MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5238 deep water

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Chen Xiang didn't go to communicate with the people of the Three Sacred Sect, because he found that the underground flesh medicine field was already shocked, so he left in a hurry and returned to the Taichu Academy.

When he went back, the four primordial saint slaves were all sitting quietly in the hall, and they were absorbing the power of the primordial heaven and earth to practice.

Chen Xiang controlled the fake him in the room to come out and open the door, and then returned to the room by himself.

"Sister Jing, do you think I should tell Palace Master Xiaoqing about the Sansheng Sect?"

Chen Xiang was hesitating, if he told Palace Mistress Xiaoqing, the fact that he ran out to find the Three Sacred Sect would be exposed.

Sister Xiaojing said: "Brother, although Palace Master Xiaoqing is a little girl in her teens, she is not stupid. I think she should already know about this kind of thing, but there is nothing she can do about it."

Chen Xiang was stunned, thinking carefully, there is indeed this possibility, Palace Mistress Xiao Qing said to Chen Xiang that the Three Saints Sect is worthy of respect, but she kept telling him not to go to the Three Saints Sect, she must know What is the inside story, it's just not convenient to say it directly, after all, the Three Saints Sect has a certain prestige in the world of Taichu.

Chen Xiang sighed: "There are four followers outside, staring at me to death, they will definitely restrict me from going out, what should I do?"

Sister Xiaojing smiled coquettishly: "Brother, show off your housekeeping skills, capture their hearts, make them fall in love with you, and then you will be whatever you say."

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Chen Xiang waved his hand and said: "They are the holy slaves in the beginning, not real people. They were all created. When creating them, in order to make them more loyal, they must have tampered with their souls, and treated them Take control of their emotions."

Chen Xiang is very clear about this kind of thing, "They don't have any lust, only loyalty and responsibility. If you give them too much emotion, then they won't be able to do what they are supposed to do."

The holy slaves in the beginning were meant to obey orders, and they fell in love with others casually, so why were they created?

Sister Xiaojing smiled and said, "They don't have emotions, so give them shouldn't be difficult for you."

Chen Xiang shook his head, his current cultivation level is not as high as those four female saint slaves, he can't act recklessly.

"Palace Master Xiaoqing must have secretly fought with the Three Sages. I don't need to worry about this kind of thing for the time being. The Three Saints should also know that the Palace Master is the Queen's person, and they will definitely not go too far."

Chen Xiang closed his eyes, and remembered that the underground medicine fields of the Sansheng Sect were all kinds of indistinct flesh and blood. All kinds of strong medicine seedlings grew in the **** soil, and sometimes many broken limbs and even heads could be seen. and eyes.

He has seen many **** scenes like this, but they were all on the battlefield, and they were used to grow medicinal materials, and finally refined into pills for people to eat, which made him a little unacceptable.

He has often planted medicines and made alchemy for many years. For him, the process of planting medicinal materials should be a kind of enjoyment and a very beautiful experience. The beautiful artistic conception of planting medicinal herbs.

Chen Xiang, who was thinking about this matter in the room, suddenly heard a little girl humming from outside the door.

"La la la la la..." Palace Mistress Xiao Qing was humming.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

The four female saint slaves hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Beautiful ladies and sisters, step back first!" Palace Master Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"Yes!" The female saint slave was very respectful to Palace Master Xiaoqing, and hurriedly left.

Palace Master Xiaoqing was at Chen Xiang's door, and softly shouted: "Brother Shen, are you living comfortably? How are the four young ladies serving you? Are you satisfied with them?"

Chen Xiang responded: "It's okay! I'm not used to being served by others."

Palace Master Xiaoqing said with a smile: "Brother Shen, you are so smart, you must know that I sent them to watch over you and not let you go out to mess around. So if they can't serve you well, please forgive me, because they don't care about you. It’s not designed to serve people.”

Chen Xiang opened the door and came out.

Palace Master Xiaoqing asked: "Brother Shen, you went out just now, where did you go?"

Palace Mistress Xiaoqing was wearing a white dress. This little girl said she was in her teens, but she looked very old-fashioned at the moment.

Chen Xiang looked at her childlike and innocent face, and suddenly realized that he couldn't see through this little girl.

When she was in that hall before, this little girl really looked like a very ignorant little girl, and Chen Xiang was also deceived at that time.

Chen Xiang said: "I have never gone out before!"

Palace Master Xiaoqing said with a grin: "You're out! Brother Shen, I underestimated you! I didn't expect that you are also very good in other aspects besides the alchemy!"

Chen Xiang sat on the chair and didn't say anything else, he just asked: "I don't want those four female saint slaves, I can do it alone."

"I gave it to Brother Shen... Could it be that you don't want it because you can't do anything to them?" Palace Mistress Xiaoqing laughed.

"Little girl, how old are you?" Chen Xiang asked with a smile: "You are definitely more than ten years old."

Palace Master Xiaoqing said with a smile: "He is ten years old, and will always be ten years old!"

Only now did Chen Xiang realize that he had been deceived by the little girl in front of him, and now he also understood that being the Palace Master of Taichu Academy Palace is not a simple role.

Chen Xiang took a deep breath and stopped talking.

Palace Master Xiaoqing said: "Brother Shen, can you tell me where you went? I didn't track you down, so I'm curious."

"I went to the Sanshengjiao Villa, I didn't bother to find them... I just walked around outside, and then found that they have many floors underground, very spacious, and they use many dismembered fresh corpses to grow medicinal materials..."

Chen Xiang told Palace Master Xiaoqing everything he had seen and heard, and then stared at Palace Master Xiaoqing's little face.

Palace Mistress Xiaoqing took a sip of her tea, her face was calm, and she was not surprised at all.

Seeing that Palace Master Xiaoqing was very calm, Chen Xiang asked: "Does Taichu Xuegong not care about it?"

Palace Master Xiaoqing shook her head lightly and said: "I can't control it, because it is within the rules. The four created slaves of the beginning of the universe you have seen before, they are all living flesh and blood. When you see those flesh and blood, it is The Three Saints were created and then killed."

Chen Xiang didn't think about it, he was very surprised, and asked: "Is it easy to create people? Kill them casually and use them as fertilizer?"

Palace Master Xiaoqing nodded and said: "Yes, it's very easy. This is because of the power of heaven and earth in the beginning. The power of heaven and earth in the beginning is itself transformed by the power of creation. With this power, the Sanshengjiao can create more quickly. people."

Chen Xiang was silent.

It turns out that Palace Master Xiaoqing knows everything, and knows more than him.

"If you want to stop them from doing this, you can only think of better methods than theirs to grow medicinal materials, and force them to give up this **** and barbaric method." Palace Master Xiaoqing said: "Because the Three Saints can't be destroyed, it can't be destroyed." We can’t kill them, so we can only do this.”

After she finished speaking, she looked at Chen Xiang and said, "Brother Shen, is there anything you can do?"

Chen Xiang shook his head and said: "No, I only know how to make alchemy."

He has a way, but Palace Mistress Xiaoqing has concealed something from him and is not frank enough, so he doesn't want to help.

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