MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5241 trek

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"Brother Shen, let's leave here first, and I'll go gather my clone. Do you need to prepare anything?" Palace Master Xiaoqing asked.

"Planting medicinal materials requires you to provide seedlings." Chen Xiang said, "Give me as many seedlings as you want to plant."

"There is no soil in the inner space of the stars, so we can plant medicinal materials directly?" Palace Master Xiaoqing was very puzzled by this.

"There will be!" Chen Xiang said.

"Okay, let's leave here first!" Palace Master Xiao Qing said, and brought Chen Xiang into the teleportation array, and teleported away.

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After returning to the Taichu Academy on the ground, Palace Mistress Xiaoqing immediately went to summon her avatar, and at the same time arranged for people to prepare medicine seedlings for him.

Chen Xiang returned to his luxury suite.

Palace Master Xiaoqing has no doubts about Chen Xiang's alchemy skills, but Chen Xiang said that he can help Taichu Xuegong regain control of the market of pills in the whole city, which makes Palace Master Xiaoqing somewhat suspicious.

Because this is something that even the capable people around the Queen can't do, but Chen Xiang said that he can do it, even though Chen Xiang also needs her help, if he only provides avatars, it is not difficult for her at all.

Palace Mistress Xiaoqing may lack everything, but she does not lack clones.

In fact, when Chen Xiang entered the inner space of Taurus Star, sister Xiao Jing and Chen Xiang had already discussed the plan.

What needs to be done now is for sister Xiaojing to improve the seedlings and cultivate the seedlings to adapt to the environment of the star core space and the temperature here.

For other people, this is very difficult, and it is impossible to do it at all, because only the medicine seedling itself is strong enough, that kind of super magic medicine, which can naturally resist high temperature growth.

It's not that Taichu Xuegong has never thought about cultivating improved medicine seedlings the day after tomorrow, but it's really too difficult for them and it takes a lot of time.

The reason why Chen Xiang was able to do it was mainly because of the Fruit Monster Clan!

The ability of the Guoyao tribe to improve medicine seedlings is very powerful, it can be said that it is their talent, and it is also very against the sky.

Sister Xiaojing has already consulted with the Fruit Monster Clan. They have seen the medicine seedlings in Taichu Heaven and Earth, and they are very confident that they can be improved successfully, and it doesn't take much time.

Chen Xiang received the medicine seedlings sent by Palace Master Xiaoqing one after another, and he handed them all over to the Fruit Monster Clan.

They said that it only takes three days to improve successfully. This is all improved by using their natural ability, which can withstand high temperature.

Palace Master Xiaoqing didn't send anyone to keep an eye on Chen Xiang, so Chen Xiang could freely enter and leave the Taichu Academy Palace.

Chen Xiang ran outside quietly by himself, and then put a large amount of soil into the Immortal War Profound Demon Tower.

The fruit monsters not only want to improve the medicine seedlings, they also need to improve the soil, so that various medicine seedlings can be planted in the core of the stars.

With the cooperation of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, Chen Xiang could easily collect a large amount of soil and enter it into the Immortal War Profound Demon Tower.

There is also a star core in the Xianzhan Xuanmo Tower. The fruit monsters are now very skilled in using the power of the star core, so they will also use the energy of the star core to improve the medicine seedlings and soil.

Chen Xiang was very fortunate that some star cores were left inside the Immortal War Profound Demon Tower, and now they are of great use.

You must know that these star cores are of great use even in the primordial world.

Chen Xiang ran around outside for a few days, dumped a lot of soil, and when he returned to his luxurious residence in the Taichu Academy, he saw four beauties waiting for him in the hall, they were the four Taichu Saints arranged by Palace Master Xiaoqing before. Slaves, they are also clones of Palace Master Xiaoqing.

Their main task now is not to stare at Chen Xiang, but to serve him well, so their attitude towards Chen Xiang has also changed a lot.

When Chen Xiang said he wanted to take a bath, they stepped forward to help him take off his clothes, and prepared hot water. Chen Xiang soaked in the bathtub, and they also helped him wipe his back and so on.

Chen Xiang closed his eyes, enjoying himself comfortably. He didn't know when Palace Mistress Xiao Qing came, but suddenly heard her voice.

"Brother Shen, you will enjoy it! Let me tell you first, don't play tricks on them, anyway, they will serve you obediently, just don't bully them." Palace Master Xiaoqing came suddenly, scaring Chen Xiang. Jump.

"Hey, I'm taking a shower!" Chen Xiang laughed awkwardly.

"I came here to tell you something important. I just received news from the palace that the palace sent two courtiers over three years ago to investigate the situation here and find a way to help me solve the problem. It should be here soon." Palace Mistress Xiao Qing said, "I'm worried...they will stop your actions."

Chen Xiang frowned and said, "Sir? Are they from the Hundred Flowers Temple?"

Palace Mistress Xiaoqing shook her head and said, "It's possible, I'm not sure! Brother Shen, I can't bring outsiders into the star core space, I've violated the taboo before."

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, the sent courtiers are here, and they will certainly not be able to do anything to the Three Saints Sect! Since you are worried, you can wait for them to arrive, and then we will act according to the situation. Anyway, I have not yet get ready."

Palace Master Xiaoqing nodded and said, "Okay!"

After Palace Master Xiaoqing left, Chen Xiang was guessing who would come, there were many women who knew alchemy in the Hundred Flowers Temple.

People like Su Meiyao, Hua Xiangyue, and Feng Yujie should all be relatively important, and they certainly couldn't just leave the palace and come to such a small place, so the courtiers they sent here shouldn't be particularly important people.

It might also be that Chen Xiang didn't know it, because the Hundred Flowers Temple also absorbed many women, and many of them were extremely talented in alchemy.

Chen Xiang had some expectations before, he might meet acquaintances, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he also knows that he will not send any powerful officials over.

But there is also an advantage, that is, if these courtiers are from the Hundred Flowers Temple, then Chen Xiang can also learn about the affairs of the Hundred Flowers Temple through them.

Chen Xiang was waiting for the Guoyao clan to finish handling the soil and medicine seedlings. After waiting for two days, Palace Master Xiaoqing sent someone to look for him, saying that the officials sent by the palace had arrived at the Taichu School Palace.

It took three years to rush here from the palace. Chen Xiang felt very tormented when he thought about it. You must know that the people who came from the palace were not weak, and they also used a very fast artifact to walk for three years. It's scary just thinking about it.

Chen Xiang was also very curious, how did these two queen's servants come here along the way, and what did they go through?

"It stands to reason that it takes three years to come here, which is considered very fast! In the beginning, the world is not small. Even if you fly fast, it will take tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, to come here from the central area, right? "

Chen Xiang remembered that the Heaven and Earth in the Absolute Beginning were many times larger than the original nine realms of Purgatory, so it took three years to arrive, which also showed that the courtiers sent by the palace were very strong.

Chen Xiang changed into a set of clean white clothes, and followed the female saint slave to a living room.

Palace Master Xiaoqing said that those two courtiers wanted to see her.

She had already told them Chen Xiang's name, but they didn't express anything, which meant that the two queen's courtiers were very unfamiliar with Chen Xiang's name.

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