MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5178 Make good use of catastrophe

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Lingxu was already full of anger because Chen Xiang was attacked by the time gods, and now the time gods are so disrespectful to him, it makes him intolerable.

"You bastard, you broke my master's arm, and you are still so rampant in front of me at the moment, I fought my life today, or can you make your grandson have a better life!"

Lingxu's eyes suddenly flashed golden light, the entire Tiangu Xing was trembling at the moment, and the power of the star core surged wildly.

"Lingxu, please stop..." An elder of the Star Spirit clan hurriedly discouraged him.

Xuanyuanling also realized that the matter was serious. If it continued like this, Tiangu Xing would definitely be finished, and it would be difficult for them to go back to work.

"A Feng, admit your mistake!" Xuanyuanling shouted, "Quickly kneel down to the old senior to admit your mistake."

Seeing Xuanyuan Ling's reaction, Xuanyuan Feng could only clench his teeth and kneel.

"You cut off my arm!" Ling Xu shouted angrily.

"I'm coming!" Seeing Ling Xu's desperate look, Xuanyuan Ling could only do as he wanted.

If Tiangu Xing is finished, even if they can survive, they will definitely be punished when they go back.

Xuanyuanling walked over and broke one of Xuanyuanfeng's arms, Xuanyuanfeng just frowned, he had no complaints.

"Ling Xu, go!"

Several elders of the Star Spirit Race hurriedly left with Ling Xu.

At this time, there was also a clan elder of the Star Spirit clan here, and he said coldly: "Don't you want Tiangu Xing? You have agreed with you before, but you have regretted it. How will you cooperate in the future?"

"No matter what, we must capture the person named Chen Xiang." Xuanyuan Ling said.

"You can handle this by yourself, but you have to remember that if there is a big incident in Tiangu Xing because of catching him, don't blame us for turning your face." The clan elder's tone was strong.

Xuanyuanling let Chen Xiang go, she was very upset, and she would be punished when she went back, so she also wanted to catch Chen Xiang quickly.

Of course, she knew that Chen Xiang was no longer in Tiangu Xing. The Tiangu Purgatory was so big, and the flame domain alone was too big for her to find. If Chen Xiang wanted to hide, she would not be able to find it at all.

Chen Xiang was in retreat at this time, he put a lot of purgatory blood fruit into purgatory blood beads, and then obtained a lot of purgatory holy marrow through purgatory blood beads.

Finally, through the purgatory holy marrow refining into pills for himself to eat, which can quickly increase the strength of his body.

If his physical body is strong enough, his arm will not be broken so easily.

Thinking of his arm being broken, Chen Xiang couldn't be more angry!

"Brother, the Temple of Heaven and Human is still on the way, that is to say, a lot of time has not arrived yet. There is not much time for Heaven and Human to come to Tianguxing." Sister Xiaojing said.

"Yes, I'll ask Lingxu when I look back to see how much time there is. I'll kill them all." Chen Xiang snorted: "These guys are too deceiving."

Chen Xiang intends to destroy the Time Heavenly Man, and then hide the Heavenly Ancient Star before the Heavenly Man Temple comes.

Chen Xiang ate two of the Purgatory Holy Marrow Pills that had just been refined, and then began to practice again.

The Shui Shengxiang and the others in the Xianzhan Xuanmo Tower also ate a lot of purgatory blood fruit, and then entered the time array for a long retreat.

The blood of purgatory erupted out of Tiangu Xing more and more, mixed into the creation force, along with the star core spewing out, it can be said that the entire Tiangu Xing has a strong blood energy.

After absorbing that kind of blood-qi cultivation creature, the body becomes stronger and stronger, and after absorbing all kinds of exotic flowers and plants on Tiangu Xing, it also turns into very precious medicinal materials.

Although the rivers and seas in Tianguxing looked very clear, they contained thick blood energy.

The entire Tiangu Xing seems to erupt the blood of purgatory at any time!

Such a wealth of purgatory blood resources made Xuanyuanling and the others feel incredible in their dozens of times.

Even they need the blood of purgatory very much.

The Protoss clan is also acting secretly, successively shaping the bodies of Protoss through a large amount of purgatory blood, and then transferring a large number of Protoss from the second layer of the ancient purgatory.

When the Protoss returned to the first floor, they could only abandon the physical bodies they cultivated on the second floor. After returning, with the bodies remodeled by the blood of purgatory, they could also grow stronger quickly.

The members of the Heavenly Ancient Star Alliance have also entered the mysterious Holy Nucleus cultivation one after another.

Although the Time Celestials are in Tiangu Star, they don't know much about it, and they don't dare to mess around now, worrying that the Star Spirit Race will destroy Tiangu Star by themselves, and they won't be able to take this responsibility at that time.

The three major hegemonic forces and the Prison Blood Demon also benefited from the rich blood energy of Tianguxing, but they did not occupy a good place now, and although there was no blood energy in that desert, the blood energy under the desert was very rich.

It's just that the desert has been occupied by the Tiangu Star Alliance, and the three major hegemonic forces naturally know it.

The three overlords have also been looking for opportunities to attack the desert, but Ling Xu will definitely take action.

Chen Xiang has been cultivating for thousands of years in the inner core space of the Six Paths Ancient Star, through the time formation of the Six Paths Divine Mirror, and only a few months have passed outside.

"Brother, you must at least have the cultivation base of the Supreme Heavenly Great Venerable, so that you can beat the heavens and people of those times." Sister Xiaojing said: "You obviously haven't reached it yet, your current strength is only at the peak of the ancient holy gods. ."

"I am afraid that the Supreme Heaven is not enough. The three hegemons are all of the Supreme Heaven, but they are willing to become subordinates in the face of Xuanyuanling." Chen Xiang said: "And the Supreme Heaven is on the second floor of the ancient purgatory. It's just the bottom line."

Chen Xiang ate a lot of Purgatory Holy Marrow Pills, his body was already very strong, and at the same time, his destiny was enhanced.

He has not cultivated a new destiny for a long time, but his divine power has become much stronger.

He also discovered now that after his body and soul became stronger, his fate would also become stronger and bigger.

The divine power released by the fate has also increased many times!

"Sister Jing, the speed of my body and my life is getting slower and slower. If I don't break through, I won't be able to reach the realm of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate." Chen Xiang said.

"Brother, you need to cultivate a new fate." Sister Xiaojing said: "And this new fate must be difficult to cultivate."

"I know!" Chen Xiang nodded.

"However, how to cultivate? Use a lot of Purgatory Holy Essence to cultivate one?" Sister Xiaojing frowned.

"I plan to use the power of the Heavenly Ancient Tribulation to refine a destiny!" Chen Xiang said: "Just treat it as me to save the calamity."

"Will it be dangerous?" Sister Xiaojing thought it was feasible, but she was worried.

"My body and soul need to be tempered with the Heavenly Ancient Tribulation." Chen Xiang said: "We have to find a way to attract a powerful Heavenly Ancient Tribulation."

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