MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5223 The Holy City of Taurus

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Chen Xiang was very puzzled, and asked: "What doesn't have inherent attributes and forms? Generally speaking, what are the Dao Souls of Absolute Beginning like?"

Niu Chao didn't seem to understand what was going on, he shook his head and said: "Under normal circumstances, the Dao Soul in the beginning always has a fixed attribute, and most of the attributes are one of the five elements, with few exceptions. Then there is the form, For example, wood, some people’s primordial souls are flowers, plants and trees.”

Chen Xiang asked: "Then mine isn't one of the five elements? Or is my Absolute Beginning Dao Soul all five elements?"

Niu Chao nodded and said, "It's the Dao Soul of the Five Elements. Although I haven't seen it, it exists in the legend. The strange thing about your Dao Soul is that it has no form."

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Chen Xiang really couldn't see the form of his primordial Dao Soul now, it was just a mass of things, located in the depths of his soul.

He spread his palms and said, "This is my Dao Mark of Absolute Beginning, does it have something to do with this?"

"Let me take a look at your Dao Mark of Absolute Beginning... It's so strange, it looks like a star field." Niu Chao looked at Chen Xiang's palm.

I have to say that this Niu Chao is quite understanding, and he can actually see that it looks like a star field.

That is indeed what the Tianxuan Starfield looks like.

"Master, will Dao Marks of Absolute Beginning affect Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It may have an impact! What's the matter with your Dao Mark in the beginning? Why does it look more and more like a star field! If the Dao Mark in the beginning is a star, it is incredible. Generally only the royal family among the stars can have it. There may be star marks. And you come directly to a star field..."

Niu Chao didn't pay much attention to Chen Xiang's Dao Marks in the First Beginning, he thought that Chen Xiang was just an ordinary survivor of the ancient times, and the Dao Marks in the Absolute Beginning were just casual.

Niu Chao is very sure that Chen Xiang is an ancient remnant, but how could the ancient remnant have a trace of the primordial dao in the shape of a star field?

There were too many puzzles on Chen Xiang, Niu Chao couldn't solve them, in fact, when he first met Chen Xiang, he felt that Chen Xiang was different, so he controlled Village Chief Niu to let him give himself to Chen Xiang.

I didn't expect it to be like this now, Chen Xiang is indeed very difficult.

Niu Chao said: "Little apprentice, your primordial Dao soul may be the stars...Five stars mean infinite possibilities."

Chen Xiang asked: "Then can I start cultivating the Divine Bead of Absolute Beginning now?"

Niu Chao nodded and said, "Yes, you can, but you need to gather a lot of primordial power. The primordial power in this place is too thin. You need to gather it for at least several years to condense the beads."

Chen Xiang is an alchemist, of course he also knows that the power of primordial primordial is so thin that it is really difficult to condense it into beads.

"I can only go to the Holy City of Jinniu, try your luck in it, and see if you can get some magic pills or something." Niu Chao said: "I will cut off two horns at that time, and I should be able to exchange you for two magic pills." Dan."

"Master, you are so kind to me...By the way, are your horns very precious?" Chen Xiang looked at Niu Chao's two big golden horns, which looked very beautiful and mighty.

"Of course my ox horns are expensive, and they can grow in about a few years, and they are also an important medicine for alchemy, and they are also excellent materials for refining weapons." Niu Chao sighed: "Who made you my little apprentice?" ? Of course Master will help you."

Chen Xiang was quite moved, this cheap master wanted to sell horns to help him, it was considered very responsible.

Chen Xiang said: "Master, I know how to make alchemy. Before the heaven and earth were formed in the early days, I was a very powerful alchemist."

Niu Chao said: "Little apprentice, the way of alchemy in the world in the early days is completely different from yours. The alchemy technique of your time will not work here. You used to be a very good alchemist? How good is it? ?”

Chen Xiang thinks that alchemy is not bad, he said with a smile: "I was able to refine powerful stars back then, and even create star fields..."

Niu Chao smiled and said, "Little apprentice, you can really brag!"

Chen Xiang curled his lips and said, "Forget it if you don't believe me."

Of course Niu Chao didn't believe it. He took Chen Xiang to the Golden Bull Holy City. On the way, they saw some people one after another. When those people saw Niu Chao, the golden bull, they all looked at Chen Xiang with envy.

Owning a Taurus may seem like a big deal in this place.

Chen Xiang also knows now that the previous village that raised gold bulls was very powerful, and it raised a large group of powerful gold bulls, but those people are also local stars, protected by the star of gold bulls, they don't need to practice or anything, they are almost living Living in isolation.

Chen Xiang followed Niu Chao, walked for several days, and finally came to the Holy City of Jinniu. After entering the city, he found that there were many beasts wandering around in the city, and no one followed them.

Only later did he know that those beasts, like Niu Chao, can speak directly and are also independent. Although they cannot transform into human form, they have their own thoughts and are very powerful.

These beasts are here and can live in harmony with humans.

Even the larger ones, such as the giant rhino that is as huge as a hut, can move around in the city.

The Holy City of the Golden Bull is very large, and the streets are very spacious. Although the houses are relatively simple stone houses, there are a large number of beasts walking around, which makes the whole city very shocking.

If the beasts live in the hotel, they can only live in that kind of yard, and they all have their own yard.

"Master, beasts and humans coexist peacefully... Will they fight in secret?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"Of course there will be. Beasts will also fight with each other, but in the city, everyone will be very honest." Niu Chao said, he is now leading Chen Xiang to walk on the street.

Golden bulls like him are more common in the Holy City of Golden Bulls, and there are many types of bulls and beasts.

Chen Xiang thinks that this may be the way of the beginning, and all living beings coexist harmoniously in the beginning, which is indeed not bad.

"Little disciple, you cut off my horns and take them to the Taichu Academy in exchange for two pills of the Pearl of Beads." Niu Chao said.

"Master, will this affect you in any way?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It will definitely have an impact in the short term. The horn is my weapon, and it is also where I store the divine power of the beginning...Of course, I also have the divine orb of the beginning in my body to store the divine power, but with the horns, I will be stronger." Niu Chao said: "As long as we hide in the city and don't go out, there is generally no danger."

Chen Xiang shook his head and said: "Forget it! Let's find another way! I said that I can make alchemy, so let's find a way to get some medicinal materials. Master, just trust me once, let me try."

Niu Chao couldn't say no to Chen Xiang, and he also knew that Chen Xiang didn't want to consume his horns, so he could only agree, saying: "Let's go outside the Taichu Academy first, there are many shops near the Taichu Academy, just buy medicinal materials at those places gone."

Chen Xiang originally wanted to go to the Academy of Absolute Beginning, because in the Academy of Absolute Beginning he could learn a lot about the Dao of Absolute Beginning.

Chen Xiang asked: "Master, do you think we can enter the Taichu Academy? How can we join the Taichu Academy?"

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