MTL - World Controlling God-Chapter 1701 Lu Ji rushed back

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Above the sky, I saw a mountain-like tortoise that moved up and shrouded the sky above Tianlongmen, covering the women, and locked in the high-ranking Supreme Jiang Yinhu.

This is a very mighty basaltic beast, sitting on top of it like two fair-minded women.

These two women are really Yunmengqi and ice if water!

Two years ago, they came out from the cold, but they returned to Tianlongmen after they had arrived at the Lotus.

Unexpectedly, when they came back, they found it amazed.

Driven by Yunmengqi, this basaltic beast was facing the Jiang Yinhu.

Although it is huge, it is moving very fast!

The high-end supreme reaction was also extremely fast. He sensed a terrible breath and slammed away in an instant, while the big knife in his hand rushed out in one direction.

His attack wave is enough to kill any opponent below the high-end Supreme.

When these forces are for the basaltic beasts, it is simply insignificant!

It is the existence of the eleventh-level peak level, and it is a sacred beast that is famous for its defense. Even the dragon scale defense of the real dragon beast cannot be compared with its mysterious defense.

It slammed, and a column of water came out of the sky, directly catching up with the **** and silver tigers.

At the crucial time, Jiang Yinhu summoned his bodyguards to the front.


The sacred beast guarded in front of Jiang Yinhu was hit by this water column, and immediately fell apart, turning into a pool of blood and splashing.

Jiang Yinhu was even shocked and flew for several kilometers. The gods felt that they were exploding, and the blood in their mouths rushed out.

He widened his eyes and looked at the basaltic beast in front of him. He couldn’t help but yell, “Hurry... come here, there is a basaltic beast here!”.

He knows that the Wanglong Mountain Range is the habitat of the Golden Dragon family, but it is not like here to see another legendary sacred oracle, and this is not a general basaltic beast, it is the kind of peak level existence, able to The old turtles that compare the two old dragon kings are really unexpected.

Jiang Yinhu’s screaming, it really attracted a lot of people from the Devil’s Tigers to pay attention.

The first party of Jiang Dian went down to deal with other people and swept in the direction of the basaltic beast.

"The gantry of this day is really good, so even the basaltic beasts are there, isn't the people of Xuanwu Zong come to help?" Jiang Dian thought in his heart.

It’s just that he hasn’t rushed over yet, and the basaltic beast has already spurred a breath, and he has pressed Jiang Yinhu into a meat sauce, and there is almost no possibility of survival!

The women and others were saved, and immediately saw Yunmengqi and Bingruo on the sky, all of which showed a happy color.

"It is Mengqi sister, she is back." Bai Yuxi preached first.

"She can't change the facts when she comes back. Let's leave with the mother-in-law!" Luo Meiying said from the side.

Everyone else took the remedy to recover the injury and barely got together and retreated.

At this time, Yun Meng Xi is already letting the basaltic beasts rush to Jiang Dian, and the battle is together.

She flew over to the women with the ice.

Ice if the water also summoned her bodyguards, it is a 11th-order mid-four-wing ice sculpture.

With her strength, it is naturally impossible to conquer such a powerful four-wing ice sculpture, but it is not a problem with a basaltic beast.

"爹娘, Sisters, you are all coming up, I will take you away!" Bingruo water let the four-wing ice sculpture fall down and call her.

She did not hesitate, and she went up to the back of the ice sculpture.

But the disabled leopard, Ye Yunfeng, Madian and other people did not go up, they have to stay to fight for their time!

Only when the four-winged ice sculpture had not been able to escape, the sacred beast of the Devil Tigers surrounded it so that it could not immediately break through with the women.

Fortunately, the four-wing ice sculpture is extremely fast, and it can also be entangled with these three holy beasts, not immediately killed.

But this is no longer the way, and it will not be long before they all die.

Yun Mengqi has advanced to the power of the Supreme God. She finally launched a powerful killing. A mysterious sword method has killed the past with one of the holy beasts.

The water waves of the sky and the Jianguang attack with a very strong source of power, its power is actually no less than the power of the low-end supreme peak.

Especially the cold water wave, directly touched the holy beast, so that the body of the holy beast actually began to corrode.

After it screamed a few times in a row, it was actually dissolved directly to the skeleton to die!

Yun Mengqi succeeded in getting a hand, and did not stop it. He immediately attacked another holy beast with the four-wing ice sculpture.

Yunmeng Qi Xianzi 绰绰, swordsmanship is brilliant, the water waves that come out are with a different dark blue color, but also contains terrible death.

This is an alternative source of strength, the absolute cold water in the cold!

