encounter other obstacles, so that he can cope in the first time.

Lei Xiaogang also screamed "I am going with you, my Fengmei and Xiaogui have been under his control, I have to take him down and let him uncontrol!".

The strength of Lei Xiaogang is almost the same as that of the old Lei nationality patriarch. He also smashed two or three live knives and chased the footsteps of the Lei nationality patriarchs. The rest of the people stayed behind to kill these activities. .

Ling Xiao is more and more anxious, he has already sensed the closeness of the Lei people.

"The speed of Thunder Dragon is still too slow, and it can only rely on the soul!" Ling Xiao snorted, and summoned the soul of the soul to regain the spirit, and then recovered the Thunder Dragon, which was pulled by the soul and quickly Run away!

The spirit of the soul is already at the peak level, and it broke out 70 times of combat power and speed. Like a meteor, it has already flown a long distance between the moments.

As long as he can get rid of the pursuit of the peak of the Lei family, he will be able to escape.

The Lei nationality patriarch and Lei Xiaogang all sensed that the speed of Lingxiao suddenly increased. After they snorted, they each took the speed of the gods, which made their speed soar.

"The kid is going to the chaotic minefield space, he can't escape much!" Lei Xiaogang frowned.

"Maybe this kid wants to escape by chaos." The old patriarch of the Lei family thought of a possibility!

"How is this possible? Chaos Tianlei power geometry you and I know, we can not go deep, let alone that kid!" Lei Xiaogang does not think it.

"You don't know that the kid naturally said that the chaotic vortex that appeared in the past is related to this kid. Although he is not motivated, he may also have some unexpected abilities, perhaps avoiding these chaotic lei. The madness is also uncertain!" said the Lei nationality patriarch.

"Sure enough, there are such things!" Lei Xiaogang said differently.

"Well, so we must give him a slap, and never give him a chance! There may be a lot of secrets on him."

"You are right, but my family once had three uncles into the chaotic minefield. The life jade tube shows that two uncles have fallen, but there is also a family uncle who still shows alive, if the uncle is able to Walking out of the chaotic minefield, maybe it is time for our Lei people to dominate the inside and outside of the domain!" Lei Xiaogang thought of something, and his face was excited.

"However, the uncle is unparalleled in talent. He has entered the chaotic minefield for tens of thousands of years without destroying. If he achieves the eternal state of the day, that is the fortune of our Lei people!"

The two talked as they hurryed.

In the blink of an eye, three days and three nights have passed, and Ling Xiao’s power is extremely expensive, but he still can’t get rid of the other’s lock-up pursuit.

"Damn, is it really necessary to force me to escape into this chaotic minefield?" Ling Xiao was very depressed.

He really wants to stop and fight with the other side, but he has seen the strength of the Lei nationality patriarch, I am afraid that it is stronger than the existence of Jiang Dian.

It is necessary for him to be at least the top five or more horrors in comparison with Tianyu’s Supreme List. Even if it is here, he dare not say that he can win the other side.

It must be said that Ray's attribute is called the most powerful attribute power is not chaotic!

The closer to the chaotic minefield, Lingyue feels the intensity of the lightning power here, and the power of lightning from time to time has made the general Supreme God begin to bear.

Ling Xiao was able to cope with it at first, but as he rushed in this direction, more and more lightning, making his speed greatly reduced.

"Damn, I knew that letting the Thunder Dragon take the Dragon Ball and let him become a Thunder Dragon. It will definitely help me. Now let it take it down!" Ling Xiao said with some disapproval.

At this time, the two Lei nationality peaks have been caught up!

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