MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5214 Purgatory

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The sudden and huge change of the ancient star of Liudaotian also made many stars feel panic, or excited and excited.

Some star people panic because they fear that this humanoid star will bring disaster.

The excited and excited star people are even more convinced that there is a star queen there, and they all very much hope to **** the queen and give them a powerful group.

Chen Xiang continued to contact Qingxing, but he was still unable to contact him. He was really anxious now, because both Liudaotian Guxing and Qingxing were very important to him.

Especially Qingxing, that is his man, if something goes wrong, he will not forgive himself.

Chen Xiang now understands that this galaxy is a gathering place for all kinds of stars, and there must be a force that gathers them here.

Because Qingxing was inside the ancient star of Liu Dao Tian, ​​after being sensed by that force, the entire ancient star of Liu Dao Tian was moved here.

For the ancient star of Liudao, this place is not good, because the stars here are too complicated, and the ancient star of Liudao is so bright, especially now there is a queen of stars in it!

Chen Xiang was so anxious, he could only watch as there was nothing he could do, it was an incomparably huge change in the stars, Chen Xiang's strength simply couldn't intervene.

With the strength of the ancient star Liu Dao Tian, ​​no one can intervene!

"That group of things have all sorts of nasty ideas about Qingxing! They're talking about the Star Queen, but they want Qingxing to be their breeding slave."

Chen Xiang was very annoyed, if Liu Dao Tian Gu Xing stayed here, Qing Xing would definitely be frequently harassed by various powerful stars.

Sister Xiaojing suddenly said: "Xiaoyun, the ancient star of Liudaotian is still there! Look at the Xingyun portrait in the middle, it should be the ancient star of Liudaotian."

The ancient star Liudaotian just gushed out a cloud of gas and turned into a portrait, it didn't disappear, it was still in the nebula.

Seeing that the ancient star Liu Daotian was still there, Chen Xiang was much more relieved.

Suddenly, the nebula image of the sunny star moved, and it seemed to be moving away from the galaxy, and it was moving very fast.

"Go, let's follow!"

The Mirror of the Six Paths immediately flew over, and a large group of star people also shouted, and then flew towards the ancient star of the Six Paths.

They're both fast, and they both seem to be able to jump through space somehow.

The ancient star Liu Daotian left Xinghe, and Xinghe also released a strong suction force, as if to keep the ancient star Liu Daotian.

There are strong lights everywhere in the light field, and it is normal only to have a galaxy in this place.

And now the ancient star Liu Daotian, which has turned into a huge human figure, has gradually entered into the white sea of ​​light.

After the ancient star of the Six Paths entered the sea of ​​light, those stars didn't chase after it. They seemed to be afraid of the light.

Chen Xiang was not afraid, so he immediately followed.

The speed of Liudaotian ancient star is getting faster and faster, as fast as it was sucked by the galaxy before.

Chen Xiang followed behind, he could only catch up by jumping through space, otherwise he would be thrown off soon.

The light in the light field is too strong, even if the ancient star Liu Daotian bursts out with strong light, it is all covered by the sea of ​​light, and the ancient star Liu Daotian cannot be seen at all.

The ancient star of Liudaotian flew for a long time, and stopped only when it came to a place where the light cloud was very dense.

The ancient star of Liudaotian quickly spun itself, scrolling the light energy around it, devouring and absorbing the light frantically.

Chen Xiang also stopped in the distance, because he didn't dare to approach, the energy changes there were too violent, if he approached, he would definitely be affected.

He still continued to contact Qingxing, tried for a long time, and finally got in touch.

"Qingxing, you scared me to death! What's going on with Liudaotian ancient star?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It is in the process of star transformation, and it will be completed soon." Qingxing said: "Liu Daotian ancient star is not only star transformation, but also creation after star transformation."

"Creation?" Chen Xiang asked in surprise: "What does the ancient star Liu Daotian want to create?"

"The ancient star of the Six Paths is going to open up wasteland in the ancient purgatory and create a piece of land! The light in the light field is very rich in creation power... The time here is chaotic, and an orderly land can be formed in a short period of time." Sunny Star said.

"Ah? Then I saw that the ancient star Liu Daotian changed into your appearance..."

Chen Xiang was very shocked, Liu Daotian ancient star's ambition is so big.

"Yes, there will be a statue of me at that time, which will be the center of Tiangu Purgatory!" Qingxing said: "Brother Shen, you should stay away from this place as soon as possible, the light in the light domain will soon solidify and turn into land... In the end, it will spread to the entire ancient purgatory!"

Chen Xiang was shocked again. He originally thought that the earth created by the ancient star of the Six Paths might only be in the light domain, but he didn't expect to turn the entire ancient purgatory into the earth.

When the ancient purgatory turns into the earth, the stars will be in the sky, and the earth is so big, it will definitely gather a lot of energy. What will the ancient purgatory become then?

Then, what about places like Yanyu Leiyu?

Chen Xiang asked: "Qingxing, what about you? How can I see you then?"

"You can come to this statue to find me when the time comes, I belong to you!" Qingxing said: "I will wait for you to come!"

At this time, there was a spatial fluctuation, like a wave.

After the place where the Divine Mirror of Six Paths was located was impacted, it was pushed far away in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xiang couldn't go to the place where the ancient star Liudaotian was, and he also temporarily lost the ancient star Liudaotian and Qingxing, but Qingxing said that she belonged to him!

And after the ancient star of the Six Paths turned into the earth, he must also be able to obtain some lawful power on this land.

The shocking space fluctuations were pushed far, far away by Chen Xiang, and he returned to the Flame Domain.

"It's back!" Chen Xiang exclaimed, "I never expected that the star change of the ancient star Liu Daotian would be so loud!"

He told Lingxu that the ancient planet of the Six Paths was going to create the earth.

"Master, it is very likely that the ancient purgatory gave the ancient star Liudao some mission. Such a huge change cannot be accomplished by the ancient star Liudao." Lingxu said.

"I don't know, Qingxing didn't tell me too much." Chen Xiang shook his head, he took out the communication talisman, and contacted Huang Jintian, he wanted to summon the entire Tiangu Star Alliance.

"Perhaps, when the earth becomes complete, maybe the chaos brought about by time will end in the future? The earth is equivalent to solidifying the creation force and the power of time, and does not allow time to change." Lingxu said: "And now the sky The ancient purgatory is made up of chaotic time, a group of time people are making trouble, as long as time is sealed in the earth, won't everything be fine?"

Chen Xiang thinks that what Lingxu said is very likely to be correct, Tiangu Purgatory should have also produced its own consciousness, and it is also fighting against time.

It is said that it is the era of star change, but in fact, it is the ancient purgatory itself that is changing!

The ancient purgatory in the past was an endless void, but now the void is to be solidified into the earth, which must gather a lot of energy.