MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5236 Primordial Slave

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Chen Xiang looked at the petite and cute little girl in front of him, and secretly sighed in his heart. Just like Palace Master Xiaoqing, this Golden Bull Holy City is still a baby, and it is far away from the center of the vortex.

If the star gate is opened, it means that the Holy City of Taurus will enter the battlefield, and it is very likely to be very cruel at that time.

"Brother Shen, you... do you really have any enmity with the Sansheng Sect?" Palace Master Xiaoqing couldn't help asking, she seemed to be very concerned about this matter, and she was trying to determine something.

"Well, there is vengeance! Great vengeance!" Chen Xiang must destroy them, because they are the source of the turmoil.

Although the Heaven and Earth of Absolute Beginning have suppressed everything now, and time has been completely suppressed by the Heaven and Earth of Absolute Beginning, there will no longer be people who fluctuate time randomly, and there will be no ripples of time that will cause all kinds of chaos.

However, the Three Saints, that is, the Temple of Time and the others, are the so-called children of time, and they will definitely make a comeback.

The heaven and earth in the beginning of time have just been born 20,000 years ago, so it seems that time has been suppressed at present, but what about in the future? No one can guarantee that the Trinity Church will not use time to create chaos again.

Palace Master Xiaoqing said in a low voice: "Then you don't want to talk about this matter everywhere, okay? Although... our empress and the Three Saints Sect have a good relationship on the surface, but... some things are not as simple as they appear on the surface."

Chen Xiang immediately saw that Palace Mistress Xiaoqing knew something, but she couldn't say it.

Chen Xiang patted her head, and said with a smile: "I know! I have fought with him for a long time, and I have a lot of experience. By the way, is there the Three Sages here?"

Palace Master Xiaoqing nodded lightly and said: "Yes, they are very powerful, so I hope Brother Shen can be more stable and forbearing. The Golden Bull Holy City I am managing now needs their help in building it."

As soon as Chen Xiang heard it, he thought of something, and said: "I heard that there are three star demon forces in the Holy City of Jinniu, and they raised the price of the pill. Does it have anything to do with the Sansheng Sect behind it? If so The Three Saints Sect is playing tricks in the dark, you can't let them be used to."

Palace Master Xiaoqing shook her head lightly and said: "I haven't investigated clearly, so I can't mess around. Even if I know that the Three Saints Sect is behind the scenes, as long as I don't break the rules, I can't do anything about them. You must use wisdom in this kind of thing." solve."

Chen Xiang said: "You talk about rules, do they talk about rules?"

Palace Master Xiaoqing nodded and said: "They also follow the rules. If they don't follow the rules, the empress will punish them from heaven."

Chen Xiang thought carefully, he had always doubted the strength of Empress Qingxing, after all, with Qingxing's strength, he shouldn't be in that situation.

In other words, Qingxing takes the lead and must follow the rules of Taichu Tiandi and act within the rules, so her power is limited and she cannot use it as she wants.

"Okay, I won't trouble them." Chen Xiang promised Palace Mistress Xiaoqing, and said again: "Do you have any way to deal with them?"

"Not yet, but because of your joining, I think we will go much smoother." Palace Master Xiaoqing said, "I will restrain all alchemists from telling you about you, and restrict them from going out. .”

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "I believe in your wisdom, I can make alchemy with peace of mind."

Palace Master Xiaoqing also smiled slightly at Chen Xiang, and said: "Brother Shen, you are so kind, I hope you can stay in the Holy City of Jinniu forever."

"I'm going to stay here for a while."

Chen Xiang has no place to go now, if he leaves the Taurus Continent, he doesn't know when he will meet another continent, the world in the beginning is too big, it would be very tiring for him to walk out, and it would be a waste of time.

On the surface, Chen Xiang promised not to trouble the Sanshengjiao, but if he really didn't look for it, then he would not be Chen Xiang.

He returned to his lodgings and began to think.

At this time someone knocked on the door.

Chen Xiang went to open the door, and saw four tall, beautiful women in white clothes walking in.

Some of them have gentle smiles on their faces, some have silky eyes, some are as cold as ice, and some are smiling politely.

These four beauties all look exactly the same, but they have very different personalities.

Granny An also came over at this time, and said with a smile: "Senior Shen, they are human but not human. From now on, they all belong to you, but they don't belong to you."

Chen Xiang frowned and said: "Grandma An, don't tell me riddles!"

Granny An said: "They were created by our Taichu Academy, and they are called Taichu Saint Slaves. So they are not real people, but they are no different from real people. They also have their own thoughts and souls."

Chen Xiang asked: "They belong to me, but they don't belong to me, what does that mean?"

Granny An smiled and said: "It was given to seniors by Palace Master Xiaoqing, so they belong to seniors. Although they are holy slaves in the beginning, we also respect their personality, so unless they recognize you as their own master, you can't be completely Own them."

Chen Xiang understood, nodded and said: "Thank Palace Master Xiaoqing for me, such precious things should be kept in the Taichu Academy, they are of great help to the Taichu Academy, and I don't need them."

They are very beautiful, but Chen Xiang has no shortage of beauties. The thousand purgatory saintesses in the Immortal War Profound Demon Tower are all very beautiful, and if they continue to practice, they will become very strong.

Granny An was stunned, because she knew very well the value of the Saint Slaves of the Absolute Beginning, she had been in the Academy of Absolute Beginning for so many years, but she couldn't get one. Chen Xiang got four at once, but refused?

Of course, she is not jealous of Chen Xiang, because this is what Chen Xiang deserves, just relying on Chen Xiang to guide them in alchemy, can improve the overall level of alchemy in Taichu Academy, this cannot be measured by value.

Granny An said: "They can protect you and serve you! If you can get their approval, they are your female slaves, and you can do anything to them."

Chen Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't need it."

Palace Master Xiaoqing's voice suddenly came, and said softly: "Brother Shen, please accept it, please!"

Chen Xiang sighed, he could only accept it, Granny An also heaved a sigh of relief, and then left.

Sister Xiaojing smiled and said, "Brother, you have been manipulated by that little girl! She is watching you to prevent you from messing around."

Chen Xiang was planning to have a friendly exchange with the Three Sacred Sect just now, but he didn't expect that Palace Master Xiaoqing would send four followers to him, that's why he kept rejecting these four beautiful slaves from the beginning of time.

"What's your name?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Mr. Shen, we don't have a name. Mr. Shen can call us whatever you want. But the premise is that the name you choose for us must have a minimum of respect." The very gentle woman smiled softly: "You can't call us Bitch, **** or something..."

Chen Xiang rubbed his forehead, even asked him to take the name, it was too troublesome to give him these primordial saint slaves.

He just waved his hand, then lay on the chair, looked out from the balcony, thinking about how to get rid of them, and then went to the Three Saints to have an in-depth exchange.

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