Yunmengqi and Bingruo entered the forbidden land, and almost died in the end. Fortunately, they were also a big organic fate. They each received a small chance, especially Yunmengqi’s recognition of Xuanwu’s beasts. The power that absorbs the cold and stagnant water has an extraordinary power.

It is a pity that the dozens of the Devil Tigers are strong, and they have two people who have been killed by them.

"You should be a woman who is laughing, I have to find out clearly, Lingke's wife and wife look like a fairy. Now it seems that the rumors are true. Today, you will go back and you will all be a prostitute. I believe Ling Xiao knows. After this news, the expression will be very exciting!" A mid-level supreme peak of a devil tiger rushed over and laughed.

He is a person who collects all kinds of materials. All the information about Ling Xiao has already been studied thoroughly.

Previously, Ling Xiao led the Devils and Tigers to destroy their Devils and Tigers. He was a lucky escaper.

Together with him is also a mid-level supreme, the two plus two holy beasts, has been blocked by the four-wing ice sculpture and Yunmengqi.

Yunmeng Qijiao said, "You will definitely not die!".

She wants to summon the basaltic beasts, but the basaltic beasts are on the level of Jiang Dian's opponents, and there is also a black demon tiger king, and they have not been able to kill them at one time!

"Hey, we can't die, then you are not as good as death!" The middle-ranked Supreme Peak sneered.

At the same time, they launched an offensive against Yunmengqi and the four-wing ice sculptures, and they wanted to give them all.

Even if Yunmengqi has the ability to improve the strength of the cold water, the gap between the levels is still too far.

She couldn’t stand the two tricks of her opponent and she was seriously injured.

As for the four-winged ice sculpture, it was smashed with blood, and the body slammed the girls out, only to have it killed a few times.

Everyone is a dead face, knowing that this is really their death!

They are all done well, even if they are self-destructive, they must not be caught by them, so they will only die if they are abused!

"I will not let you do if I die!" Although Jibeixin's temper is gentle, but the heart is extremely strong, she said that she will blew herself on the spot.

It was just a powerful force that shrouded her and blocked her, making her power difficult to work.

"In front of us, you have no qualifications for self-destruction!" The middle-ranked Supreme Peak sneered.

Just as the two great Supreme Gods wanted to arrest them, a golden man volleyed toward them.

This golden mans is terrible, like the pillars of the heavens, with the power of thousands of scorpions, able to destroy the Milky Way and destroy everything!

The two Supreme Gods were shocked. They took their own artifacts and rushed up, but they were still flying away from this golden man.

A few figures rushed from a distance, and the golden awns were floating, sparkling with a powerful momentum.

"Let's go back now, let me clean them up!" A cold voice came out.

The women looked at the people who rescued them, and found that this is a person who looks like a monk.

He was covered with golden hair, his head with a gold hoop, a gold rod, and a golden armor, and his incomparable breath swayed out.

He is not exactly what Yuan Zhantian, who was separated from Lingxiao as early as Dongyu Road, is still there!

There are also several sacred beasts that come back with him, the Monkey King and the Skull King. They are not the ones who once came out with him in the celestial domain, but the helpers Yuan Zhantian found outside the domain.

He has the blood of the battle sacred, can make the monkeys, Wan Hao surrender, he is now turned into a real battle sacred.

His strength has also risen from the initial low-order supreme to the mid-level supreme peak.

With his combat power, even the high-ranking Supreme can fight, not to mention the presence of two eleventh-order high-level monkey kings and kings behind him, enough to protect Ling Xiao's woman.

"Great, there is Yuan brother back, we are saved!" Ye Yunfeng could not help but whisper.

"Don't be too happy, he can protect us, but don't forget the horrible existence!" The leopard poured cold water.

Yuan Zhantian quickly killed the two mid-level supreme and several sacred beasts with a few holy beasts.

However, in nine days, the eternal **** has already swallowed many Supreme Gods and a sacred beast!

A lot of blood fog appeared, and the screams of the road were shocked from time to time.

The power of the magic cloud black hole is endless. Every black hole is difficult to destroy. From time to time, there is a magic palm. The Supreme God and the Holy Beast are hard to balance.

The two old dragon kings also tried their best, all of them were blood, but they could only hold back the black tiger and tiger emperor.

This campaign, the Jinzu and Tianlongmen are really heavy losses!

If this continues, it must be removed from the domain.

At this time, there was a glimmer of gold gongs flying outside the domain.

This golden enamel group is like a dragon shape, and the speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it has flown through countless space distances and rushed to the outer domain of the celestial domain.

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