MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5256 Lord of the Holy City

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Taurus is very big, and Palace Master Xiaoqing said that the entire Taurus will fall into a war, which means that she has a lot of avatars, and the power she can mobilize is not small.

Of course Chen Xiang didn't want a big battle to break out. Palace Master Xiao Qing had so many avatars, if a large number of them were killed in battle, it would be a waste.

The avatar is a very trustworthy force, and it is also powerful enough, and it belongs to Palace Master Xiaoqing himself.

Chen Xiang will also need this part of power to help build the star gate in the future.

"Xiaoqing, there are many stars and demons in the city, if they are all expelled, wouldn't the city be empty?"

Chen Xiang remembered that the star aliens and star demons were a huge group, and many star aliens and star demons who were not in power accounted for the majority in the city.

"I only drive away those powerful officials! The Lord Taurus and other guys are all dignitaries among the stars, people and star monsters, and those families and so on." Palace Master Xiaoqing said: "Although there are many stars and monsters in the city, they all compare I hate those same kind who are in power, because the stars are often bullied by them."

The price of the elixir in the city was raised by the three forces of the stars, the stars, the demons, and the Sanshengjiao, but it was the lower races that suffered the most.

Palace Master Xiaoqing is now announcing to the whole city that the Sanshengjiao, the City Lord's Mansion, and the stars and demons have joined forces to control the price of the elixir, causing the price of the elixir to be out of balance, so she wants to suppress the Sanshengjiao. They drove out of the city.

Palace Master Xiaoqing arranged for his avatar to take action, and after hearing the news, the star man and star demon also fled immediately, because they all knew that Palace Master Xiaoqing was already crazy, and even the saints sent by the prince were ignored. inside.

The three holy ministers also explained the situation to the Starman and Star Demon, saying that Palace Master Xiaoqing disobeyed the order from the palace, and they had no choice but to wait for the order to attack the city from the palace.

And when the time comes to siege the city, all parties need to discuss it, because if there are a large number of stars, monsters, and beasts in the city, it is not good to injure them in the siege, so this is very tricky.

What Gongzhu Xiaoqing has to do now is to buy those ordinary stars, monsters, and beasts in the city, especially those giant star beasts, which are also a rare force.

If they are allowed to stay in the city, all parties need to consider a lot if they want to attack the Holy City of Jinniu.

In just three days, news about Palace Mistress Xiaoqing's rebellion had already spread throughout the city.

And now there are a lot of cheap elixirs on sale one after another, and the effect of planting medicinal materials in the inner space is excellent. In addition, the Holy Soul Pill Puppet can quickly make alchemy in batches, and the supply of elixirs in the city has gradually stabilized.

As a result, Palace Mistress Xiaoqing has a very high prestige in the city. Everyone thinks that she offended the Three Saints Sect and the City Lord's forces in order to suppress the price of pills, and they all think that Palace Mistress Xiaoqing is doing the right thing.

Palace Master Xiaoqing's propaganda was also carried out secretly, and many people entered the underground palace of the Three Saints Sect and saw the scene of dismembered corpses planting medicinal herbs.

The people in the city learned that they had taken a lot of that deadly medicine, and immediately scolded the nobles of the Three Saints and the Star People and Star Demons.

Not only is the price very high, but they are also full of death. They now hate the Sanshengjiao and the group of nobles, and they also understand why Palace Master Xiaoqing disobeyed orders, why he wanted to kill the leader of the horse, and why he drove away the group of nobles .

Palace Master Xiaoqing released a second move, which was to win over many star beast villages.

You know, those star beast villages planted a lot of medicinal materials, which were bought by the Sanshengjiao and those noble forces at a low price before, and now they know that their medicinal materials have been sold by them at a high price, and the Sanshengjiao also planted a large number of medicinal materials in that way. Medicinal materials are used to drive down their prices, so they are also very angry.

The star beast village sells medicinal materials in order to obtain certain resources and cultivate powerful star beasts for the village.

These star beast villages are also on the side of Palace Master Xiaoqing at this time, because they also need to continue to sell medicinal materials. If the Golden Bull Holy City is destroyed, their medicinal materials will not be able to sell.

Palace Master Xiaoqing will now give them a very generous price to draw in the relationship between the Star Beast Village and the Holy City of Taurus.

In the past, Taichu Xuegong could not participate in too many of these businesses, nor could it manage the affairs of the city.

But now it's okay, the entire city of Taurus is ruled by Palace Master Xiaoqing, which means that there will be less bullying by nobles in the city, and there will be more fairness and justice.

Palace Mistress Xiaoqing has multiple avatars, and now her avatars are managing the whole city, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly, and the efficiency is also very high.

This is the benefit of having a large number of clones, and can do many things very efficiently.

Chen Xiang opened up more medicine fields in the inner core space, and then refined more holy soul pill puppets. The more pills supplied in the city, the faster the strength of the city residents would improve.

Palace Master Xiaoqing also used elixirs as rewards one after another, and began to recruit troops. With heavy rewards, there must be brave men, and there are also many powerful stars, monsters, and beasts who are willing to join the army to guard the holy city of Taurus.

During this period of time, Chen Xiang also studied the combat skills and divine arts of the Taichu Academy, and found that they were all from the Purgatory Period of the Ancient Heaven. Overall, they were relatively backward, and their compatibility with the divine power of the Absolute Beginning was relatively low.

So he also improved on this, and gave Palace Mistress Xiaoqing arranging clones to pass on to the soldiers, so that they could learn and practice the improved divine arts and combat skills, so that they could display the divine power of Absolute Beginning even better.

It is not easy for the Three Saints, the nobles, and the princes to attack the Holy City of Jinniu.

Because there are many citizens in the city who support Palace Master Xiaoqing, and they are also very strong, and they dispatched troops from other places, not to mention the long journey, and after arriving here, their morale will be very low.

Unless a strong man with a high cultivation base is sent to take action, but it will hurt the citizens in the city, and it will arouse public anger at that time.

The Holy City of Jinniu is also protected by a powerful enchantment formation, and it is possible to break through it only if it reaches a certain level. It needs to come from the palace, or it needs to be attacked by the Queen Haitang.

It will take a lot of time for them to discuss the siege of the city, and the Holy City of Taurus can develop rapidly during this time.

Chen Xiang stayed in the inner core space all day long. He has studied the inner core of stars very deeply and is very familiar with it, and he can also communicate with the protoss spirit, Lingxu.

Therefore, as long as he can develop the core power of Taurus, he will not be afraid of anything.

Another thing is that he has to figure out how to deal with those mysterious dead spirits.

That is the trump card of the nobles, although certain conditions are required to use it, but Chen Xiang feels that it is not that simple.

It was also because of the existence of the undead that made Chen Xiang feel worried, mainly because he had seen with his own eyes how the undead could easily kill Master Ma.

Sister Xiaojing said: "Brother, I have a guess about the undead! It is that the undead are actually willing to communicate actively, but they need some means to get in touch with them. The aristocratic forces of the stars and demons, they will definitely be able to communicate with them." Necronomic communication."